HomeMy WebLinkAbout870112Form Approved by the Board
and Effective January 6, 1998
This indenture of lease entered into by and between the State of Wyoming, acting by and through its
Board of Land Commissioners, as lessor, and
Section 1. PURPOSE. The lessor, in consideration of the rents and royalties to be paid and
the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by lessee, does hereby grant and lease to the
lessee, the exclusive right to drill for, mine, extract, remove, and dispose of all the oil, gas and
associated hydrocarbon substances and gaseous substances and elements produced therewith, including
sulphur, hydrogen sulfide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and helium, which may be
produced from the following described land, to wit:
80.00 Acres
H County
E2SW Section 4, Township 21 North, Range 118 West, 6 P.M.
Lincoln Total Acres 80.00 Advance Rental 80.00
($1.00 per acre or fraction thereof)
Together with the right of ingress and egress and the right to use so much of the surface of
said lands as is necessary to construct and maintain thereupon all works, buildings, plants,
waterways, roads, communication lines, pipe lines, reservoirs, tanks, pumping stations, or other
facilities necessary to the proper conduct of operations thereunder.
Section 2. TERM OF LEASE. This lease shall become effective on the day and year set out below
and shall remain in effect for a primary term of five (5) years and for so long thereafter as leased
substances may be produced from the lands in paying quantities. This lease may also be extended
beyond its primary term in the absence of production of leased substances as may be provided by the
statutes of the State of Wyoming and the regulations of the Board of Land Commissioners adopted
pursuant thereto, provided, if drilling, completion, testing or reworking operations are being
diligently conducted, either during the primary term or during any extension thereof, this lease
shall continue in full force and effect so long as such operations are being conducted and so long
thereafter as oil or gas may be produced in paying quantities. This lease may be relinquished or
terminated at an earlier date as herein provided.
Section 3. If the lessor owns an interest in oil and gas in said land less than the entire fee
simple estate, then the royalties and rentals to be paid lessor shall be reduced proportionately.
Section 4. Lessee expressly represents that, if an individual, lessee is a citizen of the
United States, or has declared an intention to become a citizen, and is over 19 years of age -and if a
corporation, is duly qualified to transact business in Wyoming.
Section 5. This lease is issued under the authority conferred by Title 36, W.S. 1977 as to the
State and School Lands, and Title 11, W.S. 1977 as to Farm Loan lands, and shall be subject to and
operations by lessee hereunder shall be conducted in compliance with the specific lease terms set out
on the reverse of this lease, and with all applicable state statutory requirements and the
regulations issued thereunder, including those providing for: the leasing of State or Farm Loan Lands
for oil and gas; the conservation of oil and gas; and the regulation of security transactions.
Section 6. HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. It is covenanted and agreed that each obligation
hereunder shall extend to and be binding upon, and every benefit thereof shall inure to the heirs,
executors, administrators, successors of, or assigns of the respective parties hereto.
Section 7. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY. The State of Wyoming and the lessor do not waive sovereign
immunity by entering into this lease, and specifically retain immunity and all defenses available to
them as sovereigns pursuant to Wyoming Statute s 1- 39- 104(a) and all other state laws.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this lease has been executed by lessor and lessee to become effective on
the 2nd day of October 20 00 A.D.
LESSOR, STATE OF WYOMING, Acting b t 'ts Board of Land Commissioners.
;iC' city: Denver
('Zip) 80202
vephone 303 534 -3628
in Boo40 Page
No OS 6'' .;L:
Baseline Minerals, Inc. as lessee.
Office o
M. at ..../.62:33A M
Kemmerer, WY
Jeanne Wagner, Clerk
LEASE NO. 42 1.
