HomeMy WebLinkAbout870205(060) 008Z 8I-9ZZ 1.-MAM /Ganooslp ay ;o uo!len!ena uy •aeo!6o pezuogine ay; Aq panss! s! peeooad o; uo!lezuoglne ueuuM I!lun /Janoos!p Lions ;o eeae wpm w! ay; u! suoileaado !le puedsns pegs JapIOH •Jao!; ;o pezuoylne ay10; paliodei Ala ;e!paww! eq pegs pue! !eloped Jo oggnd uo ;Iegeq s!y uo 6uppoM i(ue Jo `Jep!oy eqi Aq palenoos!p (loafgo Jo elis ouolsigead Jo o!Jojs!y) eoanosei !eo!6ololuoeied Jo /pue IeJnllno ituy •Z •luewuoJ!nue and Jo Ala ;es pue Lil!eaLi o!!gnd of meagi a salnl!lsuoo l! sa!l!n!loe ;o uo!suedsns i(Jeaodwal ele!peww! ue Jo; spunoJ6 aq !!!An anoge ayl Li1!M eoue!!dwoouoN •look ;o pezuoylne ayl of uo!leu!wJal pue 'uo!leJedo 'uoilonalsuoo 6uunp ewe ABM- ;o -106u ayl uo a!ge!lene spew eq Heys 'luewdo!anep ;o ueld panoJdde pue suo!lelnd!ls Ile 6u!pn!ou! 'lueJ6 AeM- ;o -146u aleidwoo eql ;o Adoo v •aao!; ;o pezuoglne aqi ;o lenoadde uell!M loud eyl lnoyl!M pale!l!u! eq lou pays 'luewdo!anap ;o ueld panoJdde eql yl!M pa000e u!;ou s! iegi esn Jo'uo!lonJlsuoo leuomppe `uoneoo!eJ Auy `000Z `}r /ev uo lueJ6 ayl ;o pad epees pue panoJdde SEM yo!gM luewdoleAep ;o uuld ay1 Lil!M Al!wao ;uoo louts u! AeM- ;o -lg6u slyi u!yliM seen ovals pue `sluewenoadw! `sall!!!oe; ayl u!elulew pue `aleaado 'lonJlsuoo Heys Jepioy a41 :suon ind!is leuo!l!ppe 6uiMOpo; eqi yi!M'papuewe se'lueJ6 Ieu!6uo eLil ;o suo!l!puoo pue swaal awes aqi of ioafgns'8l5ZZi MAM AeM- ;o- 146!1,1 of luawpuawe ue se penoidde s! AeM- ;o -ly6u palsanbaJ a41 °hMN `%3N `bl VLMS''A3 l l uo!loas '•MEt.'J "NZZ•1 •6u!woAM 'AlunoO uiooul 'ue!puayy Ied!ouud ylx!s :spue! !eaapa; 6u!Mollo; eyi uo paleool `ep!M laa; 09 pue 6uo! iee{�1 l GbGb `IIeM Noe( ayi of eu!lad!d se6 leanieu „9 e Jo; AeM- 10-1146!J e ao; uo!lezuoylne palsenbaa sey out 'saoanosed see u!elunopg •pepuewe Se 'toy 6u!seaq !mau!ini ayi of luensand 'ewe Mol!OH Moo/Nem0 ain1S ayi u! seugad!d se6 IeJnleu Jo; /.BM- ;o- slg6!J sezuoylne iueJ6 AeM- 10-10u s!yl '8ISZZ 1 IMO AeM- ;o- ly6!1d ;o Jap!oLi eql s! •oul se0 u!elunoyy eu!Ied!d L L-ob refreie 818ZZ 1-MAM ABM .j 'ON 'JAU8 N AUUBA(` 4 h.r'?p .Y 51°°C1 a NOISI03a AM 'iAaAwwe�q 1 A lone 1g f L. C1 P 3 1S3f10381dI303b Naf1138 iL9 Z66 iEl Z 1It/W a3ldila30 0o0Z '17 /ew peu!waalap !eluad pepuawy AeM- ;o -lyb!a pazuoylny eu!Ied!d leuo!l!ppy OI46-I0Ifi8 8ui111o4M `ra.Jamuz)I iI.'ON 68I X I 73Ig 03 33O Mold Jaxauxux 1NHI\IIOVNVIAt UNV'I 30 IIVAIlflfl .zot.zaiul aLp. Jo 1uauzT.zndaq s31pms pa�turi 5E6Z8 AM 'JOAIU uWSJ° a eilns 'enueny euoysogS OZ *out saOJnosad see u!elunoVy PPol a)l!W •aW will be made by the authorized officer to determine appropriate actions to prevent the loss of significant cultural or scientific values. The holder will be responsible for the cost of evaluation and any decision as to proper mitigation measures will be made by the authorized officer after consulting with the holder. 3. Construction activity and surface disturbance will be prohibited during the period from April 1 to July 1 for the protection of sage grouse nesting habitat. Any exceptions to these requirements must have prior written approval from the authorized officer. 