HomeMy WebLinkAbout972066Return to: Rocky Mountain Power Lisa Louder /SCOTT JESSEN 1407 West North Temple Ste. 110 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Project Name: CIRCLE B CATTLE Tract No.: WO 5782056 RW RECEI RE BOO LINCOLN COMPANY UNDERGROUND RIGHT For value received, CIRCLE B LAND hereby grants to PacifiCorp, an Oregon Corporati and assigns "Grantee an easement for a right o more or less, for the construction, reconstruction enlargement, and removal of underground el communication lines and all necessary or desi including without limitation: wires, fibers, cable and pads, transformers, switches, cabinets, and va property of Grantor in LINCOLN County, State follows and as more particularly described and /or this reference made a part hereof: Legal Description: AN UNDERGROUND SECTION 12 IN TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RAN I MERIDIAN, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING A 20 FOOT WIDE UNDERGROUND POWER OF THE FOLLOWING CENTERLINE; A BEGINNING POINT THAT IS S00 °01'47 "E 1 S89 °58' 13 "W 251.92 FEET FROM THE EAS RUNNING THENCE S89° 56'30 "W 279.93 FEE S02° 37'27" W 1269.78 FEET ALONG SAID CE 1159.83 FEET ALONG SAID CENTERLINE; T SAID CENTERLINE TO THE TERMINUS OF S PLUS COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORN NORTH CORNER OF SAID SECTION BEA OF BEARINGS FOR THIS DESCRIPTION; TH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION; THEN POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N89 °03'00" CENTERLINE TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS. Page 1 =D 7/17/2013 at 4:51 PM HIVING 972066 815 PAGE: 880 JEANNE WAGNER OUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY UFFORD, LLC JF WAY EASEMENT COMPANY HUFFORD, LLC "Grantor n, d/b /a Rocky Mountain Power its successors way 20 feet in width and 3000 feet in length, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, ;trio power transmission, distribution and able accessories and appurtenances thereto, and other conductors and conduits therefor; lts on, across, or under the surface of the real f WYOMING more particularly described as .hown on Exhibits "A" attached hereto and by ?OWER EASEMENT IN SECTION 1 119 WEST OF THE 6 PRINCIPLE DESCRIBED AS: �SEMENT BEING 10 FEET BOTH SIDES 54.66 FEET ALONG THE SECTION LINE CORNER OF SAID SECTION 1 ALONG SAID CENTERLINE; THENCE TERLINE; THENCE S00° 36'22 "W ENCE S00° 33'41 "W 797.50 FEET ALONG ID EASEMENT. OF SECTION 12 FROM WHICH THE S N89 °57'49" W 2647.09 FEET, THE BASIS 10E N89 °57'49" W 359.12 FEET ALONG E S00 °02' 11" W 58.57 FEET TO THE .V 353.00 FEET ALONG SAID 3 0880 Together with the right of access to the ri all activities in connection with the purposes fo together with the present and (without payment th clear of all brush, trees, timber, structures, build Grantee's facilities or impede Grantee's activities. At no time shall Grantor place or store a crops), or light any fires, on or within the bo foregoing limitations, the surface of the right of w purposes not inconsistent, as determined by Gran has been granted. The rights and obligations of the parties their respective heirs, successors and assigns. To the fullest extent permitted by law, eac have to a trial by jury in respect of litigation direct connection with this agreement. Each party furthe which a jury trial has been waived with any other been waived. Dated this 2g`� day of By: BV corp CIRCLE B i ND COMPANY HUFFORD, LLC Bv: Page 2 t of way from adjacent lands of Grantor for which this easement has been granted; and efor) the future right to keep the right of way gs and other hazards which might endanger flammable materials (other than agricultural aries of the right of way. Subject to the may be used for agricultural crops and other e, with the purposes for which this easement reto shall be binding upon and shall benefit f the parties hereto waives any right it may or indirectly arising out of, under or in aives any right to consolidate any action in tion in which a jury trial cannot be or has not k vcw 201 nagement Services, Inc., an Idaho tion, the Manager Cortney ddiard, President ti 0881 STATE OF IDAHO )ss. County of Bonneville On the ;7 a"N day of June, 2013, before me the undersigned, a notary public in and for said State, personally appeared Cortney Liddiard, known or identified to me to be the President of BV Management Services, Inc., which corporation is the Manager of Circle B Land Company Hufford, LLC, and the Manager who subscribes said limited liability company name to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation as the Manager executed the same in said limited liability company name. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public for Idaho Resid.ng at: My C Dmmission Expires: Page 3 cf 3 0882 O f 0 y 1 0 m z 3 N0 0 4 a z 0 5 70'4 C 0 c 2 m 1-., acv+ m K w '44 rr ro 0 m cn 0 F— CD 0 a. 0 w 0 m W RJ m CD 0 En aq 0 m 0 m n CD m m m CD N W w m c+0. 0 (D o 0 m c� 0 A w S n Z m 00 0 rn m M C CO D 2 R 0 a z 0 0 WO# REQ# 005782056 N Co N O Emp Map String 05224119.0 Circuit COK21 CI B CATTLE COMPANY i* Wal -2 9 0 a� v 3#1/O XLP Job Start Date Job Complete Dote Post Jobs RQII Posted EST ID# 06729 Print Date 06/10/13 00 00 �I CIFICORP Z A NIOANF 01 RO XO .E NGS atl 2 Scale 1 =200 Foreman CC# 11286 CUSTOMER CIRCLE B CATTLE COMPANY ADDRESS PINE CREEK ROAD COKEVILLE WYOMING TA E/ 018081 120/240 VOLT 2 Foreman CC 11286 D 018080 9 P1 WO REQ# 005782056 J O mz zAZ M r N O w CA 1 I CUSTOMER CIRCLE B CATTLE COMPANY ADDRESS PINE CREEK ROAD COKEVILLE WYOMIN.G.. Emp Map String 05224119.0 4 o z T c 0 "B z COK21 3#1 /O —AL XLP 24.9 24.9 3 #4- AS,N AS COK21 I N OZ O O O 4. IN x Z 0 A) 0 N x tnND O 1 v O D Z yFD z0 O 0 Z m x c0 F O- c- N qu rnN CR1 A° N Sx ND v� Dm D O AC A NC O XI r- r.)0DA 0m x-<z I O I 24 N R \t1/, I co o) -0 24 N R. 118 W. x Nmm 85 0 rn CO C Z a 0 o -4 1 PO Job Start Date Job Complete Dote Circuit COK21 m c fi rn CD r- 0 O CD Li CD w m A) 0., M Cf c+ 0" CO cn ai CD CD AN'ad11033111V3 2 313213 Post Jobs RQII Posted 0 O 0 m EST ID 06729 ooc '�o 000 oo o W NW o Vi m D 0 z r -m CAA. Ill M O 0 X D N z x v 0 0 <z c A D a] I* m E m� 73 xi N 0 a m rn 0 68 00 k N O �PACIFICORP 4 Z A 1®AYF1ticNI OItAOY H2) NGS 00NP DF 3 Print Date 06_/1 00 00 Scale 1= 200'