FUND Common School
Ba e Minerals, Inc., by Joseph W. Thames
1645 Court Place, Suite 422
State: CO
'DJ HOU 13 1 :i 9
palepu!ak aq ;au Aew spuei pays!nbuijeJ ay) as se anal eyl pue
cosset Aq asmooal ou eq legs amyl 00!134)3 awooaq Bupney umwys!nbueal y vossap Aq pan!em aq 'legs 1001a4; uawAed
ssa)u1 ease) Aq *pled aq pe4s'an14sage 6uauo3eq p awys!nbueal o lopualns e o; mud anp &uwo3aq s)elual 4)V
'40swadns se0 pue
4)0 ems ay) Aq panoldde uaaq any peys pue 40ssa) op algepdoo3e uolypuoo ue panic' uaaq envy pays uoaoy; seam ay;
puepue ate pun anima awooaq ;ou peys;uawysnbupal ay1 pue) aw uo papnpuo3 ueaq aney suopemdo ley) u!aloy;
6u!;eps pue pa6pepnou)3e App 13pualns 10 u ewysnbupel ua1)m e 'wop3aa0 ay; ypm ale Heys pue a3gou slap (o4))
Apes 044!6 Heys aassa' ay;'paysinbupw eq o4 pasodold pue' uo anal ay; mpun pal3npuo3 uaaq way suoyeado /1(q)
'Nos ay; Aq panadde s) wowyspbupa; ay) apep ay; aq peys wowysnbw)a1 Jo alep an!p3age
eyp'papnpuo3 ueaq aney suop18 ed0 ou;ey; 340)9 op speJ u ewysinbueeJ pies at 11 'w!013'4) aassa' ay; Aq paepods
os aq tons y'e e4) J8/e) ewes 4e 10101301Q ayp Jo 33910 a4) ue loamy; pd!e3e1 )o not pue Nee ay) uo ompega 3010334
peys pap) os umwyspbupel auL 'puei ay; uo popnpuo3 uaaq 000'4suo!;endo ou ley) waloy; fiugep pue pa6payv ougoe
pue peu6!s /op Japuauns 10 WawysnbueoJ uaHpu11 e 'pleas luawpsanu) pue ueo] ap4S pue pleos puel ape)S
ay; ypm ale peys aassa' ay;'paysnbues; eq op pue' ay; uo asea) ey; lopun popnpuo3 uaaq aney suogemdo ou g (e)
:smoeol se spue' pies jo uopwpgns 10631 Aue 10
p o;selossaI o4 pempuanns pue payspbueal aq Aew 3900) 0 !41 '213ON32121n5 ONV LNWIHSI(10N113d 'S uo!paS
ow); a o Aue 18 &goon asne3 awes all Jot Jo
'areppJ Jo asneo Jaylo Aue Aq anal spy Jo alpe1401 pµ0 uopeeeweo ey; paean ;au Keys ampapo 10 asneo mp3!ited
Aue 101an!em V 'aney esuua418 1116011 Assaf ayp y3!ym Apawas o)gepnba 10 Ida! Aue 1ossa1 Aq 391318x3 ay) Ronald
o;pannsuo3 aq ou peys suo!s1ad esay1 loamy; pod Alm A sas!woJd pies Jo uoissassod aye; we opa -1 Aew Assa)
alp easea3 pue a ounula ;1090lapunalay aassa) ay; Aq paoee)ga'sa6aimud pue sµ)6)1 ee uodnasaym'weal my; 'ammo
pue ammo; a ampap'uo!ulo s4) )0 ■Aew lossal 11611803 ley) ui pue 004)'e3pou ;Nos )0 0311108 .141101)e sAep (04)) AW.4l
jo posed 0 AJ sanw4003 pnejap A 3JOI1Di tons p pue'easse) 0V1 uodn pew palap!60110 pay!pa3 Aq 10 8301001000S1ed
Aq 1041,0 ;NeJap A amp; tons )o 0390U was peys nasal ay;'1oaley 8181 ay; uo 0310 ;14 pue smucesseuwo0 pue] to
pros agAgpele6wo4d suoyeetw leloua6 ay) Jo 10')00184 suoi;elnd!ls pue 's)ueuano3'80110) atop Aue 10 a3ue11Jasg0
10 030euuope) ay) w 1pe)0p peys aassas ay; ley) owe ay) w '08104) mud Mold uodn 'asea' asp Jo 0)11003033
ay) )0 0040)0)11 04) 104 40 '939001001 1060111 10 pym01un 10) spues ay; jo esn ay) Jot 10 'suogeluasaldalsiw 10 'paoap
'pee Aq pommel meal Roue* 0; 11109)00 pue ;mod a4; any 'ow mote a41 '340V10 32Jf111316014
'salnwels amp
ay; o) penslnd 10 pasodsp aq peys asea' sly) to 0098uwa) ;040 aw4 014000000/ a wyem panowal 4011 spew0nwdw!
