HomeMy WebLinkAbout869901L eBed NW 'PnoIO •iS "Dui 'swelsAS sJa )juee 9661© p slewui aapual Aq 6upuM u! pa)eu!wiel uaaq aney sluawaaa6e Bu!Alaepun Ile pue slgaa paanoaS NI pun loa4 ;a u! u!ewaa II!M luawna ;sul Al!moaS s!yl •(AlaadoJd se o} panala' Ile) paq!aasep awls° lea' ay} to aq aw!T Aue 'MOU Aew sTuawaoelda' pue 'saanpql 'swawanoadw! mum. pue 6uqs!xa Ile pue )loots leleM pue sagol.!p 'sIIaM 's1.146!' ue!aed!a pue aaleM lie 's1.1.6!i se6 pue I!o 's11.16!a leaaU!w 'sapleAoa 'saoueualandde 'swawasea 'sl.g6u lie yi.!M aayga6o1 'L0LE8 61 1 1w 0 %M 'a3a3WW3)I '13SNfS a3ddfl ZZ9 ,wnoa N100N11 u! paleool s! Avadoad ayl °DNINNID38 d0 1NIOd 3H1 01 t'L aNV E L "Z1 S101 alvS dO S3N11 101 1:Id31:1 DN01V 133d L L'EE L '33'6 30N3H1 :Z L 101 aIvS d0 3N11 101 1V31:J 3H1 NO 1NIOd V 01 133d 8678 '3,9LoZiN 30N3H1 :.8Eo99 d0 31DNV 1V1J1N30 V 1HDf10HH1 133d 99'81 d0 30NV1SIa V '1334 00 SI HOIHM dO Sfllava 3H1 '1d31 3H1 01. 3A f10 t/ DNO1V A11:13H11:10N 30N3H1 :1334 LE'00 L 'M,L0a8N 30N9H1 :9NINNID39 d0 1NIOd 3H1 01 17 L 101 aIvS d0 3NI1 101 aV3a 3H1 DNO1d 133d 17617E 'M,17Z 30N3H1 :iiL 101 aIVS d0 a3N1:100 A1a31SV3H1f10S 3H1 lV DNION2WW00 :SM0110d Sv a3811:10S3a A11:1V1f10111:1Vd 3UOIN DNI38 aNv1 aivS 'DNIWOAM 'AINl00 N100N11 'a31:13WW3N dO NMOI 3H1 01 NOISIAIaBf1S 13SNfS 3H1 dO L )10018 d0 i7 L GNV'E L Z L S101 d0 land :Ai.'adoad paq!'osap 6u!Mollol ayl 'ales to aaMod ay1 yfiM 'aapue sweL eM pue sa6e6vow 'sAanuoo 'su!e6'eq 'sluea6 ao6e6LaoA 'Wuawn'lsul A4!'noa5 s!qi. aapun aouewaoJaad s,'o6e6laoij pue slgaa pampas gip ainoes pue 'pa6palMOUre s! yo!yM Aoua!owns pue ld!aoaa ay1 'uogeaap!suoo algenlen pue pooh and '30NVA3AN00 I. :ale sassaappe'!ayl pue sawed au '000Z 'LL aagwanoN s! (wuawn'}suI AWnoas) aBe6laolN s!yi. Jo alep ayl 'S311UVd aNv 31va M1AIO 'Jeu6eM auueer ON AM 1.19Jewwe1 t6 2 Abed 0 )1op8 Lit w�,.. M o 77 Y al pepa0aaa l e LOLE8 6u!woAM 'aaaewwa)I enuaAV au!d L08 eolaawV to ay1 to sMei aye aapun 6uRs!xa pue paz!ue6a0 )INVS 1VN011YN 1Sald A1INf1WINO0 1 1301\131 3JVOIHOW also 6u!paooaa and au!1 s!41 anogy coeds EPEE 000000b £00000000000000Ld904L83AE/AM e6e61ioW Bu!woAM NVWDIVM d 11ODS L060 LE8 6U!wo%M '311IAGNOWb'Ia LOE X08 0 d NVW3NVM a 1100S :aOJ f»OW OM 20 2. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any one time will not exceed $9,200.00. This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees and charges validly made pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under the terms of this Security Instrument to protect Lender's security and to perform any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument. 3. SECURED DEBTS. This Security Instrument will secure the following Secured Debts: A. Specific Debts. The following debts and all extensions, renewals, refinancings, modifications and replacements. A promissory note, No. 7042902, dated November 17, 2000, from Mortgagor to Lender, in the amount of $9,200.00 with an initial interest rate of 8,89 percent per year maturing on December 1, 2004. B. Sums Advanced. All sums advanced and expenses incurred by Lender under the terms of this Security Instrument. 4. PAYMENTS. Mortgagor agrees that all payments under the Secured Debts will be paid when due and in accordance with the terms of the Secured Debts and this Security Instrument. 