HomeMy WebLinkAbout870150Jo ,Clunoo aql ur 681 'S'fl (M 3o 1g LZE pe /(lunoD u1gi1M (uolleudoaddy sup .pun IIaM ao a10na0s01 Jo lalln0 ao gowlu 3o EC/IMAM JO lalod pa000N 3o uojleoo7) aanra tamp 3o Xminqul, aanlg )pod s)1oelg 3 ,Geingla.L 31.10,4 SLUM (IIaM .10 atonaas go1!Q3o OWN) 66 61 1 /774Z.1 'ON 21Id 1 /Q 9 «v,, iIgUgxa g (aaqurnu woroad i(eMq u Xonattsa)J -M L 112I ZZ ,L '1 S 1oea,L (Xlddns 3o ao.mos) 1 1 3 11Q aauuod •H genes (1003 aaoe `suolle 3o aaqurnu) 000'000'01 ktunuer tJo i (ZI)£ 10 _S se uMOU)I `2u►uzoiSM Jo a1n1S (aaqutnu peon ,(eMg2lq) >pe,n 'aau6eM euueer 0 .°N N M A 'JaJewwey{ d eued '4:474F-- oog ui W 977 Ie /z•p"' .61 papaopaly (ssaappe pue own moleladoaddu aalum,) 3o /(ep gl S imaivaanDv Ia1VM uo1lelaodsueij 3o luatulaedau o,CM i at! t72 Lam 0002 Z d3S O.3AL SAD £17'Z SA 987 (Xluoud) 1110011I1 (uopuudoaddy Jo lunowy) uollaod jo uollongsuoo alp u► pasn oq hugs aaleM plus pue (Cup aad uolla .10 loj one) (puooas aad 1aa3 olgno ao alnulur aad suolle5) /Cep aad suolle 000'017Z inoqu .to olnulut aad suoite 00Z Jo urnutlxeut g pox of lou owl a 1e pallddns oq pegs uotsslututoo alp 01 aoleladoaddy Xq pallddns aq of aaleM and, •Z aoleudoaddy (uolsaanrQ Jo lulod s uolleooZ) aaleM Cq Nog uotleudoaddy sup jo uollaod) uolldlaosou le5a1 :uolleudoadde paglaosap &ulMollo3 alp utoa3 aafgM3o Xlaleuzlxoadde Jo lunoute pun e uolsstururoD am 01 aanl op hugs aoleudoaddy `fulwokM 3o awls `aaaul5ug owls aq1 1110a3 ,(lpogfne 2ulnlaoaa uodn I :H.LIISSIINIIM •aoleladoaddy„ se 01 po.uojoa aaljeulaaaq 101 £8 AM `aaaauruaa}I `anLJQ Maud 1001 goue)J Imond =HUM pue `uolssluturo0„ se o1 paaaajaa aalJeutaaaq `AIOISSIIA J ONIIAIOAM alp 1100M10q pug Cq oful oaaalua pug aim! ',LNgy\Igg21Jy SIH.L (2l)E' jn -ddj- L6 •^a2I azao,1 WD 4. 24485 2 0F 3. It is understood and agreed by the appropriator that (a) if the source of supply is from a surface water right, in order to satisfy the consumptive use return flow formula set forth in Wyoming law, it be necessary for the appropriator to forego up to double the amount of water diverted under this agreement as specified in paragraphs 1 and 2, unless an adjustment is made in this requirement by the State Engineer, (b) if the source of supply is from the ground water source, in order to insure ni additional volume of water is withdrawn from the ground water source, in excess of what is historically withdrawn for the use(s) authorized by the ground water permit described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this agreement, an equivalent volume of water will be changed from the use(s) authorized in the permit, to this temporary use, and the appropriator will forego the amount of water pumped under this agreement, for the original use(s). 4. Through the term of this Agreement, the Commission agrees that day to day water withdrawals hereunder shall be in such nearly even quantities as possible to the end that waste thereof shall not be created either by the Commission or by the Appropriator. 5. The Commission agrees to furnish one (1) copy of a sketch map or any other map necessary for transmittal with this Agreement showing the Commission's proposed point of diversion, general layout of system and the proposed point of use. The items to be depicted on said map shall be shown with reasonable accuracy within the proper legal subdivision, section, township and range. 6. For and in consideration of the water to be furnished under the terms of this Agreement, the Commission agrees that Appropriator shall receive in payment thereof 50 cents per thousand gallons, the quantity to be determined according to methods prescribed in the current edition of the Specifications For Road and Bridge Construction, adopted by the Wyoming Transportation Commission, the foregoing to be full consideration for this Agreement and paid or performed by the Commission at its sole cost and expense. 