HomeMy WebLinkAbout870118Form Approved by the Board and Effective January 6, 1998 Records T OX, *t a /22'i in Book JF► t P„ r j D 8 4 Kemmerer, WY No. i -4 Jeanne Wagner, Clerk STATE OF WYOMING OIL AND GAS LEASE FORM This indenture of lease entered into by and between the State of Wyoming, acting by and through its Board of Land Commissioners, as lessor, and Baseline Minerals, Inc. as lessee. WITNESSETH: LEASE NO. 1 6' a 0 1 f PARCEL NO. OTC FUND Common School Section 1. PURPOSE. The lessor, in consideration of the rents and royalties to be paid and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by lessee, does hereby grant and lease to the lessee, the exclusive right to drill for, mine, extract, remove, and dispose.of all the oil, gas and associated hydrocarbon substances and gaseous substances and elements produced therewith, including sulphur, hydrogen sulfide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and helium, which may be produced from the following described land, to wit: 480.14 Acres Tract 52(formerly N2:SE Section 3) Resurvey Township 22 North, Range 119 West, 6 P.M. County ($1.00 per acre or fraction thereof) Together with the right of ingress and egress and the right to use so much of the surface of said lands as is necessary to construct and maintain thereupon all works, buildings, plants, waterways, roads, communication lines, pipe lines, reservoirs, tanks, pumping stations, or other facilities necessary to the proper conduct of operations thereunder. Section 2. TERM OF LEASE. This lease shall become effective on the day and year set out below and shall remain in effect for a primary term of five (5) years and for so long thereafter as leased substances may be produced from the lands in paying quantities. This lease may also be extended beyond its primary term in the absence of production of leased substances as may be provided by the statutes of the State of Wyoming and the regulations of the Board of Land Commissioners adopted pursuant thereto, provided, if drilling, completion, testing or reworking operations are being diligently conducted, either during the primary term or during any extension thereof, this lease shall continue in full force and effect so long as such operations are being conducted and so long thereafter as oil or gas may be produced in paying quantities. This lease may be relinquished or terminated at an earlier date as herein provided. Section 3. If the lessor owns an interest in oil and gas in said land less than the entire fee simple estate, then the royalties and rentals to be paid lessor shall be reduced proportionately. Section 4. Lessee expressly represents that, if an individual, lessee is a citizen of the United States, or has declared an intention to become a citizen, and is over 19 years of age -and if a corporation, is duly qualified to transact business in Wyoming. Section 5. This lease is issued under the authority