HomeMy WebLinkAbout870161Recorded 4 r'e.�C'e„. at In Bo lA./t9 P e f L ha Kammerer, WY MORTGAGE No. Jeanne Wagner, Clerk Andrew Parker and Holly Parker, husband and wife, Mortgagors, hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, confirm, mortgage and warrant to Glen and Eva Fluckiger, husband and wife, Mortgagees, their successors and assigns, the real estate located in Lincoln County, Wyoming described as: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of the NE1 /4 SE1 /4 of Section 12, T 31 N, R 119 W, 6 P.M., Wyoming, and running thence North 9 rods, thence West 35 -5/9 rods, thence South 9 rods, thence East 35 -5/9 rods to the point of beginning. Together with all and singular the fixtures, apparatus, equipment, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, including without limitation all buildings, structures, improvements and affixed equipment, oil, gas, electric and other heating, lighting, plumbing, air conditioning, water and cooling apparatus and systems, oil burners, stokers, thermostats, regulators, tanks, heaters, water softeners, filters, motors, pumps, radiators, incinerators, grates, blinds, window shades, mirrors, mantels, hardware, globes, awnings, storm doors, storm windows, screen doors, screen windows, arbors, rock gardens, fences, towers, antennae, gates, trees, and shrubs, now or hereafter placed upon said land, all of which things shall be deemed to be parts of the realty regardless of the manner in which they may be affixed to or upon the same or any part thereof, and together with the buildings, structures and improvements now thereon or hereafter erected thereon and all additions, alterations, improvements, and repairs or replacements thereof and all property of like kind and character now or hereafter acquired, installed in, affixed to, commingled with or substituted for any of the above, and the proceeds of any or all of the above, or, used in connection with or placed on said property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to the Mortgagees, their successors and assigns forever. The Mortgagors hereby covenant with the Mortgagees that the Mortgagors are lawfully seized of said premises and have good right to sell and convey and mortgage the same; that the same are free from all encumbrances; that the Mortgagees, their successors and assigns, shall quietly enjoy and possess said premises and the said Mortgagors will warrant and defend the title to the same against all lawful claims whatsoever. THE MORTGAGORS HEREBY COVENANTS AND AGREES WITH THE MORTGAGEES as follows: 1. This Mortgage is given to secure payment and the Mortgagors promise to pay to Mortgagees $34,071.28, with interest, evidenced by a Promissory Note (hereinafter the "Note") dated September /1 2000, and attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and all other amounts due thereunder and all extensions and renewals thereof, and any other indebtedness which may arise or be created between the Mortgagors and Mortgagees, when and as the same shall become due and payable. Each such payment shall •paaapoui Aliodold ago Jo uoitnlasaid a11 10J 10 signori aga4aoyAi si1p datum IuOLUnl4sut 044 uo anp 4unouzr'Cur Jo uot4o0iioo ago 10J .zo oSr24JoyA4 Stipp uati 0144 JO uouoaaoad og41oj `sugtssr 10 sioss000ns .uotp `saaga4low ago q pa.unoui sooj s,icauio44e pun sosuodxo Iir /cud illrn slog avow •ltndaa poog ul sasuuaad 014 un utrut pun door Iltm pur `saag1 10JAj amp 4uasuo0 ua44um 014 4notium gulpimq Cut tao1ja1014 OAOULal Jou gsiouzop aou `sastutoid ago uo a4srm 4Tuuod 10 4tuzumo 4ou iitm s1oM4aoj g •Agoio pop alo uati ago o4 iouadns amooaq 10 oq Xnui locum sooueugtunouo pur suaq 10410 iir Jo map pur 001J saslu oid 014 dooj limn saoga4aow •paauLtp j iodold amp uourioisa1 put aledoi aril 04 Jo goioq paanOas ssaupa4Qaput amp uot40npaa ut lal4ta paiiddt oq Hugs saaga4aow 0g4uo uoudo ago Ir