HomeMy WebLinkAbout870144LENDER: State of Wyoming 1. DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Mortgage is are as follows: MORTGAGOR: FLYING T, TNC A WYOMING CORPORATION P.O. BOX 309 COKEVITIR, WY 83114 The property is located in LINCOLN 245 SOUTH HIWAY U.S. 30 Refer to the Addendum which is attached and incorporated herein for additional Mortgagors. THE BANK OF STAR VALLEY Recorded r �.1,/�k:/ )63 at c M in Book -�+J Pa9e D. ,A: Kemmerer, WY No $r: :k.... Jeanne Wagner, Clerk P.O. BOX 8007 384 WASHINGTON AFION, WY 83110 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (With Future Advance Clause) Space Above This Line For Recording Data DECEMBER 1, 2000 ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WYOMING 2. MORTGAGE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to secure the Secured Debt (hereafter defined), Mortgagor grants, bargains, conveys, mortgages and warrants to Lender, with the power of sale, the following described property: REFER TD EXHIBIT 'A' WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. at (County) COKEVIT d.F, W yom i ng 83114 (Address) (City) (ZIP Code) Together with all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, crops, timber, all diversion payments or third party payments made to crop producers, and all existing and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of the real estate described above (all referred to as "Property The term Property also includes, but is not limited to, any and all water wells, water, ditches, reservoirs, reservoir sites and dams located on the real estate and all riparian and water rights associated with the Property, however established. 3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount of the Secured Debt (hereafter defined) secured by this Mortgage at any one time shall not exceed 41, 634.54 This limitation of amount does not include interest, loan charges, commitment fees, brokerage commissions, attorneys' fees and other charges validly made pursuant to this Mortgage and does not apply to advances (or interest accrued on such advances) made under the terms of this Mortgage to protect Lender's security and to perform any of the covenants contained in this Mortgage. Future advances are contemplated and, along with other future obligations, are secured by this Mortgage even though all or part may not yet be advanced. Nothing in this Mortgage, however, shall constitute a commitment to make additional or future loans or advances in any amount. Any such commitment would need to be agreed to in a separate writing. 4. SECURED DEBT DEFINED. The term "Secured Debt" includes, but is not limited to, the following: A. The promissory note(s), contract(s), guaranty(s) or other evidence of debt described below and all extensions, renewals, modifications or substitutions (Evidence of Debt): ONE PROMISSORY NOTE DATED 1211/00 IN THE AMOUNT OF $41,634.54 (e.g., borrower's name, note amount, interest rate, maturity date) and the parties and their addresses WYOMING AGRICULTURAL /COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE (NOT FOR FNMA, FHLMC, FHA OR VA USE, ANO NOT FOR CONSUMER PURPOSES) (page 1 of 6) c 19 stems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN 11 -800- 397 -23411 Form AG /Cum 10/25/93 (9 10 E efied) E6 /9Z /0 t AM uiW /DV wlod I l4£Z NW 'P 7S "uul 'swe3sAS smlue8 C66 L 0 Hum 1o201loysi •a2g2poyq siq Act rowan warm! Alunoas am 01 loafgns pump aq rpm 1Cuadold i11uosiad jo luatuaogrdaz irons •aouuigmnoua 101410 so 111011113312E ,Cipnoas `aolnap uoTlualai arm Aug wog aai3 quadoid r11uosiad pa011rdai atp or omit ur ignba is 111 Auadoid p;uosiad laglo gltm pao11ldai si Auadoid 111uosiad Irons rem pm/mid `alalosgo 10 u10M auzooaq 1m143 Auadom ag1jo tied u 2 ,Cuadoid Ieuoslad 3o stualr omit== or 114gu a141 suq aogeWuow rem ldaoxa luasuoo uallum loud S,1apual 1nogjlm pa1a11E Allgualetu .10 pagsIlotuap `panoural aq rum Ariado1d aIr3 jo uoT1.od ON •luasuoo uallum loud s,iapua-i lnotplm auugo sou mm asn pug buudn000 aIr1 alnl11u a143 rum may osle 1o2g4row 41adold 0141 3o asn 0141 or loadsaa ij1!' `alenud 10 °mind iaglagm `suoTloulsar pug Sluatualtnbal ram rig g1Tm ,irdtuo0 rum io5u2uoysr Suadold a1413o Sauedn000 pug duTslaumo `asn gutp 2a1 uollgin2a1 10 mei .spun ap11uz laumo 1a143° Aug s0 1o2E211o1\1 1SUIE2E suorlog pug `stirrup `aumpaaooid `spuEtuap HE 3o 1apua7 Aprou rum 1aEauorAr •luasuoo ualljm iorid s,lapual 1no141TM `,ivadold aIr13o Ind Aug 10 Auadold a1413o apuuz aq Amu goi1 M sasn 0143 5umt3ap 10 2UUTtu1i U0fl3t11S01 a111ATad 10 orignd 101410 ODUEIIlpio 8U!U0Z `1UEU0A09 0/I13111sa1 01unud SLUE u! aUBgo Aug or luasuoo 10 uT uTof `argt1Iu1 IOU mm 1o2g$110JA •sassu12 pug spasm snoIxou 3o 0013 1uadold 0141 slaw! Tian 