430s Aue ;eyl saal6e ousel weal 884)0 uoileuiwa) ayine0 awi) 8'4)01100001 a u!4pm aassa' Aq paumo spuawaooldwi
Aue enamel 0 1 1161 'TM 'Wuel pe04 pmwpanul pue tool 8 0 )5 0 1 se' l l 0 444 P110 'spue' 4 8 1 0 15 Due 0 8 )4
0180 95a1110 suols!nad tan 0) 100gn0 'p4614 09)00041095005501804 0 Heys 'S1N3143A )&1111101VSIV8ddV "6 µ011304
'6wwoAM 40 New ay; uNem Apewa eon pup uoedwnsuoc Ace pies pue pa3npold
aq ueo 4) Nun palmpap 04 Aew se6 Ap0)04 se 10 uoppnpold ey) 43µp11 Aq own pampa aq Aew )uewaa468 11043gs4es
0 '188001 4308 o) uoippuoo a sy ems) 01; o; 81g01000) se ;sea' 4 pue o; e1geedwoo A10euosew ale 43 ym sum)
tot se6 ay; esey314d Nape pue 61111118 si osey314d 3)010001 ou ley) spue 4))) ales 81')s10µ4 ue )wad pue uogdo s)yl
memp040 wog 341 1800408)d 0)01813)1 ay; Aq palogo asous se ousel ayp o4 01401one) se peal se pue o) a)geedwo3
A'geuoseao sw13) uodn se6 ay) esey310d of ape pue 61em 310 (6111woAM to 0)049 014 u!ypm Neap uogdwnsuo3
40 esn 1q se6 ay)118s 10 'aunsuo3'esn ypm 0410 slasey314d "al) smsey310d 3)0101)0 010W 10 DUO ley; pue 8313010103
8)04918µu 0141 se6 81)) )40d8Ue410 pee 01 spuepa 0901 lseyond e won logo ape euoq a )d8338 016(14)pm s! pue 130!3331
88400000)04.41841 spue Nos 041)1! 1)110 pesn18xe aq peys 001)0 8141 'spue) Pesea) 0414)0 asn 40 e)ea 10) pa3npold
se6 1840 4)e antral) o1 uo!pio pue p6µ ay; 53310081)08801 ay) 'pu!41u se61pe1o1 s4) 040) o) 44611 s4) 01 uo!pppe wed)
'10et Aq pe01104100 11011810101 pue
pa1lewo paogeN 40 wisp wapAs Aue 4pun uo!pnpad 8)gemope to eeys 1!04 Rosso' ay; o) wl0411o3 Aew uo!pnpald
)04)10 pa)0unuga 04 Aew a4sem ley; pua ay; o) uo!pnpad 40 ale; pue Apuenb ay; Apple 10 lace o4 4'4611 3'41(0)
'mo!ag(1)5 uo!pas w paptiad
se spue) pasea) ay) o) posesosse se6104)0 4)0 esey3nd as pue puts 4e se6 110104 s4) aye) 0) 146)1 pames010,108sa ay4
Edµ ppnmuog3e tons spue pleas ayp g luawdopnap 10 ueld 4)04100101)001)10000)04)4)1010030)0014010)146)1 ay1(p)
'pasea' 110)39 pue) 84) uo 006 pue )e 1q 8uoue10d0 0414111'1,131m you op sluawasea pue Aem- Jo -sp61 tons
se Bun se'6uguoAm o awls ay; Jo weep 3'4114 poppnold se s4) awasea pue Aem )0.91611 10410 4300 01018 0)046H ayp
00113081 pue Noumea pue Aem )0-0)4611 101 pa4ue16 8/0101/84 spue) 330)1418 ay;'esea) Rap u0ge1ad0 ay; 01011(3)
slauass!w0103 pue) )o Noe 3'4118 saps ay; pue sloe) o)ge)gdde ay) ypm 83110)110330
1'aseal ay) )q 1018A03 )00 003140081 10 )81011!01104)0 )o asods!p 00!810111010 'gas 'asap) o) 4)46■ 341(9)
'lapunamy suo9810d0 101UO3 ay) u! 008001041le asn Ng)) Aessa3au 0111
as =sins ay) se 1010944 Uauwss1WW03 pue] 10 pees 84) Jo saps ay; 4413 33110//0330 u pue 'pinto 13403)34 sloe' 10
