HomeMy WebLinkAbout869798WITNESS our hands this CK EARLING, Tru of the RICK E G AND TONI EARLING FAMILY TRUST dated June 28, 1990 IA /AO EZR ENSEN, r• stee of the EZRA JE I SEN AND RUTH JENSEN FAMILY TRUST dated May 5, 2000 Recorded ,.1//14°4:. at s 2, //,4 M In u�44 k Page �4,�,, Kemmerer, WY No a a Jeanne Wagner, Clerk 1 QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that RICK EARLING and TONI EARLING, TRUSTEES of the RICK EARLING, TONI EARLING FAMILY TRUST aka the RICK EARLING AND TONI EARLING FAMILY TRUST dated June 28, 1990, and EZRA JENSEN and RUTH JENSEN, Trustees of the EZRA JENSEN AND RUTH JENSEN FAMILY TRUST dated May 5, 2000, GRANTORS, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released, and forever quit claimed unto the said KEITH JENSEN and NADINE JENSEN, husband and wife, as joint tenants, and not as tenants in common, with full right of survivorship, GRANTEES, their heirs and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to all the following described property, to wit: SEE ATTACHMENT A. TOGETHER with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. 3 day of R 2000. 746 C,G J TONI EARLING, Trustee 1 of the RICK EARLING AND TONI EARLING FAMILY TRUST dated June 28, 1990 RUTH JEN N, Trustee of the EZRA JENSEN AND RUTH JENSEN FAMILY TRUST dated May 5, 2000 Ol1gfld K2Id1.ON DI'Igf1d A2Id.LON z :sa.iidxa uoisstululop �I�I pas mop) pug putt Cut ssaul1M ouigs ayi painoaxa istui pigs `a.iniguflis .iiayi' q iggi pug `isn.ii pigs pop= iggi ivauinoop alp ut palutB Aiuoging Aq istui pigs 10 3p qaq uo way Aq pouts sgm agia i iv'uiinb ay pip 0111 of poWpajmouxou pug `OOOZ `S AgJ'\1 PaigP .LSt12I,L AITIAIdd NgSNgf H,Lf12I.QNd NgSNgl d)IZ1 041 J Sg31,Sf12I.L 0J1 X igyi 'gm .iapun `0111 of paui.it g ogm `aouapin0 £ioiogdsp s 10 sisgq agi uo ow of pa/gild io `ow of umouD /jjguos.iad art saiitivapi asoym `I.IaSPlgf H1.f12I pug NgSN [f d2IZg pa.igaddg Ajjguos.iad ow a.iolaq `0002 `sagerj' o "P, c 1 styi up N'IOONIVI dO AINf1OD S S ONIIAIOAM dO EIVZS 7032—/z1 :sa.ndxa uotsstulwo3 swam dm upoun P Mr in wand JIWI+ON IMAM WOWS jgas jgiot o pug pugq Aui ssaUIIM outs ay painoaxa istui pigs `oiniguSis .iaq Aq igyi pug `istui pigs paigo.io iggi luownoop alp ui paiu11J Aiuoging Aq isnui pigs Jo jp qaq uo .taq Aq pau5is sgm ugiu JAIIvD IIna agi igyi 0111 of paSpajmou )jog pug `0661 `8Z aunf POMP LSII2I.L KTIIAIdd JNIT2Idg INOl QNV JN Riva ?IORI gyp gg,LSf12I.L si ays iggi `yigo .iapun `au1 04 pauuijjg oym `aouapina Jiortjsiigs 10 sisgq ayi uo ow of panoid st 10 `ow of umounj ijjguos.iad st iiiivapi asoym `DmilIdg INO.L paagaddg AjjguosJod ow a.iojoq `000z 47o Agp c sup up N'I00I\al d0 AZNf103 'SS ONI1\I01iM dO g.Lv.LS QQiI /:soitdxa uoissiululo3 AIN jgas jgtogjo pug pug i i.0 ssODUM auras ay pain0axa istui pigs `a.inigu$ts siq Aq ley pug `isrui pies papa.io iggi iuownoop ayi ui paiug.iS Aii.zoying Aq isrui pigs 3o jp qaq uo ung Aq pauVis sgm QggJ WId'IDJJfla 041 ig au1 04 pagpajmou)jog pug `0661 `8Z aunf PaigP 1.Sf12II INIO.L QNd ON DIdg ?IJI2I ay Jo g fJ f12I.L si 04 pip `gigo .iapun `0111 02 p0ul.i g ogm `aouaptn0 kioiotjsiigs Jo sisgq ayi uo 0111 01 pano.id si .io `out of umomj Ajjguos.iad s! /iiivapt asoym `9NI'I2Idg ?IORI pa.igaddg Ajjguos.iad out aiojaq `000Z 10 "p stgi 110 N'I00NI'I dO AINf100 'SS JNITAIOXM dO IV'S 4-1 Description Quit Claim 2.485 Acres 7 4 6 A portion of the N1 /2SW1 /4 of Section 6, T32N, R118W, of the 6th. P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the boundary and area being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Cotton Gin Spike set marking the Southwest corner of said N1 /2SW1/4 (S1/16 S6 W); thence NO 36'51 "E, along the West line of said Section 6, 14.85 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike set marking the Westerly prolongation of the existing East -West fence; thence N89 °40'16 "E, to and roughly along said fence, 2636.82 feet to an Iron Pipe set at a point in the East line of said N1 /2SW1 /4; thence SO °33'53 "W, along said East line, 67.26 feet to the calculated position for the Southeast Corner of said N1 /2SW1 /4 (CS1 /16 S6); thence N89 °11'24 "W, along the South line of said N1 /2SW1 /4, 2636.54 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing 2.485 Acres of land. ATTACHMENT A