HomeMy WebLinkAbout877516 State of Wyoming Corner Record
(In compliance tvilh lhe C~RNt~'R Pt, WPt.'TUATIONAND FILINGA~T, Wyoming S~lutes, 1997, 3ec~io~ 33-29-140, el. seq., ~d l&e Ru~es ~d
Regulatio~ of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Su~eyors.)
Reverse side of this fo~ vnay be ~ed if more space is needed.
Record of o~ginal sumey and cilation of source of hisioNcal info.nation (if corner ~' lost or oblileraled). DescNption of
co~er monumenlalion evidence found and/or monument and accesso~es established lo pe~eluale the location of
co~er. Skelch of relative location of monumenl, accesso~es, and reference points with course and distance lo adjaceni
corner(s) (if delemined in this su~ey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated co.er.
Northwest Corner, Section 23, T 24 N, R 114 ~, 6th P.~., Lincoln County,
RECO~: Set an icon post, 3 ft. long, 2 in. ~n dia., 24 ins. ~n the 9cound, for
coc. of secs. 14, 15, 22 and 23, marked on bcass cap
T24~ S 15 ~n N.~., ~114~ S 14 in N.[., $ 23 ~n S.i., and $ 22 in S.~.
q~ad~ant, and va~se a mound of stone, 2 ft. base, 1~ ft. h~gh, ~. of co~.
VOONO: ~ 2q" 6.L.O. brass cap, on a 2" diameter iron post, project~n9 6",
firmly set, ma~ked as shown below.
6/21/2001 5lEO1
Da~e of Fie~d Work: Office Refere;zce:
CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agency, Address ']'ld.s comber record tums prepared
[- o t-- 4. S -h- 4- ~ t-- P.[ cgosc, coNs~mcno~, mc.
IL4~-~LL~-'~--I--;-L~- ~iT-~-I I : : l, II I I ~ I Il I I I SURVEYORS'ENGINEERS,CONSTRUC~ORSp. o. BoxJ6,WOR~ND,~,82401
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