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Recorded, „,/,1.Y? i at ...14 4 M
In Book C.Alb Page „j Kemmerer, WY
MORTGAGE No. ,,,,�i, j; Jeanne Wagner, Clerk
delivered as of the 28 day of November, 2000, by PORTER INGRAM, LLC, a Wyoming
Limited Liability Company, of P.O. Box 4429, Jackson, Wyoming, 83001, hereinafter referred to
as the "MORTGAGOR and PATRICIA "PAT" J. KENNISON, Trustee, and her successors in
Trust, under the KENNISON FAMILY TRUST, dated the 2nd day of August, 1991, and any
amendments thereto, of 13201 49 Lane, Yuma, Arizona, 85367, hereinafter referred to as the
The MORTGAGOR, to secure payment of the sum of eighty seven thousand, five hundred
dollars ($87,500.00.00) plus interest, does hereby MORTGAGE to the MORTGAGEE the
following described parcels of real property situate in Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming:
Parcel 1
A portion of the NW'/4SW'A of Section 11, T35N, R1 19W, 6 Principal Meridian
in Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point 538.36 feet South from the West Quarter corner of said
Section 11;
Thence S 89° 41' 13" E, along an approximate fence line 460.51 feet;
Thence S 00° 21' 30" W, 159.80 feet to a point in a woven wire school fence;
Thence N 89° 41' 12" W, along last said fence and the Westerly prolongation
thereof 459.51 feet to the West line of said Section 11;
Thence North along last said West line, 159.80 feet to the POINT OF
Excepting therefrom that parcel of land conveyed to Lincoln County, recorded
August 6, 1931, Book 17 of Deeds, Page 160.
Together with and including all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and
hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions,
restrictions, easements, reservations, and rights -of -way of sight and /or record.
Parcel 2:
A portion of the NW1/4SW1/4 of Section 11, T35N, R119W, 6 Principal Meridian
in Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point 693.00 feet South from the West Quarter corner of said
Section 11;
Thence roaming East 459.55 feet;
Thence S 00° 21' 30" W, 7.67 feet to a point set in a woven wire school fence;
Thence W 89° 41' 31" W, along said fence and the Westerly prolongation thereof,
459.51 feet to the West line of said Section 11,
Thence North along last said West line, 5.16 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
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paunoui os sasuadxa iie par autos alp /Cedar oI mar pup `paznoas Along igap aqI of
pappn aq Hells `saaj skauzoiiu aignuosuaz pup `aznsoroazoj JO ivaumaozojua Jo sisoo ire gilm
zagiaol `papuadxa os iiauoum jo sums eons ire Imp saadu puu siuuuanoo 2IOOVO12IOYAI
aqI •autes agi fed `punuzap JO aoliou inogirm `Xuuz g[DVOI2IOIAI agI tango
iuui zaglo JO sivauzssassu `saxui gons jo ivautked alp ut sirnnjap 2IOOVDINOIN a1D JI
`uipaaoozd aignirnba JO iaaj kun ui pagouiie JO uodn patnar aq of joazatp Ind 'CUB
JO 413clozd agi ul 2IOOVO 2Im atop isazaiut alp ituuad iou IingS 2i0OVO.I.2IOb'I NI 'Z
`.zojazagl isanbaz uaiiUm jo
idtaoaz zaue ifiiduzozd ggoVO12IO\i alp oI joazagi iidoo e gsiuznj Hugs 2IOOVOI2IOIAI
puu `zuaddu iinuz isazaiur "pip sr sariznd alp 2utzanoo `saigtlonpap aignuosuaz oI ioafgns
kizadozd gons Jo anion alquinsui iinj agi ul salunduzoo aounznsui aiquindaz pun punos
kg uauiznn `Aizadozd agi uo saznionzis pun sautprmq aiquznsur agi 2uizanoo aouuznsut
auzanoo papuaixa pun aztd ureiuruut of (tt) pun iciimn JO amen 'tuba Isnai Ie Jo iiizadozd
gilm saznionzis pun autpimq aonidaz oI upiz agI 2uiAJOSaz pun paidaoxa sivauzaia
alp utozu znam argnuoseaz `zaiiaq JO uolirpuoo ieuI2po ztagl XIieliunisgns ut kizadozd
agt uo saznionzis zagio puu Ourpitnq iiu urniurnut oI (i) saazdn zagpnj 2IOOVO,I.2i0w
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suoisrnozd alp of 5ulpz000e pun gizoj ias se Isazaiu! pue saazugo aiquotidde /cue puu (ocroosLS$)
szuijop pazpunq antd `punsnogl uanas Xig213 Jo urns alp aaDVO.I. 10IN 31 11 0 1 `pled aq
01 sasnno JO `shod 2IOOVOIJIONI alp Trip uotitpuoo ssazdxa alp of ioafgns sr iovoplow stgl
•pzooaJ Jo iou saouezqurnoua ire utozj aalJ sr Aizadozd agI 1ug1
