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HomeMy WebLinkAbout869993`uostuua}I •f utot.zlud Sq `000Z `JaquzanoN Jo /cup aalsnhI su puu XIiunptntpul `uostuua utot.zlud •ss Slunop JAAVUIJdV )jJeI3 'Ieu6eM euueer ...1a 'ON AM 'JelewwaN T' g. C e6ed a r, m p LH b00Z LZ aVW sendx3 wwoo A A1.Nno3 ewnA :sandxa uoissuuuzo0 :ut 2utptsaw auozPV to ems mond M ON ZIV1O l VOINOW 1V3S lVIOI,Ado •aalsnu su puu 1Ilunptntpuj sup am aiojaq of MOMS puu paguosgng `VNOZRIV AO HIKES 0Zg2IgH CEHOVIIV «V» IIgIHXH HHS :�laadozd paguosap OutmolloJ all ut `uostuua}I g pago2l jo dttlsaalsnal pun Souuual lutof atll aluutuual of papualut st ltnup!JV still, •uosaad atuus alp pun auo sum tjlnaJ Jo alnotdtl D Jo ldoj patjtlzaD pagoullu alp ut pauotluatu uosTuuax utwuf uag q.taclog pun spaap plus all ut aalsniZ su pun Xjjunptntpul `uostuua}I a�pajmou)I umo situ Jo mom! Dula •2uttuoiXM `SlunoD ujooutZ Jo 1apaooall alp Jo ao J3o alp ut loin ut 9S b aRnd "IN 66Z }Ioog pun 96 a ud `•2I•d OOZ Moog ut papaooaa spa(' Sluuaznrn utnlzao asotjl ut lsntZ IIttund uostuua)I alp Jo aalsn1Z su pun Allunptntpul `uostuua N g l tagoZ1 tjltm palulunbou Ajjuuosiad pun jjam sum I ma uuortay `ntunJ Jo luaptsaa puu `s.zuai j Z JO age aql JOAO uotaaUIy JO solids paltun NT JO uaZilto u UM I lets :Sus pun asodap `tlluo uo UJOMS Xjnp `aalsnai su puu Sjjunpintpul `uostuua}I 'f utottlud I uwnA AO XINf1O VNOZRIV AO IZVIS TETtiTOT0 Exhibit "A" 331 PARCEL 1: A portion of the NW1 /4 SW1 /4 of Section 11, T35N, R119W, Sixth Principal Meridian in Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 538.36 feet south from the west quarter corner of said Section 11; thence S 89° 41'13" E, along an approximate fence line, 460.51 feet; thence S 0° 21'30" W 159.80 feet to a point in a woven wire school fence; thence N 89° 41'12" W, along last said fence and the westerly prolongation thereof, 459.51 feet to the west line of said Section 11; thence north, along last said west line, 159.80 feet to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom that parcel of land conveyed to Lincoln County, recorded August 6, 1931, Book 17 Deeds, Page 160. PARCEL 2: A portion of the NW1 /4SW1 /4 of Section 11, T35N, R119W, 6th Principal Meridian in Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 693.00 feet South from the West Quarter Corner of said Section 11; thence roaming East 459.55 feet; thence S 0° 21'30" W 7.67 feet to a point set in a woven wire school fence; thence W 89° 41'31" W. along said fence and the Westerly prolongation thereof, 459.51 feet to the West line of said Section 11; thence North, along last said West line, 5.16 feet to the point of Beginning. 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