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We will not claim any credit on, or make deduction from, the loan under the Note because we pay these taxes and charges. We will provide you with proof of payment upon request. (b) MAINTENANCE: We will maintain the buildings) on the Premises in good condition. We will not make major changes in the building(s) except for normal repairs. We will not tear down any of the building(s) on the Premises without first getting your consent. We will not use the Premises illegally. If this Mortgage is on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development, we shall perform all of our obligations under the declaration or covenants creating or governing the condominium or planned unit development, the by -laws and regulations of the condominium or planned unit development and constituent documents, (c) INSURANCE: We will keep the building(s) on the Premises insured at all times against loss by fire, flood and any other hazards you may specify. We may choose the insurance company, but our choice is subject to your reasonable approval. The policies must be for at least the amounts and the time periods that you specify. We will deliver to you upon your request the policies or other proof of the insurance. The policies must name you as "mortgagee" and "loss- payee" so that you will receive payment on all insurance claims, to the extent of your interest under this Mortgage, before we do. The insurance policies must also provide that you be given not less than 10 days prior written notice of any cancellation or reduction in coverage, for any reason. Upon request, we shall deliver the policies, certificates or other evidence of insurance to you. In the event of loss or damage to the Premises, we will immediately notify you in writing and file a proof of loss with the insurer. You may file a proof of loss on our behalf if we fail or refuse to do so. You may also sign our name to any check, draft or other order for the payment of insurance proceeds in the event of loss or damage to the Premises. If you receive payment of a claim, you will have the right to choose to use the money either to repair the Premises or to reduce the amount owing on the Note. (d) CONDEMNATION: We assign to you the proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any condemnation or other taking of the Premises, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, all of which shall be paid to you, subject to the terms of any Prior Mortgage. (e) SECURITY INTEREST: We will join with you in signing and filing documents and, at our expense, in doing whatever you believe is necessary to perfect and continue the perfection of your lien and security interest in the Premises. (f) OUR AUTHORITY TO YOU: If we fail to perform our obligations under this Mortgage, you may, if you choose, perform our obligations and pay such costs and expenses. You will add the amounts you advance to the sums owing on the Note, on which you will charge interest at the interest rate set forth in the Note. If, for example, we fail to honor our promises to maintain insurance in effect, or to pay filing fees, taxes or the costs necessary to keep the Premises in good condition and repair or to perform any of our other agreements with you, you may, if you choose, advance any sums to satisfy any of our agreements with you and charge us interest on such advances at the interest rate set forth in the Note. This Mortgage secures all such advances. Your payments on our behalf will not cure our failure to perform our promises in this Mortgage. Any replacement insurance that you obtain to cover loss or damages to the Premises may be limited to the amount owing on the Note plus the amount of any Prior Mortgages. (g) PRIOR MORTGAGE: If the provisions of this paragraph are completed, this Mortgage is subject and subordinate to a prior mortgage dated 12/04/1995 and given by us to COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. as mortgagee, in the original amount of 72,100.00 (the "Prior Mortgage We shall not increase, amend or modify the Prior Mortgage without your prior written consent and shall upon receipt of any written notice from the holder of the Prior Mortgage promptly deliver a copy of such notice to you. We shall pay and perform all of our obligations under the Prior Mortgage as and when required under the Prior Mortgage. (h) HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES: We shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances on or in the Premises. We shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Premises that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Premises of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Premises. As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As used in this paragraph, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Premises are located that relate to health, safety or environmental protection. (i) SALE OF PREMISES: We will not sell, transfer ownership of, mortgage or otherwise dispose of our