HomeMy WebLinkAbout971507RECEIVED 6/17/2013 at 10:42 AM RECEIVING 971507 BOOK: 813 PAGE: 769 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY SHERIFF'S DEED This deed made between Shane Johnson, Sheriff of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, grantor herein, and Wells Fargo Bank, NA, a Wyoming State Banking Corporation, grantee herein, of 4101 Wiseman Blvd Bldg 205 1St floor T7419 -018, San Antonio, TX 78251. Whereas, Wright Properties, LLC executed the following mortgage as mortgagor to The Jackson State Bank Trust a Wyoming State Banking Corporation, as mortgagee: Mortgage dated May 4, 2006 and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on May 12, 2006 as document number 918271 in Book 619 at Page 678. Whereas, Wells Fargo Bank, NA acquired The Jackson State Bank Trust and all rights to the loan and Promissory Note between Wright Properties, LLC and The Jackson State Bank Trust were transferred to Wells Fargo Bank, NA. Wells Fargo Bank NA is the successor in interest of The Jackson State Bank Trust. Whereas, pursuant to an Order For Partial Default Judgment Against Defendant Wright Properties, LLC, Specifically Decree Of Foreclosure And Sale Of Real Property issued by the Honorable Dennis L. Sanderson dated January 2, 2013 in Civil No. CV- 2012 -53 -DC in the Third Judicial District Court in and for Lincoln County, Wyoming and the subsequent publication of Notice of Foreclosure Sale, the tract of land which was the subject of the Mortgage was sold at public auction at Kemmerer, Wyoming on February 5, 2013 at 10:00 am, said sale being confirmed by the Honorable Dennis L. Sanderson in the Order Confirming Sale dated June 13, 2013. Whereas, pursuant to said sale at public auction, a Certificate of Sale was issued to the purchaser, the grantee herein, and no assignment of that certificate has been made since that time. The Certificate of Sale having been recorded in the official records of the Lincoln County, Wyoming Clerk on February 5, 2013 in Book 804 Page 6. NOW THEREFORE, know all men by this deed, that I, Shane Johnson, of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in consideration of the premises, have granted and sold and do hereby convey to Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its heirs and assigns, the following described tract of land: Deed Page 1 of 2 Lots 55 and 83 of Alpine Meadows Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that plat filed August 23, 2005 in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk as Plat No. 206 -A To have and to hold the described premises with all appurtenances to the said Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its heirs and assigns forever. WITNESS my hand and seal this /V day of June, 2013. STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN My Commission Expires: )ss. "1/ The foregoing Sheriffs Deed was acknowledged bef +re me by Shane Johnson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming, this 1 day of 1 2013. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Deed Page 2 of 2 Shane Jo, nson Lincoln County Sheriff OTARY PUBLIC 110170 LEE R. DENNIS NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires August 25, 2016