HomeMy WebLinkAbout972996STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP I, ROBERT K. JONES, being duly sworn under oath, state as follows: 1. That Diane B. Jones my wife, was tenant by the entireties with me in land in Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described in the Quit Claim Deed that was recorded in the Lincoln County, Wyoming land records in Book 412 at Page 747 on June 11, 1998 as Instrument No. 854039. Attached hereto is a copy of that Quit Claim Deed. 2. That Diane B. Jones died on June 25, 2013. Attached hereto is an original copy of the Certificate of Death issued by the State of Idaho for Diane B. Jones. 3. That pursuant to Wyoming Statutes 2 -9 -102, I certify that the tenancy by the entireties of Diane B. Jones has been terminated by her death and that title to the above referenced land is now in the name of Robert K. Jones, a single man. DATED this 28th day of August, 2013. ACKNOWLEDGED, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me on this 28th day of August, 2013 by ROBERT K. JONES. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M KEVIN VOYLES NOTARY PUBLIC County of fit., State of Lincoln Wyoming My Commission Expires: July 16, 2015 My Commission expires: ROBERT K. JONE RECEIVED 8/30/2013 at 11:57 AM RECEIVING 972996 BOOK: 819 PAGE: 262 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 0262 It (1: figtVi :SS QUIT CLAIM DEED ROBERT K. JONES and DIANE B. JONES, Trustees or their successor(s) in trust, of the R &D Jones Family Trust dated March 31, 1993 Grantors of County of State of Wyoming hereby QUIT CLAIM to ROBERT X. JONES and DIANE B. JONES, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties Grantees of Co for the sum of One dollar and other good and valuable consideratiogoT the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State Wyoming, to -wit: cD G) lD BOOK 41 ZPR PAGE 7 47 Lot Ninety -eight (98) in Star Valley Ranch Plat Three (3) as platted and recorded in the official records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Ro LAND TITLE COMPANY Notary Pu.lic m Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the' United e Patent and to easements and rights -of -way of record or in us. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS the hand of said grantors, this day o ti!i--- A.6'. 1998 Signed in the presence of co c, Diane B. Jones Trustee r 0 r! C.) .Spates c> :3) STATE OF WYOMING County of I,tfl )4t On the day ofi u/YLQ A.D. 1998 personally appeared before me Robert K. Jones and lane B. Jones, Trustees or their successor(s) in trust, of the R &D Jones Family Trust dated March 31, 1993, the signers of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Commission expires: A; y Residing in ,c-+, 0263 CERTIFICATIO TAL RECORD, TYPE OR PRIM IN PAPMANENT b 406 INK 00001 use•• "TtraTRUCTIONS; NANDB0014 DATE OF DEATH CAUSE OF DEATH ITEMS 32.38 TO BE USED FOR EXTERNAL CAUSES ONLY IGOraov[R4 K DEATH WAS ,o*o tO OTNEi(: TX411NATURAL: CAUSES, THE CORONER COMPLETE AND e1GN THE :.CERIFlCATE :STATE'OF.IDAHO: I DAHO DEPARTMENT bk HEALTH AND WELFARE BUREAU OF VITAL RECORD$ HEALTH STATISTICS State of Idaho CERTIFICATE;OF DEATH u .r W L. 00 60 crt EwF o .a MAR.upssi En) ••1 W: 7,p0S 1.OECEbENr'S LEGAL'.NAME d y)(Frel„Mpols Las45ufx) DIANE B. JONES 40 AOE -Lsal Birthday lab.LINDER 1 YEAR 4C UNDER 1 6 DATEOi BIRTH (M613ay7Yr) Mo Ih 0 0 70 Ys N u IMm lea I OR/0701RA1 t,�- 1 RESIO €NCE •STATE OR FOREIGN'CgUNTRY '7h. COUNTY WYOMING LINCOLN t 7d STIR el AND NUMBER.: 'B LL d. MARITAL STATUS TIME OF DEATH 9. 13 SEC.(JOTV NUMBER, FEMALE BIRTNPLACE(dlly snd S71.: Teml OrE f relg Country). OGDEN, UTAH I TG OR TOWN $TARVALLEYRANCH ,7 APT �1D I]I ZIP CODE.:' -.70 INSIDE CITY 83127 LIM1rs7 p SURVMNG SPOUSE S NAME .PI y va maiden name) M m d but separated Widowed Divorced Never m d un`k- nown ROBE K JONES ,.1I EVER INUS Yt FATMERSNAME (F 1 Mddl Loot. 5 M) j ROBERT 'c ARMEb ,116. BIRTHPLACE (Slate. Temtory. o Foreign Counlryj EORCEST GEORGE E. BARRY UTAH :p 13 MOTN R A DEN NA E(F m (iAi- 1tb BIRTH PLACE (E(le SM M U 13A, INFORMANTS NAME (T 34 R ELA ^DNS ^IP TO DECEDENT i 17t. MAILING ADDRESS ]51 eel PO,•NU 4e •Ely Stale ZIp Cadet ROBERT K. JONES 4.1423AEINDO OF DISPOSITION 16. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (Name and address of cemetery. 16. NAME AND COMPLETE ADDRESS OF'FUNERALFACILITV rF a-8unit, i., ®C dm I 1 ry :other PI ce) ❑Don (1 N E tomb 1 :ALACKF.00T CREMATOR BUCK•MILLER -HANN FUNERAL HOME 17)A moval'(1 !Oho 132 S I SHILLING AVE •825 EAST 17TH STREET 0)0 ((Sp cI4) BLACKFOOT IDAHO 83227 IDAHO FALLS 1041(0 17 8404 3 SIGNATURE 6 FUNERAL SERVICE:LICENSEE OR PERSON ACTING ASSUCM 17b LICENSE NUMB6r(OlYicensee) 18 WAS ELECTRONICALLY FILED: KEVIN' K :'BODILY M07$7 33 DATE:OF DEATH (Me/LOWV) (Sp n "dnln) June'25,2013 19e. IF DEATH OCCURRED IN A HOSPITAL: l 19b. IF DEATH OCCURR® SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN A HOSPITAL. :.m' ll9Inpatient 2 oER(Auto R teM 3 ❑DOA 1...!...pHop lacIty 5❑ Noosing ho eA g lend care ladles 6 Decedent's h 70 Olhe (SD aryl NAMAEN( p2 rapt tY n+. O 1 01:a d ba 1 1 CITY TOWN LOCATL 4 DEATH OW AND ZIP CE 22. COUN O TY F DEATH EASTERN IDAHO R L M I IONAPPJCAL CENTER„ IDAHO FALLS ID83404 BONNEVILLE 24 TIM E'OF DEATH 25: DATE PRONOUNCED DEAD (MO/D 5301 r11(:m i0)' 26 TiMEPRONOUNCED DAD' L c w PART Enter the W Ieven)o -d In n 27 3 00 5 OFDEATH -0 mpllwlmns -that directly caused the d Ih DONOT enter terminal vane ei4 sTardiat ADPrOk le Inl• al arii4i r00041brY Nrpst, or yantricularlIbTibefion without showing the 01401022. DO NOT ABBREVIATE Enter only one cause on a line. ,One I I Death,. IMMEDIATE CAUSE (FI al dl s orrariCHl F ATH HEART DISEASE 1 MONTH r 1 sulll p l :OUETO (Rr as a COnievuenre on: 614 w :)1)(y list cashdlil•yr ISCHEMIC BOWEL �:u rN t a l g to Ina 03 r for ea a was gp ce n: WEEKS OUE'TO n' I ales on Une.e -Em.r Ins v6:UNDERLYING'CAUSE ACUTE•RENAL FAILURE"'"' i:t WEEKS 'LAST(re or injury TZ that Initialed Pa events DUE TO for as a coteradnence 44): g Tenoning In death) PERFORMED7 AVAILABLE TO COMPLETE U 0 m 0 Unknown U ol Pr 0 O Arepnanl Unk cell d6p'naM Thin lh P r sl': A I ,P ni)uip I el pal within 42 days oI dsat0 yea ❑"S Idde C..Id not b d ■10 9E' 33 OATS OF INJURY (MOIDayNr) 33. TIME OF INJURY 34. P LACE OF INJURY (De d 1 s 1,0530,1170. sire I C0 61 ct I, on site, u'(SOaI) nlhl (24h nur sing home reslauranl. I real. etc.) ,pa 1NJURv.o.y4OpK2 Yes No 34 LOCATIGN :OF INJURY: b 'S1 let. ply/ Town or County 2'0. Code :tlikli BE HON INJURY O CC UR RED IFTRAN RTA NJU STAT ETHETYPB( S) OFVENIC1 E(S))NVOLVEO(AUlgmpblb,pickup r)1pMrcy44, 4 V brcyUe e1i) 'SPECIFY WHICH VEHICLE; DECEDENTOCCJpleD d pdicabb TRANSPORTATION 1 311 WAS DECEDENT, DriverSiberalor Pa esnp ]11b, WHAT SAFETY OEVICES($) DIO pECEOENT.USEIEMPLDV7 INJURY 0R•Y I P de 1 a Otn (Specify) 0 Seal bell c safety seal 6.1,;,:i 1 1 Air el S'.; None Unknown J TIFIER!(Chocko1N::Ot<e based on 0100.4 ap dy(oflliisc rO6cale) i 39b. LICENSE NUMBER ®PMVSICI .:f_J PHYSICIAN/595TAN7 AbVANC5•PRAC710E P066051ONAL'NURSE ..to (00 409 of y 040Vdedgb: p9am occurrdtl:a(4,e 1 dale spit dace, and due.l Ise natural cause(s 9aledc: M -08388 [y DORONEIi O theta b oTeiminenetOodor nyeOipa4o I mY o p ...n deem burred rlh Time. d* nd pb p,and do 10 12, caysA Y. i J9 DATE S d a dated a 7 8 ..):2013 slg .ureand Tnl r Miler K D GORMAN M D ADDRESS. ND F e c_. J9d N AME gDORE55 AND DP CODE OF CERTIFIER (Type or odd) CATRicK D. GORMAN, 2QQ1 S. WOODRUFF AVE. STE 12A IDAHO FALLS; JD 83404 40 :REGISTRAR'S SIGNATIIRE :l 40b. DATE SIGNED ,.L/ 9 i 2013 This Is a true and correct:re roduction of the document officially registered and placed' on file withathe IDAHO :BUREAU OFVITAL:.•RECORDS AND HEALTH STATISTICS. 'Ili 1 I rI J 0 DATE 0•0 ISSUED: rat I v� R' :JAMS AYDELO 1.E oar ,This•:oopv not valid un =.s prepsr a on engraved border StAtEREGISTRAit:'.. dtsplaying stale seal and signature of the Registrar '1 PONCOIRee)p7/li "q x.11 W_1111 MU 0■ I IA1 I LISP