4. The Holder shall be responsible for total control of all invasive /no)dous weed species on any and all disturbed sites. The Holder is responsible for consultation with the Authorized Officer and /or local authorities for acceptable weed control methods, and shall comply with the following: 5. Use of pesticides shall comply with all applicable Federal and State laws. Pesticides shall be used only in accordance with their registered uses within limitations imposed by the Secretary of the Interior. Prior to the use of the pesticides, the Holder shall obtain from the Authorized Officer, written approval of a Pesticide Use Proposal Plan showing the type and quantity of material to be used, pest(s) to be controlled, method of application, locations of storage and disposal of containers, and any other information deemed necessary by the Authorized Officer. Applicator(s) of chemicals used must have completed the pesticide certification training and have a current up to date Certified Pesticide Applicator's License. Pesticide Application Records for the areas and acres treated must be submitted to the BLM Kemmerer Field Office each year. This includes the following: Brand or Product name EPA registration number Total amount applied (use rate #A.I. /acre) Date of application Location of application Size of area treated Method of treatment (air /ground) Name of applicator Certification number Amount of surfactants or dyes used in spraying operation 7 6 f 3 The record information must be recorded no later than 14 days following the pesticide application and must be maintained for two years. 6. Construction activity and surface disturbance occurring during the period from April 10 to July 10 will require surveys of nesting/brooding habitat for the protection of Mountain Plover Nests. Two week notification is required prior to any construction activity or ground disturbance in suitable nesting habitat. The BLM wildlife biologist, or a qualified contract biologist, will perform surveys in suitable habitat according to USFWS Draft Survey Guidelines (May, 1998) for mountain plovers. Contract biologists must submit a written report of areas surveyed to BLM prior to construction. `•%3S /t3S%N /LMS /►S //MSb/%MN MN %MS 3N %MS `9Z :Z /L3 'EZ 4 %MN4 %MN LZ °b /t3S' /l3S 'b /L3Sz /N 't /t3Nb /LMS 'z /LN `OZ `VaNt /%3N '6l 3SZ/iS '81. /t3S /t3S `b/t3S 'b L uo!loas "WU. ''NEZ'1 '%39743 `b£ `ZE /IMSb /L3N '%MNzA.3 'L '9 'S slot 'OE %3N /tN '9 loi '6l /3Sz/i3 /i3S %MS'MMS 63S'81 `8l %MS 4 AMN%S %3N '1.1. /AMN `91. !KMN %3N' %3N 'bl /�3N /tMN 'EL /MS `Zl !%3S %MS %MN 4 AMN 4 /t3S 'z %N 1 1 /t3S `MMN %MS 4 /�MN %t3 '%3N1 '01. %MS %t3S S '6 /t3S /t3Nz /tS '9 loi `Z %MS %MN /VMNMMS `8 `L '9 WI l uo!loas "AA Z1.1- "N ZZ /t3N %MS' /�3Nz /LN '0£ `8`L`9 WI '81- %MS '%MSSiM `Z l 1.-8 WI '9 %MN /tS `8 siol 'b 4 /tMS 4 /t3S `P/tMS %MS `Z uo!loes ''MZII'd''N 1.Z'1 'SE !%3StAMN %MSz/LN '%MS %MS ANI /�3Nz /M `£E !