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HIS MORTGAGE, is made the 6 day of September, 2000, by and
between W. Keith Goody and Mary Goody, husband and wife, Box 2488,
Jackson, Wyoming 83001, hereinafter referred to as the "Mortgagor
and Joseph M. DiTomaso and Cynthia A. Gauthier, joint tenants,
hereinafter referred to as "Mortgagee
The Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of FIFTEEN
THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS, ($15,700.00) lawful money of t h e
United States and other valuable consideration, provided to the
Mortgagor by the Mortgagee, the receipt of which is hereby confessed
and acknowledged, does hereby mortgage to the Mortgagee forever, the
following described real property situated in the County of Lincoln, State
of Wyoming; 4 1
Star Valley Ranch Plat Twenty -Two (22) Lot Thirty -Six (36) as
platted and recorded in the official records of Lincoln County,
Together with all buildings and improvements thereon, or which
may hereafter be placed thereon; all fixtures now or hereafter attached
to said premises; all water and water rights, ditches and ditch rights,
reservoirs and rights, and irrigation and drainage rights; and all
easements, appurtenances and incidents now or hereafter belonging or
appertaining thereto; subject, however, to all covenants, conditions,
easements, and rights -of -way, and to mineral, mining and other
exceptions, reservations and conditions of record.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said real and personal property
forever, the Mortgagor hereby relinquishing and waiving all rights
under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Mortgagor covenants that at the signing and delivery of this
Mortgage, said Mortgagor is lawfully possessed of said personal
property; is lawfully seized in fee simple of said real property, or has
such other estate as is stated herein; has good and lawful right to
mortgage, sell and convey all of said property; and warrants and will
defend the title to all of said property against all lawful claims and
demands, and that the same is free from all encumbrances.
However, this Mortgage is subject to the express condition that if
the Mortgagor pays, or causes to be paid, to the Mortgagee the sum of
with interest, until paid, according to the conditions of a Promissory Note
of even date herewith, which Promissory Note was executed and
delivered by the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee, which sum or sums of
money the Mortgagor hereby covenants to pay, and until such payment,
Si Su cO `00ga coN agij Jo guJT11M uT 1uasuoo aLiI LilIM idaoxa `iou
Hulls puu `guipaaoocd aiqeiinba JO ja0I Xuu uT pagoupu co uodn painaj
a q `joacaq scud iiuu .TO `iiicadocd pies 1iuz cad iou IIul {s .TO2'0 1.TOw
•capunacaq 002uglcoj, alp jo Xiicnoas OLil ciuduzT Xuuw goigm Xacadocd
pies q1!M uopoauuoo uT co U0 guTg1ou op 'um puu `paldaoxa cuai puu
cu OM aiguuosuac `ivasacd sr uompuoo pool su uT aucus agp un uiuw
Hugs puu `iizcadocd plus jo acuo age ui 1u0 I0au aq 1ou `aisum jiuzcad
J O 1ILUUTOO IOU Hugs 102a110JAI •ii1c0d0Jd JO aouuuaauiuy\i
•Xpadocd plus 1surugu passassu co painal sivauzssassu puu
saxu Xud Bugs coS'a1coyAi •s1uauzssassv puu saxul •y
.02aLlOIAI sigh 3
uoTaduInssu uu 2ui00Au 002u21cow 0141 10j 02uugox0 ui 002011OIAI 0'1
X q poisanbac 014 /cum sr 02u21cow sup jo suopipuoo co SUIJOI Mau Xuu
141coj 5upmas puu uopduznssu Lions of gunuasuoo Xissacdxa paccajsuuci
J O Nos aq 01 Si ii1cadocd aqp wogm uoscad ogii 14ITM 1uowoo12r
ua1ITCM u owl sc01110 `uopacosip aios s,00fu2110JAI 1u 022ugacoyAI