1o2e$1.1oySI •Auadold a141 or agurep so ssoi Aug 3o aoTlou lduzold aapua•i a/4 At rpm 1o31151.1oj •,C.ressaoau Alg11uosgai 0111 legs silgdal ire 33fEUZ pug uoTltpuoo poo3 u! Avatar,' am claw' rum 1ogauo NI 'NOIlDadSNI QNd SNOI.Ld2Ia.L'Id `NOI.LIQNOD AINadONd 'TI •pauslys sT 1gaU pamoas 0144 rrlun sastgouu.t3 pug sauzuu ape11 `aureu 2utis1xa Sl! an.Iasatd rum pug atugu 1amo Aug asn 1ou HIM pug 1ou saop 1o2E2uoyAr luasuoa ua11UM iotid s,iapuaq lnoIr1rM •aureu snopl30g 10 ap1113 iamo Aug pasn 1ou 51114 pug s1ea,C ua1 18m am uTIr11M au.Ieu sIr pa2uE1O 1ou seg 1oS11$110JA 2ul3T1M u! pasoiostp uum lamp •p •itouaE iu11.10tu1u0n0210 Imo° JO aaplo 10 `MET JO UOIsIAOJd ,Aug alurorn 1ou trim pug `rgnoiddg i11luaunuano2 kiussaoau ire pantaoal snug 'pazpog2n11 Arty uaaq anti `JoRg2uorAr 3o lamod 0141 utt411m 0.1E NKr 3o aouaprng 0143 iiq paouaptna uoT1E tTgo am pug 1o2auoJAI atauow st143 3o aoueuuopad pug hantiap `uollnoaxa au, •g •sa1111ado 102112J01\1 14oT14m ur arms goua u! os op or pagllEnb sT `aiggoridde sir `pug palonpuoo !upaq Mou sir ssaulsnq s1T 110 1C11110 or pug A1l0d0Id 0141 uMO o1 i 1uo141n11 pug .IaMOd a141 seg 1oae2110 Ar •ssaulsnq slo11su111 aoa118uorAr 14o11M uT Sams rig u! 2ulpuuls pooa uT s! 1o2m poj •(uo1luz1ua10 .10) uotlgaodzoout 3o arms 8,10 11 1101Ar 0141 ur 2 UIlsixa £rpuun pug paztuma10 Amp s1 140114M A141ua ire sT aog112110JA •d :2ulpu111s2no SWUM 1go( pamoas 0141 sir gaol sE 5uinujluoo aq Ilg14s 140114M suoll11luasaldal pu11 sa!IU11JIEM 5ulmo11o3 0Irl iapuaq o1 salmi io8u2uorni `(uoll11zlueB10 1at410 10 uol1e10d100 11 se Bons) uosiad iganl11u u 1111141101410 A1!1ua 1111 sT 102112110 IAI 3I 'SNOLLV.LNNSMINN QNY SLI.LNVNNVM A1.IZNd '0T •a5e2uow slg13o a11p am 3o 811 Mgj Aq pallglgold sr 1! Jr suo!l11n2ls anog11 a141 ut luatuked ptlgtuap 1ou £guz lapua -I `lanamog •if141U01111ltlIts 10 U0111110d10011 JO 310018 1.1l10A 3141 JO 1uaolad Sz ugm atom 3o d!gslaumo u! a2u11140 E s! a1a141 (E) 10 :,C1pua relrturs 10 dttls.laulred 11 Jo saaquzatu 3o iagtunu JO 1C1Tluapr 0141lamp uT aSUEgo g sr army (z) :paaaaJsu1111 pros sT 1ot'1auoyAI ut 1salalu! JET04auaq 11(r) J! 1uatu,i11d a1elpatutui puetuap Sum Iapua'i `(uoll11zlu11B10 1aIr3o 10 U0!1e10d10311 se irons) uosiad r111n111u 11 1111141101410 1I111a 1111 sr 10g11511oyAr 3I '1IO0VOZ2IOIAI CIS. NI isa'aa LNI NV AO Nd3SNVNI '6 •pas11araz sr a211211oyAr srgi pug mg ur pred sr lgau pamoas 0141 IT1un 100330 ut u11110.1 Bugs pug Xuadoid 0141 t41!M um IT11s 1uguanoo 8!111, •,Cuadord a141 31ud ,SUE 10 i1E 01 18313111! SfUE sapnpur ogre „Ariad01d„ u.ua1 0141 `uoflaas slip Jo sasodlnd 3141103 •aige0lydd11 sir `(T6S .1E4.3 3 zr) M111 1111apa3 Sq pasodutr suo11Oulsal am of loafgns aq Hugs uol10as s!g1 `aouaplsal g,1og11$11ow sapnput iC11ad01d a141 Jr `lanamog •Ariadoid 3141 no asamJo Aug 103 101111110010 `ores 10 `1038111411 `aouulquznoua 'um! Aug 3o 1101311010 0141 uodn aig11X11d pug anp ,Crampatuuzr aq o1 lgaU pamoas a1413o a0uElgq alpua 3141 041141041 `uopldo Japual •aDNVNUN111DNd NO d'IVS NO aria '8 �utlllM u! sluasuoo 1041 =1 ssarun 1uatuaa1Rg 'Clunoas 10 1sn113o paap `aga11ouz 1aIr10 am `,Cq pamoas luauzaali;11 10 aloe Aug lapun sa0ugnpe aJnhn3 Aug 1da00g so lsanba1 01 loll pug `3o 110!8 =3x0 10 UOI1e013Ipotu Aug 1Ttulad 10 a1lett 01 ION •p •laplo14 0144 111013 sanla0a11o$e$uow 114141 sao1lou Aug lapua1 o1 1anlrap Apdtuoid o1 g •slu11uanoo Ii11141rM iiidtuoo 10 uuOJaad of pug anp ua14M sluauz1Cud I1 aorem 01 •11 :saali;11 10211211ow `a2E$uof srm 10A0 0A1114 S11ur 111141 pug ifuadold am uo a0u111qumoua 10 Isamu! 'f1lm0as loud 11 pa111a10 111141 luaumoop ear! 1a1410 10 411auuaaau Allln0as `181111 3o paap `a$E$uouz 1a1410 SUE 01 p1E301 141mm 'S1Sa Id1.NI A.LINIlpaS NOINd 'L •S1.13do1d 01(1 u1ulu1uu1 10 0AOHIT 101 8111 =411W .10 1og11i Alddns oqm sarlred 1SU111211 0A1114 1C11tu 1o2g2lloy\r 140r14m sasuaJap 10 su1Tgro `83142!1 Aug Tapirs' Aq palsanbai 811 Tapirs' 01 11218811 o1 saaa11 1O11310 rAr •0211 31oynr slg1 Jo earl 3141 iigduit mom 18141 swim Aug lsurgge Alladoid am or arm puajap rum 10 E 1.I0yi •luatuii11d 8,10 115uoyAr 2upuaprna sldraoai am pug anp 0111 slunotUE Irons 111141 saorlou Ng 3o sardoo 1ap11a1 of apinold o1 102E21101N a1mba1 ,C11tu iapuo' anp uat4M Xuadold a141 of 2ur111ra1 saa1ggo 1amo pug `sapripn `s111a1 puno15 `sluaul,Cgd as11ar `saouelqumoua `8uati `gluatussass11 `saxes 4411 lc 11d 414M 1011110J44 'T ULL .LSNIVOV SLSIIV'ID '9 •0211 1 01,1 si141 101gOU JO aouaping 3141 3o stulal 0141 t411m aou11p100011111 pug anp 11014M rqacr pamoas a141 uo sluatuii11d ire a1retu o1 saaa11 1o2u2uoN 'S1.NaJITAdd 'S 1.10!SS!3S01 3O 114241 amt 3o aoTlou palmbai Au11 anr2 of mg; 1apua1 Jr 10 a5u$11ors sr143 3nog1 amsopsrp parmbar Aug alum or `1gap 1ag10 irons 01 loadsal 1411m `srru3 1apua-I 