5. PRIOR SECURITY INTERESTS. With regard to any other mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien document that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property, Mortgagor agrees: A. To make all payments when due and to perform or comply with all covenants. B. To promptly deliver to Lender any notices that Mortgagor receives from the holder. C. Not to allow any modification or extension of, nor to request any future advances under any note or agreement secured by the lien document without Lender's prior written consent. 6. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE. Mortgagor will pay all taxes, assessments, liens, encumbrances, lease payments, ground rents, utilities, and other charges relating to the Property when due. Lender may require Mortgagor to provide to Lender copies of all notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Mortgagor's payment. Mortgagor will defend title to the Property against any claims that would impair th'e lien of this Security Instrument. Mortgagor agrees to assign to Lender, as requested by Lender, any rights, claims or defenses Mortgagor may have against parties who supply labor or materials to maintain or improve the Property. 7. DUE ON SALE. Lender may, at its option, declare the entire balance of the Secured Debts to be immediately due and payable upon the creation of, or contract for the creation of, a transfer or sale of the Property. This right is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law governing the preemption of state due -on -sale laws, as applicable. 8. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. Mortgagor has the right and authority to enter into this Security Instrument. The execution and delivery of this Security Instrument will not violate any agreement governing Mortgagor or to which Mortgagor is a party. 9. PROPERTY CONDITION, ALTERATIONS AND INSPECTION. Mortgagor will keep the Property in good condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Mortgagor will not commit or allow any waste, impairment, or deterioration of the Property. Mortgagor will keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses. Mortgagor agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially change without Lender's prior written consent. Mortgagor will not permit any change in any license, restrictive covenant or easement without Lender's prior written consent. Mortgagor will notify Lender of all demands, proceedings, claims, and actions against Mortgagor, and of any loss or damage to the Property. Lender or Lender's agents may, at Lender's option, enter the Property at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting the Property. Lender will give Mortgagor notice at the time of or before an inspection specifying a reasonable purpose for the inspection. Any inspection of the Property will be entirely for Lender's benefit and Mortgagor will in no way rely on Lender's inspection. 10. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Mortgagor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument, Lender may, without notice, perform or cause them to be performed. Mortgagor appoints Lender as attorney in fact to sign Mortgagor's name or pay any amount necessary for performance. Lender's right to perform for Mortgagor will not create an obligation to perform, and Lender's failure to perform will not preclude Lender from exercising any of Lender's other rights under the law or this Security Instrument. If any construction on the Property is discontinued or not carried on in a reasonable