HomeMy WebLinkAbout868711Recording Requested By: THE MONEY STORE And When Recorded Mail To: THE MONEY STORE P 0 Box 13309 Mailcode #M05210 Sacramento, CA 95813 -3309 Space above for Recorder's use Loan 0086131208 RLS 394658 RELEASE OF MORTGAGE DEED OF TRUST KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the undersigned for and in consideration of the payment of indebtedness secured and the cancellation of all the notes thereby secured and the sum of one dollar, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release, satisfy, convey and quit claim unto: STEVEN C. TRUJILLO AND RENAE A. TRUJILLO, heirs, legal representatives, successors and /or assignees, and assigns all right, title, interest, claim, or demand whatsoever it may have acquired in, through or by a certain Mortgage /Deed of Trust bearing the date MARCH 09, 1998, and filed for the record in the County Recorder of LINCOLN, State of WYOMING, as Instrument No. 849007 in Book No. 409 at Page No. 7 on JUNE 16, 1998. BEGINNING 12 RODS SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 15, BEDFORD TOWNSITE, LOCATED IN THE SE1 /4 OF SECTIO 29, TOWNSHIP 34 NORTH, RANGE 118 WEST AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 8 RODS: THENCE WEST 20 RODS; THENCE NORTH 8 RODS; THENCE EAST 20 RODS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID TRACT BEING THE SOUTH 8 RODS OF LOT 1, BLOCK 15. IN TESTIMO WHEREOF, the said, caused the •e presents to be H Beneficiary: TMS MORTG (Name) Seedy iarcon B State of CALIFORNIA County of SACRAMENTO ss. On before me, Cynthia A. Belasco personally appeared Wendy Brown, AVP personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity(ies) and that by his /her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Wijlnless my hand and gMc' seal. y Name) 868711 HE MONE -STORE 453 BOOK PR PAGE 2 8 0 RTGAGE INC. DBA THE MO STORE, has its Asst. Vice Presi Dated: Wendy Brown, AVP (Name) Susan Murphy RECEIVED JNCO1_..N COMITY CI_. 00 OCT —3 ai 0; 1 9 V 4 N i es E KEMMERER WYOMING C' 1 A. ;ELASCO COMMISSION #11462571. NOTARY PUBLIC- CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTO COUNTY'" MY COMM. EXPIRES JUL 07, 2001 PREPARED BY: THE MONEY STORE: P 0 Box 13309, Mailcode #M05210 Sacramento, CA 95813 -3309 916/928 -5757 Selena McCormick 7