HomeMy WebLinkAbout877518 StaLe of W~voming Corner Record (in compliance wilh ihe £ORNER P£RPI,'TUATION AND FILIN~ ~CT, Wyoming Slal~des, 1997. Sectio~ 33-~9-i40, el. s~q., ~nd lhe l~ies and Reverse side of this fo~ may be ~ed if more space is needed. Record g o~ginal su~ey and cilalion g source g hislo~cal info.aliGn (if co.er ~ losl or oblileraled). Desc~plion g co.er monumenlalion evidence found and/or monumenl and accesso~es established lo pe~eluale the localion of this co.er. Skelch of relalive location of monumenl, accesso~es, gnd reference puinls with course and dislance lo adjacent co~er(s) (if delermined in this su~ey). Melhod and ralionale for reeslablisi~menl of lost or oblilcTalcd comer. ~ast 1/4 Corner, Section 23, T 24 N, R 1t4 ~, 6th P.H., Lincoln County, ~yom~n~ RECORD: Set an ]con post, 3 ft. long, 1 in. in dia., 26 ins. in the ~cound, for q sec. ccc., marked on brass cap S23 k on ~. hail and 524 on [. ha]f, and raise a mound of stone 2 ft. base, 1~ ft. high, ~. of ccc. FOUND: A 2½" G.L.O. brass cap, on a 1" diameter iron post, projecting 10", firmly set, marked as shown below. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER CORNERS. L*J '~ ' :'':;'~ ~ ..... Dale o/ field Wot*:. 6/22/2001 O#ice ~.rm:n~e: 5lEO1 CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Fiwrr~/Ager~cy. Address Th/s co~er record ~as I I ~ [ I ~ I I ~ I I , ~s[p~o~: and supe~ision. I-~- ~--I--l- _~q__~___l_~r__~q- s ' I I I I I I I II I I i I i i P.O. BOX J6*FOR~NO, ~82401 · ,, '(JOOJ47-JJM ' UX (500J47-8589 -TT~- _I LZ_ i-, .... q-.~.y -I1~-~ -~-lll-f- -i--I-- ~ -mTn- - la-H Z:?_HI_Zi~_HI_Z:S_H.__Li,i.H__Zia_i_ -vT- ~-:-C --rT~---I--~F- i- - - T ~ -- :F~T_L- I q- ~ ~-- -- L L ~l -l-~q - [-I-~ q - -l-a~q - -l-~q - , , , , , . .,. ,, ,. ~./,~,. ,, ,. ,, ,, :. :,..... Common.me: East Co~er ~e~:m~: 23 rZ4N ~ 114W: 6th ~,~. c~o:~-;~e:~o,:P-Zl m