HomeMy WebLinkAbout869674t xpsE or MORTGAGE No. Recorded IIJ(' .4'Q' at Carl Dec (hereinafter "MORTGAGOR to secure the payment of Two Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars ($280,000.00), with interest thereon, as provided in and evidenced by a promissory note of even date herewith (the ultimate maturity date of which is the 15th day of November, 2010) and all renewals, modifications and extensions thereof, does hereby mortgage unto Thomas Baker, Trustee of the Thomas Baker Living Trust dated May 3, 1990, (hereinafter "MORTGAGEE the following described real property, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to -wit: Portions of Section 2, T35N, R119W, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly described as follows: The N1 /2SW1 /4; the South 1010 feet of the SW1 /4NW1 /4 and beginning at a point 58 rods West of the center of said Section 2 and running West 22 rods; thence North 60 rods; thence Southeasterly to the point of beginning; less land conveyed to Lincoln County, Book 17 Deeds, page 154 for Wyoming State Highway. Together with all and singular the improvements thereon or thereunto appertaining, (the "Property 5 l p Page .5. b.. Kemmerer, WY in(�s�' Jeanne Wagner, Clerk MORTGAGOR agrees to pay the indebtedness hereby secured; to pay all taxes, assessments and charges levied against the Property, as the same become due and payable; to secure, maintain and furnish MORTGAGEE evidence thereof, insurance with an insurance carrier or carriers acceptable to MORTGAGEE, covering the insurable improvements on the Property against loss by fire, with extended coverage, in an amount not less than the unpaid balance of the debt hereby secured, or the insurable value of such improvements, whichever is less, which insurance shall contain an appropriate loss payable provision protecting MORTGAGOR and MORTGAGEE as their respective interests may appear from time to time. The insurance proceeds or any part thereof, shall, at the option of the mortgagor, be applied either to the reconstruction of improvements on the property or to the payment of the indebtedness hereby secured. In the event MORTGAGOR fails to pay such taxes and assessments, or fail to keep and maintain such insurance as herein provided, MORTGAGEE may pay such taxes and assessments and may secure and pay for such insurance, and all sums so paid shall be added to and considered a part of the indebtedness hereby secured and shall draw interest at the same rate. In case default shall be made in the payment of the above sums hereby secured, or in the payment of the interest thereon, or any part of such principal or interest, when the same shall become due; or in case default shall be made in any of the covenants and agreements thereof, which default is not cured within thirty (30) days after notice thereof is given by MORTGAGEE, or 1 M zooz 'sz go.zew o lgnd XaelON :saiidxa uoIssTultuoa (JA ONIVtl0AN1 `d N OONI1 JO 31M AOA1N1103 3 IIH(ld hl•IV.L0y1 hINly' N I M leas lepT ;o PUP pueg SSdN.LIM '0002 aago goo jo nep 4s L£ sigl pact pup nq aux aio ;aq paSpaimouype sem luauznalsui SuioSa1o; al.L c r' dO AINflOD •ss DNINOAM dO d.LNZS O �iep T sit!, p, Atu SSdN.LIM 'Xluo 2I00v01110III aapun Jo t noili Xq '8uiuijep satl.IUd of se Xlladold all of app sluuaauM 2I00 .aq nag) Lue 'uopdwapai jo popad all pue 'sSuipaapo1d a.Insopaao; all ;o £puapuad all Supnp pue slgSp 1pns nue ;o 2umapau all Mal; s;; ;o.Id pue sanssi 'slum Ile of pue 'nlaado1d all ;o luaulnotua pue asn 'uoissassod anTsniaxa of pallpua auzopaq apuo le Ilegs dd0vD.L2IOY1i Tapuna Tag smapo ainsopaio; ;o IITSp all ngaaagnM ilne;ap Xue ;o Juana all uI ivaluSpnt npuapuap a of pallTlua aq Hells ddavDI IONI 'slsoa amsopa o; pug pampas nga.Tal ssaupalgapuT all /Cud of luapu ;nsuT ale ales a.znsopaao; all ;o spaapoid all ;I saa; s,nauiolle aigeuoseaa SuipnpuT 'ales ;o slsoa lle imm aalla8ol 'aapunaiaq anp sums Hu ned Hums ddDvD.L2I01I1 'ales lens jo spaapoad all jo lno pue 'X;ladold all Has pue uo asopaiO; of 'noel Suiu1anoS nq pazpollne asImiaglo se .Io /pue ales pue luauzasiIIanpu nq paaaold Amu 'suSIsse pug san!luluasa1da.z iaal Sdd0V0.1,2I01/1 pue 'ggOdOixoN jo uopdo all le 'algened pue anp auzopaq Ilegs 'uoaiagi isa1aluT glint 'pampas Jga1ag ssaupalgapuT aloilm ag; uali 'pautelgo pue peg is zT; dd0vD1,2101A1 all jo luasuoa ua ;Iunt ioiid all inolipt 'uia1ali Isa.zaluT £ue Jo 'pang; lid Aug Jo 'nl.Tadold aql snanuoa Jo sips Z 0 s Z S JR1x3 uo!sslwwo3 I U'OOUTZ 000z 2I0DVD,L2ION Juana all uT