HomeMy WebLinkAbout869519L99£ wand
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gimbal Attu Iapaal sp spollad Bons 10J pup siunouip Bons
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•apoN am 3o jgdlouud am 03 uagl pup `apoN alp uo ajgp,Sid 1sala3UT 03 caul 'pang Z gdplgmlud
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'aguglloji slip Aq palnoas stuns alp lsulmgm llpglo m Sm uolllotjddl
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Aq pjau spund ,Sup lamollog 01 puma' iSpdtuold Hugs Iapuag `agf iJow sup Aq palnoas stuns jIp 3o IIn3 UI luatu1Cud uodn
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lapua'I 0) Cud 17gs .I M0II0g `anp IIp3 Aatp Su S11101 PUU01g pup sulnlwald aotrumsUI `S1U21USSOSSU `SOXII1 Cud 03 lualorjjns aq 1ou
ins lapuaj &q pjatj spund au13o lunouTT x13 if 'spund jo s3Uawnmisul ,Cjtptroul 1I0 10M0110g 03 paltpalo 10 IaM011og 01 plpdal
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`saxul plus iud 01 pallnbal 3unowm agl paaoxa Ilmtjs 'sum' punolg put' su niuiald aou1lnsuT `sfuawssassu `sax133 3o sa31 p
anp atp 01 Ioud ajgi i d spund jo swam iSjtpuoul alnpn3 aril 3TM Iaglag03 `papaw Aq matt spund agf 3o luno= a1I3 3I
•amg1101A1 Sjg1 Aq palnoas
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all 0) sljgap puu sqpan gulmotjs spund am 3o gul)Unooau Imnuuu Trm agluuo lnoglIM `13M01IOg 0) aAlg hugs lapual spund
atp uo sgUwlua l0 Isamu! Sum 1aM0110g /Cud 01 pallnbal aq 3011 jjpgs lapuaJ 'mud aq 01 Isamu! Bons salinbal mpj ajquogddu
10 appul SI 1Uawaa1 1 !Ions ssalun pup `1aM011og 01 Plud aq hugs spund agl uo 1Sala3Ul 1mg1 agug3l0JA sup 30 Uollnoaxa
3 awn atp 113 e`IUIl11M tit gaJ 11 iS1w Iapua' pup 1aM011og amp 13 lions arm o1 laptra'I s1TUUad Muj ajgioilddu pap spund aip
uo )salalw IaM011og s&id iapuaq ssaTUn 'sing pup s3UaUTssassu plus guljidwoo pup g to luno:ou plus gulzIilmum `spund
alp guTiSjddm puu 'Bull-tutu Os 101 ail mlo 30u Amu IapuaJ 'S1ua1 pufOlg pup Swnlwald a)tTY.1fStJI `S1U U1SS2SS1 `Sax131 pIY•s /Cud
01 spund Pup ,ijddp jjmljs lapuaI •(uol)npllsut TTm lions sT lapua-T jT lapual gulpnloul) ,lough! awls JO pllgpaj 11 Aq paaluulung to
palnsul alp tjolum jo slun000p to splsodap all Uo1303135al tut uT )jag aq Timis spund alp `IapUal 01 spund sAmd IaMO11og 3I
11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co- signers. The covenants and agreements herein
contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
subject to the provisions of paragraph 16 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several. Any
Borrower who co -signs this Mortgage, but does not execute the Note, (a) is co- signing this Mortgage only to mortgage, grant
and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property to Lender under the terms of this Mortgage, (b) is not personally liable on
the Note or under this Mortgage, and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower hereunder may agree to extend, modify,
forbear, or make any other accommodations with regard to the terms of this Mortgage or the Note without that Borrower's
consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Mortgage as to that Borrower's interest in the Property.
12. Notice. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner, (a) any notice to Borrower
provided for in this Mortgage shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower
at the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and (b) any
notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail to Lender's address stated herein or to such other address as Lender may
designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this Mortgage shall be deemed to have been
given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein.
13. Governing Law; Severability. The state and local laws applicable to this Mortgage shall he the laws of the
jurisdiction in which the Property is located. The foregoing sentence shall not limit the applicability of federal law to this
Mortgage. In the event that any provision or clause of this Mortgage or the Note conflicts with applicable law, such conflict
shall not affect other provisions of this Mortgage or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision, and to
this end the provisions of this Mortgage and the Note are declared to be severable. As used herein, "costs," "expenses" and
"attorneys' fees" include all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or limited herein.
14. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the time of
execution or after recordation hereof.
15. Rehabilitation Loan Agreement. Borrower shall fulfill all of Borrower's obligations under any home rehabilitation,
improvement, repair, or other loan agreement which Borrower enters into with Lender. Lender, at Lender's option, may require
Borrower to execute and deliver to Lender, in a form acceptable to Lender, an assignment of any rights, claims or defenses
which Borrower may have against parties who supply labor, materials or services in connection with improvements made to the
16. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it
is sold or transferred (or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) without
Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, at its option, require irnrnediate payment in full of all sums secured by this
Mortgage. However, this option shall not he exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this
If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not
less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
Mortgage. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted
by this Mortgage without further notice or demand on Borrower.
