HomeMy WebLinkAbout877513 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In co~pli~nce wilh IAe £~RA/t,'E ?A'ItP~/TUATION AND FILIN~ ~CT, ~yomi~p Slalules, 1997, Seclio~ 33--g9-140, el. seq., ~ Regulations of the ~oard of Repislr~lio~ for Professional I~%gi~eers a~d Professional La~ Su~eyors.) Reverse 'si~e of this fo~ ~a~ be ~e~ if more space is needed. Record of o~ginal su~ey and cilu!ion of source of hislo~cal information (if co~er ~' losl or oblileraled), l)esc~plion of cow, er monumenlalion evidence found and/or monument and accesso~es established lo pe~eluale the location of lh~ corner. Skelch of relative location W monumenl, accesso~es, and rWerence poinls wilh course and distance lo adjacenl corner(s) (if determined in this su~ey). Method and rationale for reeslablishmenl W lost or oblileraled West 1/4 Corner, Section 23, T 24 N, R 114 W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming RECORD: Set an iron post, 3 ft. long, I in. in dia., 26 ins. in the ground, for ¼ sec. cor., marked on brass cap S22 ¼ on W half and S23 on E. half. FOUND: A 2½" G.L.O. brass cap, on a 1" diameter iron post, projecting 16", firmly set, marked as shown below. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER CORNERS. CROSS INDEX DIA GRAM ~'i~n/Age~cy, Address Tit= co~ter racor~:~:~ prepa're~ -~ C ~-~ ~ and supe'rvision. ......--- ~ ~ T- " 4- 6 t- -- ~ - 5 -H - · ~ - 4 q- - P.L GROSCH CONS[RUCTION, INC. I. I I '~ ~ J I ~ I I I I t ' I I I I I I ~ P.O. 80x J6 * WOR~ND, ~ * 82401 --,-~'~ -~'~:-::[~'- ,-'o'~-~=~r=-,,,-r-'- -[-,~'¢- -L;4-:'' "LI -'~'-~ -' , , -'" ~.- -LTM _~ 18-~ --1~6- L 15-~ --L t~4-~-- ~ 13-[-- ~ -~,',-~-i ~-,-~ -,-=- ,-~r ----, , _li_]_l~-~o~---,, ~-~,- ~-~=-,~,-~?=_~_~,=_ , 'l-'f-F- ?'-~ ,,_,_ -~ =- -4AJ----~L-I-.. J_ F~Z_i _lJ_l Ill _LI - --~-~q- --I-~q- ~ ,,,, ,, ,'1,- ~t-~--~: ,,, -(~- com~,: West 1/4 Corner s~,t~: 23 r24N /~l14W; 6th P.~l. Cros~-Ina~zNo.. P-17