HomeMy WebLinkAbout869744MORTGAGE (With Future Advance Clause) 1. DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Mortgage (Security Instrument) is parties, their addresses and tax identification numbers, if required, are as follows: MORTGAGOR: JOHN T. JENSEN BETTE M. CARLSON A MARRIED PERSON A SINGLE PERSON P.O. BOX 3483 P.O. BOX 3172 ALPINE, WY 83128 ALPINE, WY 83128 LENDER: (Address) WYOMING MORTGAGE (NOT FOR FNMA, FHLMC, FHA OR VA USE) 01994 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN (1- 800 397 -2341) Form RE- MTG -WY 11/18/94 Recorded /lflllll.... at gc M In Book ass., Paae G4.6... Kemmerer, WY No. l,,� it,- 4,.. Jeanne Wagner, Clerk State of Wyoming Space Above This Line For Recording Data NOVEMBER 6, 2000 FRANCENE M. EDESON A MARRIED PERSON P.O. ,BOX 3483 ALPINE, WY 83128 THE BANK OF STAR VALLEY ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WYOMING P.O. BOX 8007 384 WASHINGTON AFT N, WY 83110 (City) (ZIP Code) and the If checked, refer to the attached Addendum incorporated herein, for additional Mortgagors, their signatures and acknowledgments. 2. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to secure the Secured Debt (defined below) and Mortgagor's performance under this Security Instrument, Mortgagor grants, bargains, conveys, mortgages and warrants to Lender, with power of sale, the following described property: REFER TO EXHIBIT 'A' WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. The property is located in LINCOLN at (County) HIGHWAY 89 ALPINE Wyoming 83128 Together with all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, all water and riparian rights, ditches, and water stock and all existing and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of the real estate described above (all referred to as "Property 3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any one time shall not exceed 160 811.03 This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees and charges validly made pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under the terms of this Security Instrument to protect Lender's security and to perform any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument. 4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. The term "Secured Debt" is defined as follows: A. Debt incurred under the terms of all promissory note(s), contract(s), guaranty(s) or other evidence of debt described below and all their extensions, renewals, modifications or substitutions. (When referencing the debts below it is suggested that you include items such as borrowers' names, note amounts, interest rates, maturity dates, etc.) ONE PROMISSORY NOTE DATED NOVEMBER 6, 2000, IN THE AMOUNT OF $160,811.03 (page 1 of 4) (b Jo Z abed/ b6/8 U t l AM-91W-31:1 w/od (tb£Z 008 NW 'Pno10 7S "oul 'swatsAS sie3uee b66t •mui aigEogddi pug lasual all jo suual at1 iptm /Cidmoo 01 lugual Aug annbai pug uiEluirnu o1 saaJ2g osig io2E2uoj mEi iuguaypioipu i aiggotlddE Aue Jo sasua'1 am iapun slstxa 11nElap ou 1gg1 sluiiigm iag$uoysi •luatunllsui ,iltmoas slip ut paptAnid sE patlddg aq 'um paloaitoo slunouig dud •spuii3 Jaglo Aug firm Small agl aptIIUR UOO 10U HIM pug iapuari Jol lstul ut small Aug anta031 film pug uoissassod S,Sagauojdt ut small jo luatu/iEd Aug Japual 01 Jantpp pug asiopua film 10 R 1J0ysi '1lnulap JO aotlou 21.1tnraOal up •1309,74. Smarm smua2l alninj Iig ,Cud 1Uuual Aug iinp spuuuiap pug lingjap jo 1o2E2uoN sagtiou `1ua2E sit io `iapua'q uagm m000 01 uotssassod Imp lutq pug uopoE ig2ai 5utouaulutoo jo /iitssaoau atjl lnotitm /CUadoid aqi jo uotssassod Fluor aqul /iEtu iapual lEgi saai$g .io5E511o1AI 'MIMES SI 1gaa patinas It1un pouad uotidtuapal /Cue 2uunp papa ur utguia.i film ivatuuarssu still rem pug `mEI /iq paquosa.id uopog ‘anulguJJJJE saJlgl Japual uagm sallied pnmi Ol sg anuaa33a si luauiugtssg slip wto Saaag Jo2g2liow •luaumilsui /Clunoas spy 01 sound am uaamlaq an!Oalla Atalgtpaunut st 1Uau1UZissg still lEgl saa12E 1o2g2uoyl luaumllsui /ilunoas still Jo sl uIal Gill Japun 1jnejap tit 1ou sI JOS g2uoyAI SE 2uoi os slua21 aijl asn pug Aqua `anpoal 'ioalioo hut io .ioj sasual alnlnj pug auustxa IIE jo satdoo loamioo pug anJ1 glum Japual aptnold /ipdtuoid IIIm io$g$uoini „slush„ sE 01 pimp.' i sitjoid pug Sanssi 'swat pug „sasga1„ sg o1 pallala1 IIE) sivautaal$E Bons 10 suopnipsgns I0 SUO!WOIJ!P0 I `slEmaua3 `suotsuaixa Aug 5utpnput `/CUadoid am jo uotuod Sue jo /Cori dn000 pure asn 0111 Joj sluatuaalgg Julian io uallum laglo Aug pug `sasgalgns `sasual a1n1n1 10 2upstxa u pug Aug 01 pum ut isaialui pug 011!1 `111211 ail IIE /ilunpas IEUOtitppE sE JapuaJ of sltre1rem pre sa2g2uow `s/CanuoO `sun 1 q `sluEJ2 /Ciggaonaui Jo2auoini •S Mud sasva'I 30 .LNaWt1 MSSV '1T •uot1on11suoa ail to uotlaidtuoo 2utpnput `/ivadold ag1 ut Isaialu! 