HomeMy WebLinkAbout868722Land Description Percent of Interest Percent of Overriding Royalty Or Similar interests Additional space on reverse, if needed. Do not submit documents or agreements other than this form; such documents or agreements shall only be referenced herein. A Owned h. Conveyed c Retained d Reserved e Previously reserved or conveyed f Township 23 North. Range 115 West. 6"' P.M. 100% 100% r l l 00 OCT-3 dEA ASSIGNEE 0% r 1 It'll r i 4lW u 0% It 00 1, t° fit 3% Section 26: S2N2, E2SW, SE Section 35: NWNE, SENE, NENW, E2SE a 1300K PR PAGE Lincoln County, Wyoming Containing 600.00 acres, more or less FOR �)C Form 3000 -3 (October 1992) ,,`�4�P'IE•rilr 0�(' Of Cal 0414E, $101411,1G 1. Assignee* Street City, State, ZIP Code 2. This assignment conveys the following interest: By 181 Carmen E. Lovett (Authorized Officer) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT OF RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN A LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351 -359) Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001 -1025) Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508) Baseline Minerals, Inc. 1645 Court Place, Suite 422 Denver, CO 80202 Type or print plainly In Ink and sign In ink. PART A: ASSIGNMENT This transfer is for: (Check one) [X] Oil and Gas Lease, or Geothermal Lease Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, as appropriate) X] Record Title. Overriding Royalty, payment out of production or other similar interests or payments FOR BLM USE ONLY -DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE (Title) (Date) FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 1004 -0034 Expires: July 31, 1995 Lease Serial No WYW- 138663 Lease Effective Date April 1, 1996 *If more than one transferee, check here 1 1 and list the name(s) and address(es) of all additional transferees on the reverse of this form or on a separate attached sheet of paper. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA This assignment is approved solely for administrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this assignment holds legal or equitable title to this lease. Assignment approved for above described land SEP 01 2000 1 Assignment approved for attached land description ssignment approved effective Assignment approved for land description indicated on reverse of this form LAND LAW EXAMINER SEP 15 2000 .uoialpsunf sl! ulgllm 1allew ,Cue of se suo!le3uasaida110 sluawale.3s ivalnpne1i 10 snoim a `asteJ ,fue sa3e3S pauun aq3 Jo /Cough 10 3uauluedou Aug o3 a>few of ,illn31Pm pue ,il8u!moull uoslad Aug io3 awua a 1! swim 1001 'J'S'fl 81 ail L £0S0Z 'J'(1 `uo18u!gs% `(17 £00-17001) 33afoid uo!lonpa 1 xlomladed `1aSpng pue wawa8gueyg3o °awn ag1 pug `04202 '3 •Q `uo18u!gseM "m••N `10011S J 61 '(!LL aaaelea!J neaing (a4ewally) `luawaSeugyq puu l Jo nwaing `1o!1a3u1 alp Jo 3uawuedaU •s• n o1 wio3 sup Jo loadse 1aq.3o Aug 10 awwgsa uapinq ag3 2u!pie8a1 sluawwoa palm •w1oJ aq3 2u!ma!nal pug 8uialdwoo pug `elep 2u!ule3u!ew pug 2uuagw8 `suollanllsu! 8u!mainal 1o3 ow!! alp 2u!pnlau! asuodsal lad sa3nu!w 0£ a2Clane o1 palnwllsa s! wioj sup 1o' uapanq 2upiodal a!lgnd (ain3¢u &s) 33IJ- ul- ,fauao3ly :aau2lssy laBJ- u!- .Cauao33V 33gj- ut- Cauaofy 10 (am1eusis) N 4 10 ..2,,,, .-r 0Fwe I :1ouB!ssy :aau2tssy 31JNb"I NOX asea 11na uo umogs se wu2!ssy Jo awgpl (apoj d!z) (ms) 91008 00 `elolny (ssaippy s,1ou8lssy) unoD eP!1 S gunoS 8£SL (alnlsugis) sup palnaax3 OOOZ 3 ,iep sup pa)n3ax3 'g3!eJ pool u! apew are pug 3allaq pug a8palmou3l ,Stu Jo log ag103 3301103 pue `a3aldw03 `awl orn aw ,(q ulalaq apew s3uawa3ws ow mg 'Ammo 1 '(1172£ lI3J £17) sal;luSw 2u!pwano p03ua13 ,ilsno!nald pa 01 pappe s! 3uawuS!sse sup uagm sa3g3S Pal!ufl aq3 0l anp' 3jg,Co1 Jo alel ag33o luaalad 0S ueg310320Ja 1ou `3ndlno 3o anlen ag33o luaolad auo Jo WO g31noJ -auo ue ssal aq 3ou .Cow ,t1le,Col 2u!p!11ano ug `sluawu2!sse leuuag3oa81od u!alaq paquasap anal aq3 03 8u!u!e31ad suop3u1sa1 pug suo!3elndlls `suo!3!puoa `suual algea!ldde pu Jo aaueldaa3e sauggsuoa luawu8!sse sup 03 aln3eu8ls s,aau2!ssy •)3y Su!seal !mum 34330 117 'DOS Jo uo!3etoln u! 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