HomeMy WebLinkAbout972270AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: Kelly S. Davis Attorney at Law 408 West 23r Street, Suite 1 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 CHARLOTTE M. ASPENGREN, the undersigned Affiant, being of legal age and being first duly sworn on her oath according to law, deposes and states as follows: 1. That she is the undersigned CHARLOTTE M. ASPENGREN, who is named as one of the Grantees of a joint tenancy with DAVID L. EVERETT, in that certain warranty deed executed on July 12, 1989, by LEISURE VALLEY, INC., Grantor, and recorded on August 14, 1989, in Book 276PR, Page 345, of the official records of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, concerning that certain real property situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: Star Valley Ranch Plat Eighteen (18) Lot One Hundred Thirty -Nine (139) as platted and recorded in the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 2. That the DAVID LEE EVERETT mentioned as the decedent in the attached Certificate of Death is the same person as the DAVID L. EVERETT named in the above referenced Deed. 3. That all the estate and interests of said DAVID L. EVERETT in the above described real property as created under said vesting instrument terminated by reason of his death on September 3, 2012, leaving the undersigned, CHARLOTTE M. ASPENGREN, the sole and absolute owner of said real property. Further the Affiant sayth naught. DATED this 12 day of STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF C)c RECEIVED 7/29/2013 at 11:43 AM RECEIVING 972270 BOOK: 816 PAGE: 595 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP ss. 2013. CHARLOTTE M. ASPENGREN Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO by the Affiant, CHARLOTTE M. ASPENGREN, before me this \a_ day of )v,,\t 2013. Witness my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: Se1. 22 2011 0595 TYPEnR PRINTw ::PERNARENT. H DEATH WAS DUE TO OTHER :THAN %WAAL CAUSE9 :THE CORONER 'Stat'e CERTIFICATE. OF DEATH 6TATEFiLE 07824 09/05/2012 vewADOW WWII GGCIIAEST csaTEIYa FS WE A'K:I(EdetbA arnl OE DEPARWESTOf HEALTH ANOWDEARE AWED L AuurA iisfo Ya114E FADS em SKEDsmm vEA.N WSW WAT WAFo DARE, EAS ,f Local Reif: ,the GATE FI(,ED DY'STATE REGISTRAR:; It FOR AN" PLACE OF DEATH DATE OF DEATH II3r' 5 TO HC USED OR LA CAI SLS ONI.3 1.12ECEDENT'S LEGAL NAME (Include AKA's if any) (FlnL Middle, Lest, Suffix) DAVID:•LEE EVERETT' 41.AOE- Lasl:elntlday'`. 416UNDER 1 YEAR Monthe,;j Days Ta. RESIDENCE STATEOR COUNTRY 4C. TINDER 1: DAY 5,,o4: simian OF DISPOSITION.- Den4 :P .0 Bu4a1:: ®:C1.91n0 0 1IPn E O 0 Removal from Idaho 2 0 Other Specify) 17e,.EIGNATURE OF FUNERAL SERVICE UCENSEE OR PERSON ACT1NO AS SUCH Y F FILED;:'SCOTT'1N..CORNELISON 23. DATE OF DEATH (MOIDay/Yr) (Spell month) September. 3.2012:. 332 PATE OF INJURY:(Mo)Dey/YO (5pia m6hlh) Septelnber3 2012.: 3 TIME'O Eo ma( 00 01 02 00 8.:0A?E OF BIRTH:(Mo)DFy)Y() 01113/1944 BANNOCK t 7d. STREET AND NUMBER ;(155 CANYON;RD SIMARITAL'STATUS AT TIMEOF DEATH: b c N Me01411 M80ed, bu11824 led 0: V4dowe ONorcod 0 Never inertled Uriknovm' r 10 EVERIINU0 11i.,FAYHER'S NAMEIFIreL.Mlodle, Last, Suffix) :5'7 19ei INFORI4 print) Ac HARL O TTE M. ASPENGREN c� 136. RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT PERSONAL REP 16 PLACE OeCISPOSITION (HAM and address M ce)ne( crem1wy;:the 06 SOUTHEASTIDAHO. BLACKFOOT IDAH083221;. 24. TIME OF DEATH 124hr1 Estimated 00:01.02:00 6. BIRTHPLACE (City and State, Territory, or Foreign Country) IDAHO FALLS IDAHQ 70. CITY OR' TOWN POCATF140 7e. APT. NO., 12a. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME (Fest Middle, Lasl,Su ..BETTY JEANNE WILHITE LICENSE NUMBER (Of. liCensee) M0829 PART 11.- Enter other sionfficarg.condibon.s conMhutine to death 6th not resulting In I n DEPRESSION 30. IF FEMALE (Aged 10 -E4):: O NIA pregnant within pail year O No1'plegnant, butpregnanl43.08y3 O Pregnant at time of death lolyear before deem No pregnant, b4(.pregnan(, 0 Unknown If pregnant within the past wllhm'42 dayp:al death _Year MALE 3;SOCIALSECURITY NUMBER 70.1NSIDE CITY ®Vee'.: zCy .100' 9.SURVIVING SPOUSE'S NAME (If vide, give maiden name) 11b:,,eurr99LACE(Slets Tepltory wroreign IDAHO (26,'BIRTIIPLACE.