3! !gap 1a110 dfu11 aln0as 1ou rum adEauorAr situ •8101440 pug 1o211auoy%r a10Lt 10 0110 SUE 10 `10 11 1ao1AI arm 10 auo Aug Iiq p011n0ut 10 01 uanr2 a1g 1E141 anog11 paquosap suo41g2ggo 01111113 pug saou11npu 01111113 Ile aln0as Ilan 0 115110yAr s!ti 314141 saaa11 10 1S31ow Ir011a '1o2E 10141 se a$11211orni 81141 811$18 uosiad auo 1111141 a10111 Nap amt or ullura1 asrM1a1410 10 `2uiAluel11n2 `luunoas a$112uorAr Aug pug lapua1 or 10 112uoysr 1Qap g 2ulouap1na luatutursu! Aug 3o suual 0141 1apun a0uutuaojlad s,loi;E 11OrAr 1qau 3o 03uaprng 3111 ur papinold 811 `atop or amp 'um `100330 uT arm rsati2rq 0141111180101114 snrd `a$1121.1oyg si141 3o stulal 0141 1apun 1apua1 Xq p011n0u4 sasuadxa pug pa0ugnpg stuns 1a1410 Aug put omit 814 pug Ariadoad 0141 5u410a1o1d asrmiamo 10 5U4AJ3Sard `21tl1nsu4 103 0041 =1 fig pa1nour sasuadxa pug pa0ugnpe sums I IIv 'Q •1apua1 pug 1021121101%1 uaaM1aq 3uauzaa1t111uno001114SOdap Aug o12U4111ra1 s13E1p1ano 103 sallrllggrr `o1 p01Ttu44 sou 11111 1114pnpmm `M11r pallgp4old 1ou wawa am or `as11111amer A11tr 10 484x0 Mou g0114M `lapua1 o1 saMO 1o2112uoyA4 suop III' •p map 3o aouap4na a143 ur o1 410110301 itil1104 sr a51121.1oyAI s113 10 10143014M aS12uoyAi 8!144 101311 paln0axa 10 Mou 2111181x0 1gap 3o aouaprna 1a110 10 `Artrei11n2 `401111uo0 `aloe AJossimoid Aug lapun 1apua1 or 102e4roySr 3o suorw a1n1n3 1a1410 10 1o21121.101Ar o3 lapua1 ur013 sa0u11np11 alnln3 iitd 'g .g 0 14 t1 6 not partition or subdivide the Property without Lender's prior written consent. Lender or Lender's agents may, at Lender's option, enter the Property at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting the Property. Any inspection of the Property shall be entirely for Lender's benefit and Mortgagor will in no way rely on Lender's inspection. 12. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Mortgagor fails to perform any of Mortgagor's duties under this Mortgage, or any other mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien document that has priority over this Mortgage, Lender may, without notice, perform the duties or cause them to be performed. Mortgagor appoints Lender as attorney in fact to sign Mortgagor's name or pay any amount necessary for performance. If any construction on the Property is discontinued or not carried on in a reasonable manner, Lender may do whatever is necessary to protect Lender's security interest in the Property. This may include completing the construction. Lender's right to perform for Mortgagor shall not create an obligation to perform, and Lender's failure to perform will not preclude Lender from exercising any of Lender's other rights under the law or this Mortgage. Any amounts paid by Lender for insuring, preserving or otherwise protecting the Property and Lender's security interest will be due on demand and will bear interest from the date of the payment until paid in full at the interest rate in effect from time to time according to the terms of the Evidence of Debt. 13. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS. Mortgagor grants, bargains, conveys, and warrants to Lender as additional security all the right, title and interest in and to any and all: A. Existing or future leases, subleases, licenses, guaranties and any other written or verbal agreements for the use and occupancy of any portion of the Property, including any extensions, renewals, modifications or substitutions of such agreements (all referred to as "Leases B. Rents, issues and profits (all referred to as "Rents including but not limited to security deposits, minimum rent, percentage rent, additional rent, common area maintenance charges, parking charges, real estate taxes, other applicable taxes, insurance premium contributions, liquidated damages following default, cancellation premiums, "loss of rents" insurance, guest receipts, revenues, royalties, proceeds, bonuses, accounts, contract rights, general intangibles, and all rights and claims which Mortgagor may have that in any way pertain to or are on account of the use or occupancy of the whole or any part of the Property. Mortgagor will promptly provide Lender with true and correct copies of all existing and future Leases. Mortgagor may collect, receive, enjoy and use the Rents so long as Mortgagor is not in default. Except for one month's rent, Mortgagor will not collect in advance any Rents due in future lease periods, unless Mortgagor first obtains. Lender's written consent. Upon default, Mortgagor will receive any Rents in trust for Lender and Mortgagor will not commingle the Rents with any other funds. Any amounts collected shall be applied at Lender's discretion to payments on the Secured Debt as therein provided, to costs of managing the