HomeMy WebLinkAbout972217STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN AFFIDAVIT I, Ruth Ellen Call, now know as Ruth Ellen Pilgrim being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law upon my oath and depose and state: I That 1 am of adult age, a resident of Dillon, Montana and the Affiant herein. 2. That by virtue of the conveyance which is recorded in the Office of the Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming in Book 84PR page 310 is recorded a Warranty. Deed dated September 19, 1968, which conveys unto Barlow Dean Call and Ruth Ellen Call, husband and wife, the following property more particularly described, to -wit: Beginning at a point which is the Southwest corner of Block 25 to the Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence North 205 feet, thence East 256 feet, thence southwesterly to a point which is 242 feet East from the southwest corner of said Block 25 and running thence West 242 feet to the point of beginning. 3. That said Barlow Dean Call died on the 2nd day of February, 1969, and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to an a true and correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A 4. That by reason of death of said Barlow Dean Call and by reason of state statutes, the decedents interest and title in said property has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Ruth Ellen Call continuously since the death of the said decedent. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. CPJ .pti-7.4.,..., uth L• len Pilgrim The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to before me by Ruth Ellen Pilgrim this S day of July, 2013. Witnessed my hand and official seal. Commission Expires: g-31 15 RECEIVED 7/25/2013 at 3:23 PM RECEIVING 972217 BOOK: 816 PAGE: 472 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Notary Public MARCUS WEBER COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN illy; WYOMING MY COMMISSION DIPIRES AUGUST 31, 2015 NOTARY UBLIC 0472 61'4 Trtt, OR tMNT :IN' PERMANENT INK itt.ottootRR rot r w *maws IOCM Nli NYMgt AS ....NAME 17117 641151 P1kI�W DEAN cAI:L RACE .w0. -010. ,..e.rc,.. INa AGE.-...u. t. Milo 1►'a L'irtt 2., 4 1N.`. I TN,.11 fr YI� 1 •4i YNMR 1 151 DATE OF RlRtt) In Orn.. 151, f. White •I (W 1 roi., aes NOINS y N 1W I CWNIY Of ,7f�1rH s€kT� ;A ill. �'!(1', rOYM. Oil t6CAT7f)N Mw cm .RC I 1 T/'i r.: Uinta. -1 s.,c,N.ris 04 rq 1 HOSNTAL OR OTN 117 /}06 -NAME i• N0 IN 16107, LM 4`Y .)40 ryYM r Tr Evanston 7r U ti. Uinta Co. Hospital lief Of URTL n NO. IN u.s,A., NON) Ot12ZN 0. WHAT COVN1RY M ED NEYtR MAR st�iltwvR+C S O7JSE n w4- Yi•At'MiElMll t IdRho D 15+IeNV1 0511E 41!1.510 R! w. »0. .c,.i+t oECteRAT 60150[x (l lAl'OC FIXAAON �wrt «n d 11. K.44(4.. WOaOC NR, Wm Y 110ND won awe owNO rosl 0 r EYJO Of. WSME55 OIl iNOUSTRV nNrgN, 060 4 Pilot. tes.vlNee LOON I U. Pi_I.ot. U1 Own Aircraft ,nwssgN7 RESIDENCE STATE I COUNTY T ICRY• TOWN, OR LOCATION cm 4wrN (STREET AND a ME IL- i J. Lincoln I., Afton Iu. ...0f 0 it.. Box $1 w. Yea'. I ii FArHER- -NAME tNU .umu us, MOTHER -•MA DEN NAME 7nst N R«1 IS. Barlov CALL. (Deceased) INPORr ANT -NAME DECEASED 00 CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH O *TATH'OIt 1 ?w UNji'`,: RfA RMTOIi'1WrLIC'MW1LtN•' cERTrF1 AT oF OE.ATH TE t PARENTS CAUSE .•if57I/IEq 8051 r E le. Aldene: LARSEN.. MAILING ADDRESS 1 1)1,1•0. ..7a. ,q., em 0.7ow,., s. n +7. Caii PART I. DEATH WAS CAUSED LY, Is. vwFa ,h C •YIt or 1 J NM1M1N GNN w NAM t -1 (07 a m kow Cti"z .s fC.�•2. e/.1.- e.,.- l 4.. �l R. 000 0,0 1. 4,4)I, y -7 NMI 0 1 v134 I l 2C: IS 1 5 z; ,i3O1Na in0 ro. s A coN »ouRNcr of '"'7- r-•r i .r. 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I; TO 7 •.ro, MI Nn tl.'. 15!1010'00 (�Y O Cv� 710: z'• �l 714.': Cain— Ttatot.i-7 r.71— 4 2 5 tl. :7 �t. Io *re c. s1 AS, 0 en W ...JIM o MA* me or ...Ow w4 .0..0.m 0100 C RAYINANI d we AMf +0 /aA 157 41Nttr70ArrON, 7I Y.WM IjM?MtTA��M�� tF N+t Wag N0 Int 70 Aft 4.141 STATIC. E CE+f M. YI VJ $�{NA S f 14* o C AT Kar(D 1006 Cwr,.r[A11 S I DE S rk 2 -4 -69_ CLAI/ER MIN 04 CAA. No. Cm a 0[77 »vin+ on �Iledical: G o E S 71eR WAAL I MA ■MOYAL L n QN 1 i E "Re `fir CM Of+ow. tT•n Nt. Ativanj'LaniyoM. Ol e11(NYN, C,r, .t•.r 'UNRRAI NAME AND .447041$. 1 TN ua •.t.I. WO 70156, MI 1.11..-2/3 Ili: Gilbi r t Bill /WON. /WON. r s %Fui. ral gone:: i Uinta St.: LPanston This Is a true certification of the document on file In the office of Vital Statistics Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming.. .This copy is not valid unless prepared on paper.with nn engraved border. 4A ..7 771. A nas. N loco 1065 437 OAT F144 NOV! n n /D James McBride Deputy State Registrar OAT, 'NAL 0473 0' 9