HomeMy WebLinkAbout869649Land Description Percent of Interest Percent of Overriding Royalty Or Similar interests Additional space on reverse, if needed. Do not submit documents or agreements other than this form; such documents or agreements shall only be referenced herein. A Owned b Conveyed c Retained d Reserved e Previously reserved or conveyed f Township 20 North, Range 115 West, 6 P.M. 100% 100% 0% .5000025% 0% Section 4: Lots 1 -4, S2 Section 28: All Section 32: All Lincoln County, Wyoming Containing 1,718.36 acres, more or less Form 3000 -3 (October 1992) Ci I�Q�Z f: ■M 1� �''�N� r t` ^''1uV1 1C1 00 SEP 2.0 faceNz 1. Assignee* Street City, State, ZIP Code *If more than one transferee, check here I and list the name(s) and address(es) of all additional transferees on the revers 1:, s[)'Qtim(ti on its puratda trfdied sheet of paper. This transfer is for: (Check one) [X Oil and Gas Lease, or Geothermal Lease? 2. This assignment conveys the following interest: Assignment approved for above described lands; Assignment approved effective f f l'heresa St e By (Authorized Officer) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT OF RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN A LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351 -359) Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001 -1025) Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508) Type or print plainly In Ink and si n In ink. PART A: ASSIGNMENT Condor Exploration, LLC 7538 S. Salida Court Aurora, CO 80016 C' Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, as appropriate) X] Record Title. Overriding Royalty, payment out of production or other similar interests or payments FOR BLM USE ONLY -DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA This assignment is approved solely for administrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this assignment holds legal or equitable title to this lease. Assignment approved for attached land description Assignment approved for and description indicated on reverse of this form (Title) FOR A$S:CrlOR r 4SS x COOK PR PAGE 5.1 6 RiEtCCIVE.0 (Date) FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 1004 -0034 Expires: July 31, 1995 Lease Serial No WYW- 150887 Lease Effective Date August 1, 2000 i, 'il OltillNG •uona!psun( sit ulquM iallew Cue of ss suoifeluasaidai io sluawaleis lua)npne.g io snonuog `asps.) ,Sus saleis pauun agl Jo Soua2s io ivauiuedau ,Sue of ayew 01 SlIn311!M pus ,SI2ui.oull uosiad ,Cue io3 atuuo e u sa>Isw 1001 'o D S f1 g 1 0 11 1 1 £0S0Z 'D O `uol8u!gssM `(7£001,000 wor01d uouonpa2l .yionuadsd `laSpng pue luawaSsuSygj0 03113O 341 Pus 0IZ0Z 3 .0 1u012u!gslM `'M'1%! `Iaa11S 3 6781 '(ILL soue.sal3 neamg (alsw3i1y) luawaSsusNQ pue? jo neamg `iouaful ag1jo luawueds 'S. n o1 uuoj sop jo wodss iaglo ,Cue 10 aiewlisa uapmq aqi 2ul sivawwoa l3an(1 •wio3 out Su!Ma!na1 pus 2uuatdwoo pus `elep 2uiulelulew pus 2uvagls2 `suollsnilsu! 2u!Malnai io3 ow!! aql 2u!pnum! asuodsai lad salnuiw 0£ a2eiane of pajSwusa s! wig; sup io3 uapinq 2u!uodai o114nd o00Z 1 S !1 30 Sep '(!7Z£ )1,11 £7) salgs,ioi Su mmon pafeal3 Xlsno!nald pe of papps sr ivawu81sse sop uagM saisls paimn 341 0l sop Cllr Cw jo awl sip Jo fuaoiad OS uegf iawal2 iou `lndino jo awn agl Jo fuaslad auo jo (7/1) quno3 -auo uegi ssal aq IOU ,iew ,tuer(oi 2uipinano us `sluawu2lssa Ietula4ioa2 •ualaq paqussap anal agl 012ululeuad suogoulsai pus suollalndlls `suolupuoo `suual algeogdds IIsgo aousldaoss salnfusuoo luawta!sse sup of a10pu2ls s,aau2lssy 'lay Su!sea7 !mum Sgl30 It •oas jo uouslotn uu iou s! aauSlssy (l) Pug :p i Su!ssal lsiaulyi amp (2} L 1 '3as ,Cq pailnbai se sSutploq aseal set pus I!o papal jIs io3 sluawaunbai uollswsloai gl!M aoue!idwoo w s! aau2lssy (a) `.slay 2wzuotpns 341 pus (002£ 10 001E dump 2Idn suousln2a1 341 Om aoue11dwoo ut as!Mlaglo am luawu2!sse S41 u! isalow! uS 2ulploq sal IIy (p) !anal 1SUUa41ooS S s! sup j! owls auo ,1115 u! swot' Opt 1S JO `0Z6I 30131 Su!Sea7 !mum 31I gum aSuspwooe u! miss! 3555! 5112 pus 110 uS s! sup 3! `suotldo u! aq ,Caw same 000`00Z 04 do galgM jo MIssly U11011151(1 Sulssal goes u! sassal u! solos 000`00£ Jo `(suopdo sS2 pus 1!o u! aq ,Sew sa13e 000'00Z of do golgM do) saws' set pus 110 u! 55135 080`9172 Paaoxa lou op `awls sums alp u! ,Clalsisdas spusi pannboe put u!ewop oggnd !pea u! `13anput pus woup `sisaiafu algsa21sgo s,aau2lssy (3) `.palem01 ON 1uawu2■sse sup Sq palano3 spud am golgM u! awls amp SMel a41 iapun Ioulw S paiapisuo3 iou s! aau2lssy (q) `suopeiodioo Ind!3lunw io o49nd `alsnud io suaps luaplsai `sleuolisu `suazi io gons jo suousioosss 10 salels pauun amp wile luaplsai io IsuouSu `uazlll3 S s! 00112lsss `sasSal V-lldN 3o luawu2ISSS a41 io3 3oaiagi Swung! 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