NON- UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
17. Acceleration; Remedies. Except as provided in paragraph 16 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or
agreement of Borrower in this Mortgage, including the covenants to pay when due any sums secured by this Mortgage,
Lender prior to acceleration shall give notice to Borrower as provided in paragraph 12 hereof specifying: (1) the breach;
(2) the action required to cure such breach; (3) a date, not less than 10 days from the date the notice is mailed to
Borrower, by which such breach must be cured; and (4) that failure to cure such breach on or before the date specified in
the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured by this Mortgage. The notice shall further inform Borrower of
the right to reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the nonexistence of a default or any
other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the breach is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice,
Lender, at Lender's option, may declare all of the sums secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due and payable
without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender
shall be entitled to collect all reasonable costs and expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph
17, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees.
If Lender invokes the power of sale, Lender shall give notice of intent to foreclose to Borrower and to the person in
possession of the Property, if different, in accordance with applicable law. Lender shall mail a copy of a notice of the sale
to Borrower in the manner provided in paragraph 12 hereof. Lender shall publish the notice of sale and the Property
shall be sold in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Lender or Lender's designee may purchase the Property at any
sale. The proceeds of the sale shall be applied in the following order: (a) to all reasonable costs and expenses of the sale,
including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence; (b) to all sums secured by this
Mortgage; and (c) the excess, if any, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Mortgage due to
Borrower's breach, Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce this Mortgage
discontinued at any time prior to the earlier to occur of (i) the fifth day before sale of the Property pursuant to the power of sale
contained in this Mortgage -or (ii) entry of a judgment enforcing this Mortgage if: (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums which
would be then due under this Mortgage and the Note had no acceleration occurred; (b) Borrower cures all breaches of any other
covenants or agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays all reasonable expenses incurred by Lender
in enforcing the covenants and agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage, and in enforcing Lender's remedies as
provided in paragraph 17 hereof, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and (d) Borrower takes such action as
Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of this Mortgage, Lender's interest in the Property and Borrower's
obligation to pay the sums secured by this Mortgage shall continue unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower, this
Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby shall remain in full force and effect as if no acceleration had occurred.
19. Assignment of Rents; Appointment of Receiver; Lender in Possession. As additional security hereunder, Borrower
hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Property, provided that Borrower shall, prior to acceleration under paragraph 17
hereof or abandonment of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents as they become due and payable.
CID 76(WY) 18812).01
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Loan# 1558925
Rider to the Security Instrument
This Rider is made this 6th day of November 2 0 0 0 and is incorporated into
and shall be deemed to amend the Mortgage, Deed of Trust or Deed to Secure Debt
(Security Instrument of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower to
secure the Borrower's Note to OLD KENT MORTGAGE C 0
(the "Lender of the same
date and covering the property described in the Security Instrument and located at:
Property Address
The date of the Note is called the "Note Date". I understand the Lender may transfer
the Note, Security Instrument and this Rider. The Lender or anyone who takes the Note,
the Security Instrument and this Rider by transfer and who is entitled to receive payments
under the Note is called the "Note Holder
Additional Covenants. In addition to the covenants and agreements in the Security
Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows (despite anything
to the contrary contained in the Note or Security Instrument or the Note):
1. The loan is due and payable in full on the 1 s t day of December 2 0 1 5 with
a Balloon Payment due, which is based on the scheduled payments for the loan being
made as and when due. Borrower acknowledges that neither Lender nor the Note Holder
is under any obligation to refinance the loan on the maturity date, or to extend the maturity
date'. I will have to repay the Note from my own resources or find a lender willing to lend
me the money to repay the Note on the maturity date.
2. Borrower acknowledges and agrees that Lender has not made any representations
to Borrower, either oral or written, that Lender will subordinate the lien created by the
Security Instrument and this Rider to any other lien which the property hereafter may
become subject, including any lien arising from the Borrower's subsequent construction of
improvements on the property. Borrower agrees that Lender is under no obligation to
subordinate the lien of the Security Instrument and this Rider to any other lien created after
the date of the Security Instrument and this Rider, and acknowledges that Lender does not
intend to do so.
BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions
contained in this Rider.
6 t
CDG: 2nd Mtg Balloon Rider (9/98)
Loan 1558925
Balloon Loan Disclosure
(30 -year amortization, 15 -year term; fixed interest rate)
Important Fixed Rate Mortgage Loan Information:
Please Read Carefully
1. GENERAL. This disclosure notice is given to you in connection with your application
fora fixed -rate mortgage loan with OLD KENT MORTGAGE C O
"Lender and provides
important information you should read.
Since Lender may sell any loan it makes, the terms of any loan you obtain from Lender
may be enforced by a purchaser of the loan. The term "Note Holder" is used below to
refer interchangeably to Lender or to any person who purchases the loan and has the
right to enforce it.
2. BALLOON PAYMENT. Although the monthly payments on your loan will be
calculated as if your loan had a term of 30 years, your loan will have a term of 15 years,
at which time the balance of the loan will become due and payable (the "Maturity Date
The Note Holder is not required to refinance the loan on the Maturity Date.
On the Maturity Date you will be required to repay all amounts due under the Note; in
order to do this, you will be required to use other assets you may own, or obtain
refinancing from another lender. If you obtain refinancing from another lender, the Note
Holder is not obligated to, and does not intend to, subordinate the lien of its Mortgage or
Security Instrument to the lien of the new lender.
3. The Note Holder will impose a late payment charge of 5 0 0 0 0 of any
regularly scheduled monthly payment not received within days of its due date.
I /we acknowledge receiving a copy of and reading the above disclosure notice and I /we
agree to its terms.
Appli Signature JAMES D. DUBISZ Date
Appl' t Signature 'M Y L. DUBISZ Date
Balloon Disclosure