conferred by Title 36, W.S. 1977 as to the State and School Lands, and Title 11, W.S. 1977 as to Farm Loan lands, and shall be subject to and operations by lessee hereunder shall be conducted in compliance with the specific lease terms set out on the reverse of this lease, and with all applicable state statutory requirements and the regulations issued thereunder, including those providing for: the leasing of State or Farm Loan Lands for oil and gas; the conservation of oil and gas; and the regulation of security transactions. Section 6. HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. It is covenanted and agreed that each obligation hereunder shall extend to and be binding upon, and every benefit thereof shall inure to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors of, or assigns of the respective parties hereto. Section 7. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY. The State of Wyoming and the lessor do not waive sovereign immunity by entering into this lease, and specifically retain immunity and all defenses available to them as sovereigns pursuant to Wyoming Statute 3 1- 39- 104(a) and all other state laws. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this lease has been executed by lessor and lessee to become effective on the 2nd day of October 20 00 A.D. Lincoln Total Acres 480.14 Advance Rental 481.00 LESSOR, STATE OF WYOMING, Acting b s Boa of Land Commissioners. By: Dir ctor, Office of LESSEE: Address: City: Denver (Zip) 80202 Ra -1 np MinPral s, Tnr. her joceph W. Thames 1645 Court Place, Suite 422 C' Telephone 303 534 -3628 State: CO 'palepu!a aq wu Aew spue; peysinbuyel e111 of se asea) ayi Due eessalAq asmoow ou oq pe4s slay) opus ewooeq Buuey pJewwsnbuya y 'Jesse; Aq pon!em eq Heys ;oalayl umwAed ssalun aassa) Aq a!geAed aq peys'wake Bu!wo3eq luawysnbulaJ Jo lapualms e o; Japd anp Bu!wo3aq *poi IN 'ioswadnS se0 pue 10 elelS 01414 panoldde uaaq alley pe4s pue Jossa4 of t4geida33e uoippuoa to pa3gd uaaq eney pegs uoana4) seam ay; pue pug ay; pun evoke ewo3ag lou is pJaux!sinbupei 041 pue! ay; uo papnpuoo uaaq anal suogeJado 3811; u eioq; &44843 pue paBpapnoupe App apuarrns Jo uewysnbujeJ ualp,Jm e 'JopaJO ay; 4am ey pays pue 031)30 sAep (09) Apes any) 4j i s aassal ay;'peysnbupaJ aq og pasodad pue; uo asea; all lapun papnpuo3 uaaq alley suogeJado ul (q) pesos ay; Aq panadde s! gemysplbuy3J at ape all eq Heys luawysmbuyal;o alep aypaua 0 41 'Pelonpuoo uaaq envy summed* ou eq app o; sues u awysnbuai p!es 34111 uaey; aassa! ay; Aq pay!3ads os aq yons a p p p one; ewos p m Jope c ay; Jo aoylo ell t joaiayl 4d!a3a ;o Jnoy pue app ay; uo anaeaue awooaq Heys pay os u awys!nbuyeJ 041 'pue; ay; ua pe npuoo uaaq anti suoyeJado ou ley; uaeyI bugels pue paapa4mou>f3e pue pauap App 'Japuams Jo p ewys!nbuyel telgw e 'peas pawlsenul pue ueol aces pue pesos purl airs all We aj pegs aassa; sy; 'paysmbupal aq o8 purl ay; uo asea! ay; Japun papnpuoo uaaq alley