Property, including, but not limited to, all taxes, assessments, insurance premiums, repairs, and commissions to rental agents, and to any other necessary related expenses including Lender's attorneys' fees and court costs. Mortgagor agrees that this assignment is immediately effective between the parties to this assignment and effective as to third parties on Mortgagor's default when Lender takes an affirmative action as prescribed by the law in the State of Wyoming, and this assignment will remain effective during any redemption period until the Secured Debt is satisfied. Unless otherwise prohibited or prescribed by state law, Mortgagor agrees that Lender may take actual possession of the Property without the necessity of commencing any legal action or proceeding and Mortgagor agrees that actual possession of the Property is deemed to occur when Lender notifies Mortgagor of the default and demands that Mortgagor and Mortgagor's tenants pay all Rents due and to become due directly to Lender. Immediately after Lender gives Mortgagor the notice of default, Mortgagor agrees that either Lender or Mortgagor may immediately notify the tenants and demand that all future Rents be paid directly to Lender. On receiving the notice of default, Mortgagor will endorse and deliver to Lender any payments of Rents. If Mortgagor becomes subject to a voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy, then Mortgagor agrees that Lender is entitled to receive relief from the automatic stay in bankruptcy for the purpose of making this assignment effective and enforceable under state and federal law and within Mortgagor's bankruptcy proceedings. Mortgagor warrants that no default exists under the Leases or any applicable landlord law. Mortgagor also warrants and agrees to maintain, and to require the tenants to comply with, the Leases and any applicable law. Mortgagor will promptly notify Lender of any noncompliance. If Mortgagor neglects or refuses to enforce compliance with the terms of the Leases, then Lender may, at Lender's option, enforce compliance. Mortgagor will obtain Lender's written authorization before Mortgagor consents to sublet, modify, cancel, or otherwise alter the Leases, to accept the surrender of the Property covered by such Leases (unless the Leases so require), or to assign, compromise or encumber the Leases or any future Rents. Mortgagor will hold Lender harmless and indemnify Lender for any and all liability, loss or damage that Lender may incur as a consequence of the assignment under this section. 14. CONDOMINIUMS; PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS. If the Property includes a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development, Mortgagor will perform all of Mortgagor's duties under the covenants, by -laws, or regulations of the condominium or planned unit development. 15. DEFAULT. Mortgagor will be in default if any of the following occur: A. Any party obligated on the Secured Debt fails to make payment when due; B. A breach of any term or covenant in this Mortgage, any prior mortgage or any construction loan agreement, security agreement or any other document evidencing, guarantying, securing or otherwise relating to the Secured Debt; C. The making or furnishing of any verbal or written representation, statement or warranty to Lender that is false or incorrect in any material respect by Mortgagor or any person or entity obligated on the Secured Debt; D. The death, dissolution, or insolvency of, appointment of a receiver for, or application of any debtor relief law to, Mortgagor or any person or entity obligated on the Secured Debt; E. A good faith belief by Lender at any time that Lender is insecure with respect to any person or entity obligated on the Secured Debt or that the prospect of any payment is impaired or the value of the Property is impaired; F. A material adverse change in Mortgagor's business including ownership, management, and financial conditions, which Lender in its opinion believes impairs the value of the Property or repayment of the Secured Debt; or ©19 ^•stems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN (1 -800- 397 -2341) Form AG /C 10/25/93 (page 3 of 6) (9 Jo y efied) •32e2uoyAA sail Japun slg2tl s,Japual 3o Aug Ol aotpnfald lnocpuM a21121Joj, sail Aq palnoas Auadold a11J 01 amen lgnba lseai ig Jo je.ialejjoo 111 ?M Japual aptnold jjIM Jo2E2uow u.nial ut pug 02e2uo1Aj sup as11api Atur aapuarj `uonalostp s,Japual 111 (z) pug :utgisns Amu su2jsse 10 siossaoons s,lapual pug Japuai gorgM `saal ,sAauuoilg pug uopg2pij to moo 44 uojleltuzjj inogliM Suipnjout `sasuadxa pug sapreuad 'moo uonetpaural pug asuodsai `dnueajo `sa2turep `sapt i `spuEutap 'stump `sasso4 44 