`cajsuuc1 co aius 041 01 coicd `3i aiucaiaoou uopdo Lions pani1M
0 n u g hugs aagug1coyAi •0101041 1q0ic s,002r21coyAI 041 aaipnfacd lou
Hulls 1u0w /cud puuuzap o1 00 11 1coyAi 0141 jo lcud 0141 uo acniiuj co /iuiap
Xuv •aiqukud puu anp iiiampat uzi aq of augicow sup Xq pacnoas
sums 0141 Hu =pap `uopdo s,00201cow `Xuuz aaug1coJA `iuuuai luiof
u jo !prop 0141 uodn mu' jo uopucado Xq JO Iuaosap `0sinap Xg caJsuIII
U co 0gu21coyAI sup 01 a1uuipcogns aouucqutnoua co u014 u 3o uopuaco
0 q 1 guipnpx0 `1uasuoo ua1IIIM coTCd s lnogiIm co�u��coy�i
X q suuaui Xuu Xq paccaJsuuc1 co pion si uTacag IsacaIui )iuu so 1iic0docd
Pill JO lcu Xuu co iiu 3I •ii1c0docd 041 Jo c0jsuucl
•anp u0gm Jo Japco OSJOAUT
041 ui iudioutcd o1 aouniuq alp puu asacaIui o1 IsJTJ paIipaco 014 Hugs
auauzXudacd Bons /Cur Imp p00cgu puu pooiscapun st puu `pup tiuu Jo
Xiiuu0d co uznTUZacd 1nog1!M Quip iiuu 1u `pacinbac ui0c04 s1u0UCiiud 041
01 uotITppu uT `Is0JOIui pancoou snid sums co urns Iudiouud /Cur 2uiiiud
Jo 0 0JTAicd 0141 0AT?'14 Hugs 10 1l 1cow 0141 •s1uauTiiudacd 'Z
•iigacaq pacnoas ssaupaIgapui 0141 jo icud
/Cur jo wowifud jo Qum Jo uoisuaaxa co iu0uzauodisod iiuu guTCnp 1oajja
puu aocoj iin3 ui uiuuzac Bugs IuauznIIsui sup Jo u0ii 0141 puu `papinocd
uT0c014 sr ssaupaigapui 0141 /cud bugs cogug1coyAi wow hu d I
:smoiioJ su 00cu puu 1uuuanoo cailcnj 00 1l 1coyAi puu c02a1coyAI
puu iinu aq puu 08100 hugs aIou pies puu 0 0111 AI sup uapp `c02r2li0IAI
X q patwojiad ag 01 ui0c04 s1uauz00cau puu s1uuu0noo 041 Jo iiu suuojcad
6 T 0! W41r,liR0
12 0
otherwise provided and permitted in this Mortgage, remove or attempt
to remove said improvements or personal property, or any part hereof,
from the premises on which the same are situated.
6. Insurance. As collateral and further security for the
payment of the indebtedness hereby secured, Mortgagor shall keep the
improvements now existing or hereinafter erected on said premises
insured against loss caused by the elements, fire, earthquake, and other
calamities, with extended coverage provisions, to the full insurable value
thereof for the term of this Mortgage, and will pay when due all
premiums on such insurance. All insurance shall be carried i n
responsible insurance companies licensed in Wyoming and the policies
and renewals thereof shall have attached thereto by rider or otherwise
loss payable clauses in favor of the Mortgagee. A copy of said policy or
any renewal documents pertaining thereto shall be supplied to the
Mortgagee within 10 days after the insurance is purchased in accordance
with this paragraph or of any renewal of or amendment to such policy.
7. Mortgagee Authorized to Make Payments. If Mortgagor
defaults in the payment of the taxes, assessments or other lawful
charges, including any construction loan payments or fails to keep t h e
improvements on said premises insured as herein provided, the
Mortgagee may, without notice or demand, pay the same, and if t h e
Mortgagor fails to keep said property in good repair, the Mortgagee m a y
make such repairs as may be necessary to protect the property, all a t
the expense of the Mortgagor. The Mortgagor covenants and agrees that
all such sums of money so expended, together with all costs of
enforcement or foreclosure, and a reasonable attorney fee, shall b e
added to the debt hereby secured, and agrees to repay the same and all
expenses so incurred by the Mortgagee, with interest thereon from t h e
date of payment at the same rate as provided in the note hereby
secured, until repaid, and the same shall be a lien on all of said property
and be secured by this Mortgage.