%39z/S' %3N 'ZE /LMN %3N '9 lol L£ %3SZ /tS /tMSM3S `8 LW' 'OE !a //Sz /tS '6Z uo!loas ''M L l L 'd `'N /►3Nz /S /MMN$71.3S L L '01. SP `9 %MN AS 'L slot '9 uo!loas "AA 1.14 'd'NZZ'1 /t3S '9 '9 slot `8l uo!loas 1.1.1. '1=1"N 1.Z'1-'I 6u!woAM 'salluno3 aalemlaaMS pue u1004 'ue!puov led!ouud ulx!S :spuel leiepal 6u!MolIol ayl uo paleoo/ ale Aeon- to -slu6u eu!Ied!d emu_ •suo!suaua!p pue seweu eu!Ied!d to lsg pegoeue ees '99-L£b moe leiol 'ap!nn Mee 09 pue 6uol leal 88' LLb` 1.8E `seu!led!d se6 leinleu .iol i(enn- to -sly6u eae 8 L9ZZ 1. MAM ABM-10 -146!d Jepun pezuoylne sa!l!i!oel ayl M 92, (J 26, W NW SihSE 27, S /2NE1/4, NI/2S SE %SE 28, S /2NW NE %SW S /2SW SE 29, EE /2NE 31, Tots 5, 8, 9, 10, N' /2NE 32, N' /2N 33, N' /2N S'hNE %NE1 SE SEIANE NE Ni2SEY4SW NWIANE NWiASE 34, E /NE SIhNE W /2NW SEIANWIA, E 35, NEI44NEI/4, WY2NE SY2NW /4, NEiASW SE 36, NW SEIANWIA, NihSWiA, Si2Sih, NWiASE T. 20 N., R. 113 W., section 14, NEi/4SE%. T.21 N., R. 113 W., section 2, lot 1, S NW %SW 4. SEIASEiA; 12, lot 4, Wi /2W /2, SE SW 13, SE T. 22 N., R. 113 W., section 11, EI /2SW 12, SW /4; 13, lot 4, W /2NE SPASM, Wi2SEiA; 14, W Ei /2NW Ni /2SWIA, SE 23, WI /2NE SEiANE NE Ni/SWiA, SE SE 24, lot 1, W /2NE SEIANWIA, SW SW 25, lot 1, W /2NE NW SEIANWIA, NE 26, NE N /2NW Si /2; 27, NE /4; 34, SEiASEIA; 35, NWiANE%/4; 36, lot 38. T. 23 N., R. 113 W., section 36, lots 7, 8, 13. This amendment has the same expiration date as the original grant, December 31, 2021. 76 The rental for linear rights -of -way is determined according to regulations found at 43 CFR 2803.1 -2. The rental for Right -of -Way WYW- 122518 has been requested through December 31, 2000. Rental has been requested for this amendment for the period May 4, 2000 through December 31, 2000. This amount is $22.31. An advance payment of $22.31 has been received. All subsequent rental payments for the entire grant will be due at the beginning of the calendar year starting January 1, 2001 and thereafter annually. Future billings will reflect the latest adjusted schedule as published in the Federal Register. This decision may be appealed to the Interior Board of Land Appeals, Office of the Secretary, in accordance with the regulations contained in 43 CFR, Part 4 and the enclosed Form 1842 -1. If an appeal is taken, your notice of appeal must be filed in this office (at the above address) within 30 days from receipt of this decision. The appellant has the burden of showing that the decision appealed from is in error. MIN 9 :spaepue ;s 6u!mopo; ay; uo peseq uoi ;soil! ;snf ;uepgins mot's Heys leedde 6uipued uo!spep a ;o Ae ;s a ao; uoi ;i ;ed a `uoi ;ein6aa ;ueufped aey ;o ao met i(q pepinoad esintiey ;o se ;de3x3 •pe ;uea6 aq wogs i(e;s e 1e43 a ;ea;suowep o; loud to uepinq ay; aneg noit 'i(e;s e panda! nog( °eoiilo sit'; y ;inn pull aae s ;uewnoop meui6uo ay; awi; ewes NI le (E Gy j ado Eb ees) ao ;pgos e4; to aoill0 a ;eudoadde ay; o; pue sleeddy pue ;o paeo8 aoue ;uf et'; o; pue uoispep sit'; ui peweu Aped pee o; pe iiwgns aq osie ;snw i(e ;s e ao; uoi ;i ;ad pue leedde ;o eoi ;ou ay se!doO •moleq pa;si! spaepue ;s ay; uo peseq uoi ;eo!Msnf ;uapi ;ins mot's o; pe mbaa s! Ae;s e aol uoiiied v ieedde to sow.] anon( Auedw000e ;snw iris e ao; uoi ;i ;ed et' ;'paeo8 ay; Aq pe einea 6uiaq si leedde anoA ;ey; ewi; ay; 6uunp uoisioep shy ;o sseueni ;Dada ay; to i(e ;s e aol I1788Z idn Eta JO (£661. '6 Annum' '6E6V ad 8s) 2 aio Ei uoi ;ein6aa o ;uensand uolpled a au; o; ys!M noit ;j (19. °Ae;s ay; 6uf ;uea6 saone.;saaa ;ui oKind ey; aey ;aqm °i pue'pe ;uea6 ;ou s! J(e;s ay; I! waey elgeaedaaai pue a ;eipewwi to pooygajil a41 •E `s ;uaw ay; uo swoons s, ;ueliadde ay; to pooyija)!i! a41 •Z `penaap JO pe uea6 si /CUP eqi sewed ay; o; waeq ani ;elaa ay1 ne ;s e buiuie qQ aol spaepue3S 1.