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Lien! >lien 'Jeu6eM euuear f,s M °N 3DVD1aOW AM JeiewuieN ed C 40053 Lit W et naafi" �r.�✓ pepJooed Afto050.wpd INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 2 of 3 RV063000 /F 3Z', The water rights listed above have changed the point of diversion and means of conveyance and source as granted by the Board of Control in Petition Docket IV- 91 -1 -9, filed February 20, 1991, granted February 27, 1991. Permit 5676 Enl., Priority Date June 4, 1940 Temporary Filing Number 27 2/180, Priority Date February 27, 1991 Well permit UW 86364 Well permit UW 91531; 3. The pledge and assignment of the MORTGAGOR of funds currently held and revenues generated by the operation of the water system, in an amount sufficient to meet loan amortization requirements, and to provide a separate fund to meet repair and maintenance costs for the Project. The MORTGAGOR'S Pledge and Assignment of Revenues is incorporated herein by reference. 4. Any and all permits required for construction of this Project and subsequent operation and maintenance of the TOWN OF AFTON water supply system. The conditions of this mortgage are such that if the MORTGAGOR well and truly pays the Promissory Note hereinabove referenced, according to the terms thereof, this mortgage shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. MORTGAGOR shall pay all taxes, liens, judgments, assessments or insurance or any interest thereon, and in case default be made in payment of the principal, or any installment thereof, or any installment of interest as provided in said Promissory Note, then the whole sum of principal and interest shall become due and payable at the option of MORTGAGEE, and MORTGAGEE may proceed pursuant to law, to foreclose on said property, and out of the proceeds from such foreclosure, the MORTGAGEE shall retain all sums due it under said Promissory Note, together with the costs and charges of making such foreclosure, including a reasonable attorney's fee. The provisions of this mortgage shall apply to and be binding upon the representatives, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. 3 /000£90n1-.1 Jo a6ed NOIdV 3O NMOI sai!dxa uo!ss!wwoo EWA .V L ,winos ON 11611 t •leas le!o!jjo pue pueq Aw ssauIiM pd •OOOZ jo Aep siq k WV f Y hi Aq aw aaojaq pe6palnnou)loe se/NA .uawnJ�su! 6u!o6aJoJ oqj N1O0NI1 30 Id1NfOO •ss DNIWOAM 3O 31.ViS -70 2/ D T 12 U(j ?V U. ua�1iJnn anoge 1.sJlL JeaA pue Aep aqn uo leas pue spueq Jpgl has olunaioq seq 'sanp.eluesaadei pazuoya.ne Ainp sIi g6noaya. pue Aq lrIOJVJ1bi0W 91 11 'dO H HM SS3NlIM NI