HomeMy WebLinkAbout877515 State of Fyoming Corner Record (Iz~ 'compLiance w~th U~e £~RNER PERPETUATION ~ND FILING ~T, ~o~g S~u~es, 1997. ,~ec~o~ 33-~9-140, e~. se~., ~ ~e R~es ~n~ l~eg~latio~s of t~e ~o~rd of Heg~ratio~ for Professional E~ginee~s a~d Professio~l La~d S~eyors.) Reverse side of this fo~ vary be ~ed if ~ore space is needed. Record of o~ginat sumey and citation of source of hisiomcat in]o~ation (if comer is lost or obliterated). Description of comter monumenlalion evidence found and/or monument and accessoNes established lo pe~eluale the location of lh~ corner. Sketch of relative location of monument, accessoNes, and reference points wilh course and distance lo adjacent comer(s) (if determined in this su~ey). Metaoa ~na rationale for rcestaOtishment of lost or obtitcratea comer. North 1/4 Corner, Section 23, T 24 N, R 114 ~, 6th P.H., Lincoln County, ~yom~n9 RECORD: Set an iron post, 3 ft. long, 1 in. in dia., 26 ins. in the ground, for ¼ sec. cor., marked on brass cap, S 14 ¼ on N. half and S 23 on S. half. FOUND: A 2½" G.L.O. brass cap, flush with the surface of the ground, marked as shown below. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER CORNERS. D S14 S23 < -'~ 1909 o~te oS/,'~etd Wor~: 6/22/200I OSSice R~Sere,ee: 51E01 CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Ay~cy, Address 'l't~s co.er record was prepared - ~- 6 t- -' ~- ~ -h- ' ~- 4 t ~- 3 ~- ~- z ~ -- ~- ~ - I- c P.E. CROSCH CONMRUCTION, INC. ] , I I I I II I I I I I I: I I I ~ P.O. BOXJ6*WOR~NO,~82401 I I ~ I I I lA ~ I L _~ L~_ (JOT)547-MM*E~(507)547-858g --l-~ - ~--~ 'T~ i---I--~ ~- 7 .~- _~.~o.~_ -T~- ..... - ,-'-, _ _ _4d~_ d_l_~_~._r~_~t_' I, I _A ~8. p__~ ~?-p __L ~s_p__ ~5-p -4-1fi I I I I I i I I I~ I I I , · , _ _ffflq__LL+_s ~4J-- J_J__ I I _l~l I I I I I i ;__Et' I ~I - -I-~q_: -I-~q- -I-:gq- I I ~ I I co~e~N~: North 1/4