manner, Lender may take all steps necessary to protect Lender's security interest in the Property, including completion of the construction. SCOTT R WAKEMAN Wyoming Mortgage WY/ 3VER1406F7000000000000003400000035n3 ©1996 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Initials S id Page 2 °Bed slelliul 7Q NW 'Pnol3 '1S '.out 'swelsAS sJevea 96610 £u9E 00000017£00000000000000L39017183n£/1.M e6e6uoVy 6uiwoAM MdW3)IVM d 1100S ay1 4o aaAoldwa paueles 9 sou Aawolle ue of 1e11a191 pue llnelap 19118 sa94 ,sAawolle algeuoseal 'ol paliw!l sou ale 1nq 'apnpul sasuadxa •luawnllsul Allmon sly} wolf A11adold 9y1 6ulsealal to slsoo uojlepaooaa Aue 1ol pue Alladad ay1 anlasald pue loadsul o1 lapuag 101 sasuadxa Aed o1 saa169 ao6961ao1N luawnllsul Alun3as 9141 lapun salpawal pue slg6ll s,lapuai to uolloalojd JO luewa31olua 'uojloalloo to sasuadxa He Aed of saa169 1o6e611o1A! 'Mel Aq pawwJad 1191x9 941 01 llnelaa 19118 10 u0 S33d ,SA3N1:10111/ aNv S3SN3dX3 N011331103 •bL •ute6e suaddey 10 sanulluoo 11ne4ap aql. 4l salpawal Aue asn o1 pue 1lne4ap a Juana 941 laplsuo3 lalel o1 146u s,lapuai anleM sou saop lapuai 'Apawal Rue asn o1 sou 6ujloala A8 •Apewal a asn o1 sou sasooyo lapuai 11 llnelap 9 anleM 1ou saop lapua •Apaw91 1ay10 Aue asn of 1461 s,iepuei do an46 sou saop lapuai salpawal asegl to 91011 10 auo Aue 611500113 A8 •llnelap 6ullslxa Aue 40 aim alaldwoo gimbal o1 1461 s,aapuai to lanleM a a1n111suoo 1ou II!^^ pall} a18 sbulpaa3old alnsop91o4 19118 10 paleaalaooe sl 10 anp sl aoueleq 941 99118 slgaa paanoaS 344 uo wawAed lellled 1O luawA9d ul wns Aue 40 aapuag Aq aoueldaooe 941 •411o4 las Alssaldxa sou 1O 1a419yM 'Allnba 10 Mel le papinoad salpawaa IIe of palljlua sl lapuai 941 pue 'anlsnl3xa sou pue anlwlnwn3 'l3ullslp 019 salpawaa II`d •1311891941 9wRAu9 10 llnelap a to a3ua11n33o ayl uodn Mel Aq papinoad aauuew a ul wawnllsul Ammon s1141 as0J09104 pue anp Alalelpawwl slgaa paanoaS ayl to swlal a4l Aq 6uIMO lunowe all l 11ed Aue 10 He a)18W Aew lapual 'Mel awls pue leaapal Japun'aney Aew ao6e61.1oyl s146u 909.0u 19410 10 salnpagos awl} palinbal 'alno o1 1469 Aue of loafgns llnelap s,1oOe6lJoIN uo alg8ilen8 aq Aew 1841 spume} 10 slf4auaq a3u9msu! 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AIlueolllu6ls Si A11ado1d a4l 40 amen aql. 10 e3uewJoped luawA8d to l3adSOad aql 19y1 anallaq Algeuoseal of aapua1 sesne3 leLi1 suaddey asp 6ujylAuy •A1un3asul •0 slgaa pampas aql. 6uIAweien6 10 6ullnoas '6ullea13 40 asodlnd aql 104 palnoaxa wawnoop 1ay10 Aue a0 wawnllsul Allmon sm. 40 wlal Aue sagOealq slgaa paanoaS ay1 uo pa1e611go AlJed Auy •waal a0 uojllpuoa 4o Ginned •8 •anp uayM luawAed a)lew o1 sllel slgaa paanoaS aql uo pale6ligo Al1ed Auy •sluawAed •v :1no3o 6uiMoIIol ay1 40 Aue 11 llnelap u! aq !pm 1obe6110W •11fVd3a •Z •Mel alge3lidde pue saseag aq1 to sW191 941 y1jM Aldwoo of lueual Aue aalnbal pue ulelulew of saaa6e 0918 106e611oW •Mel lueual /plojPuel a1geolldde Aue 10 sasea1 9141 lapun 919lxa llnelap ou 1941 sweneM 1o6e611o1 •luawnalsul Alun3eS sly1 ul papinoad se palldde aq JIM pal3alo3 slunowe Auy spun} 19410 Aue ql!M swab! 941 al6ulwwo3 1ou !pm pue aapua1 104 lsnal ul slua8 Aue an!a3al IIIM pue uolssassod s,1o6e611o1N ul slued 40 luawAed Aue aapua1 01. lanllap pue aslopu9 !pm 1o6e611oI '11ne4ap 4o ao4.ou 6ulnla3al u0 •lapua 01 A113a11p slum} a1n1n4 He A8d lueual Aue 1841 spuewap pue 1jn9lap S,1o6e611oW l0 J06861101A1 sa!411ou 11962 51! 