HomeMy WebLinkAbout869410Land Description Percent of Interest Percent of Overriding Royalty Or Similar interests Additional space on reverse, if needed. Do not submit documents or agreements other than this form; such documents or agreements shall only be referenced herein. A Owned b Conveyed c Retained d Reserved E Previously reserved or conveyed f Township 22 North, Range 115 West, 6 P.M. 100% 100% FOR 0% ASSIGNE o% 0% Section I: Lots 1 -4, S2N2, S2 Section 2: Lots 1, 2, S2NE, SW, N2SE, SWSE Section 11: N2, NESW, S2SW, SE Lincoln County, Wyoming Containing 1,688.44 acres, more or less Fonn.3000 -3 (October 1992) 1. Assignee* Baseline Minerals, Inc. Street 1645 Court Place, Suite 422 City, State, ZIP Code Denver, CO 80202 2. This assignment conveys the following interest: By UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT T �f 1tic Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351 -359) �'tYOM� Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001 -1025) CHE?E tlt Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508) ASSIGNMENT OF RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN A LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES /S/ Carmen E. Lovett (Authorized Officer) Type or print plainly In Ink and sign In ink. PART A: ASSIGNMENT BOOK .EL PR PAGE ca LAND LAW EXAMINER (Title) FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 1004 -0034 Expires: July 31, 1995 Lease Serial No WYW- 150484 Lease Effective Date June 1, 2000 *If more than one transferee, check here 1 and list the name(s) and address(es) of all additiog F't7( l ansferees on the reverse oi X rm or on a gttsh separate ed sheet of paper: t This transfer is for: (Check one) [X] Oil and Gas Lease, or Geothermal Lease hE.b. I!tE��6-t t Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, as appropriate) X] Record Title. Overriding Royalty, payment out of production or other similar interests or payments FOR BLM USE ONLY -DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA This signment is approved solely for administrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this assignment holds legal or equitable title to this lease. Assignment approved for above described a Assignment approved for attached land description Assignment approved effective 1, 1 0 1 2000 ,1 Assignment approved for land description indicated on reverse of this form OCT 0 6 2000 (Date) •uo!1o!psun(sU wpm lama ,ius o1 se suo!leluasaidal 10 sluawalsls 1u01npnel3 to snoglloI) 'GSM ,tus SOMS Pal!un atop r(ouae ao 1uawugdo(71 ,Cue o1 0)1ew of ,t11n311!m pug ,(t8u!mou11 uosaad ,Cue l03 awn s l! sallew 1001 'oas D's'n 81 a11!! £050Z'j'Q `uol8uigssM `(17£00 1700I) loarold uouonpag xlomladed la8png pug luawa2gumJo 33S.10 311 11 Pue OVZOZ '0'Q `uol2u!gsuM `'MN `1aa11S 3 61781 `(ILL aousigao nsaln9 (alewaliy) luawa2gugyu pur1 Jo ngaing `loua1ul alp Jo luawusdan •s n o1 wlo3 5041 jo loadse laglo Xue 10 alswpsa uapinq 0418u1P1s8ai s1uawwoo loam •uuo3 041 8u!ma!naa pug 8upaldwoo pue `swp Suiu!slu!sw pus Suuagw8 `suo!lonalsul Su!malnal 10J awl! alp 8u!pnpul asuodsal lad salnulw 0£ a8saane of palswllsa s! uuo3 s!ql 1o) uapinq 8w11odaa 0!lgnd (IKE 1130 CO sa111s,Co18u1Pwano pawalo ,Ctsno!nald llg of pappg s! luawu8!ssu sup uagm soups pauufl agl 01 anp /Cllzio. 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