HomeMy WebLinkAbout877517 State of Wyoming Corner Record
(1~ corapli~ce wilh the £~R~,'E PE/IP~'TII~TIO~ AND FILING ~T, Wyoming Sialules, 1997, ~eclio~ 33-~9-140, el. seq., ~
lteyulalio~ of the ~oard of Regislraiio~ for Professional I;'h~i~ee~s ~d Professional L~d ~eyors.)
Reverse side of this fo~ z~ay be ~ed if more space is ~eeded.
Record of o~ginal su~ey and cilalion of source of hislo~c~ infO~nalion (if co.er ~' losl or oblileralcd). Desc~plion of
co.er monumenlalion evidence found and/or monumenl and accesso~es established lo pe~eluale lhe localion of lhis
corner. Skelch of relative loc~lion of monumenl, accesso~es, and reference pvinls wilh course and dislance lo adjacenl
corner(s) (q delermined in lhis su~ey). Melhod and ratio~le for reeslablist~menl g losl or oblileraled
~est 1/4 Cornet, Section 14, T 24 N, ~ 114 ~, 6th P.~., L~ncoln County,
RECORD: Set an iron post, 3 ft. long, 1 in. in dia., 26 ins. in the ground, for
¼ sec. cor., marked on brass cap S15 ¼ on W. half and S14 on E. half,
and raise a mound of stone, 2 ft. base, 1½ ft. high, W. of cor.
F~__.UND: A 2½" G.L.O. brass cap, on a 1" diameter iron post, projecting 16",
~ ~fi~.l~y., set marked as shown below.
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a~ o1~i~ld ~or~: 6/21/2001 ossi~e neSerm~e: 51E01
CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Fiwr~/Age~cy, Address l'l~is cor~er vecov~ ~ prepared
I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I P.O. BOgJ~*~OR~O,~*8240t
[ I ~ I I ~ I I Z I I J -~LZ_ (JOOJ47-JJJ2 *UX(307)J47-8589
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c'o~ N~m~: West 1Z4 Corger s~.: 14 r 24N n114W; 6th p,~, c~o~-m~ ~o,: L-17