HomeMy WebLinkAbout86874009/26/2000 13:26 01013567 19084694547 MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESEPRESENTS, that S. KIM BONNETT and SHELLEY BONNETT, husband and wife, "Mortgagor 270 North Main, 1.1ndon, Utah, 84042 to secure the payment of the principal sum of ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($120,.000.00) as evidenced by a Promissory Note dated of even date herewith to the order of Kim Eggleston, Raedene Eggleston, Vaidean Eggleston, Sandra Eggleston, Marie Mary Eggleston Lovelady, Kent Lovelady, Aneta Regina Burton, Kay Burton, Julie Ann Harmon and Robert Harmon, Mortgagee at the address of Land Title Co., P.O. Box 651, Jackson, Wyoming 83001, to be paid as follows: 1. The repayment of the one hundred and twenty thousand dollars ($120,000.00) shall be repaid by the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee over a four (4) year period. 2. The principal amount of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars ($120,000.00) shall accrue interest in the amount of eight percent (8 per annum until paid in full interest shall begin September 20, 2000 or date of closing. 3. On or before December 20, 2000 the Mortgagor shall pay to the Mortgagee a quarterly payment of principal and interest in the amount of $8,838.02 and shall continue to pay this amount on the twentieth day of December. March, June and September, thereafter until the principal and interest are paid in full. The final payment being $8,837.91 Exhibit "A attached hereto, is a payment schedule for the repayment of the principal amount of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars ($120,000.00) plus interest and is made part of this document as if set forth fully herein and part of this document by reference and Incorporation. 4. The Mortgagor may prepay the principal amount in whole or in part at any time without penalty. Any partial prepayment shall be applied first to any penalty, then accrued interest with the remaining balance against the principal amount Bowers Law Office P.C. 106 Hospft r1 Ian" P.O. Box 1 550 4fi on, Wyomieg 53110 RECEIVED 8 648t 0 Page 1 ofd 00 OCT -14 td: 10: KEMMEf ER, '.1 Y'O1 i 111G r nom 453 R PAGE 347 PAGE 15 scans Jay pue 'swap pue iedlouud ay} `anp uaLiM 'Al }dwoJd Aed of 'Z *Apado .'d ay} slljo .'d pue `sanssl 'slue.' He ea6e6pow o} sAanuoo pue 'Jam) slas 'su6lsse AgeJag 'AgaJa} pa .'noes alou ay} pue a6e6liow sly} Jo} Alpnoas iegpn} se `Jo6e6po j 'alou all u! paleindlls s}uawAed ayl jo Aue u! llnelep }o aseo Li! :s4co11of sn aa.KUON q i t s.,iuvuaao.9.10YV41o1/V pub JeAeoswognn suosJad He }o sw!elo Inlnnel ay} lsule6e saslwaJd ay} Jo awl ay} pua}ap pue lueJJenn of s}ueuenoo AgaJaq pue seoueagwnoue He woJl aa.} ale Aayl le `saslwaJd ay} to pazlas Alln}nnel s!1! ley} s}ueuanoo pue 6ulwoAM }o ems ay} to snne! pea }sawoy ay} }o anpin Aq pue Japun slg61J He sanlenn pue segslnbullaJ Apia' Jo6e6poIN saslwaJd ayl Li }Inn uolloauuoo ul pasn JO o} payoelle Jal}eaJay JO MOU }uawdlnbe pue saJnlxg 6 u4q 6 iI pue '6ul }eaq `6ulgwnld Ile pue uolsJanaJ ayl pue '6ululepadde Jel}eareq Jo MOU as!MAue u! Jo `6u!buoiaq oluneJay} sly6u Jaylo He pue saoueuapndde pue s}uawe }lpaJaq y }Inn Jayla6o} `uoaiay} paloaja aq Jal}eaJaq Aew ley} Jo uoa.'ay} s }uawanoJdwl pue s Ile 6ulpnioul :6ulwoAM }o ale19 `ulooun }o Aluno3 eql ul peens 'a }e }se !eel pequosep 6u!Mollo} ay} aaav lout o,z saar vpout rCgataq dogn.kuotu aqZ *e6Jeyo luawAed a }el e jo w .'o} ay} u! (00'001.