0000 64psxa 1pun aseal spy) 014)00 P030400 Pte' 04s )o 8301100 ayp 10 asods!p asou0410 40'eas'anal 0 ;14611041(0)
:43A413S321 A1SS321d53 8054313H1 '5 0011304
'0004813d8 Jo 081488l184gue 8'4;14 sp10wmoldw! pue p0wdnba 101050810110 uo!181ape 'lemma; ay) ryana11
o) p0nnsuo3 aq 1811 peys 8npp;nq 'fiscal 8ol to an4)0Jm4 Jo 3803 te uappuo8 pue 101140 poo6 u) '000404) 813013001)04
plau0wlad 4)e 4I1 '0000381d pasea) 04) do mole) 01. '32101131801 10 34 011 S3SIW321d 21311139(
'spue) Pasea' atop plawdo)anap laded
a4o)400404lpp em away pue ayssa3X0 awooaq 184) uogedo s4) u! uaym 05)4pho1614)1)1000 4300 )o penaddes!p Jo 446!1
ay4 004413001 pleas ayp '000010) toot pap103a1 aq pun pue pleas ay; Aq pape8alap uaaq say os op 0)14)104)ne 00400
9)34040030) pue spue) 3)019)0 03)40 04110 40 p4004 34)10 )e0oldde ay) any prow 'Ran 34 o) sepleA04 Nippon UV
'1311!0;40 pue
pap Rosso) ay) Jo 6µ!4)1m 44 )1ammo my ypm ;daub 'saseuald pasea' Nip uo!pod Aue )3)409 1014 '11!21244 402134U!
Aue 10 3903' 9!44 061990 0110N 'S1N31/43380V N0110f10021d 10 S1N31AINOISSV(u)
'6upwoAM )0 02049 ay; 40 0Me1 ay; 41!m 33uewo4uo3 u! saa10)dwa
pue uaw)pomanp 936018 4)e led o4 pue'aseyand Jo wopoal a4a)dwo3 520401)013 pµ0 uaw3)1oM
Ile p1o30e 04 Wessel 3'4140 01;3990 Apadold 's446) 109)010 'lapuna3y 1)021 ay; 01011 paonpoid
se6 pue Ho 's;u3wanadwp uodn Bu!woAM 4o alelS ay; )o sloe) ay; )01110 p0403) pue passass0
Apn1Me) Sax24 4)e 'anp uayM 'Aed of '3SVHO21fld 010 ■003981 ONV S3XVl(w)
p14u03 s!4 100134 500;;30 301131! on
to sloe JO) a)q!suodsal play aq 4)011 Heys aassa) 341 4041 'pap!AOd 'uoalay; s;uawan01dwi
11o)µ! pue ;Away; sa68wep'en ;3e 104 4)084844 544614 6upze16 40 aassa' 10 'JOSSa) 344 µe44
laypy'a3e4ms ay; jo J3UMO ay; 04425441430 04 pagp3sa1d suo4e)n6a1 algeOHdde Peen o) 01041103
pue Aq apple o;'asuadxa s,aassa4 ayp 10 34se184uanald 10 a6ewep 110)01 of 1)43)01) ay; uo ;awe
0) 'pappnold U13131) asJn00a 109)0 9400 43942804 '196µ ay; wog Heys IOSS0) ay; op o; os aassa'
ay; )o anew; uo pue suoywado 6u)ppp Aq pagm4s!p seam )ayp pue sass 8u!pup 10 811!13393)
pue builue)dw ay; 6wpnpu) uawl)oM 40113409 pue 441034 ay; pue A),adold ay; 10 uoyen1358Jd
pue e;seM J0 uoyuanald ay; 04 an!;ela1 lossal ay; 4o s;uawal!nbal pue slaplo a)g0uos0al
He 3911301x3 s,aassa) 39; le ;no 11103 01 :10992) ay; 4o uo)3adsu! 39; o; 40afgn5 suoyelado
4)e 4001000 04) 403134) sou)) 14130101) 294 was) 4224 00Z ;my; sso' Bu!u!ofpe spue) uo Nam)
Ram Aq 960µ!81p 45µ!e88 40awad 04 993)0 'Agway pa1ano3 pue) ay; )o sauepuno4 wino ay;
10 Aue 10 41134 (005) palpun4 0184 11144)18 Ham Aue 4))p 34 40U 'nose' ay; 10 11019910/3/ 44109;11 Ham
