HomeMy WebLinkAbout869382uMOUluf pup sauo(' •p 's3uppuajaa aya. ;e41 •Z •aLL� 4.ano0 aye kg paauapLna sp RLLpuosaad paAJas 6uLwoVM 'atLtAa400 3o uMOI 's,4uepua,}a0 ay; pup uo44eol.Lgnd kg uaaay p9LL3 4u%eLdwol ay4 q.LM paAJas OJOM S UQWLPLO UMOU1uf Ile pup aoa auer pup aoa uyo(+ 'sluewLp[O uMOUjua pue seuo(' Auea3 jo saa ;e6a1 JO saast.ALO 'saLaH uMOUlua pup sauo(+ )upa3 'S'UepuaJa0 ato 3eyl '1 spu l. j, paaa;jo s j,00ad ate; pup aspo ay; �O spaoaaa ayl paupoxa 6U.Apy pup RUOW Sa; ayl, paean 6uLApy 4.11100 aye, „4uepuajac sLy4 4sule6e sp 'luLpjdwo3 sM3U Le ld 40 Z ydeJspaed u[ paq }aosap R4aadoad ayI oI. am1. 6uLla[nb ,aap.ap up 6uLaa4ua ;ano0 au; o4 uoLloaCgo Rue ;Jesse lou saop 4uepua4a0 s[t13 a6pa[Moul s,luppuajaO sLt ;o ;sag ay; of luosidwoo,S440uLpLd paaaMSUP SuLAey 4uepua4aa sL4I '3H033H3HR H !SMOILOi SP .aaMSUe pLPS tit pa4e4s fiu [ney .aa44.1n; pup y5no.ato Z ydea5PJed pal4Lwpe }u Lp Ldwoo s4d13u1PLd aaMSUP apy3 ul aaolo4aJay 6u,Apy 6ULwaRM 'aLLLAaloO J.0 UMOj '3uepuajaa aye. pup Iuasaad 6uLaglou SIUpWLejO uMou)uq LLe pup aop auep pup ao0 mop 'squefle10 uMOUlua pup. sauor 'C )tupa4 Jo saa3p6al JO saasLALQ 'sJLaH uMOU)ua pue sauop •r )tueJd sauepuaJao ay; pup !Jot/CPI •0 °Ae1 '4auao44e ,J1.0114 y6no.ayf pup Rq SuLaeadde 5 441.1uteLd 0 43 •Pa[Lj uLaJay sUjL2uLPLd a4; Jo luLptdwo3 ay; uodn. P 4notilo 6u[44Ls 2ano0 SIHI 31JOd38 '3IVa SIHI 0t/I211 a0d A ONV Alna NO 3W00 9NIAVH MINN SIH1 8Sb6 311I1 13Inb 3O 33)1330 0 H9Vd 1d(IC ..xooa ■-nn 7nn SNINOAN 10 3IVIS 4 N103NI1 AO AINIIO3 3H1 1103 ONY NI 13I111SI0 IYI3I00L' 021IH1 3H1 30 111003 13I111SIO 3H1 NI 'ON LLA! r (]3A13,33 d 0 IUD pr) sluepua.;aa 'slues elJ UMOU )$ua IIV pue '300 3NYP Pup 300 NHOL' 's2upwIPLO uMOUIUf PUP 'SBN0e •e ANVNA Jo 'saaze6ai .ao 'saasLAaa 's.agaH uMOUlUf PUP 'S3NOC '0 ANIMA Pup '3IIIA3X03 3O NA01 •SA 's3114u1.eld '31YN "N VAIY PUP 31YN "V NOSHO a /1f 31VN '0 VA13 Pug 31YN NOS )10 £ZZ£-6LZ (LO£) :auoyd btI£8 614wo#M 'a[LLAalo3 60E x08 0 0 'd S fl U.Pld aoJ. KaUJO22V Jo LRel •0 RoAel 0 69E PI,cc Q1P /nc:nI cam, ;1CT 1'lT?II�Tf1 rn f` ilr'iT -1 nfP-fl -I'lfl ..2 0 Heirs, Divisees or Legatees of Frank J. Jones and Unknown Claimants, John Doe and Jane Doe and all Unknown Claimants have failed to answer or plead as required by the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure, and the Town of Cokeville, Wyoming has consented to the prayers in Plaintiff's complaint as to the Town of Cokeville, Wyoming. 3. That the default of the Defendants has been entered by the Clerk of Court, as required by the Wyoming Rules Civil Procedure. 4, That the time within which said Defendants, J. Jones and Unknown Heirs, Divisees or Legatees of J. Jones and Unknown Claimants, John Doe and Jane Doe and all Unknown Claimants were required to appear and plead herein has expired; that they have not appeared herein; that no answer, demurrer, motion, or other pleading has been served or filed herein; and that the default of said Defendants has been duly and regularly entered; and 5. That the Court being satisfied that the allegations of the Complaint are true and that the relief asked for