Jsut112e pug wog ssa4UUgg suSissg 10 slossa00ns s,Japual pug Japual pmog pug ifjtuuraput 41 ?M Jogauoj (j) uotnoas sup ut apeur asturoid 10 AlueJ1 M `uopeluasalda1 Aug to gogalq Aug to aouanbasuoo E sy •asuadxa s,JoRg2uoj, 111 uotioas sail iapun suont2tjgo s,Jo2gRuoTAT to Aug uuojJad o1 `uope2tjgo agi Jou 1nq `10u ag1 sun Japual •111no1ddt s,Japual of ioafgns st 1tpn11 lions uuojJad 1n' aim 1aaui ua ptlu0uuuolrnua alp to aotogo auZ •.rapuaZ of itpne gons to sljnsar au liuugns of pug Auadoid alp Jo ltpng jelu0unuolrnua 1111 aledald o1 1aauI5ua 1e1UaU1UOnnua pagtjgnb 11 02112ua 01 `asuadxa s,1ofeauoj, 111 `saal2e J02E 101, 'amp Aug 111 pue isanbaz s,Japual uodil *Mel 1eluauru0ltnug ajgeotjdde gilts aouetjduroo ur am 1U11ual Alm pug JO2t5uoyAj 1ou 10 1011101VM JO :Auadold ag1 lnoge J0 Japun `uo paseajai uaaq seg legs aouuisgns snopi zeH Cu e to apnitu2eum pug `ainieu `uotleooj `aoualstxa agn (Z) `.Auadoid alp Jnogg 10 Japun `uo aouelsgns sn0p111zgJ Aug to arnleu pug uojleooj `aoualstxa ail (4) autuu°Jap o1 aUUp aiguostal Aug 111 sploow jje Matnal pug Auadoid atp loadsut pug 1aiva o1 1uaRE s,Japual JO Japual `uuuad o1 IUgual Aug asneo 10 ltuuad jj!M 1o5g2uoJ MIM patjduroo pug pauteigo am Mal IeluauIUOltnug ajgeotjdde Aue Aq paltnbal sjgnoldde .ro sasuaotj `sltuuad ijg imp uuguoo pug `AUadold O11 uo suopelado put satltnt1011 ail Jo mmu `Auadold agi loadsut A4re1n2a1 44th 1o$t5 •2ut1t1M ut sivasuoo Jog Japual ssajun papp11 aq Ij!M fats so dump `3juel gons ou pug Auadold a1121apun Jo uo paleooj sjjaM uado 10 sduunp a1Rnud `sajuel a2gJols puno1W1apun ou a1t a1ag,4, 'Me'j f111uaUUUOltnug ajgeotjdde SUE Mph aougtjduroo jjnl ut u!EuraJ jjags pug ale `uaaq aneg lueuai Aiana pug 10 E 1OjAT •s &Urpaaoold !Ions o1 2utJglal sluaurnoop Aug 3o satdoo °11!°0°101 Wu alp gutpnjout SUrpaaoold !Ions Aug ut aledtotued o) `uorleS?jgo aql 1011 lnq '2u!1 a11) seg Japual 'JuatO ue !Ions 111 lutpaa0old 10 `unejo `uot1R2jlsanut pauaigal JO &utpuad gons Aug st °Jain anatjaq o1 U0se31 set! 1081121104AT se uoos se SupJM ur Japuaa AltnoU A4a2gtpaurun 11!M 10 1.1041 •M11l 111JuaunIoltnug Au11 l0 1u11Ua1 Au11 Jo 1O2112110IAI Aq uotlgjotn Cu e (z) J0 :Auado.d 0111 Jnogg Jo Japun `uo paltoo1 aouElsgns snop. ez1H Aug (4) of 211!1114°1 pup! AUg 3o Sutpaaooid 10 `urtejo `uotndtnsanut paualealgl 10 Surpuad AU11 st amp anatjaq o1 uostal 10 JO 05pa1MOw4 ou sun J0211211(4\4 Mel 1g1U0UUUOltn11g 111IM 00u1p1o3ot ut uotioe 4etpaural A1ESS033u t1r 03R1 14th 1O2e$110IAI `Juana ug !Tons uj •A1Jadold agi 2UTILM3UO3 Mel IMUOUWUO1IAUa AUE to UOIIEJO1A t si amp (z) 10 :AUadoid Agitou uiO1j °maim 01 SUOJg31141 Jo s01111411 10 A110d01d 0142 Jnogg JO Japun `110 511330 aoueisgns snopJezeH to asea4al pauaigalgl JO as11a4a1 g (j) I? Japual Alpou Aja3Brpaururt i41M Joft21JOjN •3 Auadoid ail uo aou111sgnS snoplezeH Aue to aseaia1 ail ltuuad Jo `01 alnquluoo `asneo 1011 4!M pug 1011 seg 10 E 31Oyi •g •Mel Je1uaUnuoltnug ajgeotjdde 1114 11!M aougi4duroo 1ou2s 11t pug ssautsnq Jo asinoo eurplo agi ut ldaoxa `Auadoid alp 1nog1110 Japun `uo uosiad Aue Ag palpumi Jo `pautpal 'paaga11 `palnloglnugur `pauodsu1J1 `pa111004 aq 114M 10 `54 `uaaq seg aouelsgns snoplezEH oN •d :2uj1uM ui pa2pajMOUljo11 pug pasojosrp A4snotnald sg idaoxa `311143 Saa1811 pug s3UBJJeM `sluasaJdaI J0 e2'uo s *Mel jeluamuoJtnug Aug Japun „aou11lsgns snopl11zeg„ Jo „anseM snopmzgq„ „`saouglsgns otxol„ „`Jgt1a1guU snop111z11g„ se pOutJap saoUgisgns Aug `uot1111tuui4 1nogljM `sapnJout UUO1 ar4Z •Iuaur11oltnua Jo aI1JiaM `Alajus `141111014 otjgnd am 01 snora &uep Ajjepuaiod Jo snolafu11p aouglsgns 0141 Japual 1 434M s3r15t1a10e111g0 s11g gor14M nreutuugiuoo 10 luglnjjod '01511M '411410111uu snOpJgzeg 10 anpOBOrpt1 `34x011 Aug su11au1 „a0U111sgnS sno (z) pug :00u11Jsgns snop111zgg 11 Jo luauruoJlnua `aI113iaM `,dales `141111014 otjgnd 0141 &114111°01100 5101104 anrnaJdlalui 10 SUOrurdo 11110U0 A `slapio unoo `saoueut `suotlejn2a1 `sM11j 111001 pug am `4111apa3 Jagio 11e `(*bas 10 1096 'J'S'fl Zb `d' 1od Al ?4 ?geil pug uotlesuaduioa `asuodsalj jeluauuUOlinug antsuagalduuoJ 0141 `uotleltur4J 1n0g31M `su11auu „Mil leivauruoltnug„ (4) `uop0as stgl u? pasn s 1, E6 /SZ /0l AM 00 /DV wioA (L iEZ L6E 008- LI N N 'PnOIJ 'Is Qui 'swalsAS s,eluee £66 'f 'H V 'SADNV s ms SL10 DIVZVH QNV SMV'I 'IVINMANOIIIANa •Si •Me1,iq pantuuad s11 pug mu Jo aouaptng alp ut paptnoJd SE `aural OJ amp uroJj'30°33° 114 01E11831ISrg 0141 111 aouenpe alp Jo amp a wog 150101ut nag 444M pug pump uo anp 0111 slunoum gons IIV *moo uoj111p1ooal Aug 103 A11d o1 saaa11 Jo2g2uojAT pug a2gElJoysT sail asea4a1 01 saad11 Japual `pred A4411U3 pug AIjn3 5! 