Aue uopueg8 0) 4oµ pue 4) 6ulUOpuege mom Ham Aue leuuew panadde ue 11! Alamos Bn)d 04
Iseatopdwe pue ueu)J1004o )lades pue y4)ea9 ay; of pue suoyelado eAganp01d amp; lot Apadold
ay; do uo1enlasuo3 pue uoyenlasald ay; 's4!sodep tons 40 110101 10 uo13n12sap ay; 01 wens
10 spues 6uueaq seB 10 Ho ay4 04 134018 )0 aouenu3 24 ;10 'se6 pue 4)o 10 alsem )o uoyuanald ay;
104 p1e631 anp Bwney'33!40e1d pue spOy;aw panadde 44)18331101510300 u! leuuew w)puewOIoM
pue poo6 a uy lapun31a9 suoyelado He uo 14100 0; 10993) ay; Aq pa;uwl6 s! Au4elodwa; suoyelado
51482,1 28Ka7 5 QNV I0
puadsns 0; 411391103 ssawn 'Agway 13101103 pue) ay; uo s4) do pue 'Bupnp01d
'Bu!!ppp u! 30113 6)!p a)4euoseal as1313x2 04) '31SVM J0 fd0)1N8A0121d
pies won 153011p0101 6u!aq seen se6 10 4)o 46noy; se 4034)3 u! 11!00131 peys ;sea) s!yl pue 'wow
(o) Aq pappnad )03339) 001400/4 10 0100 1ad 00'Z$ 4) (e w31 prune ay; Aed o; anu4uO3 Heys
aassa; ay; '4024)3 u! s! suoyelado 40 uo!suedsns tons due aw4 ay; 6µ!1n0 'pado)anap aq 000
Ham pies wed pnpold 34; Jo; la !few 11opess18s a se awl; pros )4)110 911048/3010 uo!40npad
4o wO1SU3dSns ay; 10) uoiss!wed 111016 dew losses 344 pue 404 Alddo dew aassal 344'4)300 pees
wa1 paonpad suogle0aply Jo 388 'Ho ay; 10) 4311201 dloloels!;es a yspg04s3 o; 3)40110 s!
aassa! 34141 pue sapeuenb 6u!led u! suo4Jeoo4pAy 1094010 'se6 'Ho 4o uoponpold 11!0;40 asea)
sly; Aq 13121100 spue! uodn 131!11 pane Aue pinogS 'SNOIIVel3d0 010 NO)SN3dSf19(
•pauie ;go pue pe4 ;sly 109031 ay; 40 6u1pm u! 4uasuo3 ay;
y;'m40123xe 'wane Aue u! 10 Aeon Aue u! pue) pies wa14 uoponpad )01540U ay; wend 10 13)4831
'PM) gesso! ay4 Heys nu 'aassa) ay; Aq 0404 p21a402 aq Heys pue) pies won uo!pnpad
1210400 041; 63133440 204003144010 '604010101 '6u43u4s2, 'Bu4w!) 541130132/60 3013010/01 oN
'uo!lelado )00100 04114
Ind Bu!aq 310434 )eno101d81041ossa) ay; 04 pa4uasa4d aq 4se; Heys 3944 uowwoO u! 30044 µe41
13410 pasea) 003104 spue) uo u0H3np01d bu!se2Jou! 10 6u1e)nwps 10 asodmd awn; 91043301
J0 sue)) 4)y 'U!31ay )asea! 2909; o; 91U0) snon6yu00 10 60)20100 00 510410 10 aassa!
314414 peeelado wpm Aq 43puna1a44 sob pue 110 a44 10 3601)!01p enpun ay4 puanal) o; pug pue)
pies 14104) a)q!ssod Apeo!wouooa se6 pue 4o 39; 4)e 10003a1 04 40003/503 00 u! 12U11ew;uap!g3
pue 4wa42dw00 a u! )asea) 013124 1110) ay; uodn seam ay4 a;elad0 of 'N0)10f10021d(D
'411011018 Aew suop!puo3 se 9'40)21.4009 311!018 Aew s41awisa11U) pue spue] a424g J0 33!4)0
allpue a;eoidnp u! p3u!wgns aq Heys spode; pue 'sdew's60) sly ')0993) ay; Aq 101 pap e3 aq
Aew se 'pase9) 1112134 spue! ay; jo 11010130101U0 4uawdo)anap 1ad04d Buipad3 u! 331104100101!