8. Default. If the mortgagor defaults in the payment of the
indebtedness hereby secured, for a period of thirty (30) days after
written notice, or fails to deep the improvements on said premises
insured as herein provided, or in case of breach of any covenant o r
agreement herein contained, the whole of the then indebtedness secured
hereby, both principal and interest, together will all other sums payable
pursuant to the provisions hereof, shall, at the option of the Mortgagee,
become immediately due and payable, anything herein or in said note to
the contrary notwithstanding, and failure to exercise said option shall
not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of
any subsequent default. The Mortgagee may enforce the provisions of,
or foreclose, this Mortgage by any appropriate suit, action or proceeding
at law or in equity, and cause to be executed and delivered to the
purchaser or purchasers at any foreclosure sale a proper deed of
•lino° aril Jo suouoO.Ttp pur siapio ati4 put m�I
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pui autoout `sltJoid puu sansst `slua.T IId aqi /iq paivasuoo
iigaiag sr aopou inotmm uof1oridde tons Xui uo JantOOag Bons /Cur jo
4uatu4utodd1 alp pui `panIum Rissaidxa 40.104 51140q aopou `uoT1rotidd1
aiird xa uodn uoTaoTpsunf lualadtuoo jo imoo /fur RI paiutoddi aq /Cm
Jantaoag tons •osuadxa pui saaj `s4soo oinsoioaioj pui Nap aguSiJoj ji
041 a1rtosTp o4 joa.Tagi Xouaiotjjns aqi JO `Xpodo.zd plus jo anit?n
0 41 01 pir2a.4 lnot1tm pur `pia rOdO zd plus jo numo U041 an Jo `.102U1101A1
041 JO IiauanIOSUI Jo X0110ATOS alp 01 pi150i lnotltrn pug tuotidurapa.r
jo potiad 0411 pui OuTpaaooid ainsoJOOJOJ iiq paianoo amp ag1 5utpniouT
`1Inrjap tons /Cur Jour `joazag4 sltjold pur sansst `s4ua.t Ip1 pull XpadoJd
plus 10J JanTaoag r oa pailt4ua act Bugs aa�r.31J0JAI •2utpaaooJd JO 11090n
`lens airlidolddll Xul /iq aaal1o4A4 ,iq paoiojua at /Cruz s1tj.o.Td
put sansst `sluaJ `uotssassod tons jo ii1antlap ati1 `IrsnJa.T up •isanba.T
uo aa1l 1JoJAJ age 01 XIampauTUtt paIantlap aq Hugs slTjold pur sansst
`s�uaz `uotssassod lions put `uolldurap0a jo polJad alp pui sgutpaaooid
ainsoioaioj jo iiouapuad 0141 5uunp puu 1145p lions jo 5umioo1
041 wag `j0010g14 s14T1o.zd pur sansst 'qua." III of pui `mrsaiojr .iadoid
its 3o auauIiiofua pui asn `uotssassod antsniOxa 01 pai1Taua auzooaq
00110 411 Bugs aaRaliow 041 `aapunacat IIn113ap iiuu Jo llInsa.t u sr san1oo11
axnsoloaloj jo 142T.1 0141 jI swag 10 1uauzu3T
•1u0tu2pnf iiou04oljap 11 01 paJITaua
a q hugs 00 11 110JAI ag1 pu11 `aou1I11q prtdun 0141 fed o1 punoq iill1uos.Tad
a q Bugs ii44rnoas st 0 11 1 o4A4 .stg4 4Otgm 101 sa1ou .ro mu an fu1Tno0x0
1au21.zow am `pampas J goJag ssaupalgapui IIlIol aq1 /Cud o1 IuaTOTJJnsut
0.1r spaaooid at1 pui amsoloaioj iopun pios sT 11101014 paquosap
,iiiiadojd 01411 1I •spaaoold amsoJOOJO3 jo 1iouato!JJns
•.1o513110 JAI 3141
01 ptid aq Bugs `Xu11 34 `snidms 0141 `pup `.painoas Xga.Tag ssaupalgaput
041 uo ISO.zOIUT pu11 i1d4outJd jo 1uno0O11 uo aa5a1J0JAI anp aou1i1g 0411
'm44 `jo0.104 ua!l age 011 ioTiadns 0.IL totgm `ii4JodoJd plus uo suati pu11
stur1lo `s1uautssass11 `saxUI ptudun Ili `puoOas `a 1a1aow s141 Jo suotstnoJd
alp 014 lUllnsind 00 r2po AI alp gig paou1npe JO papuadxa siiauow
III pull `00j iiau1o111l aigruoseai 1 2utpnioUT `airs pu11 aznsoI3OJO1 ata Jo
sasuadxa pull sIsOO all `llslT3 :jo 1u0W/1d all 01 pandda act il1ts airs Lions
uzo1j spaaooid 1011 0141, •s1In11Jap JO. 1Inrjap 1agi.tfJ Jo asoiOOIOJ
01 11441 .10 lInujap tons Jo aou1nu11uo3 0141 wimp 101j1a.1041 asoJOa1oj
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JO S1S00 Ip1 ii1d of 5001 11 1Oga4aoN 0141 •Ii4antssa0Ons Jo XlTuapuadapuT
