HomeMy WebLinkAbout971671File No.: 191409 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLLN) I upon my oath, depose and state: FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING ESTATE 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of ,2ji7 ry Ze7, and the Affiant herein. 2. That by virtue of the conveyances which are recorded in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming is recorded a Quit Claim Deed dated the 18 day of July, 2001, in Book 470PR on page 004 conveys unto Trudy Williams, Kent Edwards, Penny Soltis, Randy Edwards, Jesse Edwards, Bruce Edwards and Kelly Edwards, as joint tenants with full rights of survivorship the following described property, to- wit: 3. That said Kent Edwards aka Kent Larry Edwards on the 18 day of December, 2007, died and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as true and correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A 4. That by reason of death of said Kent Edwards aka Kent Larry Edwards by reason of 2 -9 -102 W.S. (1980), the decedents interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Trudy Williams, Penny Soltis, Randy Edwards, Jesse Edwards, Bruce Edwards and Kelly Edwards, as joint tenants with full rights of survivorship continuously since the death of the said decedent. State of Wyoming) County of Lincoln) The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by this 2 L day of 2013 Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public My Commission Expires: being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, 9 -/S GLORIA K. BYERS County of Lincoln My Commisson Expires NOTARY PUBLIC State of Wyoming September 15, 2015 UO411; RECEIVED 6/26/2013 at 2:03 PM RECEIVING 971671 BOOK: 814 PAGE: 416 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY DECEDENT INFOR Date of Death: City of Death: Age: Place of Birth: Armed Services: Spouse's Name: Industry/Business: Residence: Mother's Name: Facility or Address: CAUSE OF Metastatic Lung Carer Tobacco Use: Non-uset Medical Examiner Co gcted MATION December 18, 2007 Salt Lake City 60 Murray, Utah Yes Shauna Burbidge Kennecott Copper Corp Auburn, Wyoming Trelma Sue Reeves Date Registered: December 20, 2007 Date Issued: May 1, 2013 4 4 Medical Professional: IVIary Jane Norman MD, 451 Bishop CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State File Number: 2007013956 Kent Larry Edwards Time of Death: County of Death: Date of Birth: Sex: Marital .Status: Usual Occupation: Education: Father's Name: Facility Type: Garden Terrace Alzheimers INFORMANT INFORMATION Name: Shaun. s Edwards Relatiori Mailing Address: 233 1st West Street, At.iburn, VVybming 83111 08:15 Salt Lake August 24, 1947 Male Married Refinery Worker Some College but No Degree LaVal Edwards Nursing Home/Assisted Living POSITION INFORMATION Method of Disposition: Burial Place of Dispositio n MurraCity Cemetery, Murray, Utah Date of Disposition: _pecamber 22, 2007 FUNERAL HOME, INFOR'MATION Funeral Home: J, McDougal Funeral Home 3.' L,l Address: 4330 South RedvoQ d Road' Salt,Lake:City,.Ut4h Funeral Director: Kirk McDouga V 4 MEDICAL CERTIFICATION ity, Ufah_84115 I ,110 al ;7 4 11 11 i' f/11§411.1"'' 71j trall I I I J tV CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD 0 -4e1 7 This Is an exact reproduction of the facts registered inzthe State Office of Vital.Statistics. Security features of this officiadocument include Intaglio Border, V R images cycloids, k‘k ultra violet fibers and hologram image of the Utah SeaT, the words "_State-of Utah". This document displays the date, seal and signature of the State Registrar of Vjtal Statistics. 1 4, 4 1 Auxklu i .....t. ,h. .11 01' Ttlprse., Ill -(,)x .f IkNO' kr:44 1 Igl 11 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 '4;4$ A 0 of c sg. 1 494\ UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 4 104 i anice L Houston 0 6 3 7 9 8 3 5 8 Office of Vital Fiecords Statistics tc?,,,k t■ ,),:l 44c.DI VA State Registrar I ,I,g, e ...Z, 00 I Rev. 6/10 Salt Lake City, Utah 6 -...e.---.. 1 7 f.- i m a hio „„7.--....;,;„,,,,, -.1i 046,4,1,1 A 'Aikkt i *WA 4,4,4 Vikis 3 A0 W WAVAorkk i AtittihA l AktiO Mmtoki 4 4,4, iikikik 1 4 0 ,4 1 0,03,04,40,14040,00*,4,1A1021AV2WIAIAMOLV940,,, •••0 4 4,2.14,01/ 4.--slIJ A. l it 14: .r P 14