7. This Agreement shall be in existence and binding upon the parties hereto for a term of Two (2) Years (Length of time) from and after the date of approval by thc: State Engineer or until such time as the total amount of water contracted for has been supplied, whichever occurs first, but in no event shall exceed a period of two years. 8. The Appropriator agrees, upon termination of this Agreement and /or abandonment of the property hereinabove described, to assume full responsibility for the condition of such property, and further agrees to hold the Commission harmless from any and a 1 claims by or liability to third parties arising after the termination of the Agreement and /or abandonment of the property by the Commission. 9. The Commission shall have the right of ingress and egress to and upon the Appropriator's property at all times, and the right to place, install and maintain thereon such equipment, pipelines and apparatus as in the judgement of the Commission are reasonably necessary for the purpose of exercising any and all of the Commission's rights herein granted and further right to enter upon such property to remove any such equipment and apparatus placed thereon. 10. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto, that Commission shall have the right to use such land of Appropriator necessary for a haul road if such water is moved by tank truck. The location of such road shall be mutually located by the parties hereto and shall be used for the state purpose only. Appropriator is to be paid the additional sum of None for use of said road and as complete satisfaction for all damages anticipated as usual or expected due to such use. 11. It is the intent of the parties hereto that the purpose of this Agreement is for the benefit of the parties hereto and any contractor working under a valid contract with the Commission that requires water for the fulfillment of its contract. All rights, uses and privileges e mmerated herein shall extend to and be utilized by said contractor. This Agreement is made pursuant to Section 41 -10.0 W.S.1957, as amended, authorizing the temporary acquisition of adjudicated or valid unadjudicated water rights for highway construction purpose by purchase, gift or lease by the Commission and providing for the method of said acquisition. 2 of 4 t:) E otlgnd ,C.reloN b oggnd CautoN aaquznN ,ClunoaS IulaoS /'U'I XJ 6 04'S G917t? —1.0A1 V -iYy� b 61` 61 r •2101VIJI o2Iddy J 0 E :S S :ss OutltroXM Jo aaaul5ug alelS 666/ 41 7u19AoN :sa.udxa uo►ssiuiuzo0 Cy�1 3o /Cup is 1 Z sigT ,Cq our aaopaq papalmou)Iou sum luatunalsu1 5UTaaaol a4I 2a'r?T, S3liIdX3 NOISSIWW0 J AW ONINIOAM d0 3.tVIS N100NI1 dO ALNf10o mend ,lldVION A31SV 'd SW' OHI f t7 vo rn s dO AiNfloD bG►WOX y dOH.LV.LS rtutuoD ,CyA1 Teas IutogJo puu pueq ,Cup ssauliM Jo,Sup .S`l srgl 1 ,Cq atu aaolaq pa palmou)Iau sum luaurnalsul ulo5aao3 a4I dO A.LNf1OD 9,"• 1-m Mt dO H.LVIS NOIIV12IOd SNY2II dO INHLAIIIIVddU DNIIAIOAM •uallram anoquuiaaag Isag auaA puu ,Cep aq2 uo palnoaxa aq of luauzaaAV stgl pasnuo anug maxi sawed aql `doa2Irn1 gsgi\ .IM NI 'saI.LlINVflb W1IIVIIfISVHIAI NI U3AO1A1all A`I'IVf1.L0V SI IIH.LVM AI ArINO E1UVY�[ HS I ITM 2IgNMOUNV'I HH.L 01 INHWAVd A.L1VA02I .LVH.I. `•NOT.LVI2Id02IddV 1H.L INO1Id NHNVI HH T1IM IIH.LYM ANY .LVHI HHNMOUNV1 gH1 SH2IL1SSV 210 S33.1NVIIVfID AVM ON NI .LNHIAIINVdHU HH L IVHI O.LH21 H SHI,12IVd HHI M1 UHH[IDV UNV UOO LS2IHUNf1 AT 11INId1U SI 111 �.d 4 co co cc 39109 Z BL'S (WC-110 3sn Z, a g M 11 O el W H19N37 "ON133POtfd m dO V3uv m H o 2 Q 0 v m 1V10 0, r ui irn 1 1 1111 ...u.. �iir r mP 3av�,� I yy l4 9Z 1 Tgi C od Y L ,Lea I MIW3N tL I, ri 777 N it �4r *N? MI 4 POWICArli .