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)peo heu6eM euueer
AM 'leaawweN eed
0330 S,3dIa3HS
Assignment of Certificate of Sale dated November 21, 2000, and recorded in the
records of the County Clerk and ex- officio Register of Deeds in and for Lincoln
County, State of Wyoming, on the 28TH day of NOVEMBER 2000, in
Book 456PR at Page 309 and
WHEREAS, no one has appeared to redeem the hereinafter
described real property under the laws of the State of Wyoming, and the time for
doing so has now expired;
that I, Lee Gardner, Sheriff in and for said County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming,
in consideration of the premises, have GRANTED, BARGAINED, and SOLD,
and do hereby TRANSFER and CONVEY, to said Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development, c/o First Preston Management, 12240 Inwood Road, Suite
400, Dallas, Texas 75244, its successors and assigns, all right, title, and interest
to the following described real property situate in Lincoln County, State of
Wyoming, to -wit:
Lot 6, of Block 3, of the Lincoln Heights 4th
Subdivision to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln
County, Wyoming, with an address of 1310 5th West
Court, Kemmerer, WY 83101
Together with all improvements thereon situate and
all fixtures and appurtenances thereto.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said described premises, together with
all improvements thereon erected and all fixtures and appurtenances thereunto
belonging, to The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, its successors
and assigns forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this
She�riff's Deed to be executed and delivered on the -Ae day of
Lee Gardner, Sheriff in and for
Lincoln 9un�yS�tate of Wyoming
Print Name: L- t. c
(c rcVrx.
The above and foregoing Sheriff's Deed was acknowledged before
me by -3. (-:�c� Deputy Sheriff in and for Lincoln County,
State of Wyoming, this ;9; day of \\\.uiL c' AY, 2000.
i .Canny 4 ate oT es N L' +�t
Lincoln r Wyoming
My Commission Expires 10/04/2004
My Commission Expires:
Notary Public
Sheriffs Deed
Bates /Points 21309 -191 [00 -02 -0410]
Paae 2 of 2