pun `spueuzap puu suzreio injMei iiu Isurege kizadozd gons of awl alp puapap arm pun siuuzzum
2IOOVaL1101'i 3111 1u111 `.ilzadozd lions ifanuoo JO `iias `g9VrJI2iOL\I Oi 1115tz ifJmni puu
pool set' puu Cizadozd alp Jo ardutrs aaj ur paztas Xiinjmui
sup Jo kranliap puu 2ulats agi iu 1e111 siunzzum puu siueuanoo 2IOOVOI}IOW aqI
•2ututoiM Jo awls agi Jo smut uotiduzaxa peaisauzoq
agi Jo aniztn pue zapun 2utsun Siq41 rin santum puu sagsrnbutiaz AWN 2I0OVO.L2IOI,I
p10001 zo/puu ups Jo'cum Jo- siipz pun `suotiunzasaz `sivauzasua `suofolzisaz
`suompuoo `slueuanoo iin oI Ioafgns •2ul2uoiaq oiunazagi sivaureilpazaq
puu saoueuaizndde fir puu uoazagi sivauzanozdurt ire 5ulpniout pun gum zagiaos,
the MORTGAGEE, with interest thereon from the date of payment at the interest rate for
overdue amounts provided in the note or notes secured hereby until repaid, and the same
shall be a lien on the property and be secured by this MORTGAGE;
4. If the MORTGAGOR defaults in the payment of any principal or interest on the
indebtedness secured hereby after the same shall become due and payable, or in case of
breach of any covenant or agreement herein or contained in any other recorded
MORTGAGE debt on the property, in each case for a period of thirty (30) days after such
default, the whole of the then outstanding indebtedness secured hereby, both principal
and interest, together with all other sums payable pursuant to the provisions hereof, shall,
at the option of the MORTGAGEE, become immediately due and payable, anything
herein or in said note or notes to the contrary notwithstanding, and failure to exercise said
option shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of any
subsequent default. The MORTGAGEE may enforce the provisions of, or foreclose, this
MORTGAGE by any appropriate suit, action or proceeding at law or in equity or by
advertisement and sale as provided by Wyoming statutes. At any foreclosure sale, the
MORTGAGEE may cause to be executed and delivered to the purchaser or purchasers a
proper deed of conveyance of the property so sold. The MORTGAGOR agrees to pay all
costs of enforcement and of foreclosure, including reasonable attorney fees. The failure
of this MORTGAGEE to promptly foreclose following a default shall not prejudice any
right of the MORTGAGEE to foreclose thereafter during the continuance of such default
or any right to foreclose in case of further default or defaults. The proceeds from such
sale shall be applied to the payment of (1st) the costs and expenses of the foreclosure and
sale, including reasonable attorney fees, and all money expended or advanced by the
MORTGAGEE pursuant to the provisions of this MORTGAGE; (2nd) all unpaid taxes,
assessments, claims and liens on the property, which are superior to the lien hereof; (3rd)
the balance due to the MORTGAGEE on account of principal and interest and late
charges on the indebtedness hereby secured; and (4th) the surplus, if any, shall be paid to
the MORTGAGOR (subject to the rights of any junior lienholders);
5. If the right of foreclosure accrues as a result of any default hereunder, the MORTGAGEE
shall at once become entitled to exclusive possession, use and enjoyment of the property
and to all rents, income and profits thereof, from the accruing of such right and during the
pendency of foreclosure proceedings and the period of redemption, and such possession,
rents, income and profits shall be delivered immediately to the MORTGAGEE on
request. On refusal, the delivery of such possession, rents, income and profits may be
enforced by the MORTGAGEE by any appropriate suit, action or proceeding. The
MORTGAGEE shall be entitled to a receiver for the property and all rents, income and
profits thereof, after any such default, including the time covered by foreclosure
proceedings and the period of redemption and without regard to the solvency or
insolvency of the MORTGAGOR, or the then owner of the property, and without regard
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paznoas lgap all jo linj ui luauziigdaz aletpauzurt aul uodn istsut kern 1EOVOJJJOIAI
all `XItzelunIOAUI JO iijtzelunion pazzajsuezl asImzatpo zo paIianuoo `pios st Osamu!