$) sJellop pa .'punq auo leuol}Ippe ue Aed 'legs Jo6e6}Jon ay} anp alep ay} Ja}}e sAep (g j.) uee rj ueLi} OJOW spew s! luawAed Aue }l .g *6u1}IJnn ul aai6e as!NuaLi}o Heys aa6e6poiN ay} ssalun `sluewilelsul Lions Jo }unowe ay} a6uego Jo s }uewilelsui ApalJenb luanbasgns Aue }o alep anp ay} auod }sod lou !legs pue 6ulpue}slno {VC 9 fo z aXvd affv'a.ron NI3b3H H12JOd 13S Allfld N338 GVH 11 d1 Std '3ON3213d32I AEI dO 12IVd 3GWW aNV a3HOV11V 013219H SI HOIHM «8„ 1I8IHX3 NI a3812:10S3a Allfld 32IOW ON138 NOIldI213S3a 3H1 of l f g'ururorfM Wolff/ OSS7 xog 'O'd auo7lnhld H 90l •O •d aolilO Mv7 saantog pue }oaieq} sWoad pue `sanssl 'slue.' `sJapulewaJ pue Japu!ewaJ 'SUO!SJOA J Oty!! S_fir O ObtS8740 340 money provided for in said Note and this Mortgage, or either; to pay all and singular the taxes, assessments, levies, liabilities, obligations, and encumbrances of every nature on said property. 3. To perform comply with and abide by each and every term of the agreements, stipulations, conditions, and covenants, set forth in said Note and this Mortgage or either. 4. Failure by the mortgagee to exercise any of the rights or options herein provided shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or options under said Note or the Mortgage accrued or thereafter accruing. 5. Nothing shall be done on or in connection with the property that may impair Mortgagee's security hereunder; Mortgagor will commit, permit or suffer no waste, impairment or deterioration of the property nor any part thereof, and the property shall be continuously maintained in good and sightly repair, and condition by Mortgagor at his expense. 6. Mortgagor and Mortgagee agree that there is no insurable improvements on the herein described real property. 7. In case Mortgagor defaults in the payment of ground rents, if any, taxes, assessments, water or other governmental or municipal charges, or other lawful charges as herein provided, Mortgagee may without notice or demand pay the same and in case of any failure on the part of Mortgagor to comply with the covenants of Paragraph 5 hereof, Mortgagee may effect such repairs as it may reasonablely deem necessary to protect the property, at the expense of Mortgagor. Mortgagor shall repay such sums so paid and all expenses so incurred by Mortgagee, with interest thereon from the date of payment, at 10% percent per annum, and the same shall be a lien on the premises and be secured by the note and by these presents; in default of making such repayments the whole amount hereby secured if not then due shall, if Mortgagee so elects, become due and payable forthwith, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. 8. In the event the property is sold under foreclosure and the proceeds are Bowers Law Office P.C. 106 Hospital Lane P.O. Box 1550 Afton, Wyoming 83110 Mortgage Page 3 of 6 9 Jo y a8vd a8v81aoytr mg Sumagi 'uoJfy' 0SS1 xog 'O'd auv71v71dsoH 901 O •d aaf0 ntv7 sJanaog •Tine }ap aagpn} }o aseo u' s ;g6la aansoloaao} sll u' peo'pnfaad aq lou !legs pue `sanupoo llne }ap Lions goILiM 6ulanp aal}ewegi am; 1(ue ;e aansopaao} o ;q6u sl' ul paoipnfaad aq Agaaagn lou'legs 'Tine }ap Aue }o 6u'uaddeq ay} uo aso'oaao} off' nndwoad slle} aa6e6poI aseo u' •ao6e6pon o� puewap uo ae6e6pon i(q pied eq'legs `iue snldans eq; pue- uoeieq ;swap gets aag4e6o} `i(gweq pens sseupalgapui'edlouiad eta jo lun000e uo anp aoue'eq eql jo }uewAed aq; ueq; pue }oaaaq L gdea6eaed }o suoisinoad eq; of luensand aa6e6poiN i q peouenpe JO pepuedxe keuow'le }o }uewAed u! pue 'aej Aauaoge algeuoseaa 6uipnpoui `ales pue aansolowo} Lions }o sesuedxe pue slsoo aq; }o ;uew,ed aq; ;sag ales Lions woa} 6ulsue speeooad ;au eq; Aldde o; pue `plos os Apedoad aq; jo aoueAanuoo }o speap JO peep ;uaioi}}ns pue pooh a ales Lions i(ue le saasegoand JO