1QaQ paln0as 0111 amp sasuadxa 48204 1°1410 pug 'moo unoo `saal ,s,Cau1o11e `01 palturi4 1011 Jug iutpnjoui `0 11 3J0y%I sup Japun satpauuai pug s1t4 i1 s,Japual 2upoalold 10 2U431Ojua u1Japual Aq pallnout sasuadxa pug slsoo 4411 A11d o1 saaa11 1o21121104Aj •Auadold am 01 loadsal 114 Japual Aq uotleu4uzgxa 1°1110 Jo suopoadsut `514pn11 `sauoluanut Aug 114 10 Auadold a 2upo0Jold Jo 2upuasaid `Ruunsut 'ut1oa11oo ut pa11n0ut sasuadxa s,lapual 3o 44 pu11urap uo Agd °5411 444M 1ote5'uojAT •0 E5'uo sail ut lueuanoo Aug sagogalq 1ogeg1JOJA li sasuadxa s,Japual to 11 AEd 01 S001 2E 10 e2110JAJ 'MEI Aq paltq ?gold uagM Jd0Oxg •SZSOD isIOI.LDa'I'IOD jSaa3 SAaA41IO.L1,v jSINVNHAOD AIO SdDNVAUV •SaSN dX3 'LI •utt511 suaddeg 10 sanutluoo 1! I? )Inelap 11 Juana alp JaprsUoo 1°111101112i1 s,lapual ant11M 1011 saop Japual `14nelap s,JOSeauoJA 110 Apaura. Aug 3utst0Jaxa lou fig •14nelap 2upstxa Aug to °1110 alajduroo pug JJn3 alanbai 01 1g2u s,Japual Jo Jant1M g a1n1j1suoo lou i pajtl 0111 s2utpaaoold alnsoj0a101 1 °1111 Jo pa111101aoo11 s4 1O anp st aou11jeq 0141 lade 3 0U paln0aS alp uo luaui,fed Fund 10 luaurA11d 114 Tuns Aug to 1apu01 Aq 0011t1da0011 0UZ •1011 10 111103 las A4ssaidxa 10111a1M `Almba 10 M114 111 papinold satpaulal fig of pa4lpua sr Japual a141 pug `an lou put anjle4numo `1o11psip 0111 sarpaural 1IH 'AUado1d 0141 pas o1 1aMOd 0141 `uo1lelnu!j 1nogl4M 2Utpn40ut sivaumoop pa111401 Aug pue 0 112uoyA sup 'Nap Jo saouaptna 1°1430 `1qau to aouaptng ail 'M114 Aq paprnold satpauual alp 1ie o1 pa41t1ua aq 11egs Japual 'uoptppg 114 •101311°1°141 aurt1Au11 10 ljnelap 11 Jo 001101111000 0141 uodn `Me4 ,iq pal4nbal l4 ao4lou 31141142 1 °1311 `a4Qe,fed pug anp A[aletpauruur auno0aq pegs jgdtouud pug 1S0101u! pan10011 `s02lggo put saa3 paa1& an to Ted Aug 1O t1e `Japual Jo uopdo alp 1d •14najap ut st 1oRe2uo A sail I? M114 ,tq paptnoJd Jamul 11 ut 0113104 a2g21104A4 sup aso40a10j put 1qau pal10aS 0141 aleia400011 Amu Japual `Aug I? `suogepuurj asap 01 10afgns •suo410e alnso4oalo3 Jo3 sa4npagas aural 14s14g111sa ,ieuu pug sa0pou 1ar110 10 Saoriou uop11tpaur `01110 01 114241 0141 l0 a3tlou g1tM J02112110JA4 aptnold 01 Japual a1rnbal JJIM ma 01E1S pU11 41110p0I `s00Ugnsur 0UUOS uj •Zl9V,IL(I NO SaIQdi1Ia2I '9I Y�I 1 ?q ?fig `J u11dgns `0f6I Ind '?I'd'3 L ut pautg4dxa 1aqun3 sg `Alapoururo0 Jelnnjn041 a ue aonpoid 01 spuejlaM to U04SJOn1100 ail of 10 purl a1Q1Po1a Ajgpt11 to 104S010 antssa0xa o1 aingr11uo0 444M leg) asodlnd 11 Jo pasn 014 spaaoold ugo1 Auy •O 0 19 stems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN (1- 800 397 -2341) Form AG /C 10/25/93 L. Notwithstanding any of the language contained in this Mortgage to the contrary, the terms of this section shall survive any foreclosure or satisfaction of this Mortgage regardless of any passage of title to Lender or any disposition by Lender of any or all of the Property. Any claims and defenses to the contrary are hereby waived. 19. CONDEMNATION. Mortgagor will give Lender prompt notice of any action, real or threatened, by private or public entities to purchase or take any or all of the Property, including any easements, through condemnation, eminent domain, or any other means. Mortgagor further agrees to notify Lender of any proceedings instituted for the establishment of any sewer, water, conservation, ditch, drainage, or other district relating to or binding upon the Property or any part of it. Mortgagor authorizes Lender to intervene in Mortgagor's name in any of the above described actions or claims and to collect and receive all sums resulting from the action or claim. Mortgagor assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other taking of all or any part of the Property. Such proceeds shall be considered payments and will be applied as provided in this Mortgage. This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien document. 20. INSURANCE. Mortgagor agrees to maintain insurance as follows: A. Mortgagor shall keep the Property insured against loss by fire, theft and other hazards and risks reasonably associated with the Property due to its type and location. Other hazards and risks may include, for example, coverage against loss due to floods or flooding. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Mortgagor subject to Lender's approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Mortgagor fails to maintain the coverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's option, obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property according to the terms of this Mortgage. All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard "mortgage clause" and, where applicable, "lender loss payee clause." Mortgagor shall immediately notify Lender of cancellation or termination of the insurance. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, Mortgagor shall immediately give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. Upon loss, Mortgagor shall give immediate notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made immediately by Mortgagor. Unless Lender and Mortgagor otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property damaged if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the Secured Debt, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Mortgagor. If Mortgagor abandons the Property, or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay the Secured Debt whether or not then due. The 30 -day period will begin when the notice is given. Unless Lender and Mortgagor otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of scheduled payments or change the amount of the payments. If the Property is acquired by Lender, Mortgagor's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property before the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the Secured Debt immediately before the acquisition. B. Mortgagor agrees to maintain comprehensive general liability insurance naming Lender as an additional insured in an amount acceptable to Lender, insuring against claims arising from any accident or occurrence in or on the Property. C. Mortgagor agrees to maintain rental loss or business interruption insurance, as required by Lender, in an amount equal to at least coverage of one year's debt service, and required escrow account deposits (if agreed to separately in writing), under a form of policy acceptable to Lender. 21. NO ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, Mortgagor will not be required to pay to Lender funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. 22. FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Mortgagor will provide to Lender upon request, any financial statement or information Lender may deem necessary. Mortgagor warrants that all financial statements and information Mortgagor provides to Lender are, or will be, accurate, correct, and complete. Mortgagor agrees to sign, deliver, and file as Lender may reasonably request any additional documents or certifications that Lender may consider necessary to perfect, continue, and preserve Mortgagor's obligations under this Mortgage and Lender's lien status on the Property. If Mortgagor fails to do so, Lender may sign, deliver, and file such documents or certificates in Mortgagor's name and Mortgagor hereby irrevocably appoints Lender or Lender's agent as attorney in fact to do the things necessary to comply with this section. 23. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY; CO- SIGNERS; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. All duties under this Mortgage are joint and individual. If Mortgagor signs this Mortgage but does not sign the Evidence of Debt, Mortgagor does so only to mortgage Mortgagor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the Secured Debt and Mortgagor does not agree to be personally liable on the Secured Debt. Mortgagor agrees that Lender and any party to this Mortgage may extend, modify or make any change in the terms of this Mortgage or the Evidence of Debt without Mortgagor's consent. Such a change will not release Mortgagor from the terms of this Mortgage. The duties and benefits of this Mortgage shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Mortgagor and Lender. If this Mortgage secures a guaranty between Lender and Mortgagor and does not directly secure the obligation which is guarantied, Mortgagor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent Lender from bringing any action or claim against Mortgagor or any party indebted under the obligation including, but not limited to, anti deficiency or one action laws. 24. APPLICABLE LAW; SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATION. This Mortgage is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which Lender is located, except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located. This Mortgage is complete and fully integrated. This Mortgage may not be amended or modified by oral agreement. Any section or clause in this Mortgage, attachments, or any agreement related to the Secured Debt that conflicts with applicable law will not be effective, unless that law expressly or impliedly permits the variations by written agreement. If any section or clause of this Mortgage cannot be enforced according to its terms, that section or clause will be severed and will not affect the enforceability of the remainder of this Mortgage. Whenever used, the singular shall (page 5of6) (9 So 9 abed) •iilpua .to ssaulsnq (Llllug io ssaulsn8 Jo au eN) Os)aPl1) (am) (am) •ss{ •ss{ SuiwokM upUf (oli A]E40 yo giiS ';I:; )o Aiuno0 Aoor -Ic 41 _Ai OAVil pIlgnd A N3SN31 a 400 (MO :sandxa uolsstmmoo AAi r•.