gotzim Jo01014 41rd icur 10 aourinsut Lions Jo spaaooid og4 soogapow ago 04 pied oq o4 asneo 10 Xed o4 put `10puna1a14 aigeXed 2u1u4o0aq sOluotu aoj Idtaoat par an[aoal `purtuap of put `os op 04 itr3 slog 041 Jl ssoi Jo joozd oval o4 sa0g1 41OJAi 014 OuuamodLu0 put gutzuog1nn i(goioq `saagr24loytj ago 04 strut Aq Joa10g4 0014ou 020' 04 Aoliod Cur lapun ssoi r Jo a 3u0a111000 OL14 J0 0Sr0 ut `satotiod gut4stxa 044 J0 uol4ratdxa ago o4 loud sXrp (pi) 104 Isms 4r satotiod iemauaa sir s0aga4aow ago 04 lanti0p 04 `.SU 1SSr 1ta14 10 S000EFIJOyAi 044 04 X1040rJSi4 S ttt104 ut pur JO LOnrJ u t `0401044 potiarue sasnrio °Sa4lotu 44m `aoutlnsut 10J salon od 044 saa2a410N ago 04 4sanbal uodn aanuap 04 `.gimbal Jut soogaliow ago sr uLao3 pur s4unoutr 14011S ut `saaga4loyAi aq4 Aq 2ut4um ut polsanbal uOLim sag 1rm gulpniout `(oTrionoo papua1xa 8utpniout) spanzrq 10410 pur uuo4sputm `1a4rm `o)loULS `0144 q ssoi 4stuar saaga4loyAi 014 04 Xao4orJsl4rs solurdmoo Act paansut sastuaaad aria uo 101J10104 10 mou SalfIxg 10440 par sgulpilnq Iir dams 04 00.4a s10 1 410N •s10 1 4aoyAI JO asuadxa ago 4r aga4aoyAi stu43o iC44.n0as 014 gut400JJr snivel 10440 par uol4tpJooal sir g41m Aidtuoo Hugs pup `sastutaad 044 4suregr possassr 10 patnai s4uatussassr pun saxr4 sit pted oq 04 asnra 10 d iirus saogavow •4004J0 pur 0010) iin3 ut utttua1 01 aspuotp0 `pion oq o4 stuasald asap, U014 `uta1au aoJ paptnold sr aprLU uaaq anrti ins iitt3 ul 4u0uL/Crd uatim pur JJ •1a44r010414l OSIOJOXO 04 41141 0141 JO aantem r ain4t4suoo 4011 iirgs uouo aanaosMOti uot4do sup OSTOaaxa o4 alni42,4 `00t4ou 4nogltm par wage 4loyAi 044 Jo uol4do 044 Ir oouo It olgtAtd pur onp autooaq Aew ssaupalgapu10114110 041 `agr341oyAi sup JO OION 014111 papinold sr moot) iirgs Iinnp Jo 4uan01ati1011t asr0 ut 10 `Joa1a14 0014ou ua44um 104Je sXCrp (p i) 1104 Jo polio(' r ao3 put anp uaum pled uooq 0nru 4011 Hugs samoos agr24t04A sup gotum 4unotun Cue J1 pur aouass° am Jo s1 atut L Z •a0utirq indtouud pltdun 044 J0 uollonpa1014 04 pauddr oq Hells tsala4ut Jo ulowArd alp Jour gutUt1LU0100utirq Cur par Isaaa4ut Jo 4uotuArd a14 04 Is.g4 patiddr oq f 7. Mortgagors will comply promptly, at the expense of the Mortgagors, with all laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations affecting the premises in any manner whatsoever. 711 8. Mortgagors will pay to or cause to be paid directly to the Mortgagees, for application upon the indebtedness secured hereby, the full amount (up to the amount of principal and interest then owed to Mortgagees pursuant to the Note and this Mortgage) of any award or compensation for the taking or damaging by condemnation proceedings under the power of eminent domain of all or any part of the mortgaged premises. 9. In case of the failure of the Mortgagors to do so, the Mortgagees may make any payment or perform any covenant herein to be made or performed by the Mortgagors, and any payment so made or expense incurred in connection therewith by the Mortgagees shall bear interest at the rate of 18 and shall be immediately repayable by the Mortgagors, and shall be impressed as an additional lien upon the mortgaged premises, and this Mortgage shall thereupon secure the repayment of such advances with interest. 10. In case an event of default shall occur in making payments or performing any other covenants or agreement required of Mortgagors as provided in the Note or this Mortgage, the Mortgagors hereby authorize and empower the Mortgagees, their successors and assigns to foreclose this Mortgage by advertisement and sale as provided by the statutes of the State of Wyoming or to foreclose this Mortgage by judicial proceedings and convey the same to the purchaser in accordance with the statutes of the State of Wyoming, and out of the monies arising from such sale to retain all sums secured hereby with interest and all legal costs and charges of such foreclosure