aasegoand eq} o; paleAllap pue pamoaxe aq o} asneo pue 'saansoloaao} e6e6pow 6u!wano6 sa ;noels 6uiwoAM o} 6u'pa000e `gseo ao} uopne ollgnd le 'ses!wead aLil }o ales pue luaweslpenpe i(q e6e6pow slg} asoloaao} o; JO 'loofa Aew 1! se `A4lnba Li! ao Me' le 1'ns i(q aaqp e6e6pow suolslnoad aq; eoao }ue peaooad o; ee6e6po j Jo} mime! eq'legs 1! pue :awl} aaw Aue }e ewes ag; esloaaxe 1g6la eq; }o JeNeM e elnmsuoo lou'legs uo! ;do Lions as'oaexa aanlle} i(ue '6uipuelsg;mou iaea ;uoo eq; o� paws }uoo a ;ou oq ul JO aao }aq ulaaaq 6u!glAue `paa'dxa aneq lou stew }oeieq ;uewi(ed aq; Jo} pal'w'l anoge poled eq; g6nogn'e 'ee6e6}ion }o uoRdo eq; 'e geied pue anp i'alelpewwl ewooeq'legs }oeieq suolslnoad eq; ;uensand a'gei(ed scans aag }o lie guts Jag196o; 'eoueue uiew JO saledei ao} sein ;lpuedxe 'se6aego aaieM 'sTuewssasse `sexe} 'i(ue }l 's}uaa punoa6 `se6eaeaaae Isaaa ;ul 'led'ouud }o anlsnpul `/(gaaaq peanoes ssaupe gepui ueq; eq} }o alogM aq), `peU!e ),loo ulaaaq iueweaa6e JO }ueuenoo Aue }o goeaaq }o aseo ul JO }oeieq), ped Aue ao }oaaaq), }uewlle ),sul iue }o ao `paanoes i(geieq sseupalgapu' eql }o `anp uagM }uewAed eq} u' spew sl ),'nelap aseo u' •6 }uew6pnf Aoueiogep e o; pal }l }ue eq lilts ee6e6pow pue `eoueleq pledun aq} Aed /'leuosied }laspl spulq ao6e6poV 'i(goieq paanoes sseupalgapul eq} i(ed o} ),ua'ol}}nsu' OBE ate, 5 0 10. In case of any default whereby the right of foreclosure occurs hereunder, Mortgagee shall at once become entitled to exclusive possession, use, and enjoyment of all property, to all rents, issues, and profits thereof, from the accruing of such right and during the pendency of foreclosure proceedings and the period of redemption, if there is any; and such possession, rents, issues, and profits shall at once be delivered to Mortgagee on request, and on refusal, the delivery of such possession, rents, issues, and profits may be enforced by Mortgagee by any appropriate civil suit or proceeding, including action or actions in ejectment, or forceable entry, or unlawful detainer; and Mortgagee shall be entitled to a receiver for the property and all rents, issues, and profits thereof, after any such default, including the time covered by foreclosure proceedings and the period of redemption, if there is any, and shall be entitled thereto as a matter of right without regard to the solvency or insolvency of Mortgagor or the then owner of the property, and without regard to the value of the property of the sufficiency thereof to discharge the mortgage debt and foreclosure costs, fees and expenses, and such receiver may be appointed by any court of competent jurisdiction on ex parte application and without notice (notice being hereby expressly waived, and the appointment of any such receiver on any such application without notice being hereby consented to by Mortgagor on Mortgagor's own behalf), and all rents, issues, profits, income, and revenue of the property shall be applied by such receiver, according to law and the orders and directions of the court. 11. Mortgagor may not convey or transfer any interest in or encumber the described premises without the prior written consent of the Mortgagee. Mortgagor must give Mortgagee written notice of Mortgagor's intent to convey or transfer any interest in or to encumber the described premises at least thirty (30) days prior to the proposed conveyance or encumbrance. If all or any part of the described premises or an interest therein is sold, transferred or encumbered by Mortgagor without Mortgagee's prior written consent, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld excluding death of a joint tenant