HomeMy WebLinkAbout877514 State of Wyoming Corner Record
(In co?nptia~ce ~itl% the CORNER P~WPETUATIONAND tTLINGA~T, ~yo~g S~u~es, 1997..~ec~o~ 33-E9-140, e~. se~,, ~d ~e l~es ~d
Reverse side of this fo~ may be ~ed if ~ore space is ~e~ded.
Record of original su~ey and cilalion of source of histo~cal info~aalion (if co.er is losl or oblileralcd). Descriplion of
co.er monumenlalion evidence formal and/or monument and accesso~es established lo peu)eluale U~e localion of lhis
co.er. Skelch of relalive localion of monumenl, ~ccesso~es, and reference poinls wilh course and dislance lo edjacenl
corner(s) (if delermined in this su~ey). Melhod and rationale for reeslablis&menl of lost or obliler~ied comer~
Sou~h 1/4 Coc~ec, Section 23, T 24 N, R 114 ~, 6th P.~., Lincoln County, ~yomin~
RECORD: 5et a~ icon post, 3 ft. ]on~, 1 5n. in dia., 26 ~ns. ~n the qcound, for
q sec. cee., marked on brass cap, ~23 q on N. half and 526 on 5. half,
and raised a mound of stone, 2 ft. base, lq ft. h~qh, N. of cee.
FOUND: A 2½" G.L.O. brass cap, on a 1" diameter iron post, projecting 10",
firmly set, marked as shown below.
a~e oZ ~'ietd Wore: 6/21.f2001 OZfiee Refere.ce: 51E01
CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Fir'm/Agency, Address This comer record ~ prepared
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Comer N6me: So~t 1/4 corner
se~t~,: 23 r 24N ~j14W;~,.u. c,o~,-~n~= ~o.: R-19