dttlszauped iiue Butpnlout) utaioq lsazalut Aug zo iiazadozd teal all jo dud 'cue zo ire ji
21.141j uail s,zoloezluoo Jiue jo nail ut uant2 2utaq si govo.I aovj
sup pue `zologzluoo Iezaua se ggOVO.L2ION 0 4l JO Regal uo zo iiq pauuojzad iivadozd
PaovoI2IOIAI all uo )Izom zoj slun000e imp papas iiiln3 anetl I3DVD1 IOY\I aul pue
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Niue lsutgRe s242tz zepuus /cue zo jjo -las of paptlua aq lou iteus 2IOOyoINOIAI °'U '6
IIe apnlout Hulls zapuaO Alm jo asn alp pue `min &uts alp Ieznid aua `Ieznid 042 apnlout
Hurls zaquznu zuiauIs 0 42 pasn zanauatim .HaDvanK \I aul pug 2IODHJ1 JOYAI aul
Jo sutsse pue szossaoons `szoWzastututpe `szolnoaxa `saale201 `saastnap `sztaq antloadsaz
all `Jo lgauag 041 of aznut pue `putg Ileus paureluoo utaza4 sauauzaaBe pue slueuanoo atl1
`utazaq pauteluoo suotltpuoo pue stztzal 042 Jo aoueldaooe ue aq Hugs RHDVD12IOJAI
042 gig saznoas at salon zo WWOU pue gOVO.LlIOJAJ SIT jo aoueldaaoe OtIZ 'L
`.luauxBpnf tiouatogap
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ag Bens 2IOOVO.L'IOJ' 0 41 `paznoas Along ssaupalgaput poi alp iced of luatogJnsut aze
spaaoozd aria. pue astmzaulo zo aznsoloazoj zapun Nos si uiazaq paquosap Xazadozd alp JI
`•iias of zamod alp 2utpniout
2utuzoii■ iq paptnozd za1Jgazag JO MOU zauueLU Niue UT zo Aazadozd aril Jo ales
pug luauzasp.tanpe Xq zo `Altnba ut zo mei le 2utpaaoozd zo uotlog `lens /cue aznsoioazoJ
Jo 242tz alp apnlout Hugs `utazaq pasn se „asoioazoj„ pug „aznsojoazoJ„ suzzal ati1
•aznoo alp Jo suotloaztp pue szapzo all
pue mBI 01 214pz000e zantaoaz gons iig patidde aq Hulls Aazadozd aul Jo slgozd pue aumoout
`sauaz IIy ?IOJVD1'IOLAi paluasuoo XgOIOq Si uotleotidde lions Niue uo zantaoaz
bons 'cue Jo luauzautodde atll pue `uotleotidde uodn uotlotpstznf lualaduzoo Jo ainoo Xue
palutodde aq Amu zantaoaz lions •sasuadxa pue saaj 'woo aznsoioalOj pue Xgazati paznoas
ssaupalgaput 041 azetlostp 02 j001041 ,iouatogjns alp zo `iiazadozd a41 Jo amen aril 02
11. Each individual executing this MORTGAGE and the related note or notes shall be
personally bound, jointly and severally, to perform and observe all covenants and
agreements of the MORTGAGOR contained herein and therein; and
12. Any notice required to be given to any person hereunder or under the note or notes
secured hereby shall be given by delivery or by mailing the same by certified mail to such
persons at the address noted above (or to such other address as shall have been specified
in writing), and notice so mailed shall for all purposes hereof be as effectual as though
served upon such party in person at the time of depositing such notice in the mail.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this MORTGAGE has been executed by the MORTGAGOR
as of this 08 day of November, 2000.
y: James Anthony Porter, anager
County of Teton
The foregoing MORTGAGE was acknowledged before my by PORTER INGRAM, LLC,
a Wyoming Limited Liability Company, by James Anthony Porter and Eleanor Lyons Ingram,
Managers and Members, on this d day of November, 2000.
Witness my hand and official seal.
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By: Eleanor Lyons I
ram, Mana_'-r
Notary Public for the State o Wyomin
My commission expires: '0)