#1ratirfot. .1 r> tt, H RECORD POINT OF DIVERSION SARAH H. FENNER DITCH TRACT 51 T 22 N, R /17 W RESURVEY T 22 N COMMISION POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN COUNTY ROAD 327 R.O.W. SEC. 36T22 N,R115W T 21 N \NOT 24485 tc UJ z 0 y o o Qz W V a g a o LL �oa W x F h O O CC 3I POLLUTION CONTROL PURPOSES NVI 1/4 SEC. 26 •panolddp pup paT3Tgp.z 4uawaa.t &s pips pus paqupaS aq pTnogs quawaaiBy .zagpM pTps :;oaaagq qa d s apsw aoua.z:a3aa sTtiq Aq pup 'ogaaau pagopgqp „g gTgTqxE„ paNapw sT asn 3o quiod pup uoTS1aATp 30 4uTod pasodo.zd aqq. 6uTMogs dew uoq.aNs s pus 3oa.zagq qa d s epsw aoua.za ;aa Aq pus 'ogaaau pauopcgs gTgTgx3„ paNisw sT quawaaa6s pips 3o Jdoo pa ;noaxa up pup 'Asp aad suoTis5 000'On ao agnuiw .zed suollsb 00Z 3o wnwTxsw p paaoxa oq. you aq.pa s qs paq.zaATp aq oq suotTsb 000'000'01 ATagswTxoadds ;o qunows auq. uT JaTsM piss ;o assgoand pup asn auq. o4 6uTgsTa.z '6661 's Aasnusr pop quawaGaSp uTpgaao P OUT paaaqua -pup appw aApu gausH Isuaeqad TIITM 9144 pus uoTTelaodsusay ;o quauzgasdaa butuzoAM auq Ts- L S gzcrrqxE paxasuw uz ds pagosgqs eqq uo pagtaosep sy •sesodlnd Ioaquoo uotpnTTod pus uotgonagsuoo ao3 94-pir goacoad put ltd Moaaoq auq, oq palnsq )Ona4 pus 'uotsaaATp 3o qutod suoTsstuuuop aqa. 'MSITH 'DIZZY '9E uotgoag woi3 quiod s pagiai Tp aq oa sT aaqPM piss �sqZ .s•;•3 Z ;o uoTgstadoadds Us t TM 9881 '1T93 3o iigtaotad t ssq gtutaad aqy •uoTgsbtaat ao3 pasn aq oq gausH Isuaalsd ureTZITM aqy 30 auzeu aqm aapun pagsoTpnips sT gg5Ta aqy 'MLITH 'DIZZY 'TS 409.'1, ut uotsaantp 30 qutod paooaa s ssq gzTL.jt gogTQ aeuued 'H gsasS aqy wo.z3 sT aaTem piss 3o aoanos algsoTaop.zd sow auq gsij :qT 0 1- algsTTsns a@Tem a1gpaapisuoo ansu uoTgpgiodsusas 3o quawq.zsdac piss gsuq. Aapssaoau sT qT ')IOM uoTgonagsuoo piss umiM UOTgD UUOD UT 'Tpuy S gtgtgxS, pexasuz dsut pagosqgs 91/4 aaS (Z1) £0110 ddJS aequtnN q oa Coad SP UMOUD 'bututORM 30 agtgS 'uToou.Z 3o Rqunop exp. ut 681 'S'!1 3o uotgaod s 6uTgonz 4suoo sT uoTgpgaodsus.zs 30 quawq:zsdac 6uTmoiM piss Tsta ITPTa01Taa9y •0H gTm 'MLI12I 'DIZZY 'TS gasay ut uotsaantp 3o qutod paooaa s q�tM 'aanvH uaaaD Aasgngtaq 'aeATH xao3 s,xosi agq. ;o Aasqngtaq '3(ao3 s,uzsH 30 Rasgngtaq 'ttogTQ aeuuad •H gsasS auq. W013 .zalPM MoI3 goaaTp 3o asn pus assgoand auq. 3o Tsno.zdds .zo3 quawaaaBy aagpM P PaIT3 6uTnpu 1.1.)874,17Z 1 "ON B1II :sMOIIo3 SP spuT3 .zaauT6ug aTsgs auq pus 'uoTgpgaodsus1s 30 luaw- lapdao 6uTwoAM auy XMH 6Z 00 ON 2ISQ2rO 679 c Of- FILE NO. 1Z Vic$`% The Sarah H. Fenner Ditch will be regulated by the Water Commissioner to protect the appropriators who might be affected by this agreement. At all times when water is being diverted, as outlined herein, the allowable amount of water for diversion to serve the irrigation rights of this canal will be reduced by double the amount of water withdrawn for industrial use. This reduction in diversion will compensate the stream for return flows which would have resulted if the water had been used for record purposes. Additional adjustment will be made if necessary to protect the other affected water users. This agreement can only be honored during the historic irrigation period, therefore, if water is to be used in the non irrigation period an application for direct flow for temporary use will be in order. The Commission is to inform the Water Commissioner of the date they wish to begin diverting water, and this diversion of water will be done at all times under the supervision of the Water Commissioner. The water will be taken from the Ham's Fork at the Commission's Point of Diversion in Section 36, T22N, R115W and hauled by truck to the borrow pit and project limits for construction and pollution control purposes. The maximum rate of diversion will be a 200 gallons per minute or 240,000 gallons per day. The total amount of water to be used under this agreement must not exceed 10,000,000 gallons. IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED that said agreement be, and the same is hereby ratified and approved, and that the Wyoming Department of Transportation is authorized to purchase and use said water, as provided for in said agreement, until September 14, 2002 or until said Project No. STPP- 011 -3(12) is complete, whichever comes first, at which time said water shall revert to their former use, all as provided by Chapter 148, Session Laws of Wyoming, 1959, as amended. September 15, 2000 Order Number 00 -29 Hwy S ATE ENGINE R