10 'lapual uayM 1n33o 01 pawaap sl uolssassod lenloe 1841 pue u0j13e 19691 6upuawwoo 40 Allssa3au aql lnoyllM Alladald 9141 40 uolssassod lenloe 91e1 Aew aapuai 1941 saaa6e 1o6e611o1A1 'pallsl12s aae slgaa paanoaS aql pun pouad uolldwapal Aue 6ulanp 130440 ul u!ewal I1!M luawu6lsse sjyl 1ey1 pue 'Mel Aq paquosaad Uo1138 an11 aapua1 uayM sallied palyl 01 se an113a44a sl luawu6lsse sly1 1841 909169 1069611oW luawnllsul AlunoaS s!q1 01 sajlled 941 uaaMlaq an1loalla Al9lelpawwl sl luawu6lsse sly} 1941 saa16e 10696110W •luawnllsuI Alunoas sly} to swlal ayl lapun llnelap ul sou sl 1o6e611o, se 6uol os 0141 asn pug Aofua 'anla3al '1091103 Aew Jo6e611oW •s9sea1 alnlnl pug 6ullslxa He l0 saldoo 1091103 pub anal y1jM 1apual apinold Alldwold lllM 1o6e611o1N •Alledoad 941 l 118d Aue JO aloyM all to A3uedn33o 10 asn aq1 40 luno33e uo are 10 01 ulelaad AeM Aue ul 19y1 an814 Aew 106e611oW 1431NM sweep pue 53461 11e pue 'salgl6uelul lelaua6 'sly6la 13e11u03 'sluno038 'sasnuoq 'spaaoOld 'Sa111eAoi 'sanuanal 's1d1a3a1 lsan6 'a3uelnsul „s1ua1 40 Ssol„ 'swrnwald uo!lsll '1jn94ap 6uiMollol sa6ewep palepinbll 'suollnquluoo wnlwald a3ue1nsul 'saxes alg83lldde Jay10 'saxes Kelso leas '99618143 6uplled '99612143 a3ueualul9w 2912 uowwo3 '1191 .leu0illppe 'war a6elua0lad '1191 wnwlulw 'sllsodap Alunoas 01 pal!w!I sou lnq 6ulpnloul '(sluau se 01 p9119491 Ile) s114o1d pub sanssl 'sluau •8 •(saseal se of p0110401 11e) sluawaa168 Lions 4 suol1n1!1sgns 10 suo!w 'sleMaual 'suolsualxa Aue 6ulpnpul 'A31adoJd 9111 40 uojllod Aue 40 Aouedn33o pue asn all 104 sluawaa16e 19g1an 10 u91luM 1a1410 Aue pue sajluelen6 'sasua311 'sasealgns 'saseal a1n1n4 10 6u11s!x3 •d :11e pue Aue 01 pue ul lsaaalul pug awl '114 9 41 11 Alunoes leuollippe se 19pua of 61ue11eM pug sa6e611ow 'sAanuoo 'sulealeq 'sluel6 106961.10 W •S1N31:1 aNV S3S1/31 AO IN3WNDISSV L L 0 0i, ?i 1 20 Lender. These expenses are due and payable immediately. If not paid immediately, these expenses will bear interest from the date of payment until paid in full at the highest interest rate in effect as provided for in the terms of the Secured Debts. To the extent permitted by the United States Bankruptcy Code, Mortgagor agrees to pay the reasonable attorneys' fees Lender incurs to collect the Secured Debts as awarded by any court exercising jurisdiction under the Bankruptcy Code. 15. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used in this section, (1) Environmental Law means, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), all other federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinances, court orders, attorney general opinions or interpretive letters concerning the public health, safety, welfare, environment or a hazardous substance; and (2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic, radioactive or hazardous material, waste, pollutant or contaminant which has characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public health, safety, welfare or environment. The term includes, without limitation, any substances defined as "hazardous material," "toxic substance," "hazardous waste," "hazardous substance," or "regulated substance" under any Environmental Law. Mortgagor represents, warrants and agrees that: A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, no Hazardous Substance is or will be located, stored or released on or in the Property. This restriction does not apply to small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate for the normal use and maintenance of the Property. B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, Mortgagor and every tenant have been, are, and will remain in full compliance with any applicable Environmental Law. C. Mortgagor will immediately notify Lender if a release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance occurs on, under or about the Property or there is a violation of any Environmental Law concerning the Property. In such an event, Mortgagor will take all necessary remedial action in accordance with any Environmental Law. D. Mortgagor will immediately notify Lender in writing as soon as Mortgagor has reason to believe there is any pending or threatened investigation, claim, or proceeding relating to the release or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance or the violation of any Environmental Law. 16. CONDEMNATION. Mortgagor will give Lender prompt notice of any pending or threatened action by private or public entities to purchase or take any or all of the Property through condemnation, eminent domain, or any other means. Mortgagor authorizes Lender to intervene in Mortgagor's name in any of the above described actions or claims. Mortgagor assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other taking of all or any part of the Property. Such proceeds will be considered payments and will be applied as provided in this Security Instrument. This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien document. 17. INSURANCE. Mortgagor agrees to keep the Property insured against the risks reasonably associated with the Property. Mortgagor will maintain this insurance in the amounts Lender requires. This insurance will last until the Property is released from this Security Instrument. Mortgagor may choose the insurance company, subject to Lender's approval, which will not be unreasonably withheld. All insurance policies and renewals will include a standard "mortgage clause" and, where applicable, "loss payee clause." Mortgagor will give Lender and the insurance company immediate notice of any loss. All insurance proceeds will be applied to restoration or repair of the Property or to the Secured Debts, at Lender's option. If Lender acquires the Property in damaged condition, Mortgagor's rights to any insurance policies and proceeds will pass to Lender to the extent of the Secured Debts. Mortgagor will immediately notify Lender of cancellation or termination of insurance. If Mortgagor fails to keep the Property insured Lender may obtain insurance to protect Lender's interest in the Property. This insurance may include coverages not originally required of Mortgagor, may be written by a company other than one Mortgagor would choose, and may be written at a higher rate than Mortgagor could obtain if Mortgagor purchased the insurance. 18. ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Mortgagor will not be required to pay to Lender funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. 