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IIE aIUOas iitm luaumpsui /ilun0as spy mil saaJg1 100 uoN toga luaunulsui Animas spy sats uosiad alto U1111 01001 •pa0ualala1 /c11E0IJt0ads st luauttulsui Animas sl1l 1011 10 latlatm luaumllsui /iltln0as sup 1aug palnOaxa Iapua'i to 1ong1 ui Jo2g21oyv /Cq palnoaxa Nap to aouaptna 1at10 Jo `/CIUEren5 `10g11uo0 `01011 /Clossttuoid Aug Japan Japual 01 10 11 1JOw to suot1aitgo a1n1111 Jamlo Io Ja11 10JAI of Japual mop sa0ugnp1 ainlnl IId 1, fi 9 L '9 'S 01994 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN (1- 800 397 -2341) Form RE- MTG -WY 11/18/94 648 12. LEASEHOLDS; CONDOMINIUMS; PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS. Mortgagor agrees to comply with the provisions of any lease if this Security Instrument is on a leasehold. If the Property includes a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development, Mortgagor will perform all of Mortgagor's duties under the covenants, by -laws, or regulations of the condominium or planned unit development. 13. DEFAULT. Mortgagor will be in default if any party obligated on the Secured Debt fails to make payment when due. Mortgagor will be in default if a breach occurs under the terms of this Security Instrument or any other document executed for the purpose of creating, securing or guarantying the Secured Debt. A good faith belief by Lender that Lender at any time is insecure with respect to any person or entity obligated on the Secured Debt or that the prospect of any payment or the value of the Property is impaired shall also constitute an event of default. 14. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. In some instances, federal and state law will require Lender to provide Mortgagor with notice of the right to cure or other notices and may establish time schedules for foreclosure actions. Subject to these limitations, if any, Lender may accelerate the Secured Debt and foreclose this Security Instrument in a manner provided by law if Mortgagor is in default. At the option of Lender, all or any part of the agreed fees and charges, accrued interest and principal shall become immediately due and payable, after giving notice if required by law, upon the occurrence of a default or anytime thereafter. In addition, Lender shall be entitled to all the remedies provided by law, the terms of the Secured Debt, this Security Instrument and any related documents including, without limitation, the power to sell the Property. All remedies are distinct, cumulative and not exclusive, and the Lender is entitled to all remedies provided at law or equity, whether or not expressly set forth. The acceptance by Lender of any sum in payment or partial payment on the Secured Debt after the balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are filed shall not constitute a waiver of Lender's right to require complete cure of any existing default. By not exercising any remedy on Mortgagor's default, Lender does not waive Lender's right to later consider the event a default if it continues or happens again. 15. EXPENSES; ADVANCES ON COVENANTS; ATTORNEYS' FEES; COLLECTION COSTS. Except when prohibited by law, Mortgagor agrees to pay all of Lender's expenses if Mortgagor breaches any covenant in this Security Instrument. Mortgagor will also pay on demand any amount incurred by Lender for insuring, inspecting, preserving or otherwise protecting the Property and Lender's security interest. These expenses will bear interest from the date of the payment until paid in full at the highest interest rate in effect as provided in the terms of the Secured Debt. Mortgagor agrees to pay all costs and expenses incurred by Lender in collecting, enforcing or protecting Lender's rights and remedies under this Security Instrument. This amount may include, but is not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, and other legal expenses. This amount does not include attorneys' fees for a salaried employee of the Lender. This Security Instrument shall remain in effect until released. Mortgagor agrees to pay for any recordation costs of such release. 16. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used in this section, (1) Environmental Law means, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.), and all other federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinances, court orders, attorney general opinions or interpretive letters concerning the public health, safety, welfare, environment or a hazardous substance; and (2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic, radioactive or hazardous material, waste, pollutant or contaminant which has characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public health, safety, welfare or environment. The term includes, without limitation, any substances defined as "hazardous material," "toxic substances," "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substance" under any Environmental Law. Mortgagor represents, warrants and agrees that: A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, no Hazardous Substance is or will be located, stored or released on or in the Property. This restriction does not apply to small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate for the normal use and maintenance of the Property. B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, Mortgagor and every tenant have been, are, and shall remain in full compliance with any applicable Environmental Law. C. Mortgagor shall immediately notify Lender if a release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance occurs on, under or about the Property or there is a violation of any Environmental Law concerning the Property. In such an event, Mortgagor shall take all necessary remedial action in accordance with any Environmental Law. D. Mortgagor shall immediately notify Lender in writing as soon as Mortgagor has reason to believe there is any pending or threatened investigation, claim, or proceeding relating to the release or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance or the violation of any Environmental Law. 17. CONDEMNATION. Mortgagor will give Lender prompt notice of any pending or threatened action, by private or public entities to purchase or take any or all of the Property through condemnation, eminent domain, or any other means. Mortgagor authorizes Lender to intervene in Mortgagor's name in any of the above described actions or claims. Mortgagor assigns to Lender the proceeds of Any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other taking of all or any part of the Property. Such proceeds shall be considered payments and will be applied as provided in this Security Instrument. This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien document. 18. INSURANCE. Mortgagor shall keep Property insured against loss by fire, flood, theft and other hazards and risks reasonably associated with the Property due to its type and location. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Mortgagor subject to Lender's approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Mortgagor fails to maintain the coverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's option, obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property according to the terms of this Security Instrument. All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard "mortgage clause" and, where applicable, "loss payee clause." Mortgagor shall immediately notify Lender of cancellation or termination of the insurance. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, Mortgagor shall immediately give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. Upon loss, Mortgagor shall give immediate notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made immediately by Mortgagor. