HomeMy WebLinkAbout869758Recorded In Book a CORRECTIVE WARRANTY DEED 1f/ at Pe.IP(r: .6.. Kemmerer, WY Beginning at the Wyoming Highway Department Right -of -Way marker on the East Right -of -Way line of the Ham's Fork Road, also known as Wyoming State Secondary #233, which is S 02 55'01" E, and 1058.41 feet from Corner #7, Lot 39; thence N 80 56'46" E, 539.70 feet; thence S 45 08'55" E, 226.20 feet; thence S 23 46'36" E, 717.88 feet; thence S 88 17'31" E, 717.94 feet; thence S 24 10'44" E, 249.83 feet; thence 89 48'16" W, 990.33 feet; thence S 01 15'48" W, 112.49 feet; thence S 89 59'27" E, 695.98 feet; thence N 05 55'51" W, 1102.72 feet to the point of beginning. LESS AND EXCEPTING a certain parcel of land heretofore conveyed to Robert J. Peternal and Shirley M. Peternal, husband and wife, as more particularly described in that deed dated February 6, 1992, and duly filed for record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk on February 7, 1992, as Entry 744140, in Book 307 PR, Page 64, and in that deed dated January 28, 1993, and duly filed for record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk on January 29, 1993, as Entry 760248, in Book 323 PR, Page 564. RESERVING unto Grantor, for as long as Grantor may live and desire to reside on such premises, the right to use and enjoy Grantor's residence which is located on the above described property. A parcel of ground located in and being a portion of Lot 39 of the Resurvey of Sections 26, 27, 34 and 35 of Township 22 North, Range 116 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly eanne Wagner, Clerk WHEREAS, by Warranty Deed dated December 30, 1999, recorded December 30, 1999, in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds in Book 440, Page 043, the Grantor, Edna May Peternal, conveyed and warranted to Robert J. Peternal, a married man, of P.O. Box 1044, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101, Grantee, certain parcels of property situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming; WHEREAS, the said deed contains a mistake and scrivener's error in the descriptions of land conveyed located in Lot 39 of the Resurvey of Sections 26, 27, 34 and 35 of Township 22 North, Range 116 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, said mistaken description being as follows (see underlined): WHEREAS, the Grantor desires to correct such mistaken description. NOW, THEREFORE, Edna May Peternal, a widow, Grantor, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration, does convey and warrant to Robert J. Peternal, a married man, Grantee, whose address is P.O. Box 1044, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101, the following described real estate situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption law of the State, to -wit: £OOZ/9 tn. l salon_ Uoissiwwo3 AA upun io iuno0 6uivaoAM awls wind tialoN Id m,13 r 'V AOVIS ozTgnd goN I 1 TPuaagad 'PIwI PuP3 iq '000Z -Jxi tuaA0N go App a sz GM aao;aq pabpaTMouNop S M quawnagsuz butobaao; pup anogp ag C 9 9 000 v I -J sa.ITdx uoTssTmuio0 'w •Tpas Tpz °TJ ;o PUP pupg riw SS3NLIM N'IOONI'I 30 2INfO0 ss ONINOXM 30 3,LV,LS 3HZ 8 (C..{! tf ;o tipp szgq. pupa Xw SS3NIIM anogpuzaaaq pagTaasap axpgsTw agq goaaaoo oq kjuo papuacuT buTaq paap sTTq. 'aATgaagga pup pabupgaun UTpwaa TTpgs paap pagTaosap -anogp ,saoqupao agq. uT suoTgdTaasap pup suoigrpuoa 'swaaq. aaq o TTy •Aaaadoad pagTaosap -anogp age uo pagpooT sT goTgM aouapzsaa s,aoqupaf iioCua pup asn oq ggbza agq. 'sasTwaad gons uo aptsaa oq aaTsap pup aATT APP a0qus10 SP buoT SP aog 'aoqupap own ONIA2i3S32i 'ii95 abed 'lid EZE Moog uT 8D.Z09L eiaqu3 SP 'C661 '6Z 1iiPfUPr Uo NaaTO eiqunop UIODU ri ag1 go apTjgo agq uT paoaaa ao; PaTTJ 'TnP Pup 'E66T '8Z liapnuPf PaTep PO gPgq UT pup 'T79 abed 'lid LO£ xOOE uT OD.T”L klqu3 SP Z66T 'L Aapnaga3 uo xaaTD Rqunop uToouz2 age go apTggo age uT paoaaa JOJ peTTJ ATnp pup 'Z66T '9 Iiapnaga3 pagPp paap qpg; uT pagTaosap JTiPTnoTgapd aaow SP 'a ;zM pup puegsng 'TPuaagad •w IiaT.zgs pup Tpuaaqad 'r gaagog oq paIianuoa aaogogaaag pupT go TaoaPd uTpgaao P ONI,Ld30X3 QNFZ SS3'I •buzuuTBaq go qutod alp oq gaag ZL'ZOTT 'M „T5,55 N aouag; :q@; 86'569 'M ,LZ,65 S aauagq flea; 6b'ZTT 'M „8T7,5T S aauagq egaag EE'066 'M „9T,81 aauagf :gaaJ E8'6TiZ '3 1117i7,OT S aouagq :gaag T76'LTL '3 „TE,LT S aouagq. !JaOJ 88'LTL '3 „9E,9t S aouagq :qaa; OZ'9ZZ '3 „55,80 S aouagf flag; OL'6E5 '3 „9T7,95 N aauagp 1 6E qor 'L# aauaop woag gaag TT' 850T Pup '3 „T0,55 S PT gDTgM 'EEZ# Ia2PuoaaS q.2 S EUTWOliM SP UMOUN osTP 'ppo? s{ao,3 s,uzpg agf go auTT ApM- ;o -gg6TH gsp3 agq uo aaNapw ripM- ;o -gtBTH quawgapdaC ripMgETH buTwoAM alp qp 6uzuuzbag :sMOTTo; SP pagtaosap