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'4T ;auaq pup asn Am JO; pup 'peags pup aaeTd 'auieu Aiu uT pup am JO; ;peg uT Aeuao4Je TnJMeT pup anaq ano yyoIrI'IE rInvd 4uTodde Agaaaq (ZniHS EIIS VIHLNAD PUe 'd'iVHS SSIAW2 3IZIE 'yyOIrIZE NOISNHOf ArRIESNII?I 'LLOl'Ias 'If1Xd QIAva 'QrIEI.SF fa EIdVN vSIrI 'paubtsaapun au 13 'Jeu6eM euueer AM aaiawwe) 7.6 r a6ed moo u■ papioaa AEN2IOSIY 30 2IEMOd rIVIaadS (Teaaed queaen 1 14aON) :S rIE3' IKd :ydEDX S69S6 VD 'PUeTPOOM gaaagS ;anon 008 'ONI 'NIddOH '3 NIddOH LTSL£# SS 'NIddOH 'd a 'HDIII :Oy nIIvw QEQ2iO3E2i NEHM 8Z LZ 9g 9Z IZ £Z ZZ IZ oZ 61 81 LI 91 9I tI £I ZI ti OI 6 8 L 9 9 I Six (6) The attorney in fact has the authority to execute any and all documents necessary to bind me regarding said sale, including, but not limited to, real estate listing contract, deed, escrow statement, contracts for sale, including counteroffers and offers, tax documents, escrow instructions, assignments, or any other document necessary to sell and convey said property. I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct. Executed the date hereinafter set forth. Dated: fl' Dated: Dated: Dated: 3 /1 1 Dated: 1998. 1998. 1998. 1998. 1998. 2 LISA MARIE BRPISFIELD 40-i IL/ itfa# DAVID PAUL ELLIOTT KM:_R ��1,NSTON ELLI S SHAR 793 Teas TPToTggo puP pupq Am ssau.TM toot n -S •dx] wwoo AN SvX31 d0 31b'1S 0119fld ,kUVION Sti3HIOWS 31OOiN :USHIO 2IOIKn2IaSNO0 /NVIa'Vno (s) aas snuI ZDK3 NI A3N2IOZZX (s) )I2NSxva (S) 2I30I330 3SV' IOdfi00 (S) gvnaIAIaNI (S) 2I3NJIS AS ClaIIX'I0 AZIDKdV0 •quamnagsuT am. pagnoaxa 'pal.oP (s) uosaad aq. goTgM go gTPgaq uodn AlTqua age ao (s) uosaed am. quauinagsuT age uo (s) aan4PubTS .zTagl. /aag /sTp Aq Tpgp pup '(seT)AgTopdpo pazTaoggnP aTagl /.zaq /sTq UT @MPS agq. pagnoexa Aagq /aqs /aq gpgq GM oq. pabpaTMOUx3P pup 4uauma4suT uT144TM alp o; pagTaosgns aaP /sT (s) auipu asogM (s) uosaad aqq aq of aouepTna Aao ;op ;sT ;ps go sTspq am. uo atu 04 panoad 77 -up- am oq uMOUx ATTpuosaad arr Iamnia aI2iwri vSI'I paapaddp ATTPuosaad 'oTTgnd AiPgoN 5'427W-flag di '9Welc)jaq 3 /16) 1 501V 1V 30 AZNnoo A 86 LZ 96 9Z 1Z £Z ZZ in OZ 61 81 L� 91 91 nI £I ZI tt OI 6 8 L 9 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STATE OF Oa t 'O tCl COUNTY OF Ito On a 1 l9 9 SY before me, CCITT), Notary Public, personally appeared DAVID PAUL ELLIOTT personally known to me -OR- XX proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his /her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S) X INDIVIDUAL(S) CORPORATE OFFICER(S) PARTNER(S) ATTORNEY IN FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN /CONSERVATOR OTHER: s� S, EATON Comm. #1146579 NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA U Yolo County My Comm. Expires July 12, 2001 9 Witness my hand and official seal (Signature of Notary) 4 r77/77;77 'Zl Al dz3 wwo� dw 4o. (Aip4oN go a.zngPubTS) Alun00 OJOA TEas TpTaTggo pup pupg Aui sseurTM VIN80dI1V) ABV1ON raj, s 6L99b11 NO1b3 'S 1 •quamnagsuT alp pagnoaxa 'paqoa (s)uosied age uoTgM go ;Tpgaq uodn AgT.ua agq. ao (s) uosaad alp ;uauinigsuT aqq. uo (s) aJngpubTs aTagq /.zag /STg Aq gpgq pup '(saT)AgTaQdEo pazT.zoggnp .xTagf /aag /sTq uT auzps alp pagnoaxa Aagq/ags /ag Tpgp 911I oq pabpaTMOUxoa pup quauina4suT uT1 TM agq oq pagTaosgns aae /ST (s) auipu asogM (s) uosaad aqp aq oq aauapTna A.zogop ;sTJ.pS go sTspq age uo am o: pano.zd 77 —g0— GM oq uMoux LLOI'I'I3 NOSNHOI' A'I2ISSWI?I i, at Y) iIHHSo UO LVAUaSNOO /NKIQxvno (s)sassnxs ZOK3 NI ASN2IOZ,LY (S) USN L WKd (s)2iaoI.a o nviaoalloa (s)ainainlaNI (s) usNJIs As a wI rio AZIOXd�ZO ATT2uos.zad paasaddp ATTpuos.zad 'oTTgnd AJP4oN 'am aao ;aq 9 6 3J i v g r4 u0 )0 1) 3o Aninoo ue� r rY). o ins 8Z Lg 9Z 9Z fZ Eti gZ IZ OZ 61 81 LI 91 91 II EI gI ii OI 6 8 L 9 9 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STATE OF COUNTY OF On IL/ i Notary Public, personally appeared ERIC JAMES SHARP personally known to me -OR- a proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his /her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S) X INDIVIDUAL(S) CORPORATE OFFICER(S) PARTNER(S) ATTORNEY IN FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN /CONSERVATOR OTHER: 6 7 `i 7 1 /9A before me, 16/1/2/1 Witn s my hand and official seal (Signature of Notary) S TATE OF 2 Q 3 COUNTY OF LI I G 4 H On 1)10 PC 1 C S before me, L11-6 I1 5 Notary Public, personally appeared CYNTHIA LUE SHARP 6 8 7 8 personally known to me -OR- proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be 9 the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the 10 within instrument and acknowledged to me that 11 he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized 12 capacity(ies), and that by his /her /their signature(s) on 13 the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of 14 which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. 15 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S) 16 X INDIVIDUAL(S) 17 CORPORATE 18 OFFICER(S) PARTNERS) 19 ATTORNEY IN FACT TRUSTEE(S) 20 GUARDIAN /CONSERVATOR OTHER: 21 22 23 S. EATON_.___., Comm. 1146579 NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA imp Ynin County 24 25 26 27 28 Witness my hand and official seal w (Signature of Notary) 7