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Apedond p12s o; el ;g soaped pug pooB ;0 pazles 818 sJo6g6 ;JOIN ;g4; 1u8uenoo Agway s1oB86Joy;9 pug :Janalo; '51161998 pus sJossa33ns s}! 'ea6g6JoW own BuiBuoleq olunaJeq; seou8uapndd2 pug se6ennud ay; 118 9 4IM 'pequosep 18ug110109 Apadad pigs ay; Q1OH 01 (NV 3AVH 01 •51go1d pug 'dual 's}sala ;u! 'sa6aHnud '9 4964 'sluawasga y ;pM 104;060; 108438448 Mou saJnlxg pug s ;uawanOJdwl sapnpul 'Moiaq paquosep pug 'p06gBJow Ageieq A;adold 041 179'.SSZ'LZ$ OO 1/9i9 an !3..pue_paa1DunH 0AM puesnoq uanas Alumni 40 ;unow9 !gm; ay; w 411MaJeq amp uane ;0 alma 9 ;0 1UaLuA8d ay; Jo; *noes s2 paqu3sep 1048ula101 Apeaoad pal 141 'su6lssg pug slossa33ns Sl! '80626J044 0} a6e6pow pug Aanuoo 'Has 'ul8618q '3u81B AH9lanes pug A9 ;ulo( sJo6g6polN :H13SS3N1IM '3JVJ1UOIN se 04 pa11a ;81 Jel;gime1aq i.` 4 1► 'clan lo 'mod um) 0 ed rY '1003 u1 3OVE1L JOW 011/ paplopati ele1S Illunoo !Lip AM Jalemlaanns s6ul pool s! ssalpp8 asoyM IIasAH 'El a1JJ3 •oul 'o3 seoln.aas leloueu13 sa}e1oossd ele1S APO s! ss0Jpp8 asoyM JIM all1APUOWe!a and alsns 8001 pug I I asXH •7 y}auuam ..1 c U AoN ;o Alp 0£ 044 uo apew 0686 •w sl STATE OF Wyoming herein contained. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. (SEAL) My Commission Expires J 6V 616456 SS. 8 r, All rights and obligations hereunder shall extend to and be binding upon the several heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of the parties hereto. Any provision of this mortgage prohibited by the laws of Wyoming shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition without invalidating the remaining provisions of this mortgage. The plural as used in this instrument shall include the singular where applicable. The real Property hereby mortgaged is located in L i n c o l n County, State of Wyoming, and is described as follows: Lots 15 and 16 of Block 34 to the Town of Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof Title to said property is clear, free and unencumbered except: (state exceptions, if any) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY INDIVIDUAL OR PARTNERSHIP MORTGAGOR (PURCHASER) COUNTY OF Sweetwater On this the 30th day of November 2000 before me, the undersigned notary public personally appeared Kenneth L. Hyse I 1 and Effie B. Hyse l I known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration Notary Public A' LAU�Ii ri i�f NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF S4'JEEi'��'ATER £?'r WYOMING a:._M.Y C 038028.02