-Z178 G wand W18 saansopu3 I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT TO ACCOMPANY Blackjack 40 11 Well Connect GAS GATHERING LINE APPLICATION EXHIBIT A May 4, 2000 WYW- 122518 i 6 "l The buried 6 inch steel pipeline will head in a southerly direction from Blackjack 40-11 well, located in the Southwest quarter of Section 11 Township 22 North, Range 113 West to connect into an propose&existing pipeline in the Northeast quarter of Section 14, Township 22 North, Range 113 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming. The total length of the right -of -way is approximately 4111 feet, of which 4111 feet are on Federal lands. A 50 foot wide corridor is requested for construction, operational and maintenance purposes. The pipeline will consist of a 6 inch pipe, 0.156 inch wall thickness, Grade X -42 pipe with a maximum operating pressure of approximately 1200 psig. Associated facilities include valving and metering. All permanent above ground facilities, piping, and valving will be a flat, non contrasting color harmonious with the surrounding landscape. Present warehouse stock colors comprise of either Carlsbad Canyon (2.5Y 6/2) or Desert Brown (10 YR 6/3). II. RECONNAISSANCE AND LOCATION Reconnaissance reveals that the route selected was the most practical route in relation to the well location and the nearest collector pipeline. No other alternatives were considered because the proposed route utilizes existing surface scars as much as possible. III. ANCILLARY RIGHTS OF WAY AND PERMITS Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will secure all rights of way on adjacent non federal lands prior g Y adjacent P to i eline construction. Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will notify authorized right of wa P P �Y way users of Mountain Gas Resources, Inc.'s proposed pipeline crossings or overlaps on the grounds occupied by the affected right of way users. Any associated road and utility permits will be secured from the appropriate regulatory agency prior to construction. g Supuoi ajus u aptnoad of papaau si su AuM jo -lq u looj Aug alp jo gontu su utquM gsn.iq a3us se Sons `uotlula2an uMOp loom of pasn aq [UM apuiq u q2!M iapu.ru Jolom y M 3o -Wu aql Aq passato puui am jo asn iuuuou otp iIIM aouatajaalui lsuoi alp asnuO of su i uunut u Bons ut dutuls aq THAN did •sanu.re li su /cum jo i agl 2uoiu 5utuls pull `papaau su 5iona1 (q qof a4l of pajnug aq AIM siuualuut uoilonilsuoo IId spoor Z kialuunxoiddu lsei igm pouad uononalsuo3 ag1, aino.t om 2uoiu suoumodo auriadid jo aouanbas pauuuid u ut an000 inn auiiadtd pasodoid agl jo uononilsuoj _•ano1dun suotltpuoO Hos [pun pamoiiu aq lou IITM satltn!OU uononalsuoD •luamdtnba uouonaisuoo lloddns AIaiunbapu 02 lam 001 aau suornpuoo Hos mil =op ium .our `saOlnosag sup trmunoj, `daap sagout