Jo aq Aew ley; almonds 3!601038 awes ay; uo spue) uo wawa 40 9110)4012010 10 uog3npold
'Spats ay; uo aassa) ay; Aq passassod aq Aew se uop0wlolu! 13440 tons pedal pue 'pue)
pies uo aassa) 24414 suoyelado pue uoppnpold ay4 04 6u!u!e11ad 041oda1;a4)0 tons a3{ew o1
'pue) pies uodn aassa) 39; Jo suoyelado ay; 94!18
110433111103 u! pasn 94/018/3440 1110 saw) did 'Rpm He Jo 004)030) ay; pue 3/8430/49 ay; ;0
;uawdo12nap ay; bu!moys sdew '3!0)32) Aew 4ossa) 344 se saw) tons le 1o'Ap0nuu0 alp of
pallup 6uiaq s! Ham 9302 a4!yM pouad Aep
(05) A1-0 4003 4 pus 34; le '10993) ay; Aq pagwosald 01101 ay; u) 'spode.: 992)60101 apt of
'Jesse) ay; 04 p3yspumi aq Heys 1031394
Ado3 60) 43!418 cobs.; Aew lossal 341 se uo!ewolu! lay40 4309 pue 139 3129M 1U0 az!s
'13u!se310 lunowe'pup 344 Aq palenaued s4sodap )0)30!3 pue spues ;Rem 'sUoyew1Od 944
10/84001093 pue Wens ay; 6u!Moys 'pas83) wa24 spue) 044 uo aassa! 844 Aq pal)1 9303
10 'lossal ay; Aq panadde two; 34) u! '60l a dose 01 '918001321 ONV S113M 010 001(1)
pue) pies 40 4U3)1103 se6 pue 4)o ay; to uo!40npad lepaawwo0 pue luawdo)anap 1ad04)
04104 40403553 pue llessa3au we se se3e)d 10 saw) 4309 we spats 4euop!ppe 43ns pp 01
'spue) 6u!u!ofpe wo11 uop3npad pue uodn seam 4394)0 Algeuoseal
op Alessaoau seam 4)e 112,430ga 3)243010 pue )I!1p 01 '0311180 38 cu. 9113M (4)
')0993) Aq pagw30ad 4oda1
4) 01101 ay4 u! 101 131183 aq Aew se uopewlolu! 1ay40 9309 pue aassa) -qns 10 40401ado s!4
'aassa! ay4 Aq pa ;emedo pue) 90006/003 to 6u)auloo uodn seam ;as4)0 won (103!40e1d 318400
'lemled) uop3npold ay; 4014penb pue ppuenb ay; pue 'pasea) Agway puei ay; won (eoH301d
313400 pannbal 8 Ham lad) top onp01d ay; 4o Al!!enb pue p4uenb ay; )!0lap u! 61101.099
44)0031344 S;11aw2 ;24S 1!yluow 040189 yslund 04) pug 'pue) pies 01011 se6 pue Ho 40 ales 1U0
)en0wa1 in uop0npold 10 44µ0w ay; 6uipaa33ns yluow 1ep4oleo ay; 4018P (4105) 41apueNq
ay; 310494 10 U0 403Wled 390111 0; 's ;uawlsanu) pue spue] awls 40 031140 244 Aq papuayca
asimla))0 s! luawled 40 awp ayp ssalun S1N3W31VLS ONV SIN)WAVd AlH1NOW
Ines ay; 01 131118)3) se6 40lunow0 ay; pue 'pasea) U121211 pue) ay4 40044
Nos pue pa0npold 3)onpold 134;0 pue 30!)0906 seB !e1n4eu pµ0 sob ))e to a0!1d puo'4unowe
'1031 '44uow 344 6u!mo4s spode; 1)y4uow '4118 pue µn1 Ho ))e 40 sa leladwa4 pue '934!0016
'4unowe 78al '4;004 'lop ay; 611!18049 8)10)31 awl ad!d !80!600 411M 10582) 291491010101
'Jesse' ay; 40 ;ue6e pezuo44ne 1'np Aue
Aq uop3adsu! 044404 saw); He le µado aq peys 40!918'9100) 134 ;0 uo aassa) -qns JO '104013)3
sly 'aassa) 34114 pa;el3do seam 4394)0 w011 uo40npad ay; 0; bu!u!e4ad 3909; se Ham se
pascal 013139 pue! 34; wo44 uoponpold ay; 04 6idu!epad spode; pue '8p10034 's4poq claw' of
a3uep4o038 u! 139531 ay; 04 uolonpad pees 1wda4 pµ0 sieuo!sS!wwo0 pue] 10 p1809
341 Aq paldope 000901n634 pue sap; ay; 41!00 a0uewo4uo0 u! spue) pies won uo40npad
He almeladw3410J4001100 pue 01nseaw '3600604) 14O110f10021d 010 S1N3W3811SV3101 A)
'109931 091 40 14301wd