suogeJado ou H (e) :smog); se spug Iles Jo uo!swpgns 10601 Aue Jo 1801 seJossaloipaJapuennspuepagsnbw ;OJag Aew ;peal gut 2!3ON38enS ONVIN3PIHSH10NI13d'SuopeaS 0104 Jayp Aue a Buwn33o 05483 awes ay; 101 Jo 'enpepo ;;o esneo Jew; Aue Aq asea; sell to anualm; pue uoge eaueo ay; 4000044 ;au yetis ampayo; Jo Gene* 11013!1184 Aue ;a 104)890 y 'alley as4mua4p 4346430 Jesse; ay; 434490 Apewoi algepnbe 4o 4880; Aue 135501 Aq 001310x0 0113 pJanald o;panlpuoo eq )00 yetis suo s nold 85041 1081041 Ned Aue Jo sesxuald pp ;s 10 uassassod 8ge; pue Jape-whew Aew 400004 aylpe 05803 pue 84308040) pet; Jepunaa4 aassal ay; Aq pauo;go 'se6apnild pue swap ge uodnalaym'aseal s y) Roue* pe angapq a aJepap'0ygd0 eg 10 Aew 400001 041(410901041 u! pue 00 yons 3o a3was ell Jaye sAep (BE) 4441 3o 4334104 e 1o; sa404(103 10 810484 yarn u pue 'mug ell uodn pew p01040601 JO pay44w3 Aq Jo 0314105 euoslad 444104430 44484043 Jo WW1 4ons 3o sallow antis yetis 435504 ay; '004044 ape ay) uo 033/0113 pue slaugss0uumo purl4o peas ay1Aq papapuwld suope66a lemma et610 JO loopy suopep1Mp pue '010000no0'sw101041)0 Aue 40 0308110543 Jo aouewijiad all u; 44084043 pe4s Gesso; ay; 40144 luau ell u! 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Jay40 43ns pub aassal -qns 10 /3484043 5!11 'aassal ay; Aq paleJado pue! snon6Huo3 Jo Buu3wo3 uodn 911090435 40 was (4034430116 840490 11090104) uo43npad a4; 30 A444enb pue A4!4uenb 99; pue 'pas804 Agalay pue; ay; wall (l8143814 0101490 pillow 1! Ham lad) uoyonpwd 094 30 A4!10nb pue Apluenb ay; Hemp u! 60!90345 94!9031344 s4uawa484s A141uow woms 9S!W n; oI Hue 'pue; 43485 wag se6 pue Ho 30 ales pue 4e400034 pue u04304304d 30 44u0401 ay; 60443003345 41u0w 184300483 3 413 0 Aep (4102) 41044009011 ay; alo3aq 10 uo 4uawAed a4ew o1 'sluawlsenu4 pue spue; gels l0 eau) 044 Aq papualxa 05!9010943 51 4404100 l0 awl; ay; ssalun 'SJN31A131V19 ONV S1N3WAVd AIHINOW 'pues ay; 04 pawnml se6 30 yunowe ay; pue 'pascal u!a4ay pue; ay; wag plos pue pa3npad s43npad 40443 pue 90430506 se6-401o400 pue se6 Ile 30 03114 pue yunowe '1034'yluow 044 Bu!moys spodal Aly4uow 44!90 pue un4 Ho He 3o San104adwal pue'sau!ne16 yunowe 'Jean 'y4uow 'Aep ay; Btymo95 spode.; aw4 ed!d 48045440 44!90 lasso; ay; ys!wn; of '105904 044 30 13068 43024409408 440p Aue Aq uo43adsw 091103 saw1 He 10 uado aq Heys 434490'Spue119440 uo aassal -qns 10 '104010d0 sly 'aassa; 344 Aq p04e13do 544090 436330 was 03443443044 ay; 04 6u!u!04ad 05394 se Ham se pascal u!alay purl 014 was uouonpold ay; 04 6040484304 5433404 4300 'splooal 's)looq deg; o1 '41!9004941 a3uep1o33e w 43550; ay; o4 03!13443314 pees modal pue s1auass!wwo0 purl 30 431008 ay; Aq pa4dope 50014010691 pue sap) ay; 41!90 a3uew10 ;uo3 u! spue; pees was uo!l3npad Ilea1nle1adwal10 ;1334103 pue anseaw'a6ne6 0 4,'NOIIO(10021d 30 S1N3W31fSV3W (1) 'lasso; ay; 4o A4adad 01115! Ho pees ay; se 6uo! se /quo Aldde Heys 'papin0d 043104 se 'Ho 3o 0601316 3313 041 '4014003 5444 puoAaq sasne3 was