HomeMy WebLinkAbout870217DOUGLAS W. WEAVER ATTORNEY AT LAW R O. DRAWER 219 NHEATLAND, WY 82201 STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF CONVERSE Recorded A, in Bool No. 3 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLARD JACKSON PEARSON, aka WILLARD J. PEARSON, JR. aka WILLARD PEARSC, aka BUTCH PEARSON Deceased. Vai:1(: at 4M Page c 0 Kemmerer, WY Jeanne Wagner, Clerk IN THE DISTRICT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Probate No. 4690 Filed fo a •rd thie day of A D 19 JO INTERS Clerk of the District Court Converse County, Wyoming ORDER APPROVING AND CONFIRMING FINAL REPORT AND ACCOUNT AND DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION Ann Lisa Pearson, Personal Representative, having filed a Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution, the matter coming before the Court to be heard and the Court having examined the Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution, other papers and records relating to the estate 1. The Decedent died testate on February 12, 1994, in Arapahoe County, Colorado. At the time of his death, the decedent was and owned an interest in assets subject to administration in the State of Wyoming. On August 9, 1994, the Personal Representative filed an Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal Representative in the Eighteenth Judicial District of the State of Colorado, Arapahoe County, Colorado, and on August 11, 1994, Letters Testamentary were issued to her. On September 19, 1996, this estate was duly admitted to probate in Converse County, Wyoming, and Ann Lisa Pearson was appointed personal representative, and Letters Testamentary were issued to her; and she :,a-s continually served as the Personal Representative of this Estate. 2. The Perso, puoiisi ed Notice of Probate, with the first publication thereof being on November 6, 1996. The time for filing objections to the probate of this estate, for any action to set aside the will, and for filing creditors' claims, has expired. No actions or objections were filed. No creditors' claims were filed.. •.xaggew BTgq uT 'CgTTTgeTT .zaggin3 W023 pa5.zegosTp pug paseaTa.z aq Timis eATgeguasaxdag Teuosaad aqq 'eazaaa sTgq ggTM aoueTTdwoo buTMogs giodaa a 3o uoT4equasaad uodn 'pug aa.zoaa sTgq 3o sw.zaq aqq ggTM aouepi000e uT pied Aauow .xo pagngTigsTp Agiadoad TTe 2o3 sgdTaoai 'uTaaaq 8a snoT.zen aqg wo13 aATeDaa antgeguesaadag Teuosaad aqq gegq (MIMEO 2iSHIL2ind SI 11 •uos1ead esTZ uur own sMo TTo3 se pagngTaqsTp Agaaaq sT awes aqq pue aq 'Agaadoad paaanoosTp -aag3e buTpnTOuT 'qou xo uTaxaq pagTaosap 1aggaqM 'gUapaoap alp 3o Agiadoad alp squnowe anoge alp 3o guawAed pug quawaTggas aag3g gegq aSa as aNV aSoanrav 'asusa2io 2ISHIEnd sI ,LI agegsa alp 3o uoTgngT1gsTp TeuT3 T4TM pageTOosse sgsoo Auy (q) 00 3o aeneaM •M seTSnoa oq aa3 AauaoggV (e) :SuTMOTTo3 alp fed oq pagoaiTp pue paaapao 'Agaaaq sT aqs pue 'aq anTgequasa.xdag Teuosaad aqq gegq assuDaa aNV aSOanrav 'aa2ISa2io dSH.L2ind SI 1LI °paTT3 se paw2T3uoo pue panoadde 'Agaiaq sT awes aqq pue 'aq uoTgngTaqs -a 2o3 uoTgTgad pue 5utqun000v 'gao'dag TeuTd alp gggq assupaa aNV a3JanraV 'asEsauo S2iO3S2ISH,L SI .LI agegsa alp 3o uoTgngT1gsTp TeuT3 ggTM pageToosse sgsoa Auy (3) 00'05£'1$ 3o 2angaM •M seTSnoa oq aa3 Aauaoggv (q) aa3 aaq panTeM seq 9ATgequaseadad Teuosaad aqy (e) :buTMOTTO3 alp 3o quawAed aqq oq ATuo goacgns 'gq.zo3 gas .xaggeuTaaaq SP pagngT2gsTp aq pTnogs Agaadoad pagTiosap -anoge aqy •L '6661 '61 TTad\ PeTTJ TesTeadde aqq pue 6661 4 W PaTT3 Aaoquanu2 uT pegTaosap sT uoTqngTagsTp ao3 agegsa aqg uT buTuTewaa Agaadoad au, •9 •ggeeP sTq 3o agep al-14 qe buTWOAM 3o agegs aqq uT agegsa Teaa uMO pTp guapaoap au, -5 'PeTT3 pue pazedaad uaaq seq paseaoap aqg ao3 uanga' xey awoouI Teaapa3 Ieuosaad au, .pa TT; uaaq aneq suangag xey awoou2 AaeToUPT3 TTV 'SUI aqq woa3 panTaoaa uaaq seq aaggaT buTsoTO \i PeTT3 seM 90L 11110 uanga1 xey agegsa sagegs Pa4Tu0 1 •6 :sMOTTo3 se sT paseaoap aqq oq dTgsuoTgeTea aaq pue TTTM aqg aapun easTnap aqy •aaq ao3 paquTodde uaaq aagsnaq ao aogenaesuoo 'ueTpaenb Aue seq aou 'AgTTTgesrp TebeT Aue aapun qou sT aqS •uosaead esTZ uuy sT asnods buTATnans aqy '1 i g £961 -ZZTO8 00 '1.1049T44 -M 8TOaT3 aaowTTT3 ggn °S 166L asnods 'uosaead esTZ uuy 17 IOZZ6 AM 'ONV1IV3HM 616 113MVaO 'O d MV1 1V A3N6O11V 63AV3M 'M SV19noa DOUGLAS W. WEAVER ATTORNEY AT LAW P. 0. DRAWER 212 WHEATLAND, WY 02201 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that because of ownership of mineral interest, the Personal Rep ep ative, is authorized to issue personal representative deeds`'``t'o' "th distributee for transfer and recd ing. Done in open Court this 0 ay of J DISTRICT COURT STATE OF WYOMING SS Converse County f CERTIFIED to be a full true and correct ill of the original In my custody DATED..: 4 9 A. D. 18.G. JO Deputy NTERS e DI Court MY TERM WILL EXPIRE ON Tf IE 1st MONDAY IN JANUARY 2003 DISTRICT JUDGE