interest in the Premises, in whole or in part, or permit any other lien or claim against the Premises without your prior written consent. (j) INSPECTION: We will permit you to inspect the Premises at any reasonable time. NO LOSS OF RIGHTS: The Note and this Mortgage may be negotiated or assigned by you without releasing us or the Premises. You may add or release any person or property obligated under the Note and this Mortgage without losing your rights in the Premises. DEFAULT: Except as may be prohibited by applicable law, and subject to any advance notice and cure period if required by applicable law, if any event or condition described in Paragraph 12.A. of the Note occurs, you may foreclose upon this Mortgage. This means that you may arrange for the Premises to be sold by advertisement and sale or by judicial foreclosure, at your option, as provided by law, in order to pay off what we owe on the Note and under this Mortgage. If the money you receive om t�ie sale HELOC WY Mortgage 2C6202WY (08/99) Page 2 of 3 Initials• 'Ibi s) (iv s) (was) (ivHS) (aaep) 0002 'iequragdas Jo Aep 4112 :ss Clunop 0.-411 te 04 Aar, 8�6 SUJOX3 UGISSPWO) AN 8uiwodM;; u;oouri E E ee e d aleiS 1. �4 ''?'j le �(1!iri�.)0 ot19nd Ann (SuiSpa(MOU>[ue uoslad) uTo0UTZ :JoSsSuow NOStIV1 1 1'INV 7 2 1^1 NOSUVI 9 aIAVM ..iOSRs'"vi ovind r(ieloN m9alounazel er;, I £00Z 8Z 'q•eS (86/90) AME0399 e6e8Uoyy AM 0013H :sandxg uoisstwwoD AIN uosaPq •Z TzadI pug UOS u1 •D pTAPQ stud ow aiojaq pop tou pe SUM luawn isui guio2azoj aqy Aq `DAIIIIIlOAAA 1O a.LV.LS :SSHNLIM •uauuM anoge 1s.nj alep aq1 uo was iapun sn jo gaea Aq paugts uaaq se14 HDvo.LaI0y'i SIH.L •uolseaao 10410 Aue uo uolstnozd zaglo due JO 1e11 JO zanitM a aq ion Qum a2r2lioyu sup JO suolstnozd Aue jo noA Aq ianieM Aud wags 2uts0l lnogllM a$e2iim sill iapun sup.' znod 30 ,Cue 2utazoJua ,Cupp so anieM uea noA :'Iy2IHAIHo aReglioini sup jo uopoeJspes e jo 2uipiooai io3 saaj Aue Aed nulls am 1eg11daoxa `sn of aSiega lnogl!M a2e2lzoyq sup a2iegosip limp noA `paleuiwzal seq OIoN ayl .tapun saauenpe iagunj aalew o1 uopeSggo znoA paranoid pue a2e2uojni sup Aq pamoas scans IIe jo 1uawAed uodn :aSVTIDI waiaq pafeuSisap lauuew all ui uan!2 ua4M nod JO sn of uant3 wag aneq 01 pawaap aq !legs are2uoyil sup u! ioj paranoid aapou Any sn of aapou Aq aleu2tsap Aew noA se ssaippe moo gaps 01 JO £191-30£16 VO 'SVSV8V1V0 'VaVNVUD )IaVd 00917 ON I SNVO1 3WOH 30IMAa1Nf100 1e ssazppe znoA of `palsanbaz 1dlaoaz uanlai Tutu pagpza° Aq uan!2 aq Begs noA of aapou dun (q) pue 'Tang paranoid se no o1 aapou Aq aleu2isap Am am se ssazppe zauf0 gons 1e io spioaai znoA ui Suueadde ssazppe lot ail le sn o1 passazppe put sselo lug zeln2az Aq aapou gons ;Iutliew Aq JO 1! 2uuantlap Aq uani8 aq Rugs a2i8uow sup ut ioj paranoid sn of aapou due (e) `iouuew iagloue ui ua4 aq o1 MeI algeoildde zapun pannbaz aapou due ioj ldaaxg we vaiWO �HOI.LOI�I •pua hags sasuuazd ail u! s14 11 znoA pue a2e2uoy%I sup `paleuiuual seq a10N aql zapun saouenpe zagun3 avtu o1 uopeSilgo Aug paranoid pun `aSe8uoy4l sup pue a1oN all upon nod 012uimo slunowe Ile jo IIn3 ut luawded uodn •li u2isse Amu noA wo4M 01 auo,(ue jo ulauaq ail .103 pue ujauaq lnoA ioj s! a2eWlioyil si4Z •sasuuazd aul jo SJOUMO aznln au pun snag mo `san IU201 mo `sn uo Sulpuiq aq IIiM age2uoini sup jo suoisinozd aq1 `paleuiwzal uaaq seq a1oN all iapun saauenpe zagun j 03pew o1 uopeSggo wok pue IInJ ui pied uaaq snq a1ON 0 41 !pun •a2alaoyu sill u! sluawaaz &e pue sasiwoid all jo lte 103 algisuodsai AIIn3 aq umis sn 3o gaeg :ZOgq.Ig DNIGNIIH •uopdwaxa pealsawoq pun ales pue Anal `fuawtpuue woz3 uopdwaxa `awp 3o uoisualxa `uopnaaxa jo clefs ioj 2uipinoid smel a.minj z0 luasaid due jo lgauaq aql °ATM Agaiaq pue a2e2uoi sup aazojua o1 s2uipaaoozd ut slaajap zo 10110 due °snalai pun aniem aM `met algeaitdde Aq palliwuad lualxa all of :suani 'M .noA o1 sluawAed Twat alma o1 uvw ssep 1sn3 Aq wail 2uiA3pou dldwis ia13e anp lsed as0g1 Suipnpui saslwazd all 3o slllaz 0141 100!!00 pun sasiwaid aq1 a2euew pue 3o uotssassod aaIel `uodn zalua o1 pappua aq Rugs slmoa 0141 Aq paluiodde zant000I a 10 noA •saslwazd 0141 jo slum 0141 nod o1 u2Isse am `Alunaas leuoptppe sd :ggAIUDRII dO £N L.LNIIOddV &N all dO .LNMA NDISSV •suodoi app pue stoezlsge `aouapina kw:nou noop 10 moo pun sooj sdatuoue ajgeuoseoi '01 pallwn lour 1nq Tulpnlou1 `aznsolooio3 01 2uipoo oid w no Aq paunaui AIIenloe sisoo pug sooj algeuoseat lfg loaf00 01 pappua aq Ri no `uoplppe uI •aznsopazo3 pun 1uaw2pnf a jo Aziva llnejap a nip pun mpg anupuoa II!M a10N alp u! 141101 las alez 1sazalw all wg1 aaae aM •saseai auega pun mum `u;Its (n!) pue :sastwazd all a2Buew (iii) :nod o1 sluawAed Ieluat °Alew 01 pew ssela lszg wags 2uid3ilou Alduus za13n siueua1 w0z3 Apaazip `sluawAed ram 00p -zono 2utpnlau! `sluawded ma! 0141 1001100 (I!) :saslwazd alp jo uo!ssassod 031e) pun uo 10lua 'Me! algeolldde gitM 00uepzoaae u! `dew nod `uopippe ul 'mu! algeogdde !pm 00uepz000e u! sn wo.13 1001100 01 31005 dew nod g0!gm 00001a331p aq1 nod amo Ibis lllm aM `nod amo aM leann 33o And 01 142noua 100 s! 69176198 :it NVO1