HomeMy WebLinkAbout870220•�oa��a pue aoJOJ. IlnI u! anuRuoo !legs awes a4T l.nq 'a6alln!Jd Jo '1.g6!J 'uols!noJd 'uoi1lpuoo Lions Aue 6u!nleM se panJ}suoa aq 1.ou !legs 'panaluoo u!aJa1 a6allnud Jo 1116u Aue asl3J9x9 o� Jo 'aloN Moss woJd sm. jo suols!noid Jo suoII.lpuoo Aue j.o aouewJo iad 941 uodn 'wow Jo 'aouelsu! auo Aue ui 1.s!su! o1. NOISSIWWOO age J.o a.'flI! eqj 'uols!no.d Jo uompuoo pies 4o sagoeeiq Jo goeaiq Aue anlenn o1. pawaap eq Jo e1eaado 1.ou'legs pue 'aoue1su! Jelnop.Jed ag1. o1. palm!' eq !legs aa.oN AJOss!woJd s!ql Jo uols!noJd Jo 'uoijipuoo 'yaeeJq Aue 1.0 NOISSIWWOO 9L1 Aq JanleM agl •Mel Aq paranoid se IeWa1el1oa s1.! pue ialew Tsule6e paeooid Aew Jalopy aye pue llnejep u! eq Minn loweq Jejew eg1. 'Jeep' goes alep paa.ms eq Aq pan!aoaJ 1.ou s! 1.uewAed lenuue pue 'a1oN Moss woJd sm. Jo aouesse eqi. Jo s! 9w11 .pled pun led!oulad pue 1.saaal.u! 1.uenbullep ay1. uo Jew( Jed (0� 0 wooled ual }o e1eJ aye 1e Ja1leaJaya.1.saJa1u! men pegs ant) uaynn pled _Jou led!ouuud pue 1.saJa1.ul a�ep Ja!lJee ue 1.e ueol aye a6Jegoslp o1. Aluo e1eJado IIIM }nq 'paranoid ula.ay se s1.uawAed lenuue aonpaJ 1.ou'legs s1uawAedeJd Jo eJ1.xe 'eouenpy u! 1.uewAed 4o alep ag1. 01. aoueleq led!ouiJd pledun 841 uo algeAed pue anp 1.se.1e .u! Job ldaoxa passasse aq hags A1.teued 1.uawAedeJd Jo 1.saaa1u! aouenpe ou 'AIJJnI.ew o1. Jopd pled s! aoueleq pledun a.!1ue Gig lap Juana ay. ul •anp 6u!u!ewaJ aoueleq ted!ou!Jd pledun ow. uo Aluo Jal4eaiaul pa6Jeuo aq Heys 1-saJal.u! 'spew aJe s1uawAedaJd Jo eJ1.xa a.uana ayl- u! pue 'aw!1 Aue 1.5 aoueleq pledun a.ia.ua agl. 6u1Aed jo Jo 'awil. Aue 1.5 sl.uawAed 2,1.x5 6ul)tew J.0 a6alinIJd pue 1.y6u agi. anal !legs joeieq Jalew eql •Iln4 u! pa6Jeyaslp Jauoos ssalun "HOSNOdS aql. 01. anJaae s1ljauaq saulwJal.ap NOISSIWINOO agl- a1.ep ag1. JO AJesJaniuue gl.al1.J'gl. age aiojaq Jo uo anp 1.saJa1u! panJaae lie pue ledlouud 6u!puel.sl.no lie j.o l.uawAed teu!I e ya.lnn Jean( /Jana pue goes Jagwaaaa 10 Aep aio jaq Jo uo anp eq IIIM sl.uawAed 6uiuiewaI ag1 •sl.uawAed lenuue lenbe u! ueol all- 1.o WJal- 6u!ulewaJ aga Jano pezllJowe sl.uewAed lenuue 6uiuiewai pue paulwJalep eq II!M aoueleq !edlouud all. '1.uawAed leU!I 1.uawasingslp uodf •ulaJag paranoid a1.e. saJal-u! all 1e ueol age jo vial. 6ululewaj agl. Jano aoueleq led!ouiid ay1. 6u!zll.Jowe Aq pelelnoleo eq Ilegs EIOSNOdS 91 -11. 0 1. NOISSIWWOO ay1 woJj. spunj. ueol 1.o l.uawasJngslp leu!1. o� Iran paJ!nbaJ sl-uawAed ueol /uy •9OSNOdS ag1. 01. anJaae slu.auaq saulwJalap NOISSIWWOO galgM uo slap Gig to AJesJaniuue 1.sJ!1 sip 6 u!MOito1. Alal.e!paww! Jagwaoaa uo`6ulouawwoo sl.uawAed lenuue AlJlyl :sMollol se wao). pue Jauuew ui sl.uawltel-su! lenuue ui algeAed aq'legs l.saJal.u! pue ledlou!Jd agl paranoid se 'wnuue Jad %9Z•L) l-ua3Jad JalJenb -auo pue uanas 1.o a1eJ ay1 1e uoaaag1. �saJa�u! (41.!M 'sJeaA (0C) A -Jjy1. 10 wJa1 a Jam) '(00 SHVT10a CNVSfOHI 3Ald A1N3M1 Cl9 IGNf1H OM' 10 wns ledlou!Jd aq1. '6ulwoAM 'auuaAagO JelyasJaH 'NOISSIWWOO aLI. se 01. paJJalaJ 'NOISSIWWOO 1N2WdOl3n3a 931VM ONIWO kM 'DNIWOAM 3O 31V.S at-11 iapio all- 01. Aed 01. saslwoJd "HOSNOdS ag1. se 01. paJJa4SJ Jal.4.eu!aJag '6ulwoAM 'A -uno3 u'oou!l 'NOldtf 3O NMOI pau6lsiapun aq1. ((z' 2/ O).,:) ('2 paler) l-uawaaJ6V l-aaloJd aLi1 pue 'OOOZ 'sMel uolssaS 6u!woAM 96 •oN Jal-dey3 u! papinoJd se 'a3AI3O31:1 3fl1Vn 80d 3 /000£9OALJ •yl-!MaJag aa.ep uana 6uiieaq 9656lJOw e Aq painoas s! al-ou s!ql Z 10 1. a6ed pdnivet0o3 1`d •Jali.eulaJag 31ON AMOSS11/11010410 'iau6eM euuser v N ttos u AM 'Jeaawwem G a 6ed ''RepJOOai a Attest: di The maker and endorsers of this note hereby accept the conditions hereof and expressly waive presentment for payment, protest and notice of protest for nonpay- ment hereof and all defenses on the grounds of any extension of time of payment that may be given by the holder hereof to them. In the event of suit to enforce payment of this note or any installment, interest, or part thereof, the undersigned maker agrees to pay, in addition to the costs and disbursements provided and allowed by law, a reasonable attorney's fee. ,In witness whereof, the SPONSOR has executed this note on this f i✓) day of f: f1 !l,f`?�� 2000. J 0. •M Afto049. wpd THE TOWN OF AFTON Page 2 of 2 82:_ RV063000 /F