j7 jo ssaoxa ut sltu aoujms saluan luatudinba Lions jI •luamdtnba uoporulsuoo laoddns AIalunbapu of laM ool st Hos uagM spouad 2uunp saptntlou aotnualutum aufno.t xo uoi3OntlsuoO Aug moire loll [gm our `soomosag sup unlunow agusn aoujans puu ssaoou ioj uopon.tlsuoo of loud palouluoo aq iiiM slauMopuui aoujlns alunud Hy •satltnt2OU uotl3nllsuoo Auu $utlauls jo aouunpu ut &cup g of Z nog() pazuoglnu aql Xjilou 'gm our `saaanosag sup unlunow •painoas uaaq anuq sluamnoop AuM jo 20u puu sliuuad iiu uagM aouautmoo rpm uo!Onalsuoo augadid 'iuM j0 lggu aql gItM paluiDOSS1 salts puu spuoa Iiu saanoo gongm `1jjo pazuoglnu am Ali guiluM ut jo panoiddu puu `iapioq aql Aq paluamaidun aq hugs =Bold &upliod lap! v •luamdtnba pug satin `slonpoid mnaioalad `sunup Ho `asnja.t `augng 'Limn `alsuM timing 2utpni3Ut Jalluut papreasip Hu steam „alsuAk„ alts iusodstp alseM aluudojddu uu lu Aildmoid jo pasodstp aq hugs salts asogl lu siuualum alsuM `saunl Hu lu uogtpuoo (nituus u ut pautulutum aq hugs sans uotlanalsuoJ •saotlpnid 3uuaaut2ua uanoad puu ajus glint aouuploOOU ut aq hugs saoilouid uotluutuual pug `aouuualutum `uotluado `uotlorulsuoz puu `Iuualum `atsap IId NOLLDf12IISNOD 'A •iauuosiad •OUI `saoanosag sup unlunoy`i papanp aq rum augadtd pasodoid am jo uoiloadsut pug aOUnualutum `2uuaautgua `uotlonulsuoo `udtsap agZ NOISRQ 'AI papualui si spew asagl jo 2ufno.taa .10 uotlontlsuooaa aofuut oN .topl.uoo iuM jo lgpu pagsiiqulsa aqi puu spuo1 $utlstxa of pauguoa aq rum lOafold autiadtd aq; mu! ssopou .ninOigan pug luatudinba T 0 area. A wheel trencher will be used to dig the trench, stacking the dirt beside the ditch. After the pipe is placed in the ditch a motor grader or caterpillar will be used to push the dirt back into the trench. The fill on the trench will then be tamped into place with the grader wheels, leaving a berm of four inches to accommodate settling. Disturbance of the top soil within the right -of -way will be kept to a minimum. In areas of excessively steep hillsides or to provide a smooth approach to a cut or gully, as well as at stream bank crossings and at established work stations, some blading may be required to provide a safe and suitable working area for the equipment and workers. When this occurs the top six inches of soil will be stock piled on the side of the right -of -way and spread back over the area from which it was taken, after the final grading. Before seeding any disturbed areas (if applicable), the right of way will be restored to its original form, slope, contour, and soil density to the extent practicable. The construction force is expected to number approximately six to eight persons at the peak of construction. No temporary work camps are proposed. The following is a list of construction equipment proposed on the pipeline project: a. 1 Welding Truck b. 1 Tractor Trailer c. 1 Two Ton Truck d. 4 Pickup Trucks e. 1 Seed Driller and Tractor (if applicable) f. 1 Backhoe g. 1 Trackhoe h. 1 Side Boom Caterpillar After pipeline construction is completed, pipeline markers will be installed at specified intervals for identifying the pipe's location. No toxic substances are proposed for use