(Sl4ler. )'erdlory;91 IDAHO 130. MAILING ADDRESS (Street and Number, City, Stale, Lp Code) P.O. BOX 4340 POCATELLO, ID 83205 16. NAME AND COMPLETE ADDRESS OF FUNERAL FACILITY CORNELISON HENDERSON FUNERAL HOME 431 NORTH':15TH:AVENUE POCATELLO., IDAHO 83201 101 WASCORONER CONTACTED DUE TO CAUSE OF DEA78171 Yes. ❑N0'(` `.::PLACE OF DEATH (19 -22) 19s';IF DEATH OCCURREDIN 19b. IF. DEATH' OCCURRED SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN A HOSPITAL:,.. v YDtnpellent 2 0ER/OUteetleut 90DOA 4 0HctPfce 1 Illyi6'O Nursing horde1Long tone can.i, Illty 61pDec84 0 1150)e' 70 Other(Speciy) 20.FACIUTY NAME (II DEt fe10)ly;:0l00 sVee(Nnp numpery 155 CANYON RD. +21. CITY;JOWN, ORLOCATIONOF.DEATN;ANDZIP'CODE; 22 cquNTY OF DEATHl, POCATELLO 10 83204 BANNOCK' 26. DATE PRONOUNCED DEAD(MgIDay/Yr).(Spell month) September 3, 2012 27..CAUSE OF DEATH PART I. Entetihe. eNNn of MANES 41ge0Ees,1 (1(1160 oi.omplicatlena -that directly speed eleeeellr. DO,NOT. enter tanninalayeets such es cardiac eSlyest, msp114iory ONeat OnY6)Ndculgr•110NIletlon ahovilnB me etiology: DO NOTABBREVIATE. Erder.only onecauseori:a Ilea IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Fln I„ disease or POhUlUOn a PENETRATING;IIEAD',TRAUMA rekul0ng in death) DUE TO:(or a a:000 69uence 00: Sequengelty list conditions, b GUN SHOT WOUND' m lfa (ea rV, dhp ro the cause WE TO (w es a consequence oft. Ileled, IIna e. Enter the I •UNDERLYIND.CAUSE :LAST,1OIaoao9:or bnjury iN me'ewM s !reselling In,0660) D es a COn OD: Approximate Interval: ...Onset to pear; 'IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE 34. PLACE OF INJURY (Decedents home, farm; street, constmcgon site, 1 36. INJURY AT WORK? nusingNane tas ry 1 fo rasl elct HOME d ®.No F 36. LOCATION OF INJURY: IX Slate:3DAHO W Street and Number or Location 155 CANYON RD. V 37 •DESCRIBE.HOW INJURY OCCURRED. IF TRANSPORTATION INJURY, STATE THE TYPES(S) OF VEHICLE(S) INVOLVED (AUlomoblle; p ckup mohecycle ATV bicynle;erela)- SPECIFY•' WHICH. VEHICLEUECEDENT.000UPIED; O applicable $ELF +INFLICTED GUNSHOT :TO :HEAD TRANSP,DRTATION :3Ba WAS DECEDENT O',Ddver/Ope101 0 PAasenger 1181 SAFETY DEVICES(S) DID DECEDENT USE /EMPLOY? INJURYONLV. i :.0 N 0 d Fg3'0 'i O':Pedes6taR D OI)?.eY (Specify) OSeat belt.' Child: safe :seal Helmet:: Alrb None' .,0 Unknown City/Town arCounty POCATELLO BANNOCK ze'boda 83204' '39a. CERTIFIER (Check only one, based :en.of0clat capacity for this rerllfiCate) 0 PHYSICIAN' 0 PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT 0 ARVANCEO PRACTICE PROFESSIONAL NURSE -To the best of my knowledge, death occurred al the Um dale, and'plabe, and duel o lli:Al IaW .caliee(s)Imamer RAMC IEII. CORONER On the'.besis f examination and/or Investigation, In my opinion, death occurred at the time, dale and place, end due to the cause(s) ..and manner rated :glgritera j0d TItle 09Ceriin v,' ELECTRONICAL SIGNED!'. KIM QUICK 28;.TIME pRONOUNCED ''i 124110" 09:00 230: WAS 'AN AUTOPSY: 29b.)NERE LA AUTOPSY FINDINGS PERFORMED? AVAIBLE TO COMPLETE 'THE:CAUSE OF DEATk7 p Yas .N O Yes Ne !31 MANNEROFDEATH 0 N lurel 0 Hbmlcide 0 Accident trending Investigation ca Suicide 0 Could not be determined 39b; LICENSE NUMBER:- 360. NAME, ADDRESS, ANDZIR CODE OF CE RTIFIER(1'ype cr:pdnt) KIM QUICK 1760 SATTERFIELD DRIVE POCATELLO ID 83201 REGISTRAR'S SIGNATURE 401, :DATE SIGNED "b i.... 2012 This is a trUR.and correct reproduction of the document officially registered and placed On file with the IDAHO 'BUREAU OF VITAL R ECORDS AND .HEALTH STATISTICS. lH AT t.... 0 I t r 11 \L" Il R D i f �r r This copy nut valid unless prepared on engraved border, displaying etatesea) and signature of the Registrar. PSNCO) )9L12• DATE ISSUED: ST ATE OF IDAHO `IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTFI AND WELFARE BUREAU OF VITAL RECORDS`ANDiHEALTa :STATISTICS•. '914%1114 L ID AI .Vn VALI AT W.11 III QM MI [Imp CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD