HomeMy WebLinkAbout9714192 UU473 u W> cum a c a AFFIDAVIT rna� c E o STATE OF KITSAP SS. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON E U O 0 '0 0 1, Marion K. Mosher being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law upon my oath and cn WY depose and state: 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of Silverdale, Washington, and the Affiant herein. 2. That by virtue of the conveyance which is recorded in the Office of the Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming in Book 804PR on page 725 is recorded a Warranty Deed dated September 2, 2011, which conveys unto Donald C, Mosher and Marion K. Mosher, husband and wife, the following property more particularly described, to -wit: W1/2W' /2NW1/4 Section 27, T23N R116W of the 6 Lincoln County, Wyoming 3. That said Donald C. Mosher died on the 22nd day of June 2009, and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to an a true and correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A 4. That by reason of death of said Donald C. Mosher and by reason of state statutes, the decedents interest and title in said property has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Marion. K. Mosher continuously since the death of the said decedent. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. The foregoing instrument was subscribed and k- day of 2013. W ifiAsSiN'{ E1§nti4 a\S6 via seal. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 9. 2016 RECEIVED 6/11/2013 at 4:10 PM RECEIVING 971419 BOOK: 813 PAGE: 473 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Marion K. Mosher sworn to before me by Marion K. Mosher this QA() Notary Public F*Nurrillar, ..f...Z, ..4( U• Obly 7 ■Tio .1: 4.4 Alt: T.V., Of TtaN 1PPeRfT RE T O'KHEA LT H W4shin*.ckn SfateCerkifidate"pf)3eStp State'Pliq ber ,14, 1tWoT-A.' 1 'I Il.egal Narrie (IMIude AKA's iNany) Ficsi'. 1 f■iiiitclle L AST ';i Suffix DONALD CHARLES, 2."Deajh Dat4 0221,2009 o IT :7: 3:.Sex,-(M/F), Male .Agec.Lasl Birthday 58 4b. Under 1.Yaar Months Days c,1::thaer 1Day Hours :Minutes Social'Securityumber re. Death''''- Kits]) Sirfhdate 6/19/1-95.t 8a: Birthplace (City, Town, or County) Casper 813: (State or Foreign Country) 'cnning 9. Dedederit s Education Associate Degree 10. WaS'Decedent of Hispariid'Origin? (Yes or No) If yes, specify, No White 12. WaS ever Arnied'Forces':, (es 13a. Residence: Number and Street (e.g., 624 SE 5'" St.) (Include Apt. No.) 9695 Clipper Place 1 31,-. City or Town Silverdale 13c. Residence: County Kitsap 13d. Tribal Reservation Name (if aPplicable) 136. State or Foreign Country lotA 13f. Zip Code 4 98383 139, Inside City Limits? '0)). r No 0 Unk 14. Estimated length of time at residence. 20 years 15. Marital Status at Time of Death Married 16. Surviying Spouse's or Domestic Partner's Name (Give name prior to first Merriage) MariOn:Ekau 1 17: Usual Ocbupation (Indicate type of work done during most of working life. (Do NOT USE RETIRE(. Machinist 18' Kind of Business/Industry (Do not use Company Name) United States Navy 19. Fathers Name (First, Middle, Last, Suffix) H.arold Charles Mosher 20. Mother'sNanie Before First Marriage (First, Middle, Last) Eileen Lois Lund 21. Informant's Name Marion Mosher 22. Relationship to Decedent Wife 23. Mailing Address: Number and Street or RFD No. City or Town State Zip 9695 Clipper Place Silverdale WA 98383 ate; 24. Place of Death, if Death Occurred in