HomeMy WebLinkAbout869673Recorded In Roak.�.r WARRANTY DEED Thomas M. Baker, Trustee of the Thomas Baker Living Trust dated May 3, 1990, of P.O. Box 927, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to Carl Dec, a single man, GRANTEE, the following described real estate, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to -wit: Portions of Section 2, T35N, R119W, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly described as follows: The N1/2SW1/4; the South 1010 feet of the SW1 /4NW1 /4 and beginning at a point 58 rods West of the center of said Section 2 and running West 22 rods; thence North 60 rods; thence Southeasterly to the point of beginning; less land conveyed to Lincoln County, Book 17 Deeds, page 154 for Wyoming State Highway. Including and together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging, but subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent, taxes, assessments, covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, encroachments, rights -of -way and easements of sight and /or record. WITNESS my hand this "day of /r%9��i 2000. homas M. Baker, Trustee of the Thomas Baker Living Trust, dated May 3, 1990 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ON FOLLOWING PAGE Ili /0i at z /'•Y ?r Page J2 Kemmere Jeanne Wagner, L, zo s z I/0 Jew :saiidxa uoIsstuluma D .ss tTZE sei uo ONIVIOAPA N103N11 31V1S Ao AiNnoo 3' 011911d .104N1 NAVSNISN WINN •Tes Immo puu puuq Au' SSHNIIM 000Z Jaqoqoo JO APP qs LE silli '0661 'e Auyq pap Supin ia)lug sutuou mil Jo aaisnii, .1N suulou Xq au' aio;aq pa2paimouvu sum luaulrulsuI SujoSaio; aqj dO AiNflOD DNINOAM dO HMS