`iiiiuoiinouoo pasTo.caxa aq /Cum pug 1i1tnba JO mui iig pap1ojjr
TO 0111 stt1 iapun Xpauia.T 10 11_0T.1 .10410 /Cur of anT111ImmnO
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0 141 s1u1115 iig0J0q JO 11 110J, 0141 pins os XlJadold 0141 jo °our/Canuoo
ssd 0 T
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1 1. Inspection. Mortgagee may make or cause to be made
reasonable entries upon and inspections of the property, provided that
Mortgagee shall give Mortgagor notice prior to any such inspection
specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Mortgagee's interest in
the property.
12. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for
damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any condemnation
or other taking of the property, or part hereof, or for conveyance in lieu
of condemnation, are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Mortgagee.
In the event of a partial taking of the property, unless Mortgagor and
Mortgagee otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums
secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds as is equal to
that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage
immediately prior to the date of taking bears to the fair market value of
the property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of
the proceeds paid to Mortgagor. If the property is abandoned by the
Mortgagor, or if, after notice by Mortgagee to Mortgagor that the
condemnor offers to make an award or settle a claim for damages,
Mortgagor fails to respond to Mortgagee within thirty (30) days after the
date such notice is mailed, Mortgagee is authorized to collect and apply
the proceeds, at Mortgagee's option, either to restoration or repair of the
property or to reduce the sums secured by this Mortgage. Unless
Mortgagee and Mortgagor otherwise agree in writing, any such
application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due
date of the installments referred to above or change the amount of such
13. Statement. The Mortgagee, within ten (10) days upon
request in person or within thirty (30) days upon request by mail, will
furnish a written statement duly acknowledged of the amount due on
this Mortgage and whether any offsets or defenses exist against the
Mortgage debt.
14. Notices. Any notice and demand or request shall be in
writing and may be served either in person or by certified mail, return
receipt requested. Notice shall be deemed given when mailed and shall
be addressed as follows or at such other address as either party ma y
from time to time designate in writing:
Mortgagor: Box 2488
70 S. Willow
Jackson, Wyoming 83001
Mortgagee: 1109 Petra Court
Davis, CA 95616
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•uraaag1 pauiu1uoa suonipuoa puu suzaai aqi jo aauuldaaau
a q iitIs aa2u21aoyAi alp icq `saanaas 1i saiou ao ajou alp puu agaTaoua
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puu luauzasipanpu Aq JO `XJinba ui jo mu' 2uipaaaoad JO uonnau `jms
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puu „saansoiaaaoJ„ suzaa� aqs •auo uugp aaouz ji paquasap uiaaaq
sa1ou iiu sapniaU! „a'ou„ uzaal aqJ °s.zapua2 iiu apniaui hugs aapua2
Sur jo asn puu `.zuiauls iu.znid aqi `ivanid aq1 apniaui hugs
aa qurnu auin2uis alp pasn Janauagm •o1a.raq saUM d agi jo saissu puu
saossaaans `saolnaaxa `saaTaai `saasinap `saiaq anpaadsaa
aql `01 aanui Bugs sa puu slijauaq puu `puiq Hugs paumuoa
uraaaq suuuuanoa aqj, •uopanmuoD puu ra33II uipuiH '9T
°uoponalsuoa s11 ui pasn aq aau puu /Ciuo aauaTUanuoa
JOj aau 02u21aOIAT sig1 Ui pasn sarpuaq aqs, •sguipuaH S I