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The easement for ingress, egress, and underground utilities in favor of the herein
described property owned by S. Kim Bonnett and Shelly Bonnett, is created over the
herein described property owned by Kim Eggleston and Raedene Eggleston, being sixty
(60) feet in width across the West edge of the above described property owned by Kim
Eggleston and Raedene Eggleston, set forth in Exhibit "A The purpose of the
easement is to allow, ingress, egress, underground utilities and other reasonable use
by the owner of the benefitted property across the burdened property, thus giving the
benefitted property access to the roadway commonly referred to as "Willow Creek
Consideration for the above described easement is provided to Kim Eggleston
and Raedene Eggleston, through the sale of certain real estate, which was entered into
by the First Party and Second Party, on or about May 21, 2000, through a listing of the
real property with Ellis Big Game Realty, located in Thayne, Wyoming. Both parties
agree, and state, that no other consideration shall be paid by either party for the above
described easement.
The above -named grantee shall use the rights granted by this instrument, with
due regard to the rights of Kim Eggleston and Raedene Eggleston, husband and wife,
their heirs, and assigns, and shall not use the easement in anyway that will impair the
rights of Kim Eggleston and Raedene Eggleston, their heirs, and assigns, from using or
accessing their real property.
Bowers Law Office P.C.
Post Office Box 1550
.4 ton, Wyoming 83110
Page 2o1 4
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08/02/2000 09:54 19084694547
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Any modification of this agreement or additional obligation assumed by either
party in connection with this agreement shall be binding only if evidenced in writing
signed by each party or an authorized representative of each party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party to this agreement has caused it to be
executed on the date indicated below.
DATED this c.- day of August, 2000.
The foregoing instrument was cknowledged before me by KIM EGGLESTON
and RAEDENE EGGLESTON this day of August, 2000.
Bowers Law ice P. C.
Post ice .Box 1550
Afton, Wyoming 83110
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
My commission expires; 1 7L/
Page 4of 4
Karen Southworth
1316 North Hwy. 89
Farmington, Utah 84026
My Commission Expires
January 26, 2004
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