and actual attorney's fees incurred by Mortgagees (or such other amount as shall be fixed by the Court in the event of judicial foreclosure or receivership), which costs, charges and fees the Mortgagors agree to pay. In case of the foreclosure of this Mortgage, the Mortgagors hereby authorize and empower the Mortgagees, their successors and assigns, to effect insurance upon the building and fixtures aforesaid for a period covering the time for redemption for the sale of said premises under such foreclosure, and to pay the premium therefor and the amount so paid shall be impressed as an additional lien upon said premises and shall be secured by and be collectible as a part of this Mortgage and bear interest at the rate of 18 from the date said amount is paid. In the event of a foreclosure, Mortgagors hereby authorize and empower Mortgagees, their successors and. assigns, to bring an action against any person who claims an adverse estate or interest therein for the purpose of determining such adverse estate or interest, and to pay costs and expenses thereof together with actual attorney's fees which amount shall be impressed as an additional lien upon said premises and shall be secured by and collectible as a part of this Mortgage. In case the proceeds from foreclosure sale are insufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured hereby, the Mortgagors, bind themselves to pay the unpaid balance, and the Mortgagees will be entitled to a deficiency judgment. 11. Upon commencement of any foreclosure, or at any time thereafter, and prior to the expiration of the time for redemption from any sale of said premises on foreclosure, any -3- •satlned plus Jo su2tssu put szossaoons `szoluzlstututpu `szolnoaxa `sztal antloadsa" alt uodn 2utputg oq puu of pualxa /Cianttoadsa" IIuls puu pang k"anliap pup uotlnoaxa ail ante"ns rruls luamn "Tsui slid iq sallxud pies ail own pan"asa" zo paluu"S "o uodn pasodug satpotuoi pue suotlatrgo `sgjouaq `soSoitntzd `s "amod `slq u" `sluauzaa"& `sfupjulzapun `sastuzo "d `stunuanoo `satlun""um riy '17 •satpaLUa" "o slut" zaulo "tail Jo astazaxa alt luanaid zo apnioxa Lou Hugs satpatuoJ "o slLi2lz Lions azou" JO OW JO aslozaxa alp tug Xisnoaun"odutaluoo pastoioxa aq /Cuuz put antleinutno aq risk utazaLi saaalzoiN all of N./UMW 10 uant3 satpauza" pun slupz NT Jo linuJap tuanbasgns i(ue uodn _to gulp ./Cuu Te uotldo zo Jomod `142t" Lions iCue 2utstazaxa Lion sooSaTzoiN alt dolsa lou iruus pun Joa"all "antem n atnipsuoo Lou Hugs ugly) "anaosmog `soo2u51"oiN ail o f patuu2 utazal suotldo 10 "gmod `11,12tu iCue asto "a ca of omits j E •pauuoj "ad a "n saotnzaS plus gulp NT lu poluoor azu sastutazd paWlzout alp locum ut iclunoo all ul loajja ut aotn"as Lions .toj saaj kletuoisno put iunsn all 1Cl"adozd pies 2Ltt5uU1UT ut saotn "as "oJ antaoaz of a "e puu `ssaupalgaput piss Jo "apron agl jo alums all ut slug" ptudun "oJ ons of `stunuaa of pang; to d /Cue zo,Clzadozd pans aseai pue uttm saseai olut lama oT pun sasuai "taw uoea"q "03 stueuat loofa of `1Cl"adozd plus wog slug" loaiioo of paztzotpne iCgalag on pup iilzado "d paquosap -anogu all Jo relua" aril Jo ag"etio mist of pant ")blue Xga "ati azu sag uSpoiAl •linejap Lions 3o aseo ut /Cialnipautuat loaJJa mini of hiatus tssu "ions `"atJnazau papa ut ag XCuuz "o MOU a"n goltim Joa logt I"nd /Cur "o poi iouz °quo saseai tie soo eSl ioj, of u5tssu Xga "al SzoaatzoiN •ssaupalgaput gip uodn Lions Jo spaaoo "d Tau alit Xiddu pue aurtl of auttl utozj amus OLD &eunuu put lug" of pun "oJa "alp palutoddn "antaoa" n 21.1tnuu lnoLiltrn Xl"ado "d pogatzouu alit Jo uolssassod a)iel of pue owes alit JOJ ldtaoa" pue antaoaz `toaiioo `pueutop of atoN all put ae51_tow slid ut "o} paptnozd se linejap Jo aseo ut saa2e5l"oiN out ut lu3t" pue Aluotilnu alaidutoo pue irn3 slim icl"adozd paReSpotu alt u:to"j autoout pun sago "d `lug" gip `SU TSSu pue szossaoons "tall `saaFegl"ow all oT "ono las pun "aJsuag `u.tssu Xqa "al S10 1 110JA out `pa paimou)Iou st JCga"aq Joazoum tdtaoa" out `uotte"aptsuoo aiquniun "auto pue (pis) s"uijop sat Jo wins au Jo uotle"aplsuoo ui •ZI •sasno ions ut szantaoa" Jo szomod innsn "auto all Hu anus hugs "antaoa" ions par `iiga "au pa"noas ssaupalgaput agTjo wow/cud ail of spaaoozd lau agt "Cidde Hugs "antaoaz plus puu `duis"antaoa" ail Jo asuadxa ail Xed oT pun agugl..wiN sup Jo suotstno "d ail ultra aounp"000u ut pa"nsut sastuza "d out daa)i of k"ussaoau suzntuza "d aouu"nsut Cud of put `sluawssasse reloads put `stuatussasse `saxel "oJ ales Lion Luaapa" of puu `sTuautssassu moods pue `stuatussasse `saxel lie iced of puu uotltpuoo pue "Leda" poo0 ut sast"uoid ail daaN of stgo "d puu `sansst 'swat Jo lno puu `aztdxa hugs ores aznsoioazoj out wog gums ail =opal oT guilt all rtlun pun a "nsoioazoj lions Jo Xouapuad utunp sastuta "d pies Jo slgozd pue sansst `slug" log Hop of `Joazaul uotssassod olul of sastuzazd plus JOJ zantaoa" n lutoddu `uos "ad "auto iCue 10 s"o5e2110JA1 all of aoMTou lnogTtm pun aouo lu `hiss `arcs ions to "asugo"nd all "o `saaatzoyAi auto uotteotrddn uodn `uoTTotpsunf lualaduzooJo t"noo TL. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Mortgagors, hereby releasing and waiving any and all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of Wyoming, have signed and sealed this Mortgage this /J day of September, 2000. STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN Subscribed and sworn to before me by Andrew Parker and Holly Parker, husband and wife, this a of September, 2000. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: SEAL Going i of MOPES NOTARY PUBLIC State of Wyoming lio m,7mi sion Expires February 21, 2002 SS Andrew Parker -5- 71' Notary Public Igauaq agI zoj luauru$rssr ur savur zamozzog `i iodozd s,zamozzog Jo lzvd /cur ioj paluioddr Si zantaoaz luanjosui samoo q zamozzog zaglta 10 sat) zamozzog zatilig •p `.Ioadsaz Irpalrur Aar ut 2utpraistur zo asinj st Regal s,zamozzog uo JO zamozzog Aq zapuaj oI polistuznJ JO appal luauralrls zo uoilrluasazdaz /uv •o :zapuaj glim gm" zamozzog urol zo luauraaz2r imp() Xur ut 10 alON slip ut papmozd zauuruz 0111 ut Xilouls pur mill aql Ir Apduzozd Luzojzad of spu zamozzog JO `zapuaj ol aprur srgzamozzog asnuoidAfur svatq zamoiiog •q `.11nr ap ples Jo aoilou ualhzm zal r swp (pi)•ual utghm llnrjap runs azno oI sjTJ pur anp uagm IuauriLrd 'cur a}Irtu of slle3 zamozzog :aloe £zossttuozd still Ltzana [Ergs (anogr tiiroj las sr zamozzog Jo suona lqo pur zapuaj Jo sljETU alp loulsaz of loll pur zapual Jo sni2p alp purdxa of "quo anzas HMIs gorLlm) suoistnozd Iruoinppv FutmoiioJ, all Tap saaz r zamozzog pau2Iszapun ati.L 'SNOISIAOUd 'IVNOLLIGGV "aloN still Jo Iuatuked uou jo aotlou pue zouogstp Jo ooilou `Isalozd jo aotlou Iuaozd `purutap Iuaur,Crd zoj luauzluasazd anirm /Ilvzanas Joazag szolurzrn$ pur szaszopua `szaNvcu iiV •uotloalloo Jo slsoo Iir pur aai s,Xouzolly algvuosvaz r iced of saaar zaMozzog pau2Iszapun atil `anp uagm pled aq Iou Begs zapunazaq anp lunotur Xuv JO luaurljvisut XppU0111 i(ur JO 010N sup J1 .loprazolp lI astazaxa o nigp oqi Jo zanivm r alnlilsuoo loll arils uopo zanaosmoti uotIdo sup astazaxa of aznilej !mum zad It %g i Jo alrz alp lr Isazalut nog Hr's irdtoutzd pledun atll zal vazagl pur `aotlou lnoglim put zapioq amp uotldo ague aouo Ir algri(rd pur anp aurooaq Arun ssaupalgapui aztlua gill `aloN sup ut papinozd sr anp uagm pled uaaq anrti lou ins lunomi Iuv jt pur aouassa agl"to si ow!' •zaprazagl Xigluou "0S£$.Io sluauird axrut of anuquoo of uoij ilgo slr jo pau5Iszapun ail anailaz `Outlr1m ur zaploq gill Aq paaz5r ssaiun `lou ilim swanked Apra town Aar Ir alarm aq Xruz sivaut/Crdazd "11n3 ut ptrd uaaq anvil lirgs lgap gill 'pun irdtauud oI zaputrumi alp pur Irdiouizd Jo aouvirq ptrdun alp uodn lsazalut oI Iszg patlddv aq Ilrgs