in connection with the construction project; however if toxic substances are required, usage shall conform with provisions of the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, as amended (40 CFR Part 702 -799). Any release of toxic substances (leaks, spills, etc.) in excess of the reportable quantity as established by 40 CFR Part 117.3 shall be reported as required by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, Section 102 B. A copy of any requested report required by any Federal or State agency of a reportable release or spill of any hazardous material shall be furnished to the authorized officer within 5 working days of the occurrence of the spill or release. The holder(s) shall comply with all applicable Federal laws and regulations existing or hereafter enacted or promulgated. In any event, the holder(s) shall comply with 3 769 Rim pouad •ainssatd 2ml wado pau2lsap sli sauna T •j ugg1 ssal ad!d ow jo smow3as Tuauatuajout 5urzunssaid jo sTsisuoo oinpaooid aq1, •iani>T uaaJj aql wog Jonm 2utsn palsal -oipCq aq TTim auipdtd aqa `palaldutoo si uotion.nsuoo logy ••ouT `saomosa)j sg9 uiulunoT T jo sampaooid juuongiodo ammo' sg pasn are saanpaooid Aouo .iaura pug xuaiq auq pajigiau •nth ssaoau aq Cum aurjadtd alp jo uowod alp jo mauraorldai io .ngda.r `sao.mos jgu.raaxa wog did age oI an000 Rugs aggurgp 3I •aouuuaaureuz anpuanaad aunbai so panznq /clops g asngo pjnoo Jugs suopunlis .raqpo Aug pug Aum jo 1112u aqi uo Iuaurgonoaoua pazuogingun `uo11rpuoo Agm jo lg8u `uotsoia su Lions suzafgoid .ioj loop of alonion iCq ao iooj Aq paioadsui pug pallor d iCTaunnoi aq Rim au!ad!d aq j HDNVNH,LNWNI (INV NOI.LVI 1dO AI lugsai oiln1soapiCq jo uonajdwoo uodn a2is aq1 wog panouiaa oq fjggs paljgism spafgo .10 sjuuawW so `sgugpui o2Jugostp Lions uro.g 2uriinsaa 2uunoos .io uorsoaa Aug Joj algisuodsaz pia i aq film i aq I •a2ngostp Bons jo u su pagsaa ;gm pa1oaju aqi utgIim spuuggo jnanigu Jo 2uulloos .to uorsoaa ou aq film wolp amsua Xi ssaaau saznpngs uorloa1ord Tauuugo ajqmtns fiu1sut pug u2tsap pug `s1apno iov dtssrp ICS.raua ajgt ins u'Instil pug u2isap'Tugs Japjoq atp `auijadid aqi wog iaaum 2ugsal otngisoapAq jo o2nipsrp aoud •spgpums Aigunb aawm Inaapad 10 01E1 `pool sworn 144gm age 1gg1 amsua 01 `Anssaoau `passaooid pug polsol 'fim aa1gm 2utisal opulso.rpAq `a2I gosrp Aug of loud •sat1xd pngI polup.run so `11108u sat `aapj_oq alp pasngo s< asuopi u aaq;agm o� pu8ai lnoglim pagddg luaurao.ag stay •Agm jo 1451.1 aqa uo XJ!A aon s Cum Jo 1gSu aq1 o1 pa1gionn Allogm sr Si auaTa paualgaiip so asua'az 041 ssoTun) /igmjo upu a42 uo (tas 1 -0- Zj7 `9L61 Jo lay Alonooag pug uot1gndasuo3 ao1nosau alp so •was ra `1096 'J'S11 Zt `0861 Jo ;od AiijiquwZ pug uonusuadutoj `asuodsaj Iu1uautuonnug antsuagaadump aqi ur paugap aru suu01 asagi SP) alsnm snop1uznq so aouuisgns snopiuzgq Aug jo ogeolai NT wag 8utsun Amquq Aug asuiag sa1u1S pa;iun a41 iuutapui 01 saaigu •oN .Cum Jo 145!.1 jo Jopioq aqy ivaunuanog 02n1S 10 /Collage paapod panjonur aql 01 siiodai 0111 jo 8 u!Tg aq1 q;im auaunouoa iaogjo pazuogpnn aqa 01 polisminj aq This saouulsgns otxo1 Aug jo Rids 10 asgalai a'quwodai u Jo 1Tnsa1 u sg luauiurano2 