palms os I4o 444010/40 03!13414504310 5504 JO) ajge!l play 04 low Heys aassa; ay11e41 'pamnad 'uodn aa5eAHen4nw Aew aassa; ay; pue 1ossal ay; se 0301d 9345 ay; le 10 '53slwald 4305004 341 uodn 'pa3npad 94 440 041 4314m u! y4uow /0099403 8444 4o pue ay; 4318 slop (0£) 4941 1o; 964 ego 30 0844 Ho A11eAo1 Joy a6eAo4s ys!wn; A4esseoeu y Heys aassa; 041 suog4e3apny p01p144 4 10940 Jo 'se6 '440 a;geldey3law pooh aq Heys suog4e3olpAy pa1pup; J344o 10 'se6 'Ho se 9345 430!74 u! suog400o1pn4 Ja410 10 'se6 '440 All eAol s1! 8904 01 013340 Jossa4 844 ua4M 'panes pue pa3npad suogle3olpAy 430443049 Ja410 10 'se6 'Ho A448Aa He 30 0040410 03444 40441ew play ay; Jossa; ay; Aed of 590160 aassa; ay; 'pup; 0! 5a4;eAa pees 40 0644 u! pue '40ssa4 ay; 30 004440 ay; le 'Jo 'p90npo111 010490 sa0lwald ay; uo a64ego 3o aa13'suogle3apAy palpu!74 10910 10 '586 'Ho Aw8Ao1 He '3400645043 Aew 435504 ay; se 0340/34/33 Jo um) lenpwpie 93ns 0410 '109504 04104 JanHap 01 'SVO ONV 110 Al1VAO21 AO NO411S016910 (a) 'aauu A41e104 aq Heys 9093/6/44 1.1ano3al Aiepuo3as 10 Ho to u0g3npad ay; 60Helnw1s 1o; pues 04104 pawnlal su0g1e3apn4 p!nbi 10 se6 'loamy; ales elewH4n ay; o ;seldeoxa'pue pug 044 uodn sasodlnd bugeledo 4o; pasn A440n43e Ho pue se6 IameN (In) popi44 04398 se 9301343 pled aq Heys A11eAo1 a pue AI!powwoo a4eledas a 8404415003 ua9; 44095 44 p040 44ew aq Heys se6 AJp 10 anp!sa1014Wane 944 u! 4d3000 'pled aq Heys A4104016uo Apo 0001494044 4304309X0 00443586 seB 4040400 044 pue p0304301d s4 sob 401n10u 048490 50583 01 (n) 'play awes 094 wail S3A40101 51! Jo) e3uawy )0 salelS pa4!u!l ay; Aq p0n!33a 4841 0841 seal aq 'awps06 4014140010 'se6 Jot 0304 ay; !legs 10040 ou u! pue 135504 841 JO 4843/16/68 uo Aluo am en 10 lunowe 34430 543944 -0901 4300300 Aew 0344381430 30moo ay; Jo; 0308903/48 ay; 1e41 '10409034 'pap!nad 'way applonpep a se p010p4500o aq Heys 03140844x010 4503 14e; ay; 00410506 4810180 30 amen 344 40 u044eu4w104044 044 u! 4300 905504 0343 Aq panadde se aq Heys amen all 00!43586 lem4eu pue seB uo sasod,nd 40401103 (n!) 'algeuosea1 pue 1!e; aq o1 pau!wlalap AHemnw aq Heys se Athena 4345 40 'wnHay pue '3p! eogo uogle3 '00604!0 'Jnyd4ns 'auelnq '0004014 Buwnlo0) 'p04301430 4o pa3npad 540awala pue sa3uelsgns snoase6 pue 09484 3osuog1e3o1pny 104;3 He 400 (n!) '0485 yons 0401) p0244ew lunowe 044 30 4446!0 -6uo aq Heys Al4ena ay; '544090 ay; 40 pHs se6 uo 4044 pap!nad 'pasn 4o p4os os 506 094 30 444649 -000 3o Ham ay; le amen 1a41ew ay; 'wo1(01044 slonpo4d 40433 10 au!Iose6 ;0 anloeinuew ay; w 10 ses!wald ay; 430 pasn Jo p4os pue panes purl pees wag poonpad'sa3uelsgns uogle3apA4 40443 se pea46uls0o Bu!pn;3u! '506 400 (u) 'pal0auuo3 aq Aew seam 041 93!990. 