or the grant of any leasehold interest of three (3) years or less not containing an option to purchase, Mortgagee may, at its option, declare the entire remaining balance due under this agreement to be immediately due and payable and Bowers Law Office P.C. 106 Hospital Lane P.O. Box 1550 Afton, Wyoming 83110 Mortgage Page 5 of 6 351 9i 39k/id r g ein 1 ems zooz't£ ,Enuer sa4x3 uo!ss!wwoo !W 890178 LIM'walo ete44S 1- 11no pp NOSU3dSY7 p Allen `Z�a NS doe A eION J 9 Jo 9 a2ad aBvSmoyy coo 0 rsa1,zdxa uossspinuow rtyj Ines Prga pum puvet SS3NL t1 Au ac OQDZ Jdq p a pal '�s n z l ou s D s��o8a =.L.Z31�1.1�108` dA.77731 Put' IhEY 'S'G7 qT 14-7GQ411 JO A.LNI1O3 DiV3' !O 111.2S n.Cl 0!1 E9 &Iwo( 'uo,* OSi1 xog 'O 'd au1'7 pnidsoj 901 Td aogro 4W7 tenwg voor '2agw91cLag Jo Xvp 7' arj Jo sr $7.9.410 pazuo ysnv 52! rfq painaaxa aq 02 a8v82.4oiu ssgi passim aanrt sao2P2440fir 'Jo 3Y Lzt SSINLIA1 NI •auo ueyl glow }I pequosep uleiey se ;ou fuosslwoJd pus so;ou *yule sapnIOul ,e ;oN IJosslwoid„ pue o ;aN u.ua; oy; pin !SLiOnEJodJo9 ,10 suBlsse pue sm eet:none eta; pue'sjenpinlpul jo suOlsse pis 'aenl ;cueseJdoa lr+Bel 'W1914 941 pue luawn situ of sewed au) He epnloul u e9Be6lJoVV, pue ,ioBet3poiAL, swig; oyl 'ulaJay peen janeuauM 'El. 'saepue6 lie epnpul Heys lepue6 Aue jo eon etll pue 'asin6uls eyl iPJnld eig epnpul pus iegwnu aeln6uls mil `peen Jeneueum 'oleJeq sawed eq; Jo su6lsse pue `saosseoons 'saolea ;siulwpe 'sao;noaxe 'sJl3I4 impedes, ey; 'o; einul Hugs se6ewenpe pue slgeuaq eql pue 'pu!q news peur000 ulosey elueuannn ayl 11. 'aa6e6poy4 o; eoueleq 6uiulewea Gigue eq; Iced of yolyM ul sAep (0E) 4143 anti IIe4s June6 oy1 `eogou ua;llann yons idlaos i Jew ";oeieul Jo6e5po i of eollou uem.mA en!6 (11,11,„Fri N 0 Lb606968061 93.:E1 000Z/9Z/60 O 8? REPAYMENT SCHEDULE BONNET EGGLESTON Principal: 120,000.00 Int. Rate: 8.000 Years: 4 Quarters: Quarterly payment 8,838.02 Final estimated payment 8,837.91 Date No. Interest Principal Balance 4/2000 1 2,400.00 6,438.02 113,561.98 2000 Totals 2,400.00 6,438.02 1/2001 2 2,271.24 6,566.78 106,995.20 2/2001 3 2,139.90 6,698.12 100,297.08 3/2001 4 2,005.94 6,832.08 93,465.00 4/2001 5 1,869.30 6,968.72 86,496.28 2001 Totals 8,286.38 27,065.70 1/2002 6 1,729.93 7,108.09 79,388.19 2/2002 7 1,587.76 7,250.26 72,137.93 3/2002 8 1,442.76 7,395.26 64,742.67 4/2002 9 1,294.85 7,543.17 57,199.50 2002 Totals 6,055.30 29,296.78 1/2003 10 1,143.99 7,694.03 49,505.47 2/2003 11 990.11 7,847.91 41,657.56 3/2003 12 833.15 8,004.87 33,652.69 4/2003 13 673.05 8,164.97 25,487.72 2003 Totals 3,640.30 31,711.78 1/2004 14 509.75 8,328.27 17,159.45 2/2004 15 343.19 8,494.83 8,664.62 3/2004 16 173.29 8,664.62 0.00 2004 Totals 1,026.23 25,487.72 Grand Totals 21,408.21 120,000.00 353 „JoAeAUns eye "l!I!ge!I se;eupuel uoild!Josep 6uio6eaol eye to Awn Aue ui uogeo!IipoA„ '0002 AI' LZ P `,,DNII^IOAM `AINCIO0 N'IOONI1 M8I RI N££.L L as tAmst /a °/iMN4 /ias �H.L NIRLIA SLIW LL 30 .LV'Id "IV .LH `NO,LS TTDDH HN I VM Nd3Q"IVA„ pailil Asluno0 uioouvJ jo 31aa10 all jo aogjo ail ui paltl aq of paredaid le all llinn aourpa000g ui TutuzoXp `iiluno0 uloaun `M8IIH `N££.L `L uoTlaasJo b IAASb /iHNZ /M 01 11-J 0 III Puv VA N /i3Sz /A\ alljo IIV :lion -oI 13121L aovatuOIni 14MoiSa'I99a nuvm Nvaq'I ogPpl 9eiedluoy4 o4epl '90uuds ION wart Oulu/0AM'uos>loer Oulwo4M'Aeuld 6le OulwoAM'uogy 'an 'leqmg0s loAenms 9969 'oN uollensl0su 'DAM Ie0. omoVeyy t t MCC 'ON uolleltstOom Velfl 9Z09 'ON uo!egsl6eu o4 (Ago 'ON uolleils!09y •oAM least os 'v Boos 9099 'ON uogeJISIOey epeneN 0L9L 'oN uoPollo Oeu gem 066C 'ON UO JIl5eu ogepl 691 'oN uope)s169u •oAM 1 'N Intel sotAenms pue1 leuaaselotd