HomeMy WebLinkAbout86946502013808 LAND TITLE COMP. BOOK 55 PR PAGE 2 TEL:130773 C. REINHART SON, INC., AN IDA'. Grantors of Idaho Falls, Cc, hereby CONVEY and WARRANT TO: Grantees of Box 7119, Jackson, for the sum of Ten Dollars and o. the following described tract o hereby releasing and waiving al exemption laws of the State, tc Lot 92 of Nordic Ranches Divisi. to that plat filed May 8, 1996, TOGETHER WITH an access easem thirty feet (30') of all lots Division #4 and #5 as shown on t Nordic Ranches Division #3 as recorded in Lincoln County Reco: FURTHER SUBJECT to an reservinc_ and assigns, a thirty foot (30', easement along the street front. recorded in the Lincoln County Subject to reservations and ra Patent and to easements and rig Together with all improvements WITNESS, the hand of said grant :ss TDE R. MONTGOMERY NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO 3• STATE OF IDAHO County of Bonneville On the day of v0Ue -P1b' !D LAURENCE REINHART, to me person k, that he is the Vice President of R.. that said instrument was signed e'r its Board of Directors and acks: td(: and deed of said corporation. W46 9' 6 :5 DEED LAND T) COI' ':%RATION Bonneville, MARGARET HUBBARD, a single worn. aL undivided GOODRICK, a single man, an unda. rd .L:. erest, rights of survivorship 8 ,.,2 and valuable consideration Lane. !.n Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, under and by virtue of the homestead gh do. Lincoln'County, Wyoming, according ;tz raent No. 819461, Plat No. 311E. ti:' ingress and egress over the front lu:_.. in all streets in Nordic Ranches, of !c:ia1 plats thereof and all streets in thow:: en the official plat thereof, all cs _.Mice; and :...e Grantors, their heirs, successors de 'rivate Roadway easement and utilities uhown on the official plat thereof as >rctS office. ons contained in the of of record or in r:tenances Cher ,y Public Dec 22'00 1:42 No.008 P.13 RECEIVED _INCO! N CC+� .:�T,4 (.0 :ommission expires on :)MPAY 00 NOV 3 PN 12: 6 JEANN r. {7NE R s t 10AME ¥O M 1 JG interest and ROBERT L. as joint tenants with full States 2000 2000, personally appeared before me, e, who, being me duly sworn, did say fart Son, an Idaho Corporation and of said corporation by authority of said instrument to be the free act Actor?