should be granted; now therefore, 6. That the Town of Cokeville having hertofore in their answer to Plaintiffs Complaint admitted paragraph 1 through 3 and further stated in said answer as follows, "WHEREFORE, this Defendant having answered Plaintiffs' Complaint to the best of this Defendant's knowledge this Defendant does not assert any objection to the Court entering an Order quieting title to the property described in Paragraph 2 of Plaintiffs' Complaint, as against this Defendant." On motion of LaVoy 0. Taylor, Attorney for Plaintiff, IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED: 1. That Plaintiffs own in fee simple and are entitled to the quiet and peaceful possession of that certain parcel of land situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and described as follows, to wit: of Frank Frank The Sixty (60') feet by one hundred forty (140') feet closed portion of 4th Street running East from the East side of Sage Street to the Cokeville Town limits, between Block Nineteen (19) and Block Twenty (20) as shown on the original Town of Cokeville, Wyoming plat map as recorded in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office in Kemmerer, Wyoming. (All property in the Town of Cokeville, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming); more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the SW Corner of Lot Five (5) of. Block Nineteen (19), of the Original Townsite of Cokeville, Wyoming, as filed and platted in the Uinta County Clerk's Office, in Evanston, Wyoming, on or about December 5, 1890; thence South 60 feet to the NW Corner of Lot one (1) of Block Twenty (20), thence East 140 lln} e `pl 0. t it F 'A Y. t f 1 N Moo ald •oa pue q of 8ula aw le '4!Pao i:. awol ems ue my m 034014S el 'spego S A S S 'anwl away undo leppnf ylauua4 N100NI1 JO AINf10J eNIINOAM 30 31b'1S '966T 30 Ay!) stye, 12!000 N3d0 NI ma •4oaaa42 lapd iup JO A2aadoad 1paa paps of ao ut 3saaa3ut ao wtel0 Rue 6ut3aassp woal pautvagsaa pue pautofua klluauewaad st wayo aapu 6utmtplo uosaad scup pup a1L1na4o0 J,o uMOj 041 pup sluewteL3 uMOUN we pup aoa aupp pup a00 u 'sluewtpla uMOUlUH pue sauo(+ •y )11.1eaj Jo SOalp6a1 ao saastAta 'sataH uMOU1un pue sauoy •p IueaJ sluppue4ap �py� •X ;aadoad lean pips ut 3saaa,ut JO SUaL1 '0140 ;ynt.a `avelsa ;Sup o; ut aapun 6utwtplo uosaad Xue Jo 6u twos m a ltna)Io3 4o uMOj ay; pue 1 /4aado.ad lean ptes ut lsa,aalut ao uatl `alit} 4 445ta 'alplsa Aup 04 ways. aapun 6utwtela uosaad ,UP pup s3upwte10 UMOUlun [Lo pup Boa alley pup aoa u 'sluPwte10 uMOU)lun pue saucy •p lupJJ 4o seale6a1 JO Saas!ALO `sataH UMOU)lUn pue sauop •y )1U JJ 10 spume!) ao SWLp17 lle pue Rue lsutp5e palatnb aaAaaoj. kga.aay st kl.aadoad ptPS 04 a14I2 ,s3jt ;utp •6utuut6aq jo ;utod 944 04 '(6T) uaalautN )oolg 4o (s) antj 403 40 autl 41nos aye. f;uop 'ssal ao OJOW 'lay} w 1soM e00p41 `.(6T) uao4auLN 10018 Jo (s) BAIA 401 Jo JOUJO0 3S ayl 01 1oo4O9 q JoN aouayl `•(OZ) A4u0A1 10018 JO (t) 0110 401 Jo Jauao0 3N 044 04 3ae4 .nn t,nn nknn n 17 inn n e6pny l0tals 'NOJH9nO8! •a NHa o Id 2P41 •z q I"1 T?!IgTrl rl 1f IT I•IJf]l._I 1f7_nC 1'lfl