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all insurance proceeds shall be applied to the restoration or repair of the Property or to the Secured Debt, whether or not then due, at Lender's option. Any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or (page 3 of 4) (frjotiabed) Dl Ignd A/etoN Ja>11eM uoaeUS (onqnd AmoN) J 7 2 2 '2 C 7 (1Eas) mos'uad v `Mosmv3 •N aizaq :sandxa uo ?sstunuoo STA' NOSaa'' f2IAN -non ''`I4' 51143' '1l0 cl'' MINC4 'V'IM81 t' S q jo Sup F E9• sari atu aropaq papajmoure sem luatunrlsut sua oobe im8f1 A M 612 9 176 /8L /L L AM 91W W)Od (L17EZ L6£ NW 'Pn010 'LS "ou) 'swelsA8 sie3uee 1766 Lm 1700Z 8u(wo'M ;o ate ;S sanc`(x�•uois'siwiLO'�?+"µj' uIooui1 jo (Iuno3 •ss dO AI l lllt Nf1OO �O1 MAM dO g.LY.LS I�osx�a /oN(s�lxvAgX I oaazMOt�txod NOSED W alaNciZ1A (a.mreuB)S) (ateu) (p:nMnipul) •j awl uo parrs altp aqi uo luamnrisul S1linoas sup jo Sdoo u jo 1d?aoar sapajmouajou osp roSalrow sluaut g oellu Sur ut pue luaumrlsul S1 ?rnonS sup u? pauteluoo slutuanoo pug sutral aqi of saaBe ro$e2uow `Moiaq 5utu2 ?s SE" :SII2IfIZyNOIS •stuaas juuo!l!PPV ragi0 ram luatudojanaU min pauuutd ram tunlujtuopuo0 [saxoq ajgeotjdde itu xoago] luautnrlsul Surnoos sup jo aural aqi puatue pug luatuajddns put oitu paierodroout are mojaq paloago siapu aqi jo goua jo sluatuaar2R pug slueuanoo aqj •saapni •apo0 je ?ataunuo0 turoJIun 0141 30 6 apply Jo sasodind roj prooar jo pail; aq Sum uouonpordar raw ro olgdea3oiogd `uogruo ,Cue pug ma 2u?ouuuu a Se saoujns ivatunrisuj S1 ?rnoaS slg,l, •Shadord am of metal sarnlxtj atuooaq II ?m ro art rum pue aminj aqi u? 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luamtuisul Surnoas sua 'NOI,L�',Ld2Id2IdJNI jA.LPIIgy2IEAaS !Awl 3'IUVDIlddy 'ZZ •rapuarl pue ro2e$how jo satssu pue srossaoons 01411 Jauaq pue pu ?q jjegs ivatutuisul SljrnoaS s ?141 jo siljauaq pug sa ?1np au, •luaunuisul Allmon sup 3o aural am tuor3 ro2r2how aseajar Iou 'um amp gouS •luasuoo s,rogegh0JA.I inogltm Nap 3o aotrapina Sue 10 luaultursul SlunoaS sup 3o suual aril u? amp Sue a)juut ro S3lpout 'puma /tutu lttatuntisui /1 ?rnoaS sup or Sued Sue pue spoil rem SO/ay 102u211OI 'SAW' uo 110e -0110 10 Soualotjap -flue Sue `o1 paittujj Iou are mg `apnjout Sem slggjr asagj •uopaugo aq1 spun palgapul Shed Sue ro 10 1l 1royAI 1sute2t uttelo ro UOiioe Sup t'utduuq 11104 spun luanard Sear rem mph Sue anjeM o1 saar2e ro2e2hoyAI `root$ how pug rapua'l uaaMlaq Slueren3 a samoas luatutursul Al monS sup 3I 1qacT pa1noaS aril uo amen Smuosrad aq or aade Iou saop 10 2.20} pue rqoa parnoaS alp jo luauged amnoas of Shadord am ut Isamalu! s,ro2e2hoyCl aMhotu or Sluo os saop ro$OhoyQ 'map jo aouapjna ue u2ts iou saop ing luatutulsul Surnoas sup su2ls ro$e2hoysi 3l •jtnp ?A ?pur pue lulof are ivatunrlsul S1ImoaS sup spun sa ?ifP IIy 'QNRO 1 SNOISSV (INV SUOSSaDOnS !S2I:INOIS-OD jALI'IIfVPI 'Iyf1QIAIQNI (INV INIOf 'IZ '17Z •Shado1d am uo sums mil s,rapuai pue luatutuisuI S11rno0S sup spun suopaIjgo s,10 a110 jA anlasald pug 'anujluoa `loaJlad or S.ressaoau aap?suoo Sew 1apu0Z legs suojleo1Jtuao ao s1uatunaop jeuojltppe Sue aj ?j pug `ranljap 'ats or saarRe raeghoJAI •Sressaoau Sjquuosear utaap Sum rapuli uo ?leturoJul ro luatualeis jutousu ?J Sue `lsanbar uodn rapual of ap ?/told 'pm ro5t5how 'SZN3I^If1000 'IVNOLLI IUV 1Ny SJ IOdRRI 'IVIONVNI3 'OZ 'MOrosa u? aouernsul pue saxti roj spun3 rapua'I or Sed o1 pannbaa aq 1ou rum roSe2hoJ `luatuaarWe aleaedas e uj papjnord asIMrag1O ssajun 'dONyN11SNI QNy SIIXv.L 110,4 MOIIOSII '61 •uotitstnbou agi arojaq Sjale?patuun igac parnoaS ag1jo lualxa am of rapuarl of ssed Ijegs uotl ?smboe 0141 =jag Shadord aq1 of aztuep ulOij 5ujljnsaa spaaoord put sajotiod aouernsut Sue 01 1112lr S 10J101A `rapual 1q pa1tnbae Si Shaky aql 3I •10 210N alp or pled aq jl!M ssaoxa Suy •luatuSed Sue jo iunotut 0141 amp rou luatuSed pajnpanos aqi 3o amp inp aqi auodlsod Lot 610C and the Southwest 2/5 of Lot 651C described as follows: Commencing N04° 00'W, 400 feet from the Northwest Corner of the SE1/4SW1/4 of Section 29, T37N, R118W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, the Point of Beginning; thence N63° 11'E, 202 feet; thence S26° 49'E, 70 feet; thence South 63° 11'W, 182.5 feet; thence N31° 00'W, 80 feet to the Point of Beginning, Lakeview Estates, a subdivision of the S1/2SE1/4 of Section 29, T37N, R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. 650