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Novesnber ID, 1998
A portion of the NW1 /4SEI /4 of Section 23. T34N, R119W, of the 6th. County, Wyoming being more particularly P located in
the Town of Thayne, Lincoln C decd as
The True Point of Beginning being an Iron Pipe set at a point in the a p Easter
certain pal o f land desc in Deed No. 215012 from Franklin and of that
properties, McGinnis
1 p, to Hugh Gardner Soest and Dona Marie Soest, Trustees filed
February 02, 1996 1n Boo1079PR, Page 643, said point being 879.67 let East to a
Magnetic PK Nail set at a point in the Center Line of the Dana Street
420.16 feet S7°2821 "E from the F Qwlton's BIM. type Monument Right- marking
g the and
Northwest coma ofd NW1 /4NE1 /4• d,
21 x.81 feet to an Iron thcrica S7 `$71 E, along said Easterly line,
thence S85 to an ro Pe found marlang the Northeast corner of tlx Market Panel;
along the North line ofsaid Market Patel, 249.17 feet to an Iron
Pipe found marking the Northwest corner ofsaid Market Parcel and a mt in the
Right-of-Way Village Parkway; thence Po Easters
ay lux of Villa ay along Y
feet =Mil curve to the 1.41 8 Right-of-Way, along a 160.00
(chord be N9'Or48 "E 50.865 fat), through a central
angle of 18 17 1 36 51.085 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence No cony
Right of tiVay, 183.78 feet to an Iron Pi m�8 along said
of 1 eginning, Pe ;thence East 212.60 fret, to the True Point
Description Thavne Village Center Lot E 20,566.08 Sq. Ft. or 0.472 Acres
A portion of the NW 1 /4SE1/4 of Section 23, T34N, RI 19W, of the 6th. P.M., located in
the Town of Thavne. Lincoln County, Wyoming being mare particularly described as
The Trae Point of Beginning being an Iron Pipe set at a point in the Easterly line of that
certain parcel of land described in Deed No. 815012 from Franklin and McGinnis
properties, a partnership, to Hugh Gardner Socst and Dona Marie Soest, Trust= filed
February U2, 1996 in Book 379PR. Page 643, said point being 879.69 fcc: East to a
Magnetic PK NaiI set at a point in the Center Line of the Dana Street Right -of -Way and
319.30 feet S7 "E from the Knowlton's B.L.M. type Monument ;narking the
Northwest corner of said NW1 /4NE 1/4; thaw: S7 °28'21 "E, continuing along said
Easterly Line, 100.36 feet to an Iron Pipe found marking the Northeast corner of Lot D;
thence West, along the North line of said Lot D, 212.21 feet to an Iron Pipe found
marking the Northwest corner of said Lot D, said point also being a point in the East
Right of Way line of Village Parkway; thence North, along said East Right of Way line
100.00 feet to an iron Pipe set; thence East 199.09 feet, to the True Point of Beginning,