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distributees of the decedent having a right to succeed to the property under probate
5. Filed with the Court is a Sworn Report of Appraisal by a person who has no
legal interest in the estate showing the value of the described real property on the date of
death of the decedent.
6. The Notice of Application for Decree Establishing Right and Title to Property
dated September 20, 2000, was duly published by the Star Valley Independent, a
newspaper of general circulation in Lincoln County, Wyoming, on September 28 and
October 5, 2000.
7. All of the requirements of W.S. §2 -1 -205 have been met so that the Court
should enter a decree establishing right and title to the described real property.
WHEREFORE, pursuant to W. S. 2 -1 -205, it is hereby ordered, adjudged and
decreed as follows:
1. The Court hereby establishes the right and title to the described property in
and to the applicant Erwin J. Merritt.
2. A certified copy of this Decree shall be recorded in the office of the Lincoln
County Clerk and shall be presumptive evidence of title to the property.
DATED this day of November, 2000.
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