0111S 10 Aouo2g Tgaapad .Cull Xq pa2sanbaa so paarnbai iodai Aug jo ACdoo d •gZOT uonoaS `0861 Jo loy Aimgt 1 pug uonnsuadwo3 `asuodsoN TE1uauzuo.unug anrsuolloldutoD aqa q pannbaa su papodar aq [Eggs LI 1 Ind `?I33 Oh Xq pagsijqmsa iCiqugnb a'quwodai aqa Jo ssaoxa ut Colo `sRids `s3paj) saourlsgns orxol Jo asuapa Aug `ATTruotaippy 2133 017 `sliivagdiq paiguuojgoXjod uo suoisr■oad `Aflu100ds0 pug 66L ZOL Pd '11,4D Oti aaS)•wui2 ACgm Jo 14J sigl lapun pazuog1nu sat1ipouj uo 10 Arm JO Ng41 otp uo paaoms JO &q paTnraua2 `pasn aan 1141 saourlsgns oixon Aug 01 prg2a1 g1im ('mss 1 `I09Z D'S'fl S1) PaPuaure Sg `9L6I JO 1 V to1uoD saauunsgnS nrnoy aq1 bee 8 hours to verify the pipe integrity. The water will be drained into a small pit(s) at either end of the tested line to minimize erosion. The holder shall conduct all activities associated with the construction, operation, and termination of the right of way within the authorized limits of the right of way. VII STABILIZATION AND ABANDONMENT Following the completion of the pipeline test, the right of way traversed by the pipeline construction will be restored in accordance with the landowner's requirement, or those agencies having jurisdiction. All disturbed areas will be recontoured so that the disturbed area blends into the surrounding terrain. Appropriate measures will be taken to prevent erosion through the use of construction diversion terraces, rip -rap, matting, and water bars. All disturbed areas along the pipeline corridor will be reseeded to the landowner's or regulatory agency's specifications. Seed will be planted using a drill and in areas not suitable for drilling, the seed will be broadcasted and raked or chained to cover the seed. The application rate and seed mixture will comply to the landowner's or regulatory agency's specifications. Upland Sites Seed Mix Species Western wheatgrass Thickspike wheatgrass Indian Ricegrass Shadscale saltbush Globemallow Species Western wheatgrass Bottlebrush squirreltail Gardner saltbush Indian ricegrass Total Saline Lowlands Seed Mix Total Variety Rosanna Critana Nezpar Variety Rosanna 5 Drill Seeding Rate 61bs /acre PLS 6 lbs /acre PLS 3 lbs /acre PLS 3 lbs/acre PLS .5 lbs/acre PLS 17.5 lbs /acre Drill Seeding Rate 6 lbs /acre PLS 3 lbs /acre PLS 2 lbs/acre PLS 41bs /acre PLS 15 lbs /acre 7 7 1 igssaoau sg palaidtuoo aq fpm (aiquogddu It) seam pug! paginlsip jo uopmaganaa pug 2utpnz'ag .scats pazuotpng jo pasodstp w siguaigtu aigeagenigsun Hy pug panourai aq osig iilM saugtogj augadrd punoBanogg fig pug augadrd aqj •/Couag Aiolgin2aa algudoiddu alp wag sawagj alp uopuggg of uopgzuoqpng £r ssaoau Aug unigo !fpm umunoj •slttttg Arm Jo 2g2u atp unp!M sum paginlstp alp .IOI spogpaur iortuoo poom aigeldaaag umgo `saquogpng !goo! .io aaoujo pazuotpng alp qpIM algutpa000 !pm urelunoyAi AgM jo IgRu aqi jo pagsgqulsa otp ulimm span paq n sip alp uo ioiluoo paaM ioj aigisuodsat aq flTM •ouI `saoainosou suo utglunomi •Atrussaoau pautaap uouguuojut .zatpo Aug pug `siounluoo 3o iusodstp `ag1o1s Jo uougooi `uofgogddg Jo potpow `paiioiiuoo aq oa (s)lsad `pasn puma! 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