19. CO- SIGNERS. If Mortgagor signs this Security Instrument but does not sign the Secured Debts, Mortgagor does so only to mortgage Mortgagor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the Secured Debts and Mortgagor does not agree to be personally liable on the Secured Debts. If this Security Instrument secures a SCOTT R WAKEMAN Wyoming Mortgage WY/ 3VER1406F7000000000000003400000035n3 X1996 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Initials J Lj Page 4 g e6ed j.l sleillul Aq 0°0E) NV 'pno13 }g '•oui 'swe;sAS sJe)luee 9661© 902 S u9C00000017E00000000000000L390b1133AE /AM •686)JolAi 6uiwoAM NVW3)IVM a LLO3S k. ,sa1!dx9 uo!ss!wwoo AN •NVWDIVM !:I 11O3S A to Aep }L� sm. aw aiojaq pa6palMOU�1oe seM luawnllsu! s!41 'ss b u l uookcyl 3O a m C7lu? wno (lenPln!pUI) •IN31N0a31MONN0V NWW3>IVM 11O0S rt :80DV911:10w •luawnllsuI Al!moas sm. Adoo a to ld!aoai sa6palmoure osle 1o6e611oW •luawnllsul Al!moes s!yl u! pau!eluoo slueueno0 pue swlal 941 of seal6e 10626110N '6u!u6!s A8 •S31il1YNDIS •eouesse ayl 10 s! aw!1 Alladold Aue uo snlels ue!l s,iepual w1!1uo3 o pue luawnJlsul Al!1noes s!yl iepun suo!le4go s,1o6e611oIN aniesaid pue 'enu!luoo 'looped of Aiesse3au 1ap!suoo Aew iepual leyl suo!leo!1!lJao JO sluawnoop leuoll!ppe Aue eI!1 pue '1an!lap 'u6!s of saaa6e 1o6e611o1N •alaldwoo pue 1091103 aq II!M iepual san!6 1o6e611o1N uo!lewio1u! pue sluewelels le!3ueul1 Ily •slsenbai repual uo!lewlo1u! 10 sluawalels le!3ueu!. Aue iepual ep!nold 1I!M 100261101N •uo!lewlo1u! uoue3!Idde 1ay10 10 ssaippe 'aweu s,1o6e611oIN u! a5uego Aue 10 6u!1!1M u! lapual wJoIu! II!M 1o6e611oIN 'sawed He o1 ao!lou eq of pawaap aq li!M Alied auo of a3!l0N •6u!1!1M u! paleu6!sep sseippe Jaylo Aue o1 10 'uo!loas S3IIHVd aNv 31va ayl u! pals!' sseippe s eleudoldde ay1 0l pew sse13 Aq 1! 6u!l!ew 10 1! 6uuanllap Aq uen!6 aq II!M ao!lou Aue Wei Aq pa1!nbei os!Mlaylo ssalufl •S.N31A111OOa lvN011iaav aNY Sl1iOd31i 1V10NVNId '3011ON •9Z •luawnilsul Al!m3as s!yl to swiel ayl au! )Lap 10 1ajdialu! 01 pasn aq of lou ale pue Apo azue!uanuo3 101. ale s6u!peaq uo!13as ayl •1eln6u!s ayl sapnlou! lelnld gill pue 'amid 9y1 sapnl3u! 1eIn6u!s ay1 'pesn JoAouagM NO111/138d1:131N1 •17Z •algeaoiolue aq 11!ls IIIM suo!s!nold 6uIUlewei 941 pue p919A9S aq II!M uo!s!noid algeaololuaun 941 uayl 'algeaololueun s! luawnilsul Allmon sm. J.o uo!s!nold Aue 11 •lueweeiBe ayl to uo!ssaidxe leu!1 pue elaldwoo ayl s! luewnllsul Al!moas s!41 •iopue pue 1o6e611o1N Aq pelnoexe pue BUIlIJM u! epees ssalun an!13a11a s! luawnllsul Al!lnoes sm. 10 uo!le3!1lpow 10 luawpuawe oN 1ueweeiBe Iwo Aq pa!1!p0w 10 pepuewe aq lou Aew luewnilsul Awnoes sN1 •A111I8t/1:13A3S aNY N011t/H931NI "1N9WaNJWV "CZ •106e611o1N pue iepual 10 su6!sse pue slossa33ns 01.11 ly.aueq pue pu!q II!M luawnllsul Al!1noes sm. 10 slgauaq pue sa!lnp ayl Alladold 6u!u!ewei 341 101 luawnllsul Al!1noes slyl iepun pale6!Igo eq II!1s ll!M 1o6e611oIN pue Aliedoid a141 10 lied Aue eseep., Aew lapual •106e6110IN laylo Aue 1.11!M /9419601 10 Allenp!n!pu! 1o6e6110W y3ea ens Aew lapual •1o6e611o1N 19110 Aue 10 suo!le6!'go ayl 10 luapuadapu! ale luawnilsul Al!lnoas s!yl iepun suo!le6!190 s,1o6e611oW yoe3 'S8OSS3OO11S aN`d A1n18vn ivflaiAlaNI aNV iNIOf 'z •eo!JewV 10 selels pal!un ayl pue 'peleool s! A11adoJd ayl 0194M uo!l3!pslunf 94110 sMe1 ayl Aq paw!nbel es!Mlaylo lualxe ayl of ldaoxe '6uIwoAM 10 sMel ay1 Aq paulano6 s! luawn11su! Alunoes s! 'MV1 318V3IlddV •Alledald ayl 01 6uuelal s1.46!1 uo!ldwaxa pealsawoy Ile san!eM 1o6e611o1N 'Mel Aq pal!q!goid lualxa ayl of ldaox3 •Sa3AIVM '0Z •sMe1 uo!13e -auo 10 A3ue!ol1ap -!lue Aue 'ol pal!w!! l0U ale lnq 'apnl3u! Aew sly6!1 asayl •uo!le6!lgo gig iepun palgapu! Alied Aue 10 1o6e611o1N lsu!e6e w!el0 10 uo!loe Aue 6u!6u!1q wo1� 19pual luanald Aew leyl sly6!1 Aue an!eM 01 sea16e 1o6e611o1N '1o6e611o1N pue iepual ueemlaq Aluelen6