HomeMy WebLinkAbout868979STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN RECEIVE0 ,..iNCOl.t COUNTY C! AFFIDAVIT OF COTENANT QO OCT 12 Li C' JEANNE Vv:i KEMi'•11ERER, WYOMING BOOK_ J PR PAGE Norma S. VanScoyk aka Norma Jean VanScoyk aka Norma J. VanScoyk, of PO Box 344, Afton, Wyoming 83110, and upon hers oath deposes and says: 1. That Johnny Irvin VanScoyk aka Johnny I. VanScoyk aka Johnny VanScoyk, the decedent mentioned in the attached copy of Certificate of Death, is the same person as Johnny I. VanScoyk named as one of the grantees in that certain Warranty Deed dated the 10 day of May, 1973, executed by Gordon Bahen and Toni Bahen, husband and wife, grantors, to Johnny I. VanScoyk and Norma J. VanScoyk, husband and wife, by the entireties, grantees, and recorded May 29, 1973, as Instrument No. 447482 in Book 105 of PR, page 124, of the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, covering the following described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to -wit: The East One -fifth of Lot 3 in Block 4 of Afton Townsite, that is to say, beginning at the Southeast Corner of said Lot 3 in said Block 4 of the Afton Townsite Survey as the same is plotted and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Registrar of said Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence North to the Northeast Corner of said Lot 20 rods; thence West 4 rods; thence South 20 rods; and thence East 4 rods to place of beginning, being a rectangular piece of land containing 80 square rods, together with water rights and improvements thereon; and ALSO, Commencing at a point which is 14 rods East from the Southwest Corner of Lot 3 in Block 4 in the Town of Afton, Wyoming, as same is of record in the records of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and running thence East 2 rods; thence North 20 rods; thence West 2 rods; and thence South 20 rods to the place of beginning. 2. That the undersigned affiant is the same identical person as Norma J. VanScoyk, named as one of the grantees in he above described Warranty Deed, that she and Johnny I. VanScoyk were husband and wife at the time of the execution and recording Except the back portion of the above described property heretofore sold to Eugene Anderson. 1 'ELM JOM9s 6u!4s!xe u!e4ulew o} i(pedoad 6u!Mollo4 0q4 ssoaoe 4uawasee ue `0S1v '6u!uui6aq 40 4uiod 0q4 011991 9'06 4se3 eoueg4 '4884 96 4PoN eoueg4 }994 g 4SeM eouaq} '4904 9 144a eouau} '4aa4 978. }sem eou0g4 `4004 9'9ZZ 144nos eou9144 6u!uuna `6ulwoAM 1 1 1 c 1 y 9 all 40 4SeM 611, a6uej 'y}aoN ZE d1gsunnol '9£ u040eS 4 P /�3N %MN 0144 4o JOUJOO 4seagpoN 8144 40 4SOM 4004 E L pue 114nos 4e04 EE 6u!uu!6e9 :ipadoad 40 !awed peglaosep 6u!nnollo4 ay} 4o 4994 1, 4se3 8 141 '6u!uu!6eq 40 4u!od 8144 o} 4994 9•£06 4se3 eouag4 '4094 96 144a 0ou0144 `4004 g 4saf adu9144 1004 9 44aoN eoua144 '4004 9'96 4SeM eoueg4 `4 9'9ZZ 44 eoueg4 6u!uuna `6u!woAM W'd 1419 9144 4 M61.1-2:1 `1\1Z£.1 '9E uol4oas 4 4 /I3N %MN ay} 40 aawoo }seay4aoN 0144 40 y }nos 4004 £E 6u!uu!6es :haled peglaosep 6u!nnollo4 0144 4o 4884 E L 4se3 8 141 OS1V '6uluu!60q 40 pod 8144 o4 spa! 9 4saM eoua44 4084 f7 pue spa' Z1, gpoN 0oueg4 :spa] 9 4se3 9ou9144 :4804 j7 pue spoa Z1. ginos 0ou0144 6u!uuna pue `6u!woAM u! `•W•d 419 9144 4 M614. 'NZEl u! 9£ uogo0s 4 vaya 0144 40 aauao3 4sanny1JON 0144 s! 140114M 4u!od e 4e 6u!ouewwo3 :4!nn -o4 '6u!woAM 'A4unoa uloour u! pa4eool Apadoad lean pequosep 6u!molio4 9144 6upenoo `6u!woiM `!4unoa uloou!l 4o spaooal leiOi440 8 144 4 `061, abed '2ld 4 09Z )100E1 u! 8E61,2.9 'oN 4uewnaTsul SO 'L861- `0£ I!ady papaooaa `saa4uea6 `sai40.n4ua 8144 Aq s4ueua4 se '94!M pue pueqsnq `)1Aoosuen ueer ewaoN pue ){Aoosuen Auuqor 04 'ao4uea6 `d1gsaeuped e `Auedwoa'8 44laaaW 's uaaeyl pue 144iws xe1A1 oe 41egeq u! gauped '44 pm -s uaae>{ i(q pa4noexe `L861. `Ilady 40 /ep 1448 0144 pa4ep pee(' kkueaaeM u!e}aao 4e144 u! sa0}uea6 all 40 Duo se peweu NAoosuen i(uugor se uosaed ewes all s! '144e0a 4o eTeol414aaa 40 Adoo pa 0144 u! peuopew 4u9p0oep 8 144 ')li(oosuen Auugor ENE p 0osuen .1 i(uugor BNB Aoosuen ulna! i 4 Z 'sooueagwnou9 pue sue!! 6u4s!xe u0144 Aue o} 4oefgns '6u!o6aao4 8144 u! pequosop spuel 0144 u! >1Aoosuen Auu14or 40 4saaaTu! Aue 4o JOUMO all JO spuel 8 144 4 aaunno 9144 `4uepaoep peuo!Tuawaao4e 8144 4 44e0p 0 144 4o amp 8 144 `8661, `1, Aew uo eweooq ')!Aoosuen 's ewaoN 'peu6lsaapun 8144 `9oueAenuoo p!es u! paweu `)!Aoosuen Auugor 4o esnods pue 4ueu9400 6ulnlnans 944 se 48 pue `enoge pequosep pea A4ueaaeM 844 40 0 TO 011 Beginning 33 feet South of the Northeast corner of the NW %NE% of Section 36 T32N, R119W of the 6 P.M., Wyoming, and running thence South 226.5 feet; thence West 95.5 feet; thence North 130.5 feet; thence West 8 feet; thence North 96 feet; thence East 103.5 feet to the point of beginning. That the undersigned affiant is the same identical person as Norma Jean VanScoyk, named as one of the grantees in the above described Warranty Deed, that she and Johnny VanScoyk were husband and wife at the time of the execution and recording of the Warranty Deed described above, and that as the surviving cotenant and spouse of Johnny VanScoyk, named in said conveyance, the undersigned, Norma S. VanScoyk, became on May 1, 1998, the date of the death of the aforementioned decedent, the owner of the lands or the owner of any interest of Johnny I. VanScoyk in the lands described in the foregoing, subject to any then existing liens and encumbrances. DATED the 15th day of February, 2000. Subscribed and sworn to by Norma S. VanScoyk aka Norma Jean VanScoyk and Norma J. VanScoyk, before me this /j day of October 2000. Witness my hand and official seal. LAYNA HADERUE- NOTARY PUBLIC County Uno�n �1 L Wyoming "'J My Commission Expires 2/26/2004 My commission expires: February 26, 2004. 4 n-uwirt A. Dam2tot Norma S. VanScoyk 3