HomeMy WebLinkAbout869412Land Description Percent of Interest Percent of Overriding Royalty Or Similar interests Additional space on reverse, if needed. Do not submit documents or agreements other than this form; such documents or agreements shall only be referenced herein. A Owned b Conveyed C Retained d Reserved e Previously reserved or conveyed f Township 20 North. Range 115 West. 6 P.M. 100% .5000025% (ORRI) 100% 0% 0% Section 8: E2 Section 18: Lots 1-4, E2, E2W2 Section 20: All Section 30: Lots 1 -4, E2, E2W2 Lincoln County, Wyoming Containing 2250.72 acres, more or less Form 3000 -3 (October 1992) OF f fIF 3rt.?.E.A.,U OF LAND 00 t 1 r ?l, RECEiVED CHEYENNE, WYOMING 1. Assignee* Street City, State, ZIP Code UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT OF RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN A LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351 -359) Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001 -1025) Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508) Baseline Minerals, Inc. 1645 Court Place, Suite 422 Denver, CO 80202 Type or print plainly In Ink and sign In ink. PART A: ASSIGNMENT BOOK 55 PR PAGE 0 9 9 R,CEiVED *If more than one transferee, check here land list the name(s) and address(es) of all additional transferees on the r v tt�'s a5m oc,on4a sp sheet of paper. yt This transfer is for: (Check one) Oil and Gas Lease, or Geothermal LEe6 9 i 1 2 Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, as appropriate) Record Title. X Overriding Royalty, payment out of production or other similar interests or payments J E. 6\ N N L. 2. This assignment conveys the following interest: Assignment approved for above described lands; Assignment approved effective By (Authorized Officer) FOR BLM USE ONLY -DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE 00 NOV KEMMERE (Title) (Date) FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 1004 -0034 Expires: July 31, 1995 Lease Serial No WYW- 150888 Lease Effective Date August 1, 2000 ul 9:50 Assignment approved for attached land description Assignment approved for land description indicated on reverse of this form te THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA This assignment is approved solely for administrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this assignment holds legal or equitable title to this lease. .uogorpsunf s ;l wgllm 1°110, /Cue o; se suoile ;uasaldal to s)uawals)s luatnpnel} 10 sn0t1i1311 'aste3 ,Cus sums pauun alp Jo Aoua2e 10 )uaugledaa /CUR 0; a11e1U o; ,Spn31lim pue ,Cisulmou:t uoslad ,Cue Jo.; awuo all sa:iew too oaS n S f1 81 alto. £0502 'D'a `1104 (b£00 b001) loafold uollonpag 11lonvaded ;a8png pug ;uawa8eueyi3o a0i;30 0 42 PI ObZOZ 'act uol8utgsum `'NN 10011S D 6b81 `(ILL OM) lamp a0ueleao neamg (a ;ewa ;Iy) luawa8euutnl puw j Jo neamg 'wpm' ag13o luawlledo •S` n of wig; sup) Jo )oadse laglo' 10 alewils° uapinq alp 2uip1e2a1 s;uawwoo )Dana •uuo3 a4; 2ulmalnal pus sui)aldwoo pue `ulep sululelulew pug suuaglea `suogowlsul sulmalnal 103 