HomeMy WebLinkAbout869395u ti j HOW &I e 3100$
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Exhibit "A"
Lands located within Section 36 of the Resurvey of Township
22 North, Range 116 West, 6th principal Meridian, county of
Lincoln, State of Wyoming and more particularly descrLbed as
Commencing at a brass cap being the west quarter corner of said
Section 36; thence N0 07'02 "E 40.10 feet along the section line
to a brass cap marking the closing corner of the east -west Lot
37 line and also being the true point of beginning;
Thence NO 07'25 "E 1282.76 feet along the section line to a brass
cap being the north one- sixteenth corner between said Section
36 and Section 35;
Thence S89 53'08 "E 1981.82 feet along the one sixteenth line
to a point being the center east one sixty- fourth corner of
the northwest quarter of said Section 36;
Thence S0 26'36 "W 1982.34 feet to a point being the northeast
one sixty- fourth corner of the southwest quarter of said Section
Thence N89 56'34 "W 1073.37 feet along the one- sixteenth line
to a point;
Thence N29 °36'46 "W 30.66 feet to a point;
Thence N40 19'07 "W 378.79 feet to a point;
Thence N62 52'54 "W 450.98 feet to a point;
Thence N47 °05'02 "W 265.48 feet to the intersection with the
north line of Lot 37;
Thence N89 °07'23 "W 39.82 feet along said lot line to the true
point of beginning