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anoge se 003134; pled aq Heys 14)0101 a pue 1l!powwoo 84040das a 3418/91103 way; Heys
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000142/341 papaw auipse6 s86 )0184011 ay; pue peon paid s! 386 lem;eu 813918 sase3 u! (n)
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u! pµ0 posse) ay; 10 121104d)8 uo Apo amen 10lwnowe ay; jo 911!44 -0184 1333x3 low 11043811x2
40 4803 ay; 101 33110000/10 ayp 4041 '131131804 'pap!nad '.wall a)gp0npap a se pa1ap!suo0 aq
Heys 110!40044x3 40 ;903 J!24 ay; 31110906 )em10u 40 30)00 ay4 )o uo40u!w4a4ap ay; u! pue '109921
344 Aq panoldde se 24 Heys anlen ay; 3up0se612)41)8043118806003330)441)141810110) (n!)
'algeuosoal pue 1!e; aq 04 p3u!w213p A)8n)nw aq Heys se AlleAo1
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10 1930101) 54U34.112)2 pue 9200e49g419 9003906 pue 3010010 su0g1e301p44 10400 118 110
'ales y3ns wad
pazuea; 41100010 ay ;10'44'46!3 -auo aq Heys 1440401 ay; 'seam ay; le p)o5 se6 uo 104)4 pap!11o1d
'pasn 10 lops os se6 ayp 10 4;96!3 -au0 )0 yam ay; le 30'011 ;03)1001 ay; 'anyway; spnp01d
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pieswa4 pa0npad 's03U05gns uogje3olply 1091010 s06 peay6u!se3 Buppnpu! '886110
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4oµ Heys asea) ay; to 00,480!01431 'met J0 uopeJado Aq 41e3pewolne aleu!w12; Him 33091
ay; 'p3n!0031 uaaq say 11newp 10 33400 ay; Jaye step (O£) AVM u!y;!m pled 400 al0 AH8ued
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'1021 ley; 10) 1410104 ey4 uo 124!1310 eq Heys 402A auo Aue 101 pled os 'ewe; yang
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pug spue] x;24910 231440 344 04 4310412/39 60!111330 s;uawAed He 314801 of 'S1N3WAVd(q)
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9350 111 posealou! aq Aew asea! sly; u! pau!24uo3 spue) ay; 40 luewdo)anap eyl 01 loud
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0131103 asea) ay4 343918 uoalay; s4uawa0adwi pue a0epns ay; 01 sa6eulep 11e 4)0 4uaw4ed
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suogga000 pue sw8)15440 4)0 J0 eouepdwoo (In) a9; uodn pµ0 4004ay swel 044 ;Rau n posse!
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344 0; a)ge4d2038 eq Aew se A131119134 ;0 tons 10 '6U LLOAAA )o awls ay; u! 9920)904 43esue14
op pazuo44ne Auedwo3143ns 24e10d103 panadde ue 44!18 1U04 a 99)010) 01 'ON08 (e)
S33210V 339831 3441 1 004099
Before any road, building, drilling pad construction building construction or other earth moving activities
commence, plans for such activities (including maps) must be submitted for prior approval b y the Office of State
Lands and Investments or his designated representative.
The collection of fossils from this land is prohibited. Any fossils found on this land must be safe
the finder and given to the Office of State Lands and Investments or_ his designated representative as soon as
practicable after their discovery. safeguarded by