0)44 ad!d ay; ow; Jossal ;o;!pa3 ay; 04 544990 09410 p04an44043 aq o1 awes ay; '41001 pees Luau Nos pue 'panes 'pa3npad ley; 10 4146!0 -6uo 'Ho 400 :010 aassal Aq pled aq 04 5aH;0Aa all 'S3111VAO2i(P) 'eseal 6wleado ue uo 40400/30 5400410/6 ale; Jo; pled Alleuad Aue 401 any A11enw U0 11p013 a o1 paH!1ua aq low Heys aassal all Aleuad Jo 401001 Aed o4 uo!406Hgo ay; ueyl Jaywo asea; ay; Japun pam3u! 030064490 Aue 4o aassa) ay; 0404401 4ou Heys 05804 044 yo um4004w10i '9084 10 uoHaedo Aq AHe0Hewo4n0 aletyw1a1 lam asea1 041'4304!(0301 uaaq say wn84ap 30 00g0u 044 ;eye sAep (0£) 4 7 1 444 u!4llm Pled 40u ale Alleuad pue 40400 0471444)9 '1410u916 844 Jo ;ewe.; 094 409440 Aed 04 p040544430 444e604 400 54 095004 0111 'passasse aq H!m 4uawned 010; Jo; 013e Jad 09'05 yo A44euad a pue 'aassa4 04101 was aq 44!90 41ne40p l0 034430 'any sawo3aq 1! amp ay; a104aq 10 uo pied 4ou s! Aug 044 31 'aassal ay; 04 was 99 Heys anp ;ewe.; 40 031430 oN '101001044 Jean ;pea 4300 100A my; app Jo; aouenp8 u! 84gened aq Heys sasea4 He uo 5404001 4840011 'Jean ley; 1031;401w ay; uo paypa43 aq Heys 400A 6uo Aue 4o; p!0d os !84004 90ng 'luaw00160 Aq pa6uey3 ssagun 'loamy; 00!1304310 0130 lad 00'ZS 10 401001 eenuue ue 'spew sem A10/033S4p 484138 4311490 u! lea( asea; 341 604paeoons 1eaA 05801 04140 Aep 4 9 41 44!" Bu!uu!Baq a3uenpe u! 435504 ay; Aed 04 sagyuenb Bu!Aed u! se6 10 440 )0 AJanoos!p 0941°4)' 'loamy; u0H3e43 10 0138 lad 00'4$ 10 40400 !enuue ue '43004 01043 04443010 ay; 44!" 6u!uu!6aq 'a3uenpe u! 435504 041 Aed o1 sa!4euenb 004404 u! se6 10 Ho 30 AJano3s1p 841 04 1041d 'S1V1N32i(0) '0090 8 6u!woAM '00004040 '400139 4494( ;sem a l 's4uaw4sanul pue spue; gels ;0 031430 041 0; lapunaay 6u!nJ03e s;uawAed 140 a3lew 01 $1N3WAVd(q) 'se6 10 440 40 11040341443 341/0110 4100 suogemdo 6044441(440lueumouawwo3 uodn appap Aew Josses ay; se slunowe 0498035804 4345 u! pa50aJou! aq Aew 05004 5494 u! pau!014uo3 spue) ay; 10 7uawdo4enap 041 01 Joud paysiwr4spuoq 10 puoq tong •pasea4 0549010443 p;os uaaq say 43!49010 a3e4IDS ay; spurs 519403 05804 ay; 01040. Poway; 640aw04adwl pue 0383145 ay) 01 sa6ewep He )0 40awAed 841 40 p840!11puo3 0540 pue '0481044 6w404a1 suo44e4n6a1 pue sa4n1 944 pue asea; 5!114 30 suoppuoo pus 0 4 9 44 3 0 moo eou4Hdwoo pi soul uodn pue '308494 SW103 841 3epun 135584 04101 6wn133e sa!Henw pue Sle4ual He 40 4uewned ay; uodn pauompuo3 'S4auo!sslwwo0 purl 3o 431038 gels ay; 4o 50441 4400143 ay; Aq p0440631 se Jens leuad 041 u! '405504 ay; 0; 04904da330 aq Aew se Alamo 10443 y3ns 10 'Bu! WOAM 40 94015 041 u! ssawsnq 43esue44 04 p02310410e Auedwoo A;ams 040134433 panadde ue 44!90 puoq a 954w01 0 1 'ON08 (e) 5330194/ 3399313111 4 0011309 i Before any road, building, drilling pad construction, building construction or other earth moving activities commence, plans for such activities (including maps) must be submitted for prior approval by the Office of State Lands and Investments or his designated representative. The collection of fossils from this land is prohibited. Any fossils found on this land must be safeguarded by the finder and given to the Office of State Lands and Investments or his designated representative as soon as practicable after their discovery. 586