`; NOIILv oduao ONIWOXM K ONI 1, oNIA ld 30 (7uw8PalmouDlay �ClPug JO NOILFR10d2I03 ssaulsn8) Z O N I K I I E0 2 i o i o iIa a iv i s a 1 2ioi wi 0 A❑AV`I 4 jo /cep 1ST sup our aiopaq pa2palmoure seM luauxt ulsul spay NIOONI'' 3o AINfOO JNIWOAM do HIV IS 000z '2 ncoaa (ai)gnd A.moN) :aurEN )(mug £6/5E/0 AM /0V W104 L EL L6E 008 1) NIN 'Pn010 ',s 'out •sweisAS sis )Iue8 E661 400Z'rEa q °Pa0 x3 uoissiwwoo (r s) :sa'rdxa uotsslmuxoo £N Aq 30 hp slgl our aiojaq pa2palmou}lou sem luauxn.usul sp dO A.LI�InOO 30 3.LVIS :INahlOaa'IA101s13I3 •sluam2palmou3ioe pue sa1nleu2Is ‘slo2v2ilow ieuoplppe 10j ula1al palexodxooul pue pagoelle sI gotlM uxnpuappd am o! is ;ag (airuEuBIS) (am) (armEug!s) (ainxeuBiS) OM) 21CAIDMIIa a n�¢u4) a a 2i07A o AOA I (1 s) :AI ___.p as oNnAo K aurEH Cxnug 'ONI s Marla palup pue pus uollniosa1 A mopq 2ulu2ls soured all of pourer sum Apuotpnu Ienlod (IsnPlnlPul T affect uo anoge palms amp all uo a2E 1oysl sup jo Moo u jo ldlaoax sapaimoure osie ao2alloN •sluaurgoelle ,Cue ul pue 02u2uoyss sn) ul pauleluoo slueuanoo pue suual alp o! saw& saw io2e2l.roj `molaq 2 ulu$Is �fi :S��I11 Lv1\iOIS •suxaas IeuoulPPV •paseapi !pun 1oa3ja If! uptua' !pm a2e21.1oj slgl `aoueiuq o13z a 01 paonpa' aq lgac pamoaS 0141 g2noglid •uolslnoxd imam 3o au!! 2ulnionax a sapnpux 1gau pa'noaS auj •llpa.xa Jo auf :a 1 stgp o! aigeolidde a'g 2ulmoitoj ag1 •Paaloago 3I 'Sb1RIai. ?iai -no 'SZ •luauralels Bupueuij e o lualoujns sl a2e21Joy\i sup 3o uoponpoxda' Jam° .xo aBuuxx `orgdexgologd `uogieo d •apoa iep1auuuoD uuojlun alp 3 6 apuly jo sasod'nd to,; luautalels 5upueuu E o prooai jo pairj aq ,feu' `tons se pue luauralels 3upuemu e se saoujns ospr age2uoy\l slay le sa2paimou3ioe pue saa'2u Jo2r2pow •luauxal1JS 2ulaueul3 sd Sulll3 •saolpog1d ljpaao anpdaoap pue xlejun &uluxano$ suopgin2ax iexapaj aigeolidde ul paugap axe suual asotp se ueol „xaumsuoo„ a glum uopoauuoo ul pa'noas „spool pIogasnoq„ se paglxosap Auadoxd yell sapnpxa Ailuogpads „Auadoxd p uos'ad„ tun! auj •Alladoxd aq! 3o aoueualuleui JO luatuaffeuetu `uope1ado `dlgsxaumo `uollonxlsuoo all ul pram Jo pasn are leg! pue a1njn3 all ul 10 mou sumo xo2e21Joyv kiadoid ieuosxad jo suxair xallo lie pue `saigliluelul ie'aua2 `xadud lamp `sluaumulsut `sivaumoop `slun000u `luauxdlnba 'Aloluanut `slonpo'd uue3 IIg sapnpul lsaxalul Allxnaas srtlJ. •,ivado1d aq1 gl!M paloauuoo uo pamool Allado'd leuos'ad Ile ur !sa'alul 'Cyunoas g'apua7 01 sum/2 10 2Jow •Apadoad Isuosaad „Auadoxd„ oral alp ul papnpul aq osle Bugs gopim jo Ile) sureao'd iuluaunuano2 'elluns pue sluamSed (NId) pm; ul luaul,iud pue (d2IO) uruxdo1d anuasa'l uot1un1asuo3 Iiu `01 pall you inq `2ulpnioul mall jo sijo'd pue `sanssl 'slum iiu o Ham se Auadoxd alp uo paleool slelaupu pue 'aqua! `sdoxo iig ul maim! Alunoas u'apual o! slue12 xo2e2uoyAl •sljoxd pue 'sanssl 'small :sieaaulLli fiaqugy :sdoJO guado1d all 01 payola' samlxIJ atuooaq iIIM a'e !eq! pue axnitt3 alp ul 10 mou sumo'o2e2lioh! lull spoo5 lig ul ma'am! ,Cllxnoas u xapuari 01 sum12 Jo 2e21101,1 •Sulll3 aanlx13 Auado'd all uo luauxano1dun ug jo uolloTUlsuoo al1'oj paxxnoul uol e2mo ug saxnoas z'2e$uopv spa •ueo-1 uollafJlsuop :a8e2uoyNi sly! `mull um op lnq '01 aiquolldde axe 2ulmoiio3 aq! `palloatio 3I 'SNOISIA02Id '0 •LZ •Spado1d alp 01 2ulluiax sup.' uolldtuaxa pealsatuoq Ile pue slassu pug suail 30 $ulligls.mux al! Sulp1P2ax 1112!.! iCue SanleM xo2e2uow 'Mei A paligpiold lualxa all o! ldaoxa 'SIIaAIVM '9Z •sio2e21Jom lye 01 aollou aq o1 pauraap aq !pm 1o2g21Jour auo 01 aotloN iullum ul palguiilsap ssa'ppu'aw Cue 01'0 `a2e2uoj, spp jo i a ud uo ssaxppe s,,Cued aleudoxddg 0141 01 iletu solo mu iiq 1l $Milroy iiq JO 11 2ul1anllap A uanl2 aq hugs aollou ifuu `■U! A pal!nbax asrm'agpo ssapn 'aDIZON 'SZ •a2uSuoysi slll ul aouassa alp jo sl aunt •02g2uoN still 3o oral 0141 auuap 10 la'dxalul 01 pasn aq 02 you am pue 'quo aouatuanuoo '0j axu 0 1 110JA spgl 3o suolloas all Jo s2ulpeaq pue suopdeo Oily •xeln;Iurs all !amid atll pug f 1nld aq1 amp!!! 0r� 1 ,.1 a3 QUALITY BUILDERS R. Fax Exhibit "A" Dec 1 '00 11:37 P.04 A portion of Tract 90, Township 24 North, Range 119 West, of the 6th Principal Meridian Wyoming, lying Fast of U.S. Highway 30 North, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which lies North 268.3 feet of the Northwest corner of Tract 74, Township 24 North, Range 119 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Wyoming; thence south 78 39' West 210.3 feet to a point on the East boundary line of U.S. Highway 30 North; thence North 11 °21' West 300 feet along said Highway boundary line; thence North 78 °39' East 290.4 feet; thence South 11 °21' East 300 feet; thence South 76 39' West 80.01 feet to the point of beginning 6