a Hospital: Place of Death, if Death Ocpurred Somewhere Other than a'Hospital: Inpatient 425. Facility Name (If not a facility, give number street or location) Harrison Medical Center 6a. City, Town, or Location of Death Bremerton e 6b. State 7. Zjp Code WA 98310 28.y of Disposition Cremation 29, Place of .Final Disposition (Name of cemetery, crematory, Othr, place) Cherry Grove Crematory 0. Location-City/Town, and State Poulsbo. WA 3.431. Name and Complete Address of Funeral Facility Lewis Funeral Chapel 5303 tsEip Way. „Bremerton.WA 98312 32:D'ate of Disposition 6-25-2009 Funeral Director Signature X ...6GrYtA/teaC-C [;22Fkr :Cause Of.DeathISee instructions d examples) 34: Enter thechain of events diseases, injuries, or complications that directly caused the death. 'DO NOT enter terminal events such as cardiac arrest; respiratory arrest, or 'Interval between Onsel,& Death 4, 2..rriort,) 7 ventricular fibrillation without showing the etiology, DO NOT ABBREVIATE. Add additional lines if necessary. IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Final disease or Condition resulting in depth) a. ek0605.Thr7v4 filt/L-71Fogi Due to (or as .a consequence of): lnterval between Onset Death Sequentially list conditions, if any, leading b. to the cause listed on line a, Enter the Due to (or as a of): IntrvaI between•onseo Death UNDERLYING CAUSE (disease or injury that initiated .the events resulting in c. death)LAST Due to (or as a consequence of): Marva! between.Onset Death d. 35. Other significant conditions contributing to death but not resulting in the underlying cause given above 36. Autopsy? 0 Yes DINo 37.;Were autopsy findings available to completelne Cause of Death? D Yes "UN° 38. Kenner of Death &atural 0 Homicide 0 Accident 0 Undetermined 0 Suicide 0 Pending 39. If female 0 Not pregnant within past year a Not pregnantiOut pregnant within 42 days before death 0 Pregnant at time of death 0 Not pregnant ;butoregnant 43 days to 1 year before death 0 Unknown if pregnant within the past year 40.. Did tobacdo,use contribute to'cleath? 0 Yes b Probably &PIO 0 Unknown 41. Date of Injury imm000rirryi 42 Hour of Injury (24hrs) 4 Place of Injutyle.g.. home,'bonetruction site, restaurant, wooded area) 44. Injury at Work? 0 Yes .ErNo El unk, „tot `City 45: Location of Injury: Number Street: Apt No or Town: County: State: ZipCode+ 4: 46. Ctescribe injury occurred 47. If transportation injury, specify': 0 Driver/Operato'r .,0 Pedestrian 0 Passenger p Other (Sp,ecify) 48a. certifying Ph sician-T 't r b Medical -or udli140201I :an Adclre of Certifier Physician, Medical Examiner Pr.° r n t Jog Johnson,, 2720 Clare Ave. t: 2 1,:Ndrne and Ale of tftending PhySiclan if other than :Certifier (Typ diP 7 '''.'"lo' 4 1J: li 1 53. Tit eq:of 54: License NLilier i:i' l t illifrii., a 11,!, 1 146 ,i i.A 1 Examiner/COroner c ner.Fileo'Nqmber 9 94340W, 56. Was tti: Deatii(24hrs), 0 q. Date prgned (MM/CD/Yo'yY) se r fer,redlo Ye:k 51 Registrar Signature il '"-s,„ ,r -.1' ,,---;s> es Or 0 4 X 14, ,.-7 3 59 Amendments t ,.A...•EraTI•F^ E O'P YcF T 19;E RE,C 0 NhF. DIF 1710E ?I\ ,I Tifi•F OR H' :E4A,LeT H S 'TV+ T'd.S 7 ilE...R. T 58. l'F I EiD g 02III:ES s'•• 1 1 i H 01;-003 0196 I'vl.l..1 S T., H ,0,/"F. liff. .1of', I■4 L 1. Ek F*Nurrillar, ..f...Z, ..4( U• Obly 7 ■Tio .1: 4.4 Alt: T.V., Of TtaN 1PPeRfT RE T O'KHEA LT H W4shin*.ckn SfateCerkifidate"pf)3eStp State'Pliq ber ,14, 1tWoT-A.' 1