HomeMy WebLinkAbout868736This orl gage SEE BOCK r I lye 1;138 6IO ;ES FAG fO* r�.�►se This Mortgage O$Ok` z Of Oi8RT$AW PA /C RECEIVED CC... A`JTV 0'1. Q0 OCT `s' 0, J NC l EMIVIERE Vi i OMiNG THE LIEN CLAIMANT,. pursuant to a judgment through a divorce decree an modification of a divorce decree, is filing this Lien Statement at the Office of the County Clerk for the County of.Lincoln, State of Wyoming, as a claim and lien on property and for matters described and referred to herein as follows: BOOK PR PAGE 32 868736 WYOMING LIEN STATEMENT (1) The Signor of the Affidavit as to Judgement Lien, Tess B. Corsi, whose address is 465 South Main, 9, St. George, Utah 84770, is the Lien Claimant and person seeking to enforce this Lien. (2) The amount of the claim for this lien is that is due and owing to the Lien Claimant is to date is fourteen thousand six hundred sixty two dollars and 50 cents ($14,662.50). (3) The names and address of the persons against whose property this lien is filed is Jack E. Corsi, as an individual and as Trustee of the Henry's Mountain Land Trust, Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming. (4) The Affidavit supporting this lien is attached hereto and incorporated herein. (5) The name of the persons against whom the lien claim is made is Jack E. Corsi, as an individual and as Trustee of the Henry's Mountain Land Trust, Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming. (6) The legal description of the premises upon which the lien is enforceable is known as the Henry's Mountain Land Trust located within Section 13, Township 32N, Range 119W of the 6 P.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming, recorded at 361 PR 919. Parcels subject to the lien are all parcels not sold to date by Henry's Mountain Land Trust, including, but not possibly limited to, the approximately 40 acre parcel identified as No. 5 on the Plat of Parcels and Easements, and the approximately 10 acre parcels numbered 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, and 12 on the Plat of Parcels and Easements. DATED this 26 day of September, 2000. Page 1 of 5 9 ;o Z abed ISNOD 'S SSaL NLI 1 .LAIawa9Qnf' OZ SV .LIAVUUJV KATHRYN LE VITT 1 HOMY PUBLIC STATE of NEVADA MARK COUNTY •93- 1575.1 COMM. 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Corsi this day of September, 2000. too hitilegkinigkal an 111L01 -EOA► Aiwa) *WO OOP M1Y1S 3171ffid AIM N J JAV 1 NAUH1V I My Commission Expires: S S. seal. Page 3 of 5 NOTARY PUBLIC UL( S JO 17 abed gluow goes jo Mep qIo t agl asojoq so uo jjiluieid agl Aq panraoas lou sseasse ut pasapisuoo aq iiuM luaw,ied '00'000`01$3 iedtouud amp lunowe ieutSuo agl uo papsenne aq uagi !pm wnuue sad %SZ'8 jo lsasalut `peasse ui luawaed ouo uegl a.iow aq luepuojaa aql pinogs •s.reasse ui luawied iCigluow auo MD asow ou sr luepuojoa all se Suoi se onion !pm lsasalui ITT ui pled sr (00'000`01$) snip(' puesnogZ uo j agl jo sapuiewas aqi !pun wow goes jo yep lug ow aigehd pug anp `0002 `T Asenuer SuruuiSaq wow sad (00'005$) sseitoQ palpunH an!loweid agl hd iiiM luepuojoa ota '6661 `I logwaooa asojoq s0 uo luawSpn[ anoge agl jo (00'005`Z$) S palpunH aim puesnoq j oMs j.iluieid aql fed of pomp!) si luepuojo j au, •q Moiaq pauiilno se sluawyied stq uo luassno Si luepuadaU se Suoi se luawSpnf sigl alnoaxa lou !pm liluieid aq.L '(00'005`ZI$) sseiioQ palpunH T puesnogs aniam! jo lunowe agl 10 JjJ guield aql of papsenne si luawSpnf jjiluteid alp 01 luawassngwias 103 (op '005`ZT$) sseiioQ palpunH avid puesnogs anions `IS2IO3 •fa SS LL `JJiluieid oqi fed of pasapso si `IS2I03 Xasif `luepuajoQ aqy •e :snnoiiod se pagipow am `6661 `Zt A.renuef pomp luawaalSy luawoluoS 1 PvIAI pie `6661 `17Z Asensgog pomp aasoaQ aosonIQ a D leQ L :Qalla1/10 (INV Qgg21c3a QaOQflfav MIaaal1 SI .LI `soused amp luawaa1Se agl uodn paseg '6661 `9 lagolo0 lnoge s0 uo paig asne3 nnoq$ of saps0 ue so3 jjiluieid aql jo uopoN aql uodn `6661 `ZZ sagwanott uo pnoo agl asopaq awoo Sutneg 2Ig,L.L sllu aauDaa a32IOAIQ ONIA3IQ01II Haan° 0£Z`0T Iini3 OAIILIIOAAA 3O aIV,LS `APIOOAII'I 3O AINf103 ant )103 (INV NI .LDDLLSIa 'IVITIaflf MILL aiu JO .UII103 Z311I LSIa iHZ NI IS)IO3 'a x3v1 "SA `IS2I03 1 SS LL d. The Defendant will fully assume and be responsible for all payments due and past due on the mortgage currently held by the Associates Home Equity Services until the residence in Etna, Wyoming, is sold. Such mortgage is secured by the residence in Etna and "Grandma's place e. The Plaintiff will make best efforts to sell the residence in Etna. f. The Court recognizes that the Defendant delivered to the Plaintiff a quit claim deed conveying his interest in the residence in Etna, Wyoming, to the Plaintiff on November 22, 1999. g. The Plaintiff will be responsible for the payments on the first mortgage secured by the residence in Etna currently held by Crown Mortgage. h. Once the residence in Etna is sold, the Plaintiff will pay the second mortgage currently held by Associates Home Equity Services down to an amount of Sixty -five Thousand Dollars ($65,000.00). Defendant will assume and be solely responsible for the remainder of that mortgage amount. i. The Plaintiff will convey the 1997 Suburban to the Defendant at a mutually agreed to time and place as soon as practicable. The Defendant will assume and be foully responsible for past due and future lease payments on the Suburban. j. The Plaintiff will convey her one -half interest in the tree spade to the Defendant. k. The provisions of the Divorce Decree and Marital Settlement Agreement not affected by this order shall remain in full force and effect and the parties will execute all documents necessary to fulfill the remaining provisions of the Marital Settlement Agreement, Divorce Decree and this Order. DATED this day of November, 1999. JOHN D. TROUG ON District Court Judge Vage 5 of ST ATI: OF Y 0E'tAiN r C c� YY kk _S. COUNTY OF Lf I\iCOLr' I, Kenneth D. Roberts, Clerk Judicial r curt v "urn 6nci county an() in the•Stbtte hereby ce y t foregoi to forego be 3 ion, rr copy. SIGNED 3 3