luauArd gong •iinj tit mud aq 'mils lsazalul pur Irdtouud Jo aourlrq an Iiun raprazagl Algluom algrAvd pur OOOZ `i zagmoldaS iknuulgaq tiluour gava Jo p Iszg alp uo tiara 00.05 Jo sluauzllvlsut /Igluom aigvArd Lunuur zad Iuaozad %S•9 lv Isazalui TPA 8Z•ILO`I7£$3o urns gill uturoA `uoljy `aouapisaz s,zapuaj Ir „zapuaj„ alp) sOissv pur szossaoons ztatil `za2piont3 rng pur ua1O Jo zapzo aril of 1rd of sasnuoid „zamozzog„ alp sr of p imp Email zauruIazati tiara 'WOW JO OW zaglagm) paOcszapun alp pantaoaz amen 10d OOOZ i 2IgELIAlgIdIS JNILSIOXA1 `NOIdV ti IL :suaddrq 5utmollo3 atil jour jt llnrjap ui oq iitm zamoilog alavJLQ a.L O ICI 1CMI O S S I IAI O'I d 8Z• 1LO`i7£$ 5' ii d�. .u. z .q 715 of creditors, or any proceeding is commenced either by Borrower or against Borrower under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws; e. Any creditor tries to take any of Borrower's property on or in which Lender has a lien or security interest; f. Borrower conveys, directly or indirectly, through transfer of legal title or equitable title or otherwise, any interest in any collateral which is intended to secure the rights of Lender herein; 2. LENDER'S RIGHTS. Upon default, Lender may declare the entire unpaid principal balance on this Note and all accrued unpaid interest immediately due, without notice, and then Borrower will pay that amount. Upon default, including failure to pay upon final maturity, Lender, at its option, may also, if permitted under applicable law, increase the rate of interest as provided above. The interest rate will not exceed the maximum rate permitted by applicable law. Lender may hire or pay someone else to help collect this Note if Borrower does not pay. Borrower also will pay Lender the costs incurred by Lender in collecting this Note. This includes, subject to any limits under applicable law, Lender's reasonable attorneys' fees and legal expenses whether or not there is a lawsuit, including reasonable attorney's fees and legal expenses for bankruptcy proceedings (including efforts to modify or vacate any automatic stay or injunction), appeals, and any anticipated post judgment collection services. If not prohibited by applicable law, Borrower also will pay any court costs, in addition to all other sums provided by law. This Note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming. 3. COLLATERAL. This Note is secured by, in addition to any other collateral, a Mortgage dated September 4 2000, to Lender on real property located in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, all the terms and conditions of which are hereby incorporated and made a part of this Note. 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Lender may delay or forego enforcing any of its rights or remedies under this Note without losing them. Borrower and any other person who signs, guarantees or endorses this Note, to the extent allowed by law, waive presentment, demand for payment, protest and notice of dishonor. Upon any change in the terms of this Note, and unless otherwise expressly stated in writing, no party who signs this Note, whether as maker, guarantor, accommodation maker or endorser, shall be released from liability. THE UNDERSIGNED ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE PROVISIONS OF THIS PROMISSORY NOTE. THE UNDERSIGNED AGREES TO THE TERMS OF THIS PROMISSORY NOTE AND ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF A COMPLETED COPY OF THIS PROMISSORY NOTE. STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN Subscribed and sworn to before me by Andrew and Holly Parker this /,Q day of September, 2000. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: SEAL Dated: September 2000. z GERALDYNE B. HOOPES NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln SS State of Wyoming My Commission Expires February 21, 2002 Andrew Parker, Borrower olly Parr °r; orrower 71E