ow!! ow 2ulpnloul asuodsal lad salnulw p£ ogwanu o) pa ;eun)sa si two; sup io3 uopinq suluodal oggnd (amntau &s) wap!s2 9 awegy gdas.f (Din teu8iy�� '0NI Selig 3■1 SHH 3 ..1 d A -7) i pro- t '3 azus`aaus3 •g uox!N 4 `O0OZ 00J las3- ul- .Sauaofy (apoa d!Z) (wets) (A 91008 00 `o :aaualssy (ssalppy s,lou 1ano0 s gln °Si £8SL lny (amteu'i- 1meu8 1 1aHe 'y ox l p loe3- ul- Saulolly 10 :aaualssy :aau2issy DTI uollsiol• 1.puo 1VAOtlddY tIOd isano i aNd NOliY31d111130 :9 12IVd poi- ul- ,fauao ;;y 10 :.tou2lss\ °seat o uo umo4s se 1ou8lssy 3o awely sig; palnoaxg OOOZ 3 ,Cup s141 palnoax3 •91103 pool ul °pew an pus jagaq pus a8palmou:l ,(w jo lsaq aq) 02wallop pus `a)aldwoo `awl an ow ,Cq ulalaq apsw sluawalels alp leg1 `,C3111ao (IbZ£ ?I In £b) sallle,C01 sulpluano paleala ,Clsnolnaid ite o) papps sl luawu2lsss sups Ua4m salelS poplin alp of anp ,C;Isico130 ale! ag130 luaolad OS ue41101e012 IOU `lndlno30 own a413o luaolad auo 3o (b/I) 4ano3 -auo U541 ssal aq sou ,Cew ,Cgedol suipulano us `sluawu2isse ieuua4)oaa 103 •ulalaq pogllosap anal owl 018uiulellad suouolllsal pug suoilelndps `suollipuoo `suual algsolldds pup aaue ;daooe saln ;psuoo luawu8isse sup of ajn)su8is s,aau2issy •toy 8ulssa- mown aLi ;3o Ib •oas Jo uogetoin III 10u sl a0u8issy (j) pus :toy 8ulseal Ielaullnl a4 ;3o (2)Li oas ,Cq pannbal se s8uipioq °seal set pue Ito Islapa3 Hu 103 sluawannbal uollew01301 pm aouegdwoo ui sl aaualssy (a) 'slog 8uizuoq)ne all pus (OOZ£ 10 001 dnol011dj £b) suolleln2al aq) glim aouegdwoo w asimlaglo on luawualsse alp ul Isamu! us 8ulpto4 sound Hy (p) !anal teuua 5 Si s1.131 ale1S auo Cue ul sa10e` opt 15 `OZ613o toy sulsea7 i010U!} a41411m a3Uep1000e ui panssi a set pus Iio us s! st413i `suoudo ui aq �Cew swot 000`002 01 do golgm jo 0) sett' Ul )Dips!° 8ulseal qua ul soma! ul same 000 10 `(suoildo sea pus Ito ul aq Cew solos 000002 o do golgm 3o) saseal sea pus 1lo ul sa1O0 080`962 pang lot op `ale1s awes a4; ul ,Cla)eledas spuet palinboe pm uiewop oggnd qua ul yoanpui pus laallp `s)salalul atgea81e4o s,aau8issy (o) `palm)! ale luawu8lsse sigl Aq palanoo spuel alp 4o14m u! a)elS 04130 smut aql lapun loulw 0 palapisuoa 101 sl aau2issy (q) `suol;elodloo iedioiunw to oilgnd `alenud 10 sualle luapisal `sleuouuu 'sunup Lions 3o suolleloosse 10 salelS pallufl ag13o uage )uapls0i 10 IuuouuU `uazlllo a sl aau2isse `saseai y 1IdN 3 luawualsse a4; lad pomp ,C102i110210 awls ,Cu0 30 salelS potion atop smut alp lapun paziuo810 uoilelodloo 0 10 `Clilediolunw 0 `suazpio Lions 3o uoileioosse ue `sa;e1S pa;iun aq) Jo uazl;ta a sl aau8issy (o) :mono.; se Sauwao aau8issy •Z •anoge pagioads %48u ow (s)aau2isse anoge all 01 su8lsse ,Cgataq ags/04 2042 °seal paleu8lsap -anoge a41 ui lsalalui uR Jo laumo se Sal)lllao 1ou2issy 041 •1 it L :sandx3 uolsslwwo3 /CIA" u sup aw mpg paapalmou3los sum 3uawtulsUl suloaalo3 a ut 1(1 dO AINf]OO kh OUV1I0'I0D 3O gIVIS IN3IN94I3'IMON M3V papaau3l Z •oN wall ul uollduosaa purl 10310 'papaw' j! `I •oN wall ul saaug!sss Ieuolnpps Jo sassoappe pus sawsN 10 3 33VdS IVNOI LIQQV :(panul)uoD) v lied